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Torn by the Devil: A Motorcycle Club Romance (Broken Wings MC) (Satan's Outlaw Sins Book 3)

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by Sophia Gray

  Together, we could do anything. The world was ours. And we were going to take it. The future could not look brighter.


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  Also by Sophia Gray

  You can get a sneak preview of any of my books by clicking the covers!

  Ride with the Devil: A Motorcycle Club Romance (Satan’s Riders MC) (Satan’s Outlaw Sins Book 2)

  I bought her to break her.

  She was the prize of the auction.

  And now she’s bare in my bed.

  But what starts as another night of sating my hunger…

  Turns into an adventure that might kill us both.


  Being part of an outlaw motorcycle club comes with its perks.

  The law of the land is merely a suggestion to be ignored.

  And out here, beyond its reach, anything goes.

  Anything at all.

  That means girls, guns, and drugs flow back and forth from man to man like an endless river.

  Just reach in and quench your thirst.

  Again, and again, and again.

  That’s how Hannah ended up at my mercy.

  Just another club rat, purchased to satisfy a man’s desires.

  Any other night, with any other girl, I would have used her until I had my fill, then kick her out the d*mn door.

  But this wasn’t any other night.

  And Hannah isn’t any other girl.

  There is something different about this one.

  And when my enemies try to claw her back from me, she becomes more than just a woman in my possession.

  She becomes the spark that starts a wildfire.

  Bring on the war, the carnage.

  I’ve staked my claim on Hannah.

  And if they want to lay their hands on her again…

  They’ll have to go through me.


  I knew from the beginning that I might not survive this ride.

  But I never had a choice.

  They called me a club girl, but I know what I really am:

  A disposable toy.

  They use me when they want, and hurt me when they don’t.

  I’m less than human to them.

  I’m a receptacle, a rag, a piece of trash.

  And Brandon looks just as vicious as the rest of them.

  When I’m handed to him, I don’t feel anything.

  Years of abuse have washed those emotions away.

  So when the door shuts and we’re finally alone, I do what I’ve been taught:

  Strip down and get ready to please.

  The sooner he’s happy, the sooner my suffering will end.

  But the biker surprised me.

  He might look like the b*stards who’ve spent years hurting me, but underneath, he’s a different man entirely.

  Somewhere beneath the leather and the tattoos, there’s a heart.

  And maybe, just maybe, he’ll be the one to save me.

  That is, if my owners don’t come to steal me back first.

  Ruined by the Devil: A Motorcycle Club Romance (Storm’s Angels MC) (Satan’s Outlaw Sins Book 1)

  I stole his money. He stole my heart.

  I knew the consequences when I took the mission.

  But I tried to rob the biker president anyways.

  He caught me, and now I’m his.

  His toy. His hostage. His wife.


  When my boss orders me to steal from the Storm’s Angels MC, I’m wary.

  I’ve been around this city long enough to have heard the stories about the bikers and their leader.

  They say Mason is bad.




  And now, I’m about to find out for myself.

  Because somehow, he knew I was coming.

  And I walked right into his trap.

  Now, I’m tied to a chair in his basement, stripped bare, with nothing but my body to offer.

  Mason is relentless.

  He wants to know who sent me, and why.

  I know that if I give up my employer, I’m dead meat.

  But Mason makes me want to abandon my old life and fall headlong into his.

  I’m caught between old loyalties and new ones.

  Between my head and my heart.

  Between the mafia man who put my skills to use…

  And the gorgeous outlaw who’s using me for his pleasure.


  I’ll never stop in my quest to make the Storm’s Angels the most powerful MC in the city.

  I’ve spent years honing a reputation that makes my enemies quiver at my approach.

  None dared cross me.

  Until her.

  Clara tried to steal my possessions from my club.

  But her bright blue eyes and long, flawless legs make me want to steal the breath from her lungs instead.

  I want to make her scream and moan.

  To claim her as mine.

  And when I realize that seducing her will bring me closer to discovering which of my enemies sent her…

  Playtime begins.

  I just didn’t expect that I’d never want it to end.

  That I’d want her in my bed for eternity.

  And when she’s taken from me, nothing will stop me from stealing her back.

  Because, if she’s anyone’s thief…

  She’s MINE.

  Outlaw’s Lust: A Motorcycle Club Romance (Iron Bandits MC) (Outlaw Rogues Book 5)

  I broke every rule to make her mine.

  I’m an outlaw biker, not a f**king social worker.

  So why are this woman and her baby pleading for me to rescue them?

  They belonged to my brother.

  But as soon as she steps under my roof… she belongs to me.

  She’s off limits in every way possible.

  My brother’s ex? Check.

  His baby’s mother? Check.

  Innocent, desperate, and alone? Check, check, and check.

  But is that gonna stop me?

  Hell. F**king. No.

  She showed up begging for my help.

  But I’m not the guardian angel type.

  The exact opposite, in fact.

  I’m a cold-blooded killer, a stone-faced devil, a vicious biker to the core.

  I’ve done things that would make her horrified just to hear about.

  And the men in this city tremble at the merest mention of my name.

  But she knows none of that.

  All she knows is that my dying brother told her to seek me out.

  And now she’s here – with a baby in arms, to boot.

  It took everything I had not to send her packing right away.

  And I had to swallow my words when she told me what else she needed.

  A fake husband?

  Get the f**k out.

  But I’m the only one she has.

  And I’ll always do right by my brother’s memory.

  So I’ll give her a home.

  I’ll give her a ring.

  But when the bells have rung and night has fallen…

  When the wedding vows have all been spoken…

  Ellie’s coming to my bed.

  And I’m gonna make her body scream.

  Outlaw’s Ink: A Motorcycle Club Romance (Metal Monsters MC) (Outlaw Rogues Book 4)

  Wild. Savage. Dangerous. Irresistible.

  The wanted outlaw Carter Winslow is a risk I can’t afford.

  But one stupid mistake, and I’m forced to ride with him whether I like it or not.

  And by the time I realize how far we’ve gone…

  It’s way too late to turn back.


  In my line of
work, emotions are nothing but a weakness.

  Pity is for civilians, not for biker criminals.

  And giving Billie mercy goes against everything I’ve veer stood for.

  After all, the girl almost ruined everything we’d planned…

  And damn near got us killed.

  The right thing to do would be take her out back, pull my trigger, and put her out of her misery.

  Who cares if she was just a pouty-lipped bartender with more t*ts than brains?

  She was in the wrong place at the wrong time… and naïve enough to draw my attention.

  I’ve never been one to stop and consider the ethics of things.

  Shoot first and ask questions later.

  But getting her involved was my own fault.

  I was the one stupid enough to leave a slip of paper behind in her bar…

  Paper that laid out my club’s plans to rob a bank for a massive haul of cash.

  Maybe she thought she was doing the right thing, by showing up at the address scrawled on the sheet to return what we’d lost.

  Maybe she didn’t know what she was getting into.

  But when the guns came out and she realized the kind of mess she’d stumbled across…

  Well, she caught on real quick.

  She’s a huge liability now.

  But despite how much sense it makes, something in my gut won’t let me leave the girl in our dust.

  I don’t care if my men think I’m a damn fool.

  I’ve made up my mind.

  This broad is coming along for the ride.


  Maybe no one else would agree, but I thought my life was pretty good.

  I liked working at the bar.

  Flirting with danger, but never close enough to feel its wrath.

  Until it all came rushing in at once.

  I was entranced from the second Carter walked in.

  He didn’t look like any of the other men at the bar.

  There was something in those eyes that wouldn’t let me look away.

  I thought I was doing him a favor by returning the paper he’d lost.

  I didn’t know who he was or what he’d been planning.

  Stupid, stupid me.

  Because now I’m a hostage, a fugitive, a pawn in the game of a dangerous outlaw with a quick trigger finger.

  There’s money under the motorcycle saddle…

  Wild lust in the biker’s eyes…

  And, soon enough – a ring on my finger to show that I belong to him now.

  What they say is true.

  I’ve been branded by the biker.

  And the outlaw’s ink will last forever.

  Outlaw’s Ride: A Motorcycle Club Romance (Vicious Thrills MC) (Outlaw Rogues Book 3)

  A ride on the outlaw got her pregnant.

  He’s a bearded, tatted, whiskey-drinking rogue.

  And he’s the only thing keeping me alive.

  If I want to keep my baby safe, I have to do one thing and one thing only:

  Whatever the hell he wants.


  I won’t apologize for what I do.

  I’m an outlaw biker, not a f**king goody-two-shoes.

  I own a strip club – and it’s not the kind where you’re gonna find a bachelorette party acting like drunken fools.

  This is the kind of place where the women on stage are bare, ready, and willing – if you can pony up the cash.

  And of course, I always get my cut of the transaction.

  But I don’t touch any of the girls in my stable.

  Never get high on your own supply, isn’t that what they say?

  Screwing with my strippers would be a recipe for g*ddamn disaster.

  But then she walked in, and every rule went out the window.

  I’ve always controlled myself.

  Along with every aspect of my life in this little slice of the criminal underworld.

  But one sight of her broke me.

  I knew I should’ve turned her away.

  Hell, I did at first - but then my black little heart got the best of me.

  So I decided to make her a deal.

  I’ll keep her around.

  But not just in my club.

  She’s gonna be sharing my bed.

  Serving my needs.

  So when I tell her to fall to the ground and please me…

  She’d better get right to work.


  Desperate is an understatement.

  I’m pregnant and alone.

  Abandoned by my boyfriend, disowned by my parents.

  Reduced to begging for jobs at a filthy strip club.

  How could things possibly get worse?

  One answer: Blade.

  He says he’s helping me out.

  But he knows damn well I don’t have a choice.

  I have to accept his deal.

  Part of me hates him for it.

  He’s a cold-hearted son of a b!tch.

  A biker, a killer, a truly reckless outlaw.

  But the other part of me is… excited?

  That can’t possibly be right, can it?

  There’s no denying that Blade is sexy.

  He’s tall and tatted and rugged, like he stepped right out of my darkest wet dream.

  But when he pulls me close and whispers in my ear what he wants to do to me, I know…

  I’m falling into bed with the devil himself.

  Outlaw’s Kiss: A Motorcycle Club Romance (Raging Reapers MC) (Outlaw Rogues Book 2)

  She lied about our baby.

  Bridgette swore she’d do whatever it takes to get away from the biker.

  But the outlaw’s kiss is a powerful addiction.

  And when he comes to claim his woman and their secret baby…

  All hell threatens to break loose.


  When he left, he was a boy named Kyle.

  But he’s back now… and he’s not a little boy anymore.

  He’s become something I never thought possible:

  A cold-blooded killer.

  The man who came back home is an outlaw rogue with blood on his hands, ink on his arms, and the crest of an outlaw motorcycle club blazed across his leather jacket.

  I don’t know where he’s been or what he’s done.

  But I can see in his eyes that he’s different.

  Tougher, crueler, darker, deadlier.

  I loved him back then.

  But he terrifies me now.

  Because he’s discovered my secret, the thing I’ve been hiding from him for six long years…

  Our baby daughter.

  I can’t let him find us.

  If he does, he’ll never let me or my little girl leave his sight ever again.

  I have to get my daughter out of here, before it’s too late.

  And I’ll give him whatever it takes to keep her safe.


  I thought I knew what anger was.

  Then I found out that the girl I left back in my hometown – my first love – has been hiding a secret baby from me.

  And my rage reaches a whole new level.

  Lie to me? Hide my family? Steal my little girl?

  Hell f**king no.

  I’m far from a saint, but there are some things that I hold sacred.

  And protecting what’s mine is top of the list.

  I’m coming home to claim what belongs to me:

  The woman I left behind… and the baby I put in her belly.

  Outlaw’s Sins: A Motorcycle Club Romance (Violent Spawn MC)

  Biker. Monster. Sinner.


  I’m everything she accuses me of being.

  I’ve robbed, I’ve killed.

  I’m guilty of just about every sin in the outlaw biker handbook.

  That’s not to say I commit crime just for the sheer f**king thrill of it.

  Far from it.

  There’s always a reason.

  I did what I’ve done for one thing abo
ve all else:

  My club.

  As a lieutenant in the Violent Spawn MC, it’s my job to keep an eye out for fresh blood.

  Our newest recruit has a hell of a lot of promise.

  But it’ll take some time to whip him into shape.

  I agree to take him under my wing.

  But I didn’t know he came with baggage.

  When the dumb youngblood gets himself arrested, I head down to the station to bail him out…

  And come face to face with a fiery she-devil.

  The woman says she’s Oliver’s sister, and that she’s gonna be the one to take him home.


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