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Sunken Eyes (Cruel and Beautiful World Book 2)

Page 6

by L. Stoddard Hancock

  Lona was biting her lip, trying hard not to cry out in pain.

  Forcing herself to look away, Deryn began searching the room for the chip. She hadn't been in there long when she heard footsteps coming up the staircase. In an instant, she was across the room and under the bed, just making it out of sight as the door to the bedroom opened.

  The wave walked in, heading straight for the telescope and looking through the eyepiece. Deryn could just make out her feet from the small crack between the floor and the bed skirt.

  She heard a sigh, then watched the feet as they headed for a desk. The familiar dings of a code being entered on something locked filled Deryn's ears. Shortly after some rustling, the feet moved again. And then something dropped. A chip. Right beside the bed.

  "Lona said someone might be coming but she didn't know why," said the woman quietly. "I know this is why you're here. All I ask for is one thing in return." She paused and gulped. "Get her out."

  The wave headed for the door.

  "And work on your stealth. Second story floors are connected to first story ceilings." And with that small piece of advice, she left.

  Deryn let out a breath of relief and climbed out from under the bed. She grabbed the chip, put it in her pocket with the others and headed down the stairs, doing her best to be stealthy about it.

  The wave was back in the dining room, folding napkins into flowers. She smiled and said, "Much better," without looking up.

  "Thank you," whispered Deryn before heading for the room she had entered through.

  She climbed back out the window, checking her watch and realizing she didn't have much longer to get to Atticus's house.

  Just one last tram ride before her journey back to Luka's and then home. Knowing there was only one house left, Deryn's fast beating heart finally slowed and she was able to breathe again. Though she wouldn't feel completely safe until she was back home.

  As she walked the few blocks to Atticus's house she could feel her already fluttering stomach rise into her chest. While she had thought Soren's house would be the one that haunted her the most, she now realized that she had been wrong. It was Atticus's house. The place they had brought her shortly after her capture five years earlier. Shortly after he had ...

  She gulped, finding herself unable to even think the word of what had happened to her before she was locked in Atticus's basement, given to him as a reminder even though he didn't want her.

  Trying to shake the memories, Deryn focused on how there was one chip and one name left. She wanted to believe that maybe she'd missed something, but she knew she hadn't. While she hated Atticus, she knew Xander was torn over his feelings for him. He wanted to hate him. Because of her. But Atticus was still his father, his flesh and blood, and while he may have hated Outsiders, Deryn never doubted that he loved his son. Until now.

  When she arrived at the house, she sighed deeply and entered the code that would allow her to enter. Xander had sent his father's wave out on an errand that evening, so she didn't have to worry about running into him.

  According to Xander, there was only one place his father would keep something so valuable, and that was in a small chest in his bedroom.

  Deryn searched the room for the chest. She knew she didn't have long until the coronation was over, and Xander needed those chips before the meeting began.

  She tore that room apart, searching in drawers, in the closet, under his bed. She checked floorboards to see if they lifted, took frames off of walls, even went through books, but the chest wasn't anywhere.

  Then she saw it.

  On the windowsill, just visible through the sheer curtains. She ran and opened it, which wasn't even locked, tearing through its contents. Nothing. It was clear.


  Had she missed something somewhere?

  No. Deryn had searched those houses thoroughly. Xander and Luka must have been wrong. There had to be someone else who could have -

  The front door clicked open in the distance. Deryn put the chest back and hurried underneath the bed. Atticus charged into the room a moment later.

  He went straight for the windowsill and began searching the chest frantically, eventually coming out with a simple necklace with a flower pendant. He let out a breath of relief and slipped it into his pocket.

  Then Atticus was walking over to the nightstand, the breeze from his hasty movements making the bed skirt flutter. She grasped it and held it in place.

  Atticus was standing right near the bed, so close that Deryn could smell him. It was still the same. A very crisp smell, like leather with a small hint of lavender. He ruined lavender.

  Pulling a bottle of brandy out of the nightstand, Atticus poured himself a glass and drank it down. He sighed deeply before pouring another and drinking it even faster than the first. It was evident where Xander got his drinking problem from.

  There was a knock on the door, the bedroom door, and Atticus's head turned. He put his brandy and glass away before walking towards it, pausing as he passed the bed, obviously feeling that something was amiss. He stood very still for a long moment. Deryn was sure he could hear her heart beating, thumping so hard it was likely to burst right out of her chest.

  Then there was another knock, making Atticus move again. He opened the door.

  "Arron. How did you get in here?"

  "The door was unlocked," answered Arron with an obvious lie. The front door locked automatically. "I was hoping we could have a moment to talk before the meeting. About Lona and Xander's future together."

  "At this point in time I would say they have no future together," said Atticus, refusing to step out of the way even though Arron obviously wanted to enter his bedroom. "Xander has made it very clear that he's not interested."

  "But, surely, if you tell him he has no choice -"

  "I stopped micromanaging my son's life years ago. I suggest you do the same with Lona."

  "I don't understand," said Arron. "You were for this only a few short weeks ago. What's changed?"

  "Nothing's changed," answered Atticus. "I wouldn't mind at all if Xander decided to get married, but he's still young. I see no reason to push this."

  "But -"

  "If you have any further issues with this then I suggest you take them up with Xander. This is his decision and I won't push him into something he seems so dead-set against."

  And, with that, Atticus nudged Arron backwards and pulled the door closed behind him.

  Deryn let out a breath of relief, listening until the front door opened and closed before climbing out from under the bed. She put her ear to the front door when she reached it, making sure they were gone before slipping out. Now it was time to meet Xander.

  It was only two blocks from Atticus's house to the back of the president's lavish mansion, which might as well have been a castle, impenetrable and towering over everything around it.

  Deryn was walking fast but slowed her steps when she saw two figures ahead of her. She was catching up to Atticus and Arron, the former always two steps ahead of his unwanted companion. They turned the last corner. She hurried again until she was right at the edge of it.

  "Xander, what are you doing out here?" asked Atticus.

  "Just getting some air," answered the voice that made her heart flutter. She'd made it to him. Breathing became a little easier.


  "Leave me," ordered Xander.

  Footsteps started again. Then a gate opened.

  After about thirty seconds of waiting, Deryn poked her head around the corner. Xander was leaning nervously against a wall. He glanced up and stared at the corner as she stepped into view.

  He was beside her in a flash, pulling her into his arms and kissing her deeply.

  "Thank god," he breathed into her mouth before kissing her again.

  "Sorry," said Deryn. "I ran into a bit of an issue."

  "What's that?" he asked, stepping back just enough to look at her, but still keeping a firm grip on her waist.

yn reached into her pocket and pulled out the chips. "I only found seven. There's still one out there."

  Xander knitted his brow. "And you were able to check every house?"



  "Yes, Xander," she said, rolling her eyes. "It wasn't there. It wasn't anywhere. There has to be someone we missed."

  Xander took a deep breath and pressed his forehead against hers. "No matter. We'll figure it out later." He kissed her again. "Who had the other four?"

  "Blum, Scout, Graham and Von," she recited.

  He raised an eyebrow. "Blum? I thought you were skipping -"

  "Not the time, Xander."

  He scowled but didn't push the issue further. "My father didn't have one?" he asked, the relief quite evident in his voice.

  "No," said Deryn, thinking it best not to mention how Atticus had almost caught her just now. It would only make him worry over nothing. "You need to get back for the meeting." She slipped the chips into his pocket and kissed him softly. "Expose them as the lying bastards they are. And don't forget to emphasize how they lied to the woman working on the chips to obtain them. That ought to deserve a painful punishment."

  Xander smirked. They kissed once more before he forced himself to let her go, heading inside while she hurried to the closest tram stop.

  Being on the complete opposite side of the city than Luka's house, it took her nearly an hour on the tram before she reached it.

  She went around back and through his open window, dropping off her Element, as well as the two she had confiscated from Sewick Blum. Then she was off, hurrying out of his father's house before his wave could return.

  It was only a few blocks to the gate. The same guard checked her information again. When he questioned why she was leaving before Luka was out of his meeting, she gave some sob story about a call she received regarding her dying grandmother, whose time was up. A few fake tears was all it took for him to send her on her way, even letting her go through the Guardian door so there was no quarantine stop in the middle.

  After that, it was only one last tram ride and a short walk until she was back at their apartment, falling face first onto the couch as she finally breathed again.

  She had done it.

  How the hell did Xander do this deception thing every day?

  Chapter Seven

  During the Guardians' meeting, Xander's mind kept drifting as he tried to think of who else could have a chip. Looking around the table, it was safe to say that it wasn't anyone here. There had to be someone else. Maybe not even a guard, just someone close to Veli. Possibly his anonymous source for Resistance information. He had to admit, he was more than a little curious as to who it was.

  Xander had one hand in his pocket, fiddling with the chips as he waited for his opportunity to bring them up.

  "We've covered everything that is on the agenda for tonight," said Elvira looking up from her paper and gazing dotingly at her father.

  "Is there anything else that needs discussion before we part?" asked President Saevus, glancing around the table.

  And here it was.

  Xander stood and said, "Yes, Mr. President. There's something I've wanted to bring to your attention for quite some time now, but first I needed proof."

  Luka smirked at him from across the table. He smirked back as he took the chips out of his pocket and dumped them directly in front of President Saevus. He heard several gasps and turned to see every Guardian involved growing ashen. None more than Veli.

  "What are these?" asked the president, picking up the closest chip.

  "Those are what Veli has been using to blackmail me into doing his bidding. They're mind control chips. He threatened to install them in the wristbands of everyone important to me and then potentially have them commit suicide. The first on his hit list was my father."

  Atticus stiffened as he moved his cold eyes to Veli.

  "The second was Luka, whose own father offered to do the installation."

  Xander couldn't help but chuckle as Barath scooted his chair away from his son.

  "The same with Wyatt. I will gladly give you every name involved."

  Saevus shuffled through the chips. "So ten of you -"

  "Eleven, actually," corrected Xander. "I wasn't able to find the last one. It doesn't belong to anyone in this room, I assure you. Who else do you have working for you, Veli belly?" he asked, gazing down the table at him.

  Veli's nostrils flared as he slowly shook his head. "None of your fucking business, you prick."

  "Language, Veli," said Saevus in an even tone.

  "I also feel the need to point out that the woman in charge of mind control research was told by Veli that her prototypes would be presented to you, Mr. President. So Veli obtained the chips by giving false information."

  "Yes, I figured as much," said Saevus. "Give me the names."

  "Veli and Soren, of course," said Xander, smiling at the Tash brothers. Soren slyly smiled back. "And I took Aila and Orson's off their bodies in Willow. Barath and Gordon you already know. Other than that there was Sewick Blum, which I'm very curious about, Stuart Scout, Eamon Graham and Arron Von."

  Lona's eyes widened. "Father?"

  "For obvious reasons, Mr. President," said Xander, "I'm afraid that any union between Lona and me isn't going to work."

  Lona frowned but nodded. "Understandable."

  "Such a pity," said Saevus. "So let me try and understand this. I've always considered our small but elite society to have the makings of a family. It pains me to know that many of you would be so willing to kill your brothers, your children, and all for the sole purpose of usurping Xander. Possibly even getting him executed."

  No one objected.

  "Mr. President, I would like to request a seat change," said Luka, raising his hand. "I have little interest in remaining next to my potential murderer."

  Barath went red. "It was all a bluff, Luka -"

  "Of course," interrupted Saevus. "From now on you may take the seat beside Xander."

  Same spot, different side. He would just have to switch with Eamon.

  "Veli, I would like you to stay behind, but everyone else is dismissed. Xander, perhaps you might come in early tomorrow and we can discuss the proper punishment for these chip holders."

  Xander grinned. "Absolutely."

  Lona was the first one out of her chair and darting for the door. Her father was quick to run after her. Atticus, on the other hand, stood up very slowly, avoiding everyone's eyes until the room was practically empty. When Xander left, he followed him.

  "Xander, why didn't you tell me about the seriousness of their threats?" he asked as his son headed for the exit.

  "Because it was not your burden to carry, Father. I told you it was nothing I couldn't handle and I took care of it, just like I said I would."

  Xander stopped in front of the door with Atticus by his side. Luka walked up behind them.

  "But you had no problem burdening Luka?" asked Atticus.

  "That's right. When I found out his father was trying to expose him as the spy he isn't and had his mind swept, it only seemed fair to let Luka know that it wasn't the man's only plan to kill off his son."

  Atticus stared openmouthed at Luka.

  "It seems you've missed a lot while locked up in your house," said Xander.

  Just then, a loud, earth-shattering scream echoed from the conference room.

  "My president! Please forgive - AHH!"

  Xander smiled triumphantly. "And that is my cue to leave. Have a good rest of your evening, Father."

  He headed out the door and walked briskly towards the gate, ready to get home to Deryn and celebrate their successful mission.

  Chapter Eight

  Back at the apartment, Deryn was going through Xander's drawers. For a while now she would often catch herself packing some of his things in the rucksack she was preparing for when she ran, just in case, but she always lost her nerve and put everything back where it belonged. She didn't
want him to notice if things went missing, knowing very well that he would throw a fit. But she didn't want to leave him behind when she ran either. Deryn wanted to ask him to come with her, but she'd never mustered up the courage.

  She sighed heavily and was just about to return her favorite gray sweater of his to its drawer when she accidentally knocked Xander's rucksack with her elbow. It landed upside-down on the floor, its contents falling everywhere.

  Deryn dropped to her knees and began picking everything up. Her fingers froze when she came across a small notebook. Unable to stop herself, she picked it up and opened to the first page. It was a list of names. They were written on several pages and, after that, nothing. The last name written was Aila Parrish. Before that was Anna Bellamy, preceded by Dougal Fender.

  A breath got caught in the back of Deryn's throat. It was the names of his victims.

  She slammed the book shut before she could glimpse any names that she might recognize.

  Just as Deryn was about to put the notebook back in Xander's bag, she caught sight of something else. A small, black bottle that had rolled underneath the dresser. She picked it up and read the label.


  Deryn began to shake, her body burning as she read the label over and over again.

  She knew the name. Everyone did.

  A suicide pill.

  "Oi! Deryn! You here?"

  The sound of Bronson's voice calling her from the living room barely registered. And then the front door opened again.

  "Bronson, what are you doing here?" asked Xander.

  Looking towards the door, Deryn slowly began to rise, her grip on the bottle only tightening as she stepped towards it.

  "Just looking for Deryn."

  There were suddenly more footsteps, making Deryn freeze.

  "The fuck you follow me here for, Luka?"

  She began to walk again.

  "I'm not going home! Not after my father's whole 'it was all a bluff' bullshit."

  Deryn opened the bedroom door, stepping out. Everyone turned to look at her. Her eyes immediately locked with Xander's.


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