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Sunken Eyes (Cruel and Beautiful World Book 2)

Page 8

by L. Stoddard Hancock

  The front door burst open again and Quigley walked in. "What's everyone up to?"

  Luka walked back into the living room and crossed his arms. "Do you have any other sheets? I hate your silky shit."

  "No!" shouted Xander.

  "Seriously? There are no extras?"

  "You're not living here, Luka!" shouted Xander, trying to turn around and look at him without exposing Deryn.

  "Why not?" he whined. "The president won't get me another place for at least a couple of weeks. You know he's always slow with that, and I can't stay with my father anymore. You should've seen the fit he threw just now."

  "It was pretty pathetic," said Bronson, turning back around.

  "Ruby, are you two naked?" asked Quigley.

  Luka knitted his brow and walked closer to them. "Oh, shit."

  "Everybody, get out!" demanded Xander in a booming voice.

  No one moved.

  "Get out or I'm going to stand without the fucking blanket!"

  Luka screamed and ran into the guestroom, slamming the door behind him.

  "Wait, Ruby, I feel this is important," said Quigley. "Is Deryn standing without the blanket, too?"

  "Fuck no!"

  He shrugged, "I'm out," and left the apartment.

  Bronson didn't budge, continuing to smile at them. "I have to admit, I've always been a little curious -"

  "If you don't get out then I'm going to stand, Bronson," said Deryn, putting her hands on the top of the blanket.

  Bronson shuddered. "Alright, alright! I'll go." He stood up. "Just keep your disgusting lady bits covered."

  When Bronson was gone, Deryn put her face in her hands. "We really need to talk to all of them about boundaries," she said.

  Xander smiled and kissed her cheek.

  She turned to meet his lips with hers. "You know you have to let Luka stay here."

  He groaned. "I know. But I'm not getting him new fucking sheets."

  "Yes you are!" called Luka from the other room.

  Xander groaned louder. What a horrible turn of events.

  Chapter Ten

  Xander and Luka stood with their arms crossed, staring intently at the bushy trees in front of them.

  "Do you really think she'd like one of these?" asked Luka, cocking his head to get a better look.

  "She seems like the type, doesn't she?"

  "I guess. You have to like trees if you're an Outsider, right? It's, like, in their rule book or something." Luka stepped forward and began walking through the assortment of Christmas trees. "So how do we pick one?" he asked. "We never had one in my house."

  "Yes, you did. In the living room," said Xander, staring around blankly.

  "Really? Huh. Guess I never paid attention."

  "Our wave always bought ours," continued Xander. "I believe certain ones are meant to be more attractive than others."

  Luka crinkled his nose. "They're fucking trees. They look the same."

  "Are you two still over here?"

  They both turned to see Bronson standing behind them.

  "What's the problem?"

  "Oh! He's common, I'll bet he knows!" exclaimed Luka, looking brightly at Bronson. "Are certain trees more attractive than others?"

  Bronson knitted his brow. "Umm ... yeah. Are you serious?"

  They both blinked.

  Bronson rolled his eyes. "You want to find a bushier one, with the least amount of bald spots."

  They blinked again.

  "See how that one's all thin and has that big bare spot?" He pointed. "You want to avoid that."

  "Huh ... makes sense," said Xander, looking at Luka and nodding.

  "I thought these all grew in Inner City's conservatory," said Luka. "Are they not bred to be genetically perfect?"

  "Why would they waste their time doing that?" asked Bronson. "Haven't you ever heard that the beauty is in the flaws?"

  "No," said Luka. "There's nothing beautiful about bald spots, whether it be trees, women, or your men, or something."

  Bronson smirked. "To each their own."

  "How about this one?" asked Xander, bringing them back to the topic at hand.

  Bronson walked up beside him. "Well, it's good, but ..."

  "But what?" he asked, truly wanting to understand.

  "But it's about a foot taller than your ceiling, mate."

  Xander shrugged. "So? Can't we just cut it shorter?"

  "I mean, I guess, but I don't know if it would look right on the bottom. And that sort of takes away from the fun of it."

  "How is this fun?" asked Xander. He and Luka both looked at Bronson expectantly.

  Rolling his eyes again, Bronson said, "Pick whatever tree you want, Ruby. It's obvious that this tradition is wasted on you. But let me be in charge of picking the ornaments. At least let that be fun for Deryn."

  "You mean we're supposed to ornament the tree ourselves?" asked Luka with wide eyes.

  "Who else?" said Bronson. "You don't have a wave anymore, remember?"

  Luka paled at the realization.

  "How about this one?" asked Xander, walking over to a smaller and very spirited tree.

  Bronson nodded in approval. "That one's good."

  Xander looked around and waved his arm to get the seller's attention. A young woman walked over, looking nervous as she approached the obvious Guardians.

  "Have you decided?" she asked.

  "Yes, we'd like this one," said Xander, "and the large one over there, as well." He pointed at the one he had been looking at before.

  "Who's the large one for?" asked Luka.

  "Who else do I know?"

  Luka thought about this. "Oh. Metal hand. Got it," he said recalling Adelaide 'Del' Norris, the believed to be deceased but very much alive wife of President Saevus.

  "Don't call her that!" snapped Xander.

  "Alright. That's seventy coin for the small one and a hundred for the large."

  "Fucking rip off," said Luka, crinkling his forehead. "They're just going to be thrown out in a few weeks."

  "Oh, come on, Luka," said Bronson. "Where's your Christmas spirit?"

  "It's an ancient holiday. My father doesn't like ancient holidays so we rarely celebrate." Luka looked at Xander. "Are you sure we had a tree?"

  "Every year. I remember because I always thought it was funny you never had lights on yours. Ours always had lights. Can you deliver the small one?" Xander asked the seller.

  "Yes, but it's extra."

  "Obviously," he said. "Bronson, give her your address."

  After that was done and Xander told the seller they would be back for the big tree, he and Luka followed Bronson around Middle City's Shopping District to pick ornaments. He ended up choosing several that needed decorating, knowing very well that Deryn would enjoy the art project. Even though her perfectionism would, undoubtedly, bring her a great deal of stress. She seemed to relish in stress, though. None of them could deny that.

  Once the ornaments were chosen, along with a few other Christmas decorations for around the apartment, they met up with Quigley, who had just finished having lunch with his ex-girlfriend. Then they all went back for the tree, trying to figure out the best way to get it to Del without anyone noticing while they walked. Luckily, not many people wandered onto the old street where she was hiding out, and Xander and Luka were able to carry it to the back entrance unnoticed while Bronson and Quigley stood guard. Xander did his special knock and a short while later a small chunk of door was removed. Brown eyes peeked out at him.

  "You've never come here in the middle of the day before," said a woman whose voice was much higher than Del's. "Is something wrong?"

  "No, but I have no time to come later. Luka, go back around the corner, will you? I'll meet up with you at the bookstore in a bit," ordered Xander.

  Luka put his half of the tree down and did as he was told. As soon as he was gone, the door opened and a young raven-haired woman named Miki stood on the other side.

  "I brought you all something," he s
aid, motioning towards the large tree.

  Miki smiled and helped him carry it inside. She was an Outsider around his age, probably a little older, but her family had gone into hiding just weeks before President Saevus sent guards to their village, so she'd successfully avoided recruitment. Which was why the Resistance often sent her into Utopia, either as a spy or to purchase supplies. She was doing the latter when the curfew came into effect and she was left stranded. All of the Resistance's usual exits were now heavily guarded and monitored by S.U.R.G.E.'s. It was almost as if the president knew of them the entire time.

  "Thanks, Xander," she said. "Sometimes this place gets so dreary. It'll be nice to have a little Christmas cheer to brighten it up."

  Something crashed in the other room. "Ah, shit!" Miki's usual partner on her missions to Utopia, a young man named Kemp, charged into the room, looking rather red in the face. "This isn't working, Miki! We don't have enough parts for it to stay together!"

  Xander looked between them and cocked an eyebrow.

  "We're trying to build Ronan a little play area for Christmas," explained Miki. "But we're sort of lacking in materials."

  Kemp shook out his hand, then sucked on his wounded thumb. He looked over and stared at Xander for a moment. His eyes widened. "What are you doing today?"

  "I don't know. I guess I'm Christmas shopping."

  Kemp and Miki exchanged a look. "Could we come with you?" she asked.

  Xander laughed. "No."

  "Why not?" asked Kemp. "Del doesn't want us going out without a firm purpose."

  "Like buying food," explained Miki.

  "But if we're with you -"

  "No," repeated Xander. "Besides, I'm not alone."

  "You and Luka, right?" asked Miki.

  Xander nodded. "And two others. Not Guardians but -"

  "Do they know about us?" asked Kemp.

  "Sort of." Bronson did, at least. He wasn't sure what Quigley knew.

  "Then what's the problem?"

  Xander thought it was obvious, but he supposed he would have to spell it out for them. "It's dangerous," he said. "The other Guardians are watching me even closer than before."

  "Why?" asked Miki.

  "None of your business."

  "Oh, Xander! I didn't know you were here." They all looked to see Del walking down the stairs with a big smile on her face.

  "He brought us a Christmas tree," said Miki, motioning to the tree they had placed sideways on the floor.

  "Oh, how lovely," said Del. Xander handed her the bag of ornaments he'd also purchased for them.

  "And Xander just invited us to go out holiday shopping with him," said Kemp.

  Xander's eyes widened. He slowly turned his head and gave Kemp a cold glare.

  Kemp just smiled. "Would it be alright?"

  Del thought about this for a moment. "You'll be with them, Xander?"

  "Apparently," he said, never taking his eyes off of Kemp.

  "And is Luka with you?"

  "He is."

  "Well ... I suppose that would be alright. If you all promise to be extra cautious."

  "We will! We just need to grab our coats!" exclaimed Kemp, he and Miki already running up the stairs.

  "Make sure they have fucking hoods!" Xander called after them.

  When he looked back at Del, she was smiling. "You didn't actually offer, did you?"

  "What do you think?" he said with a sneer.

  "I think they need this. So be nice." She rubbed his arm affectionately before grabbing one end of the tree. Xander grabbed the other end and the two of them headed upstairs.

  In the main room, Xander helped Del move things around so the tree would fit while two men played chess on the board he had given them a few days earlier. Ronan, the youngest member of this little group, was in the back room napping. The man named Ulric looked up at him and smiled, but the other man, Anan, a boy really as he was only seventeen, simply sneered down at the board without giving Xander any sort of acknowledgment.

  When Kemp and Miki came back out they were both wearing their coats, hoods already up. The two of them were not necessarily recognizable - in fact, he was pretty sure they'd successfully managed to stay under the Guardians' radar - and they probably didn't need the hoods, but better safe than sorry.

  "We'll wait to decorate the tree until you're back," said Del.

  Suddenly aware that things were going on around him, Anan looked up. "Where are you two going?"

  "Out," said Kemp.

  Anan looked at Xander. "With him?"

  "Not my fucking idea," said Xander.

  "You're really letting this happen right now, Del? Like, seriously?"

  "I am," said Del. "I trust they will be safe with Xander."

  "But -"

  "We should get going," said Miki, practically skipping towards the stairs.

  Kemp trailed after her with just as much bounce in his step, while Xander groaned behind them.

  When they got outside, he led them out of the alley and towards the bookstore where he was supposed to meet the others.

  Inside the bookstore, Xander immediately spotted Bronson flipping through a book like it was the most foreign thing in the world to him.

  "Hey, Ruby! You reckon our girl would like this one? The shop girl told me it's the most complicated book here, and I can't make heads or tails of it so she must be right."

  "Who's your girl?" asked Kemp.

  Bronson looked up and only just then noticed the two people standing with Xander. "Oh, Ruby, you've brought friends. But, uhh ... who are they?"

  "More fucking fugitives," said Xander under his breath.

  "Oh, lovely!" said Bronson, beaming at them. "Welcome to our club. Though, I'm not a fugitive per se ..."

  "I fucking hate Christmas."

  They all looked over to see Luka standing near them now, being pushed around by the busy crowd.

  "No book is worth this shit. Who buys real books anymore, anyway?"

  "It's retro!" exclaimed Bronson.

  Luka looked at Miki and Kemp, blinking several times. "Don't I know you?" he asked.

  "Excuse me, Miss." Bronson tapped the shoulder of the passing shop girl. She looked at him and blushed. "Thank you so much for finding this book for me, but my friends and I are in a bit of a hurry and the line's rather long. Any way you can wrap it up for me?"

  He gave her that charming smile of his and she melted.

  "Of course. I'll be right back with that." She took the book, keeping her eyes on Bronson as she walked away, nearly tripping over some child in the process.

  Bronson turned to see everyone staring openmouthed at him, none more than Luka. "What?" He shrugged. "I'm good looking. Why wouldn't I use that to my advantage?"

  "Get me out of here!" Quigley struggled to push through the crowd to get to them.

  "Seriously, how do I know you?" asked Luka, once again staring at Kemp and Miki.

  Xander rolled his eyes. "Where was I just now, Luka?"

  "The place I'm not allowed to mention."

  "Right. And I just came back from there with two people in tow. Now, how is it that you think you might possibly know them?"

  Luka knitted his brow. "Resistance?"

  "You're an idiot."

  "Here's your book." The shop girl stopped in front of Bronson, handing him a bag with the wrapped book inside. She was also holding a small and flat device, which she used to take his payment. "And, um ... here's a little something extra." She then touched her wristband to his, transferring her information. She winked and scurried off, trying to swing her hips seductively but instead tripping through the large crowd and nearly falling on her ass.

  "Let's get out of here," said Xander.

  He led the way out the door, which was actually pretty easy to get to since the crowd pushed them along like a wave in the ocean.

  "Air!" shouted Quigley, throwing his arms up and breathing it all in.

  "It's not as bad as last year, since no one from outside the city c
an get in to shop," said Bronson, searching his wristband's records until he found the shop girl's number. "Anyone want it, or should I just delete?"

  "How is it that you end up with some girl's number every time I'm with you?" asked Luka.

  Bronson smirked. "No need to be jealous, Luka." He pressed delete and the number was gone. "I get plenty when I'm not with you, too."

  Quigley was looking at Kemp and Miki. "Who are these people?"

  "Friends of Ruby's," said Bronson.

  "Oh, Ruby, I didn't know you had friends!" Quigley said brightly. "Other than your three charming companions for the day, of course -"

  "Whoever said you were my fucking friends?"spat Xander.

  "- and, um ... Allie. Allie?" He looked around at everyone.

  "Who the hell is Allie?" asked Bronson.

  "Your girlfriend," said Quigley.

  Bronson thought about this. "Oh. Oh, right! Allison Darby. My girlfriend."

  "Who are you all talking about?" asked Miki.

  "My girlfriend," repeated Bronson with a smile.

  Kemp and Miki exchanged a look.

  "So what is it the two of you need?" asked Xander. "Might as well get your shit out of the way first."

  "Well, we need to go to the hardware store and the toy store," said Kemp.

  "Ooh, toy store." Quigley sucked air in through his teeth. "Think I'm gonna have to skip that one."

  "Bronson, we'll need to use your abilities there," ordered Xander.

  "What?" whined Bronson. "Why can't you just show your damn guard wristband to get us to the front of the line? It works just as well."

  "Not at Christmas. People have tackled me for trying that before."

  "They really did," confirmed Luka. "It was fucking embarrassing."

  "So you're just going to pimp me out for front of the line privileges?" Bronson pouted. "I feel so cheap."

  "I'll buy you a fucking ice-cream cone then, so quit your complaining," snapped Xander.

  "Oh, it had better be a double scoop," said Bronson with narrowed eyes.

  They all went to the hardware store first and were able to get in and out of there pretty quickly. Kemp and Miki bought a lot of large items, so they asked to store them in the back and planned to come back later.

  The toy store was as horrific as they expected. Luckily, there was indeed a young shop girl who was more than happy to help Bronson with whatever he needed.


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