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Sunken Eyes (Cruel and Beautiful World Book 2)

Page 16

by L. Stoddard Hancock

  As Veli climbed into the car, Xander caught sight of a brown bag he was carrying, a ruffled green leaf poking out of it.

  A plant.

  That must have been what Chace brought them. Now he just needed to figure out what sort of plant it was.

  The tram pulled up right as Sewick started looking around. He must have recognized that something was amiss but, before he could place it, Xander and Luka had boarded the tram. Chace woke up once during the trip, but Luka lifted his fist and whacked him so discretely that even Xander almost missed it.

  When they finally got back to their apartment, they struggled to carry him up the stairs, Luka taking his legs while Xander walked backwards holding his arms.

  Xander opened the door to the apartment when they got to the top. Deryn, Bronson and Quigley were all sitting on the couch. They smiled at first, but then jumped out of their seats the moment they noticed he was carrying someone. Bronson sighed in relief when Luka walked in carrying the other end.

  "What happened?" asked Deryn, running over to the body and pulling back the hood so she could get a good look at the person. She gasped. "Chace? Xander, why -"

  "We caught him feeding Veli information on the Resistance," said Xander, swinging Chace into a chair. Luka already had electronic binds ready for him. Xander attached one set to his wrists behind the chair's back, then another to his ankles.

  "What?" said Deryn in disbelief. She knew something had seemed off when she saw him in the Black Market, but a traitor? "That's impossible. Chace is the most loyal person I know. He would never -"

  "Well, he did." Luka went into the kitchen, poured a glass of cold water, and returned to where Chace sat unconscious. "Shall I?" he asked Xander, who nodded. Luka then tossed the water in Chace's face.

  Chace jerked and his eyes popped open. He looked around the apartment frantically. "Where ..." His eyes landed on Xander. He gulped. Then they drifted to Deryn. He blinked several times. "Deryn?"

  Deryn sighed and stepped forward. "Yes, Chace. It's me."

  "W-what are you doing here?"

  "I could ask you the same question."

  "I ... I must go! I must report to Veli the moment I learn the location of Deryn Leon!" Chace wriggled around chaotically in his chair. "I must report to him! I must let him know that Xander Ruby is a traitor! Traitor!"

  Deryn's jaw dropped. "Chace, what's wrong with you?"


  "What did you give Veli earlier, Moffett?" asked Xander, leaning in closer.

  Chace shut his mouth and sucked in his lips.

  "How long have you been working for him? What's he planning?"

  "Don't you have any more of those mind control thingies?" asked Bronson from behind him.

  "No, I had to hand them all over when I ratted out Veli," said Xander.

  At the mention of mind control, Chace's face tensed in a strange manner. He let out a muffled cry, his lips opening slightly as blood poured from his mouth.

  Xander grimaced. "What the hell?"

  "He's trying to bite off his tongue!" Luka stepped forward and pried Chace's mouth open. He held on firmly while Chace continually tried to bite him. "Someone knock him back out!"

  Deryn was the first to act, running to her room and coming out with her Element aimed. She used a stunner on Chace. His body went limp and Luka was able to step away.

  "We need to make sure he doesn't bleed out!" said Deryn as she hurried into the kitchen. "Xander, do you have anything to help heal his tongue?"

  "I don't know. How bad is the bite?" he asked, looking at Luka.

  Luka grunted before pulling back Chace's head and checking. "It's severed a good amount on the left side but it's fixable."

  "I have this paste that works sort of like stitches for cuts," said Xander, joining Deryn in the kitchen. "It's in a silver tube."

  She searched the cabinet she knew he kept all of his medical supplies in and located the tube. She tossed it to Luka, who grunted again but went to work on applying it.

  "Is there anything that will help with the blood loss?" she asked.

  Xander scrunched his face in thought. He slowly searched the cabinet.

  Meanwhile, Luka had finished reattaching the tongue. He wiped his bloody and slobbery fingers on Chace's clothes, but still felt disgusting. Chace's stunned head hung low as all of him, especially his lips, paled.

  "This should work," said Xander, finally locating a small bottle filled with a red liquid. "Not right away, but faster than if he doesn't drink it." He went over to Chace, Deryn at his heels, and lifted the man's head so he could pour the liquid down his throat.

  Checking his heartbeat, Deryn sighed in relief. He was okay. "Xander, move him to the couch."

  Xander nodded. He undid Chace's binds, and he and Luka carried him over to the couch. They laid him down with his head on a pillow.

  Deryn put her favorite blanket over him. She looked sadly at his pale figure and said, "This isn't Chace."

  Xander looked at her curiously.

  She lifted the unconscious man's right arm and showed them that he was wearing a wristband, even though he was an unregistered Outsider. She checked the slot on its side and popped out a small chip, which looked exactly like several others she'd collected recently. A mind control chip.

  Xander took it from her. "Well, I guess that answers the question of who had the last chip," he said. "It never even crossed my mind that it might be in use."

  Luka grunted once more. Without a word, he hurried off to the bathroom to wash the rest of the blood off of his hands.

  "So are we stuck up here, then?" asked Quigley.

  Xander looked at the clock over the mantle and saw that is was already a quarter past midnight. Curfew must have hit during the whole tongue fiasco.

  "Looks like it," he said. "You can take our bed. We're probably going to be up for a while." Xander glanced at Deryn, who was sitting on the edge of the couch with Chace's hand in hers. Her eyes were fixed on his face which, even though a great deal of color had returned to it, still looked pained and sickly. He hadn't been in good health for quite some time.

  "Ah, sweet!" said Quigley, jumping up and running into Xander and Deryn's bedroom. There was a big plop as he leapt onto the bed. "Dude ... this is so comfortable!"

  Looking at Bronson, Xander asked, "Aren't you going to join him?"

  Bronson smirked. "Nah. I've been banned from sharing a bed with Quigley ever since I accidentally groped him in my sleep a few years back. During our fugitive days when we were lucky to even have one bed."

  "It was not alright!" shouted Quigley, the door to the bedroom suddenly shutting.

  "You can sleep in my bed," said Luka. "I'm not going to sleep, anyway."

  Bronson stared at him skeptically. "But what if you change your mind?"

  "Then I'll sleep on the floor."

  Luka went to his room.

  Bronson followed him with his eyes, looking unsure for a moment before glancing at Deryn.

  "Could you please, Bronson?" she said, not even having to look up to know his eyes were on her. "I really just need a moment."

  Bronson breathed in heavily and said, "Alright," before following Luka in and shutting the door.

  "So is he mad at him?" asked Xander as soon as he was gone.

  "No. I think reality just finally set in."

  Deryn kept her eyes on Chace and Xander kept his eyes on her.

  "Are you okay?" he asked.

  She nodded. "How long do you think Veli's had control over him?"

  "I don't know. I'd say he's been talking about his contact for at least six months."

  Deryn sighed. "And how many times has Veli given information from his 'contact'?"

  Xander thought about this. "I think five. But only three of those times did the president follow through."

  "And did people ..." She gulped. "... die?"

  He knew she meant people in the Resistance. "A few, yes."

  "Chace will never forgive himself."

/>   "We could lie to him."

  She shook her head. "No. It's better to know the truth."

  Xander took a seat on the armchair that was aimed towards Chace's face. He held out his arms and, without looking, Deryn went over and settled in his lap.

  For an hour they sat there waiting for Chace to awake.

  "I'm going to make some tea," said Deryn as her eyes began to droop.

  She stood and went into the kitchen. While she fiddled around in there, Xander leaned forward on his knees, thinking about how great it would be to have a cigarette right then.

  He had just started searching his pockets for one when Chace stirred. Xander looked at him right as his eyes opened. Chace blinked several times, bringing the world into focus again. Then he saw Xander.

  "Evening, Moffett."

  Chace's eyes widened, and then he was screaming. His hands searched for his weapon, but Xander still had it, which he showed Chace in hopes of calming him down. But this only made him scream louder.

  "Th'fuck is going on?" shouted Luka, running out of his room with his Element raised.

  Becoming even more panicked by the appearance of a second Guardian, Chace spun off of the couch, jumped to his feet and bolted. Reaching the front door, he pulled at the knob, but it was very much locked.

  "Chace! Chace, it's alright!" shouted Deryn, hurrying towards him and holding out her hands defensively. "Please, calm down!"

  Chace turned and looked at her. "Deryn?"

  "Yes, it's me," she said.

  "You already saw her," said Luka. "Remember?"

  Chace shook his head frantically. "N-no. I ... I don't remember anything. Where ..." He looked around. "Where am I?"

  Xander stood and slowly walked towards him. "Welcome to my home, Moffett."

  "Chace, what is the last thing you remember?" asked Deryn.

  "Deryn, what are you doing here with them?" Chace looked from Xander to Luka. Then from Bronson to Quigley, who were standing in their respective doorways. "How many people are here?"

  Deryn looked over her shoulder. "This is it. Sorry if it's a bit overwhelming, but Bronson and Quigley got stuck here after curfew."

  "Curfew," repeated Chace. "What curfew?"

  "You really don't remember any of it?" asked Luka, crossing his arms. "Nothing after Veli installed the mind control chip?"

  "Mind control chip." Chace's eyes widened yet again. "Who installed it? Veli Tash? I don't even remember the last time I saw him. How long has it been?"

  Luka's face dropped. He darted for the balcony, slamming the sliding glass door behind him. Bronson stared after him but didn't follow.

  "Please just have a seat and we'll explain everything," said Deryn in a calm voice. She motioned to the couch.

  Chace looked at it, but then his eyes drifted to Xander's hand. "I want my gun," he said.

  Xander scoffed. "I don't think so."

  "Xander, just give it to him," demanded Deryn.

  He looked at her and raised his eyebrows.

  "If it makes him feel more secure then he should have it."

  "How about we all just put our weapons down where everyone can see them?" suggested Bronson.

  Now Chace scoffed. "What do I look like, an idiot?"

  Xander had to hold his tongue. "Fine." He tossed Chace's Element to him. Chace stumbled before catching it. "If you try anything, Moffett, I can assure you that I will react twice as fast."

  "This isn't mine," said Chace, staring quizzically at the Element.

  "It is now."

  Xander went back to his armchair and Chace headed for the couch. But then he stopped and looked at Deryn. Really looked at her.

  "It's really you?" he asked.

  Deryn smiled and nodded. "Yes, it is."

  Staring nervously at the floor, Chace fidgeted and said, "I really didn't think this was how our reunion would go. Should we ... should we hug?"

  Deryn chuckled softly. "Yes, Chace, I'd like that very much."

  Chace slowly moved towards her, looking nervous as he lifted his arms. He didn't go the full distance, so Deryn had to close that last gap.

  While they hugged, Chace's trembling body began to ease. "It really is you. Deryn, you're ... you're alive. God, you're alive!"

  Chace's grip on her tightened as they cried in each other's arms.

  "Oh, this is sweet," said Bronson, watching them with a wide grin.

  Xander felt the opposite, of course, but he knew better than to voice his opinion. Still, he didn't like Chace touching her like that.

  "Yeah, yeah, whatever," said Quigley, yawning. "I'm tired. Night, all." He went back into Xander and Deryn's room and shut the door.

  Bronson turned to go back into Luka's room but, after a momentary pause, he veered towards the balcony instead.

  "You should really take a seat," said Deryn, finally pulling out of their hug. "I'll grab us all tea and then we can talk."

  For the next few hours, Xander and Deryn explained everything to Chace. Well, not everything, but the most important details were all brushed upon.

  Xander had been hoping to use Chace to spy on Veli, but with his loss of memory they all came to the conclusion that it would do little good. And quite possibly get Chace killed. He was not even sure where he'd been staying for the past six months.

  "Well, this ended up being a fucking waste," said Xander.

  Deryn gave him a warning look. "No it hasn't. Chace is safe. That can hardly be considered a waste."

  Xander looked at her and said, "That's not what I meant. We should've realized his memories would be erased and found a way to get him to talk without him biting off his tongue."

  "There was no way. You know that."

  "Whatever," said Xander. "I'm still pissed. Moffett here gave them some plant to use against me and we have no idea what it is."

  Deryn noticed Chace look to the floor ashamedly, quite obviously embarrassed by this whole ordeal. And he still didn't look well.

  "At least tell me you remember who your source for information is?"

  "I have an idea," Chace said quietly.

  "Then maybe we can still find out what they're planning for Deryn, then come up with some lie to tell Veli when you meet with him in two days."

  Deryn's brow furrowed. "He most certainly is not keeping that meeting, Xander! How can you even consider putting Chace back in that sort of danger?" she asked angrily.

  "Comes with the territory, sweetheart," said Xander. "He's in the Resistance, and we need him to keep playing the part of mind controlled puppet for as long as we can."

  Deryn huffed, but she stopped arguing. She knew he was right. "Chace, you should get some rest. We can continue this discussion in the morning," she said while looking at the clock. "The curfew will be lifted in a few minutes. I'm going to send Quigley home." Deryn stood and headed for their room.

  Xander went to the balcony. When he got there, Luka was huddled on the ground while Bronson stood above him smoking a cigarette.

  "Something wrong?" Xander asked Luka.

  "Oh, nothing," he scoffed. "Just that I'm going to lose my fucking memories when all of this is over."

  "You don't know that."

  "Yes I do. You're going to die saving Leon, I'm going to lose my memories, and then I'm going to spend the rest of my life thinking I was betrayed by my oldest friend."

  "If that's your greatest fear then I'm touched."

  "Not funny," said Luka, burying his head in his knees.

  Xander crossed his arms and sighed. "I feel there is a simple solution to all of this."

  "And what's that?"

  "Don't lose your memories when the chip is removed."

  Luka looked up. "What?"

  "I'm ordering you not to lose your memories, Luka. And since I'm the one who installed the chip, you must listen."

  "I don't think it works like that," said Luka, sneering.

  "Why not?" asked Xander. "Veli intended for Moffett's head to be wiped clean, and I intend for yours to remain
as is."

  Luka looked down and sighed. "You better hope that works. I really don't want things to go back to how they were before."

  "I believe it will." Xander turned his eyes to Bronson, who looked as skeptical as he felt. "It's time to go. Curfew's almost over and Deryn's kicking Quigley out of our bed."

  When they got inside Quigley was standing by the front door, rubbing his groggy eyes. The clock chimed four o'clock. He waited a moment before unlocking and opening the door. "Ready, mate?" he asked, glancing at Bronson.

  Bronson nodded and followed him out, taking one last look at Luka before shutting the door behind him.

  "Chace, you should get some rest," Deryn said again. She looked at Xander. "I really don't think we should leave him alone after he lost so much blood earlier. I'll stay up and watch him."

  "Like hell you will," said Xander. "You already look exhausted."

  "I'm fine."

  "No, Deryn, go to bed. I'll stay -"

  "I'll do it," said Luka.

  The other three all stared at him.

  "But you have Guardian duties in four hours," said Xander. "You need to get at least some sleep -"

  "It's fine," said Luka. "I can't sleep right now, anyway." He was already sinking into the closest armchair. "Moffett, go to sleep. And don't start dying on me. I really don't feel like dealing with that shit."

  Chace looked skeptical. "No offense, but I would really feel safer on my own."

  "Too bad because I've already made myself comfortable. Now lie the fuck down," ordered Luka.

  "Are you sure about this?" asked Deryn.

  Luka nodded. "Really, I'm fine. I'll wake you before I leave."

  Deryn nodded back and said, "Goodnight then." She looked at Chace. "Do you need any extra blankets or pillows?"

  "No," he said. "These pillows are fine." He grabbed one off the couch and gave it a good fluffing.

  "If you say so. I'll see you in a few hours."

  Deryn walked towards the bedroom with Xander just behind her. When the door shut, Chace looked curiously at Luka and said, "Did they just go into the same room?"

  "Looks like it," said Luka as he picked at his fingernails.

  Inside of the bedroom, Deryn gasped. "Oh, shit!"

  "Ah, love, you know I can't contain myself when you curse," said Xander, wrapping his arms around her waist.


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