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Sunken Eyes (Cruel and Beautiful World Book 2)

Page 31

by L. Stoddard Hancock

  "Finley will stay with you until you get to the deep underground where the water supply flows, which is also where Odette and I will meet back up with you. I'm going to explain this next part now, in case we don't have time later," said Neo. "In the event that there are too many S.U.R.G.E.'s and guards running around for you to just walk out of here, there's one much quicker but riskier exit.

  "Outside of the room we'll be meeting in is the water supply, which is, essentially, an indoor river. This is our Plan B. Your out. If this becomes our course of action, when you get there you will follow the water as long as you can. The flow is pretty rough and there's a good minute where you'll have to hold your breath. The president knows people have used the water supply to escape Utopia before and I have no doubt he'll send some of his guards down there to search for you. You need to be prepared because you will be spotted, so when you reach the water jump like your goddamn life depends on it, because it does."

  "But don't worry about being followed," said Odette. "The moment you're through the grate down there, I'll be standing by to switch the water's direction. Whoever follows you will be sent to the deeper underground of our ancestors and down a large waterfall. They won't survive."

  "So if the president knows people have used the water supply to escape before, I can assume correctly that he'll know exactly where we'll arrive outside," said Xander, scowling.

  "Yes, but by the time he gets there you'll be long gone," said Neo. "Don't know why you'd dilly dally during an escape."

  Xander shook his head. "But what about cameras or S.U.R.G.E.'s? I doubt he's stupid enough to keep the area unpatrolled."

  "He has both, but we reprogrammed the two S.U.R.G.E.'s down there ages ago. They see what we want them to see, and the camera is on a constant loop. It never sees anything of value," explained Neo. "Don't worry so much. We have our shit together. We'll try to take the longer way out but, like you said, we're on a time crunch here."

  "Our usual clients aren't so high profile, or pursued," said Odette. "But we're always ready for a challenge. So, shall we?"

  Xander grunted. "This isn't going to be a complete disaster." He glanced sideways at Deryn, who was standing there stiffly, her eyes unblinking.

  "Well, it really would have been better if you came to us before you were found out," said Neo, "but what's done is done. No use fretting over it."

  "If it were anyone else I might worry, but the two of you have gotten out of some rather sticky situations in the past. You'll be fine," said Odette. "Just move fast and don't hesitate to kill."

  There was a pause.

  "We need a moment," said Xander, pulling Deryn a few feet back.

  He took both of her hands in his, but noticed the other three were still watching them. He twirled his finger and they all turned to face the opposite direction.

  "Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked once they were as alone as they were going to get. "We could always just go back and hide with Del. Take some time to figure things out."

  Deryn bit her lip and thought about this for a moment. But she eventually shook her head. "We can't put them at risk like that. If the Guardians don't see us leaving then they'll know we're still hiding in the city. They'll put up more borders, making it impossible for us to ever escape. This is our one-shot and I think we should take it."

  Xander's hands tensed in hers, his expression unreadable.

  "It's time, Xander," she said, trying hard to smile as she gave his hands a squeeze.

  He nodded slowly. "You're right."

  "Are you regretting coming with me already?" she asked, looking at him sadly.

  "No. But it would be easier for you to get out if I gave myself up."

  "That would not be easier. If you gave yourself up then I could never just leave."

  Xander smiled. "I know. I've called you on your stubbornness before."

  Deryn smiled back. "You're worse."

  "If I were worse then I wouldn't be here right now."

  "I was going to cave and install that chip," she admitted.

  "I know. But I'm happy you didn't." He leaned in and kissed her softly. Then he pulled her body against his and breathed her in. "Are you ready?"

  She nodded.

  "Okay, Neo," said Xander, pulling away from her and retaking her hand.

  Neo, Odette and Finley all turned back around.

  "Well, this is it," said Neo, half-turning towards the wall. He paused and looked back at Xander. "I'll say good luck now. Maybe, if we're all still kicking when this war is over -"

  "We'll have a drink like the good ol' days," said Xander with a smile. "Just as long as you don't sing that fucking song I made up. Luka tried to bring it back recently." He sighed as he thought of Luka, truly hoping he was all right.

  "Oh, you mean this one?" Neo cleared his throat. "Oh Utopia, only trains those, heroic, loyal and stunning. While the wine and the whiskey flows, we flee Eagle without the running!"

  "Shut it," Xander said sternly.

  Neo laughed and turned the rest of the way towards the wall. He gave it a shove, revealing a much wider and darker tunnel. "Alright, ladies and gentleman. It's go time!"

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Neo ran through the opening first.

  "See you on the other side!" said Odette before following him.

  Xander and Deryn looked at Finley and waited for the go-ahead. She was quiet for a moment, but once they heard mumbling coming from her ear, she looked at them and said, "Let's go."

  They all walked through the open wall, Finley in the lead. It shut automatically behind them. Xander and Deryn's nerves finally hit as they realized they weren't hidden anymore. They were out in the open, and the underground was a dangerous place. Anyone could be lurking in its depths. Enemies. Allies. Though, at this point, it was hard to differentiate between the two.

  "Finley, avoid the east tunnel. There is a swarm of maybe twenty S.U.R.G.E.'s over here and they're spreading out quickly. Over," said Neo's voice through Finley's headset.

  "Okay," she answered. "Odette, how does it look to the west? Over."

  "No good. Stick north for now. I'm circling back around to check it out. Over."

  Finley turned on the light on her citizen wristband as the tunnel got narrower and darker. She held her arm out in front of her, showing three tunnels heading in different directions. She went for the one straight ahead.

  "About three S.U.R.G.E.'s from the swarm are headed that way, Fin. Be prepared. Over."

  Finley picked up her pace. Xander and Deryn hurried after her, but he was still in a great deal of pain from his lashes and not moving so well.

  "Are you alright?" asked Deryn. "Do you need me to carry the rucksack?"

  Finley slowed and glanced back at them.

  "No," he said. "I'll be fine. Lona gave me some tea with natural herbs in it earlier and it's actually helped with the pain."

  "Lona," repeated Deryn, glancing sideways at him.

  "For me and Luka," he said. "She was just being nice."

  "Mmhmm," she said, now glancing elsewhere.

  Xander frowned. "Oh, come on. You're not going to be jealous over a little tea, are you? You know she only gave it to me because she wanted to give it to Luka. I'm not the one she slept with."

  "Lona slept with Luka?" said Finley, turning around as her mouth fell open. "Don't tell Odette. She'll kill him."

  "It's not jealousy," said Deryn, ignoring Finley. "I just don't like the way she's attached herself to you. Or him."

  "Why not him?" he asked.

  "He's taken."

  Xander cringed. "Not exactly -"

  "He's taken, Xander," she said sternly. "And it's really time for you to accept that."

  Xander grunted.

  "Luka's taken? By who?" asked Finley, cocking an eyebrow.

  Before anyone could answer - or not answer, since neither Xander or Deryn planned on giving her a straight one - a weird whistling sounded up ahead. Finley whipped back around and held out her
wrist. They could all just make out three black robots with silver wings fluttering towards them, a blue light emerging from each and scanning the area in front of them.

  Finley held up her small gun with the cone shaped barrel and aimed for the center S.U.R.G.E. The gun created blurry waves in the air that caused the robot to immediately turn in the opposite direction. The other two quickly followed suit.

  When they were gone, Finley turned back towards Xander and Deryn, who were both staring at her wide-eyed.

  "Who made that?" asked Xander.

  "I did," said Finley. "With some assistance from two traitors who work in the Government Lab. I won't give names."

  Xander shrugged. "Wasn't going to ask." He paused. "How long have you been doing this?"

  "I don't know," said Finley, turning back around and walking on. "It was Odette and Neo's idea. They just asked me if I wanted in and I said yes. Is that really so hard to believe?"

  "Yes," he answered truthfully.

  Xander and Deryn were walking fairly close to Finley now and, even in the dark, he could see that she looked hurt.

  "I hate being a Guardian, Xander. You know that."

  "I do," he said.

  "Personally, I think you betraying the president and fucking Leon is a bit more shocking."

  Xander smirked. "Well, you know me. I live to shock."

  "Finley, stop heading north!" said the frantic voice of Odette in her ear. "Guards have entered the underground led by fucking Soren! Over."

  "The east is clear now," said Neo. "There will be a few S.U.R.G.E.'s up ahead but nothing you can't handle. Over."

  "Got it. Over."

  Finley looked at Xander and Deryn.

  "Soren is here with guards."

  She darted to the right wall and felt along it until she found a small button disguised as a bolt. She pressed it to reveal a narrow opening. The passageway was so thin that Xander had to take off his rucksack, and they shimmied through it sideways, the opening shutting behind them just as voices started to echo down the tunnels.

  "We shouldn't talk anymore," whispered Finley as they moved through the narrow space. "Not if guards are here."

  They came out in a small cavity where several men sat around a heater, warming their hands. Xander and Deryn stopped and froze, but Finley walked right past them.

  "Hey, Fin! What you bring us tonight?" asked one of them.

  "Nothing tonight, Rees. On a mission." Finley beckoned the couple forward. "No need to worry. They're just tunnelers."

  Xander and Deryn slowly stepped out of the passageway.

  "We got a couple of wanted criminals tonight, boys, so guards and S.U.R.G.E.'s are on full alert. Make sure you keep it down," she ordered.

  The men all laughed.

  "Really? These blokes?" said Rees. "I could snap the girl in half with just my thumb and the blond, angel boy doesn't look like he'd take much effort."

  "Angel boy?" repeated Xander with great offense. "I'll have you know that I've been one of the top Guardians for -"

  "Xander, he's not worth the effort," said Finley, grabbing his arm and pulling him and Deryn along.

  "One of these days you're going to give in an' marry me, Fin!"

  "Keep dreaming, Rees!"

  "Finley, the east is all clear. If you hurry, you might be able to make it out before more guards head this way. Over," said Neo.

  "We're coming through now. Over," responded Finley.

  They headed through another narrow passageway and came out in tunnels that looked exactly like the ones before. As Xander returned his rucksack to his shoulders, he had to wonder how his old friends never got turned around in this place.

  Finley began running, staying close to the wall to their left. The tunnels ahead were lit with a faint light. Then shadows appeared on the walls in the shape of several peoples silhouettes. Finley grabbed Xander and Deryn, hurried back a few steps and shoved them into a small crevice in the wall. A few seconds later, several guards walked around the corner laughing.

  Finley took a deep breath and confidently stepped forward. "Excuse me!"

  All of their heads snapped in her direction.

  "What's with all the poppycock?" she demanded.

  "M-madam," one of the guards mumbled. "We weren't doing nothin'."

  "Clearly," she scoffed. "The president would not be pleased to hear you were down here gallivanting around when we're in the middle of a time crunch! Get moving!" she ordered.

  "Y-yes, Madam," they all said before running off.

  "And make sure to separate yourselves!" she called after them. "We need to cover as much ground as possible!"

  "Yes, Madam!" they all called over their shoulders at her.

  Once they were gone, Finley sighed in relief and pulled Xander and Deryn out of their hiding place.

  "Their numbers are growing. We don't have much longer to get you out of here before escape becomes impossible."

  Xander and Deryn nodded.

  They took off running again, their legs carrying them faster than before and Xander doing his best to ignore the pain. Finley guided them to the end of the tunnel but, instead of leading them down another one, she pulled open the wall with the dim lights, revealing a tall staircase.

  The three of them ran inside and Finley shut the wall behind them. They ran up the stairs, not stopping, not slowing, even after they got to the top.

  "We're up! Over!" she said into her headset.

  "All's clear up here," said Odette. "But guards are beginning to swarm near the water supply. Over."

  Finley kept running, urging them forward, twisting and turning down every corner until they came to a door. Just a regular, everyday door that she pulled open.

  Xander and Deryn stopped the moment they entered this new room, glancing around in awe at the amazing sight in front of them. This was no ordinary room. There were computers, large screens, panels housing thousands of buttons, something Deryn recognized as ancient telephones scattered around.

  Odette and Neo were standing in the center of the room. Finley hurried over to them but Xander and Deryn stood frozen.

  "What is this place?" asked Deryn, staring at a large whiteboard almost as long as the wall. covered with faded handwritten notes. Several countries were listed, dates and status updates written below each one.

  "It's our ancestors' communication room," said Finley, looking over her shoulder at them. "They used it to speak to the other bases around the world."

  "Does any of it still work?" asked Xander, noticing many of the notes written on the board had been smudged so they were illegible.

  "No, but if someone knew what they were doing I'm sure they could get it going," said Neo. "The Resistance visits this room a lot. We think they're trying to replicate the technology."

  "As fascinating as I'm sure this is, we don't exactly have time to pause," said Odette, hurrying over to a door at the far end of the room. "There are too many guards. We have no choice but to go with Plan B."

  "I have to say, this is the most exciting mission we've ever had," said Neo as he followed his wife and they both took off their headsets, stuffing them in their pockets. Finley did the same.

  Odette opened the door to reveal a closet, and hanging inside were two steel-blue trench coats with Saevus's crest on the sleeves. They took them out and slipped them on, Odette also putting on a blonde wig over her dark hair. Neo had a small hat that the guards were allowed to wear on cold nights to cover his face a bit.

  "Finley, you go first," ordered Neo.

  Finley nodded before looking back at Xander and Deryn. "This is goodbye then. Good luck. Both of you."

  She hurried towards the only door to their left. Xander bit his cheek, looking torn for a moment before locking eyes with Deryn. She sighed and nodded towards Finley.

  Xander grunted. "Finley, wait!"

  She stopped and turned.

  Xander let go of Deryn's hand for the first time since they entered the underground and stepped forward. "Look,"
he said. "Sorry, for, uhh ... Well, for being such an ass to you, I suppose. It just comes so damn naturally."

  Finley smiled softly. "I know. And don't worry." She glanced at Deryn. "I get it. We've all done things we're ashamed of."

  He nodded. "Be careful. The president knows that you're loyal to me."

  "I will," she said. "And don't worry. I'll take care of Luka."

  He nodded again.

  "You better get the fuck out, Xander. I don't really feel like mourning your death anytime soon."

  Finley gave him one last smile. Then she turned back around, opened the door and shut it quietly behind her.

  "Get to the water and just fucking jump," said Neo. "Keep out of sight as long as you can, then kill whoever gets in your way."

  Xander nodded. He stepped forward and held out his hand. "Thanks, Neo."

  Neo smiled, took Xander's hand and shook.

  Xander squeezed hard and pulled him close. "If something happens out there," he whispered, "and I have to give myself up, you make sure she gets out. Don't let her come back for me."

  "Got it," said Neo, giving him a pat on the back.

  "There are also some Resistance members, six of them, hiding out in the city. They've been trapped since the curfew began. They're at an abandoned building in the old section of the Shopping District. One of the only brick buildings with an apartment above it. If you can, get them out. You'll recognize one of them and you'll want to question her, but you have my word that she's trustworthy. Understood?"

  Neo smirked. "I gotta hand it to you, Xander. Being the president's top dog all this time. You even had me fooled."

  "That was the point," said Xander, smirking back at him.

  Deryn suddenly came up beside him and retook his hand.

  "Xander, it's time for us to go. We've delayed this for long enough," she said, her palm sweating against his.

  "Right." He took one last deep breath. "This is real. Are you ready for this?"

  "No," said Deryn truthfully. "But when will I ever be?"

  "If you two want to kiss for good luck we won't stop you," said Odette, watching them with a fixed fascination. Neo looked just as intrigued.

  "You two are fucking creepy," said Xander. But, still, he ignored them and leaned forward, giving Deryn a soft kiss and pressing his forehead against hers. He just stood there for a moment, breathing her in before he finally said, "Let's go."


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