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Sunken Eyes (Cruel and Beautiful World Book 2)

Page 34

by L. Stoddard Hancock

A hologram of a man on a table appeared in front of him. Several people in lab coats were scattered around the man, a horrific scream echoing through the air. It was a voice he knew.


  "Yes," said the president. "While Mr. Voclain claimed to not remember anything from his time under mind control, I still had his mind swept to make absolutely certain. Turns out he was telling the truth. He remembers nothing."

  Luka's screams continued. Xander stood so he could see properly. A metal contraption was strapped to his friend's head, transmitting something onto a monitor while the people around him poked needles inside his skull.

  "It really is a shame such a thing was necessary so soon after Luka's last mind sweep," said Saevus, still smiling away. "They say having it done more than once a year can be terribly damaging on the psyche. He's resting now, so we can't be certain if there will be any everlasting affects or not just yet, but our Luka is strong. I'm sure he will persevere."

  Xander glared at the man. "He found Deryn Leon at my apartment one evening. I didn't have a choice."

  "Oh, but we always have a choice, Xander."

  Another earth-shattering scream echoed in the small room. Luka panted as he struggled to breathe through the pain.

  "You can turn it off, Elvira," the president called to his daughter. The image vanished. "Now, sit, sit." He motioned to Xander, who obeyed. "I have something even better to show you."

  Elvira reappeared holding a collar similar to what slaves wore. Soren still wore the one that helped him speak, though he rarely used it anymore. His voice was still quiet and harsh but it was improving, to Xander's annoyance.

  Xander didn't even struggle as Elvira strapped the collar to his neck, smiling wickedly before exiting again.

  "This memory is a personal favorite of mine and I feel utterly blessed that it happened in my home, where all rooms are properly monitored. So I can watch it again and again."

  The room was overcome again with holographic images, but before Xander's eyes even had a chance to focus on the surveillance footage, there was a scream. A familiar, terrified, resonating scream that he knew, that he had awoken to many times over the past five months.

  His face paled as the figure in front of him came into focus. Deryn.

  He and the president were now surrounded by a faded version of the parlor downstairs, Guardians scattered around, drinking and laughing joyously as Elvira tossed Deryn to the floor and whipped her with a flash of blue light from her Element.

  Xander cringed.

  She was already bruised and bloody, but her face was smooth, free of the many scars she had accumulated throughout her years of suffering. Her eyes were fearful as Elvira pulled her up by the hair.

  "Your family has left you behind, cousin," spat Elvira, forever smirking. "Your boyfriend has left you behind. And now you belong to us."

  Deryn tried to push her off, so Elvira gripped harder, forcing another scream out of her.

  "You disgust me."

  Elvira spit on her before tossing her back to the floor.

  Xander fidgeted in his chair uncomfortably. This was it. The day Deryn had been taken hostage after the Outsiders' attack on Eagle Center. It was the day everything in both their lives had gone to complete shit.

  And he was about to see her nightmares played out in front of him.

  "Atticus, step forward," ordered President Saevus's hologram, who was sitting in an armchair very casually and sipping on a glass of brandy.

  Xander's eyes drifted sideways at the movement. The hologram of Atticus, who had been sitting on the couch with his head in his hands, slowly stood and walked towards the president. "Y-yes, Mr. President?" His eyes were red and puffy, his voice raw and weak as he obviously mourned the recent loss of his wife.

  "I am very disappointed in your family, Atticus," said President Saevus, taking another sip of his drink. "First, your son betrayed us by not fighting, and then it turns out your wife was the one who instructed him to do so. What do you have to say for yourself?"

  "My son is young, sir. He didn't understand the seriousness of his actions. And my wife -"

  "Your wife has already been judged, and her penalty was given," said President Saevus, smiling affectionately at Elvira. "The current matter at hand is what to do with young Xander."

  Xander's breathing grew shallow as he scanned the glass walls around him until he found his father, his eyes dark and hair disheveled as he stared down at the floor, refusing to watch the scene in front of him. Feeling Xander's gaze on him, he glanced up for just a moment, his breath hitching as a single tear slid down his cheek.

  "Please, Mr. President," pleaded Atticus's hologram, echoing a memory the present Atticus did not want to relive. "Please, I beg of you, spare my son. Pardon him this once for his lack of action. He will never betray you again. He watched his mother die, he knows better now."

  "Tell me, Atticus, how far would you go to ensure Xander's survival?"

  Atticus's hologram, who'd been whimpering, suddenly sucked it all back. In a very serious and clear voice, he stated, "I would go to hell and back."

  President Saevus's holographic lips curved into a wicked grin, the present Saevus standing beside him and mimicking the action. "Good." The hologram put down his brandy and stood from his seat. "Elvira, bring us the girl."

  Elvira grabbed Deryn by the hair again, dragging her towards Saevus and Atticus. She threw her at their feet. Deryn landed hard, catching herself on her bound hands but her wrist twisted at a strange angle.

  "Take her, Atticus."

  In that moment, everything inside of Xander shut down. He could not move, could not breathe, his heart stopping and head spinning as the truth, something he should have realized a long time ago, may have realized deep down but didn't want to admit, suddenly came to light.

  His father was the first.

  Atticus's hologram, who had been staring down at Deryn, suddenly brought his head up to look at his president. "S-sir ... what -"

  "I said take her," repeated Saevus. "Right here, right now. Show this filthy excuse for a human what happens when you choose poison over logic."

  Xander's heart fell hard into his stomach. Half of it was still stopped while the other half was beating at an incredible rate, all of his heart feeling as if a hand was crushing the life out of it. The president's hand.

  He stood from his chair and took several steps back. He was too close. He was too -

  "You see, Luka. These are the gifts that are given when you join the president."

  Xander's head spun again. The air around him became icy as he saw Luka and Barath's holograms out of the corner of his eye, watching. Hearing and seeing everything.

  Luka knew.

  "Sir, please. My wife -"

  "Is dead," the president said coldly. "Don't make me tell you again."

  Atticus looked down at Deryn once more. She was staring up at him with frightened eyes.

  "No!" she screamed as he leaned down to grab her. "Please, no!"

  Atticus pulled her to her feet and pushed her towards the closest table. As they moved, Xander heard a crash of thunder echo through the large room. He only now remembered it had poured that night while he buried his mother with his bare hands, thunder and lightning flashing above him. The thunder sounded again, Deryn wincing as a new fear awoke inside of her.

  Atticus tossed her on top of the table. He closed his eyes for a brief moment and took a deep breath. Deryn tried to struggle but he easily overpowered her.

  "No!" she screamed louder. "Please! Please, stop!"

  But Atticus didn't stop. His eyes glazed over as he began to undo his zipper.

  "Please ..." she repeated much quieter this time. Atticus stood very still. His eyes focused and looked at the frightened girl beneath him. "I ... I'm a virgin."

  The little life still inside of him vanished in that moment. His eyes darkened as a single tear dripped down his cheek, much like the one the present Atticus had shed mere moments ago.

p; "What is this?" sang Elvira as she overheard the weeping girl. "A virgin!" She cackled and everyone joined in.

  "Do it, Atticus," ordered President Saevus, who was far less amused than the others.

  "No!" screamed Xander from where he stood, feeling so completely helpless. He could not stop this, because it had already happened. This was old security footage. Just a memory, and memories could never be changed. "Stop this now!"

  Atticus's hologram blinked his eyes. They stopped on Deryn one final time, and he slowly mouthed the words, "I'm sorry."

  The current president had obviously never seen that part before, because his angry eyes shot to Atticus through the glass walls.

  Tears poured down the young Deryn's cheeks as she realized all hope was lost. Atticus closed his eyes as he began to remove her pants.

  Xander tried to cover his ears but the sounds were too strong, and the moment Deryn's innocence was stolen from her was made painfully clear by the horrible cry she let out.

  He clenched his eyes shut as Deryn's screams grew louder, both her cries and the thunder resonating in his ears, but a strong jolt of electricity shot through him from the collar he wore. His body jerked into the air and he fell hard on his back, squirming until the pain stopped.

  The president's wicked face appeared above him. "If you ever close your eyes for longer than two seconds then that will happen. Again and again. But don't worry. It will stop when you lose consciousness, so it cannot kill you. But the moment you wake up you will watch the girl you love, yes I heard you tell your father earlier -" He smirked. "- lose her innocence to him, and many others shortly after. Again and again," he repeated. Then he turned on his heel and headed for the door. "Your execution will be in two days, Xander. Until then, enjoy the show."

  The moment the door was open Xander was on his feet, darting for it and shoving the president aside as he lunged for Atticus.

  He had barely touched his father before the electricity was shooting through his body again and he was falling. The moment he stilled, he looked at Atticus and said, "You should've let me die."

  Xander stared straight up at the ceiling, unable to feel anything as he was dragged back into that room. Deryn had lied to him. She'd told him she didn't remember who the first was, and he'd let himself believe her. Because the truth, something he had always known deep down, was far worse than the lie. Her hatred for Atticus delved so much deeper than him raping her. She hated him the most because he was the first. The one to hurt her in the worst way imaginable. By taking something she could never get back, no matter how much she and Xander tried to pretend.

  Finally, her screams died down. Xander's head turned just in time to see his father's hologram stepping away from her while redoing his pants.

  "Well done, Atticus," said President Saevus as he stepped up behind him. "It's been a long time since you've had someone so young. Tell me, was hell everything you imagined it would be?"

  His father didn't answer.

  "Would you like to have her? Perhaps she could keep your wife's side of the bed warm, since she won't be there to heat it for you."

  Atticus gulped. He stared down at Deryn, crying and curled into a ball as she tried to cover herself. One look at the blood on her thighs caused Atticus's face to contort in what most would view as disgust. But Xander was not fooled. He knew it was pain.

  "No," said Atticus. "I will not be having her again."

  Tears slid sideways down Xander's cheeks and onto the cold floor. His father had the chance to take her in, to keep her safe. But he didn't take it. He left her to the wolves.

  "Was it really that terrible?" asked President Saevus with a laugh. "Would anyone else like to judge for themselves?"

  Several Guardians moved forward, but it was Soren who got to her first, his eyes filled with lust as he began to touch the beaten girl on the table.

  Beyond the holograph Xander could see the president through the glass wall, watching him with a look of triumph plastered on his cruel face. He knew he had won. "Two days, Xander."

  Saevus turned and left right then, all of his Guardians filing out behind him. Atticus was the last, looking back at his son with so much regret. But it wasn't enough. It would never be enough. Not unless he could change the past.

  "Leave," ordered Xander, his mouth filling with bile as Soren touched the girl beneath him like what he was doing to her was something intimate. Something out of love and not hate. But Xander knew better. Because he did love her and he would never hurt her like that.

  He pointed his eyes upward, staring at the white ceiling as Deryn's screams continued to echo around him. Somehow, deep down, he had been able to convince himself that maybe this wasn't the end. That there was still a chance Finley would get him out, or someone else would come for him, but now he didn't even care. Because he had failed Deryn all those years ago. She suffered because of something he had done. And there was no forgiveness for that.

  He would never deserve her.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Deryn sat on that platform in the tree without rest, the sun now rising and her eyes never leaving the center tower in Utopia as she waited for word, any word on Xander.

  Last they had spoken to Finley he was imprisoned in a cell in the basement, untouched from what she had claimed. Aside from the wounds he had received during their escape attempt. His leg was bruised but not broken and his face had a terrible lash across it, but he was fine.

  Which meant the president was planning something horrible.


  Deryn glanced over her shoulder at Neo, who was carrying an apple and some slices of bread. She sighed and faced the city again. "I already told you I'm not hungry."

  "But you need to eat."

  "Anything I eat right now will only come right back out, so what's the point?"

  Neo huffed. "Okay. Then how about some water?" He plopped down beside her and handed her a thermos.

  She took it though she didn't drink right away. Mainly, she just wanted something to fidget with. "No word?" she asked.

  "Not about Xander."

  She gulped. "Then Luka?"

  They had already heard that he'd been brutally tortured after killing Mathis Fender, but also that his mind control chip had successfully been discovered and removed. But when Deryn had heard that he woke up with no recollection of anything, not since long before she came into his life, her heart broke. It had been his greatest fear that he wouldn't remember, and Xander always promised him that he would. And now he didn't even know. He didn't know about the small family they had become and that he was loved.

  "The president ordered his mind swept. Finley tried to go in with him but she wasn't allowed, and when he came out he was ... well, he was worse. Fading in and out of consciousness."

  Deryn sucked in a breath, tears falling from her eyes as she thought of Luka, a friend she had never expected but loved all the same.

  And then she thought of Bronson and Quigley. They had surely seen their apartment by now and were probably terrified.

  "I had my mind swept in the beginning," she admitted. "Multiple times and only days apart, in case they missed something." She rolled her wet eyes. Everyone knew mind sweeping wasn't real. Just another form of torture. "Luka's strong. He'll be alright."

  Neo nodded. "You do understand that when we go in getting one person out will be tough, but getting two will be -"

  "Don't say impossible," she snapped. "If it's money you want-"

  "No, of course not," said Neo, looking mildly offended. "But I just ... I don't think we can. They'll be kept far apart. You know they will."

  Deryn nodded. "But you'll try?"

  He smiled softly. "Yes, we'll try."

  Just then, the vine that hung to the ground made a swishing noise. They both looked over their shoulders as Odette appeared and stepped onto the platform. She didn't look well.

  "How did things go with the tunnelers?" asked Neo.

  "What?" Odette paused and thought. "Oh! Fine.
Well ... you know, the usual. Most ignored my very existence but Rees has agreed to help and he's dragging two others along with him."

  "You have news about Xander," said Deryn, understanding the ominous look in the other woman's eyes.

  Odette nodded, glancing nervously at her husband, who silently urged her to continue. "His execution has been scheduled. We have two days to get him out."

  "That's it?" asked Neo.

  She nodded again, still avoiding Deryn.

  "Odette," called Deryn, her voice desperate. "Please tell me what you know."

  Odette finally looked at her, releasing a heavy sigh. "The night you were first taken prisoner, do you remember it?"

  Deryn stiffened but nodded.

  And then Odette went on to tell her about the cruelest form of personalized torture President Saevus had come up with yet. Xander had to watch it. That first night, her virginity, taken from her by his father only hours after his wife was killed. Something she had never been able to admit to him no matter how hard she tried.

  And then there were the others.

  Deryn hung her head low and sobbed, knowing very well that Xander would find some way to blame himself for something that was out of his control. Like he always did.

  "Two days," Neo muttered to himself. "How the hell are we going to infiltrate that fucking tower in two days with only five men?"

  "Six," corrected Deryn with a hiccup.

  "What?" asked Odette.

  "Six men," she repeated. "Don't think for one second you're going back in there without me."

  Odette and Neo exchanged a look. "Deryn, we just got you out," said Odette. "We cannot allow you to -"

  "You will not tell me what I can and cannot do!" snapped Deryn, rising to her feet. "I have had no control over my life since I was fifteen years old and it ends now! This is my choice and I'm going in there whether you allow it or not!"

  Odette sighed but conceded.

  "Even so," said Neo, continuing his train of thought. "Six men isn't nearly enough. Not for the plan I've been playing with in my mind. We need more."

  Deryn thought. Then she remembered something. "What if I could get you five more? Would that be enough?"


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