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A Virtual Affair

Page 18

by Tracie Podger

  “It would have ended anyway. She had an affair, with my best friend of all people. I stuck in there because our sons were young. For some reason, she wanted to spend the next few years punishing me for that, so don’t feel guilty. She went through my work emails one night when I wasn’t there, saw our conversations and flipped. You know what, I was glad, really. It gave me the push I needed to finally leave.”

  “I’m so sorry to hear that.”

  “Stop saying sorry,” he said with a laugh.

  We fell into a comfortable silence, watching the fire and drinking our wine. I twirled the stem of mine in my fingers until I saw him place his on the coffee table then reach for mine. He took the glass from my hand and placed it next to his.

  Stefan shuffled himself until he was facing me, his legs curled under him. His fingers twisted a strand of my hair.

  “I’m so glad to be here,” he said.

  “So am I.”

  “Are you nervous? You’re shaking, and you can’t be cold.”

  I smiled. “I am.”

  He leaned closer. “So am I.”

  His soft lips found mine, and his hand snaked around my head pulling me closer to him. I parted my lips as his tongue swiped across. As his kiss deepened, I placed my hand on the back of his head, my fingers gripped his hair. If I was shaking with nerves before, I was trembling with desire then.

  My stomach flipped and I felt a heat creep over my body. Stefan slid down the sofa, pulling me on top of him. As I rested one hand on his chest, I could feel the muscles ripple under his shirt as he moved.

  He held my head, his fingers dug into my scalp as his kiss became more desperate. He moaned and the sound reverberated through his chest and into mine. I felt him pull back as he moaned again.



  “Cramp,” he said then laughed.

  “Oh shit, sorry.”

  I sat up, and as I did, he stood to stretch out his legs, I guessed.

  “Great start, huh?”

  I bit down on my lower lip to contain the laughter. He reached out for my hand and pulled me to my feet. Silently, he led me from the room and up the stairs. I stood in the middle of the bedroom while he moved the case and his holdall from the bed. My legs shook and my skin puckered with goose bumps. I was verging on the edge of panic. I could feel my heart race and my breathing became shallow. Tears started to build in my eyes.

  Stefan walked towards me. He ran his fingers down my cheek.

  “Hey, what’s wrong? We don’t have to do this. Have I made a mistake here?”

  I shook my head and took a deep breath.

  “No, you haven’t made a mistake. I just…I haven’t done this for a while, a long while.” I stammered over the words.

  “We’ll go slow. You call the shots, okay? If you want to stop, just say the word.”

  I nodded. He ran his hands down my sides to the hem of my t-shirt before lifting it over my head. I made to cross my arms over my side. He took my wrists and placed my arms back down.

  “I’ve seen you in less clothes than you’re in now,” he said with a wink.

  He lowered his head; I was expecting him to kiss my lips. Instead, he aimed for my shoulder, pushing my bra strap to one side. He kissed up the side of my neck as his hands roamed around my back to the clasp. He had it undone in seconds. His fingers trailed up and down my spine, sending shivers through me. I gripped the front of his shirt more so to hold me up.

  Stefan stepped away and looked at me. His eyes roamed my body and he smiled. He reached forwards to the waist of my jeans, popping the button then lowering the zip. He ran his hand around my waist under the jeans and slowly slid them down to my thighs. As he lowered to his knees, he kissed his way down my stomach. I gripped his hair and the most unbelievable feelings coursed through my body.

  I felt on fire, my body was a mass of static and electrical currents, nerve endings sparked where his lips touched my skin. He reached up and grabbed the sides of my knickers as I stepped out of my jeans. With a painful slowness, he slid them to my ankles and I stepped out of those too. I really panicked then. I crossed my legs and held my hands in front of me.

  “Oh God, I haven’t showered,” I said.

  He looked up at me, his head right at that place.

  “Good, I don’t like the taste of soap.”

  I didn’t think my face could have gotten any redder. He laughed at my embarrassment but not in an unkind way. I let my arms relax down by my side as his lips kissed my navel.

  Stefan stood and smiled at me. “Relax,” he whispered.

  He started to undo the buttons on his shirt. I reached forwards and gently knocked his hands away. He’d undressed me; I wanted to do the same to him. My hands shook a little as I popped open the buttons. I eased his shirt off his shoulders and down his arms, distracted by a tattoo across his ribs. Words I hadn’t noticed when we had been in the Maldives.

  “It’s new,” he said, noticing me studying it.

  “I like it.”

  I continued to peel the shirt down his body and then encountered a problem. He wore cufflinks, I hadn’t thought to remove them; his arms were trapped by his side.

  “Oh for fuck’s sake,” I said before letting my head fall to his chest and laughing.

  “How about we give up on the sexy stripping, but you’re going to have to undo those cufflinks. I can’t reach now.”

  I undid the cufflinks while both of us laughed. It certainly broke the ice. He removed his shirt then wrapped his arms around me. I could feel the heat of his skin on mine and the hardness of his cock as he pressed against me.

  I was determined to get it right. I undid his jeans and they fell to his ankles. He stepped out of them and as he did, somehow and only using his feet, he peeled off his socks. I tried my hardest not to look down. He hadn’t worn pants; I felt his cock against my body as he pulled me back into his arms. He just held me, his arms were so tight around me I could feel his heart beating in his chest.

  “I’ve waited a long time to do this,” he whispered.

  I could have cried. I was wrapped in the arms of a man who wanted me.

  Stefan pulled away, he picked me up and I squealed in surprise. He gently laid me on the bed and climbed on beside. At first, we lay facing each other, nothing was said as he ran his fingers down my side.

  “Tell me what you like,” he said quietly.

  “I don’t know what I like. I’m not very good at this.”

  “I want to punch that fucker you married. You’re so beautiful. I can’t believe he wouldn’t want to spend every minute in bed with you.”

  Those words were my undoing, my unleashing, I guessed. I reached for his head, pulling him towards me. I wanted him, desperately. Our kiss was bruising; a clashing of teeth, nipping of lips kiss. I rolled to my back, Stefan rolled on top of me without breaking our kiss. His hands held my face and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

  His lips moved from mine, kissing across my jaw and down the side of my neck. He slid down my body, propping himself on his elbows. My body convulsed as his tongue circled a nipple. I cried out as his teeth closed around it and he sucked. My stomach quivered with desire, and at that point, I got exactly what Carla meant by the ‘fanny tingle’. A throbbing escalated between my thighs, and I could feel the wetness. He moved further down my stomach and I gripped the bed sheets beside me. As his tongue ran over my hipbone, I moaned. I raised my hips, wanting him. I felt his chuckle against my skin, skin so sensitive even the gentle brush of his hair as he moved left heat in its wake.

  His nose ran over my clitoris, and he inhaled my scent before his tongue swiped. I clamped my jaw closed for fear of screaming out. His hands held my thighs, gently pushing them apart. I was totally exposed to him and when he pushed his tongue inside me, when his fingers dug into my skin and he moaned, I came for the first time—ever.

  My stomach was a mass of quivers, my breath was laboured and I writhed under him. Wave after wave of pleas
ure washed over me. Sweat beaded on my upper lip and my mouth was dry. He was relentless, licking, sucking and biting. He pushed my thighs up until my heels were near my backside, exposing me further. I raised my hips, wanting his tongue deeper.

  I felt a sense of disappointment when he raised his head. His chin was smeared with my come, and I watched as he licked his lips.

  “You have any idea how good you taste?” he said.

  I shook my head. He crawled up my body and when his face was close to mine, close enough for me to smell my arousal on him, he whispered.


  I closed my eyes, partly from embarrassment, and let my tongue run over his jaw. I tasted myself, metallic, sharp yet strangely sweet. I licked his lips, they parted slightly and I bit down on the lower one. He moaned.

  “I need to fuck you, so bad,” he said once he’d pulled his head away.

  “I need you to fuck me,” I replied, surprised that I’d spoken those words out loud.

  He ground against me, and I raked my nails down his back. “We need a conversation first,” he whispered.

  I didn’t want a conversation; I wanted him inside me. My body was screaming for his touch. I could feel his cock pressed into my stomach, throbbing as he moved.

  “I’m on the pill,” I blurted out.

  He stilled before raising his hips. His hand trailed down my side and then he reached between us. His fingers teased my clitoris, spreading my juices before he guided his cock inside me.

  He propped himself up on his elbows and moved so slowly it was agonising. I wrapped my legs around his waist, forcing him deeper. Then he kissed me hard and he fucked me fast.

  Sweat dripped from his brow; I imagined it sizzling as it hit the heat of my skin. I’d never felt so much want, so much desire as I dug my nails in his back and as I kissed and nipped his shoulder.

  Butterflies partied in my stomach and my heart hammered in my chest as another orgasm raced over me. My body went rigid and I tightened my legs around his waist. I screamed out his name as I came.

  Before I’d come down, Stefan tensed, his biceps shook and he came himself. He cried out words I didn’t understand. His body relaxed on mine, his head rested in the crook of my neck and for a few minutes, we were silent.

  He rolled off me and lay on his side, facing me. I turned to face him. He smiled and gave me a wink.

  “Wow,” I said, not entirely sure how I should have reacted.

  “It will be better next time. I waited too long to do that.”

  I heard Dini whine from downstairs. “I think he needs to go out,” Stefan said.

  I froze. I could feel wetness between my thighs, a lot of wetness. The first thought that ran through my mind was concern for the duvet we were lying on. The second thought was how to get up without it running down my legs. I closed my eyes and started to giggle.


  “I…I need to clean to up,” I said, covering my eyes with my hand as if that would hide my embarrassment.

  He laughed before rolling from the bed. From between parted fingers, I watched him stride naked to the bathroom. He returned with a box of tissues that he placed on my stomach. As he extracted one, I grabbed it from him.

  “I think I can manage,” I said.

  “By the end of this week, you won’t care,” he said.

  “Is that a promise?”

  “Oh, yeah.”

  I cleaned up, slid from the bed and tried to be confident as I walked, naked, to the bathroom to grab a towel. I hadn’t unpacked and had no pyjama’s to wear. I’d never slept naked before. I had that silly thought instilled from childhood—never sleep naked in case the house caught fire. I had a fear of the fireman having to help me down a ladder with my bare arse on show.

  While I stood shivering in the kitchen and Dini did his thing in the garden, I heard the shower. The thought of a naked Stefan under the jets of water made my stomach flip. Despite the lateness, I grabbed my phone and sent a quick text to Carla.

  We did IT.

  I turned off my phone. She was the kind of person to ring and want the full details.

  Stefan was propped up against pillows and under the duvet when I returned to the bedroom.

  “I’m going to take a quick shower,” I said.

  “Shame I’ve just had one, I would have joined you,” he replied.

  I took the quickest shower in history, making sure not to wet my hair and headed back the bedroom still wrapped in a towel. Before I’d made a decision to rifle through my case for pj’s, Stefan pulled back the duvet for me to climb under.

  I snuggled into his side as he slid further down the bed and wrapped an arm around me. As he stifled a yawn, I turned off the bedside lamp. We’d left the blind open and the moon gave an eerie glow over the room.

  “How do you feel?” he asked.

  “Truthfully? Strange, but in a good way, and sleepy.”

  His arm tightened around my shoulders and I placed one hand on his chest. He turned his head to kiss me gently on the forehead.

  I woke but kept my eyes closed. I wanted to wallow in the warmth of being wrapped in his arms. I couldn’t remember a time I’d ever felt so comfortable. When Michael and I had shared the same bed we’d lay back to back with as much space between us as possible.

  I felt Stefan shift position; he turned on his side to face me. I also felt his fingers push a strand of hair behind my ear and his breath as his face came closer. With my eyes still closed, I smiled.

  “Good morning,” he whispered before he kissed me.

  I was conscious that I hadn’t cleaned my teeth. I tried to keep my mouth closed but his tongue was persistent. I gave in to a sensuous kiss that had my stomach in knots.

  As he pulled away, I finally opened my eyes. Piercing blue ones stared back at me.

  “Did you sleep well?” I asked.

  “I think that was the best night’s sleep I’ve had in a long time.”

  I sighed as his fingers slid up and down my side.

  “What would you like for breakfast?” I asked, then immediately realised it probably wasn’t the most appropriate time to ask that question.

  He smirked. “You.”

  My cheeks reddened, I could feel the heat as they flamed.

  “I love it when you blush,” he said as he ran his fingers down my cheek.

  I blushed further.

  He pushed himself up on one elbow and gently pushed at my hip so I lay on my back. His fingers trailed up and down my thigh.

  “Do you like this?” he whispered. I nodded. “How about this?” His fingers circled my clitoris.

  I gasped and parted my legs slightly. He hooked his ankle over mine, sliding my legs towards him and parting them further. I shivered and not with cold as he threw the duvet to the floor.

  “I want to see all of you,” he said.

  He pushed one, then two, fingers inside me and his thumb caressed. I moaned as the pleasure intensified. I could feel his cock pressed against my hip and I reached for it. As his fingers brought me to an orgasm, I slid my hand up and down his cock, feeling the silkiness of his skin in my palm. I watched with utter fascination when he’d removed his fingers and placed them in his mouth. He sucked before rolling to his back and allowing me to pleasure him.

  I gently scraped my fingernails against his balls. I tightened my grip on his cock as my hand moved, adjusting the pressure and speed according to his moans.

  “Ride me,” he said between gritted teeth.

  I knelt up and swung one leg over his. I’d never done that before but instinctively lowered, guiding him in, and he held my hips as I did. I felt him at my very core. I placed my hands on his chest, the muscles tensed under my touch before I moved, slowly at first until I found my rhythm. As I lowered, he raised his hips, meeting me half way. I curled my fingers and my nails dug into his skin each time he did.

  I loved watching him. He kept his eyes open, watching me, and I could see the emotion flood his face. When he parted his l
ips, when his tongue ran gently over the lower one, I wanted to take that lip between my teeth. His chest expanded under my touch as he took deep breaths. He reached up and cupped my breasts in his hands, his palms roughly brushed over my nipples. I leant down to kiss him and his moan filled my mouth. I felt his arms snake around me and squealed as he rolled me on my back.

  I hooked my feet inside his thighs as he took over. He grabbed one wrist, then the other and raised my hands above my head. He kept his gaze on me as he fucked me, hard and fast. His face was close; I could feel his breath as he gasped and moaned. I mirrored him. My cries seemed to echo around the room. Blood rushed through my ears, the sound resembled the waves crashing on the shore and my body shook. A heat crept from my core to my neck as my orgasm built.

  “Come for me, baby,” he whispered.

  It was as if on command my body obeyed. I dissolved around him, tears ran down my cheeks as waves of static and heat and chill rolled over me. His stomach tensed, he shuddered and threw back his head as he came. His body convulsed before he finally lowered his head, his body, and rested on me.

  “Fuck,” he whispered into my neck a minute later.

  “Fuck, indeed,” I replied before laughing.

  He released my wrists from his grip; such was the firmness I was sure I’d have bruises. I wrapped my arms around him.

  The sweat that had formed on his back had chilled, and as I ran my fingers over his spine he shivered. Neither of us wanted to move. I had felt his cock soften inside me but I didn’t want him to move. However, Dini had other ideas.

  “I guess we have to get up,” I said after the persistent whining echoed up the stairs.

  “We should be lucky he hasn’t found his way up here.”

  I laughed as he rolled to one side. I didn’t care about his come running down my thigh as I walked to the bathroom. It was part of him, of us, of that magical hour we’d shared.

  I smiled as I stood in the shower. I had no idea what this all meant, what would happen at the end of our week, but for the first time in forever, I didn’t care about the future. I only wanted the now.

  With a towel around me, I walked back into the bedroom. Stefan had made the bed and had placed my case and his holdall on the bed. He had started to unpack for me. I covered my eyes with my hands, allowing the towel to drop to the floor as he turned and held up that damned box of condoms.


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