Page 9
“Did you say you loved me Kitten?” he asked me.
“Yes Master,” I said, looking down. I had never admitted to him how deep my feelings were for him before.
“I love you too Kitten,” he told me, reaching out for his camera from the stranger.
Chapter 4 - Madison
Tonight’s gonna be rough at the club. I’m fucking beat. I didn’t get home until after seven this morning.
I made $1000 stripping at a bachelor party last night and an extra $3000 for fucking all twelve of the guys there. My pussy is sore but it’s a good sore. It’s a “You got the shit fucked out of you girl,” feeling in my pussy.
It started out the same as always except two big differences. Not one of these guys was over thirty and every single one of them was hot. You don’t have that kind of party, this was a fucking twist.
I walked in there and when I saw all the hotties I said, “FUCK YEAH!” The guys were checking me out in my little girl outfit. I was wearing a pink plaid skirt, knee high white stockings, a white button up shirt under a pink half sweater. So I made sure to make the rounds before I started dancing. I did the usual things, teased the groom to be. I stuck my ass in his face and lifted my skirt a little so he could see the cute white panties with the word “angel” on my ass.
When his cock got hard I sat on his lap and grinded in circles on his hard cock. I got up and said, “Oh my, I think my panties are wet. Can you tell?”
I lifted my leg straight in the air and held it behind my knee. I was doing a split in the air, the wet spot right in his face. He groaned and said, “Oh my God, you are so fucking hot!”
The best man came up to me and told me they were ready when I was. I could see all of them were staring at me.
I gave him my CD with the best stripping songs on it and watched him put it in the player.
All the guys were sitting in a circle, about five of them were stroking their cocks through their pants.
I really get off on stripping, it makes me so wet. By the time I peeled my panties off, they were soaked. I went around to all the guys and rubbed my panties either on their nose or on their lips. When I got to the sucker, the one getting married, I put them in his mouth.
Some of his friends laughed but I knew they were jealous and wanted my wet panties in their mouths.
The best man came up to me with an envelope. I opened it in front of everyone and counted the money. I didn’t give a shit, I knew I was safe cause I had Vic and Nate at the front door. I counted out the money. There was enough there to fuck all of them and I started on the groom to be.
I grabbed him by the hand and stood him up. I told him he was the lucky one to fuck me first. I stripped him fast cause sometimes they argue and are shy. He wasn’t, he was grabbing me while I was taking off his clothes.
Shit! I’m going to be late for my shift. I’ll tell y’all the rest the next time I have time to write.
Madison at a Concert
I went to see a band that was huge in the 80’s and 90’s. One thing they were famous for was the “titty cam.” One of the band members would hold a video camera that broadcast on a huge screen and spotlight a girl. The girl was expected to flash her tits. If she did, she was cheered, if she didn’t, they would boo her.
You know I love my tits. Big DD’s that are worth every penny I paid for them. I have huge nipples too, my areoles are the size of a chocolate chip cookie and my nipples are an inch and a half long. I measured them. Guys pay a lot of money to fuck my titties. I charge $200 for a titty fuck and $500 if they want me to lick the tip and cum on my face.
Anyway, so there were about ten of us at the concert. All of us dressed like complete sluts. I think most of the women there were dressed slutty. Sex, drugs and rock and roll never goes out of style. I wore a mesh mini dress, no bra and a thong. The dress was black and I wore a red thong. My nipples were sticking out through the holes when I took my red wrap off. All the men, and I mean all that saw me, stared at me.
Before the concert even started, the titty cam was on. All the sluts pulled up their tops except for a couple tight ass bitches. They were booed, it was funny.
When the concert started, the band was up on the big screen. There’s only one I would fuck. Over the years, the rest of them got fat but the drummer was still slim and I would have loved to see his famous cock live instead of on a sex tape. About half way through the concert, seven beers later and five joints smoked, my girlfriend yelled my name.
I looked up and there I was on titty cam. The crowd roared when they saw me. Instead of giving a quick flash, I smiled and pinched and pulled my nipples that were sticking out of the dress. The crowd roared again and I grabbed my big tits, lifted them up and licked each nipple. Then I opened my mouth and slowly, still smiling, bit my left nipple. The crowd screamed. All this attention was making me wet. Still moving slow, I took the straps off my shoulders to expose my huge tits. I lifted them up and jiggled them for the crowd.
I turned around and bent over, the crowd around me moved away a bit and the camera was on my ass. I wiggled it back and forth and lifted up the hem of my dress. My big ass was exposed but my thong was in the way. I started pulling my thong to the side when the camera moved off me.
The crowd erupted into yells and boos.
About five minutes after my peep show, three security guys came up to me. I thought they were going to kick me out and I was prepared to battle.
“___________ wants you backstage,” one security guard said. I smiled at my friends and asked security if they could come too.
“No, just you,” he answered.
“Sorry girls!” I said and followed security.
When I got backstage, I ignored the other women who were there waiting. There were about ten of us. When I looked closely at one of them, I realized it was my lustful drummer’s wife. I couldn’t help it and laughed out loud.
When the concert was over, the sweaty guys in the band walked the other girls but stopped in front of me. All of them stood around me and one of them said, “Nice show you put on for the cam!”
I looked at him right in the eye and said, “I never disappoint.” He wasn’t the one I wanted to fuck, but the drummer heard me anyway. They all laughed and left the area. One of the girls tried to follow, but security stopped her and told her she had to wait until the band was ready for us.
I paid no attention to this tall Amazon blond chick who tried to talk to me.
I waited, not too patiently and when the security came back to tell us to follow him, I was the last in line. I was going to make an entrance. Some of the girls pushed each other to get to the front of the line. When I walked past the wifey, I smiled and winked at her. She ignored me. Whatever bitch.
There was a huge room that smelled like pot, beer and sweat. The band was sprawled out in chairs and sofas. The ladies gushed and doted on them, fighting for who they wanted. I stood back and watched with a smile on my face.
When the hotty I wanted saw me, he said, “How ‘bout another show sexy?”
“I will give you the best show of your life, alone,” I said.
He looked at me, in my eyes without saying anything. Then he stood up, grabbed my hand and went out a back door. We were in a parking lot and he took me to huge tour bus. The driver opened the door and _________ told him to get out. I had never been in one of those things before and it was really cool. My eyes were on him though when he brought me into a living room with chairs and couches. He sat on the couch, relaxed, arms on the back of the couch, holding a beer. His legs in his jeans were spread wide and I could see the beginning of a hard on.
I got on my knees and crawled slowly to him. He groaned as I came closer and when my face was an inch away from the fully hard cock in his jeans, I moved fast and licked it.
He stood up right away and stripped, then tried coming toward me. I pushed him back down on the couch. He started stroking my cock, staring at my big nipples. I pinched them and pulled. I held my big tits up by my nip
ples and then shook them. It felt so good, I moaned. Then I heard him yell and opened my eyes.
He came all over his chest. He had white jizz on his stomach, chest and I even saw a drop on his chin.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding!” I yelled, surprised. I was fucking disgusted. I wanted his cock and there he was, dick going limp from just watching me play with my tits.
“I feel sorry for your wife,” I said and even though he was telling me to stay, I started walking toward the door.
“Don’t tell a soul ok? I don’t want this getting into the media,” he begged.
You all know about it, but I wasn’t specific enough so you know who it was. If you’ve figured it out, tell the fucking world. LOL!
Madison at the Bookstore
Last Wednesday morning, I went to the bookstore to pick up a copy of the Kama Sutra. I wanted to do a new routine. There is this cool new song on the radio by that name and it was sexy as fuck. I knew it was a book about sex but I’ve never seen anything.
Anyway, I got to the bookstore early, when it opened at 9 am. Usually I do my hair up real good but this morning I just took a shower and put it in a pony tail. I still looked hot though, I always look hot. I wore my Fendi sunglasses, with the octagon frames, with my green strapless mini dress. Of course I wore of my lime green Manolo Blahnik shoes to match. I always match, it’s fucking mandatory.
I get to the store and it looked like I was the only one in there. I went up to the counter and the guy working there was turned around, bending over. “Nice fucking ass,” I said. He jumped and turned around pretty fast. I smiled at him, he was even cuter facing me. He had brown hair and hazel eyes. I would guess he was about 5'-10", not that it matters. As long as he’s taller than me, I don’t give a shit.
“Do you have the Kama Sutra?” I asked him.
“The moves or the book?” he asked. I laughed. I love smart asses, especially hot ones.
“Are you saying you’re a stud? Can you prove it?” I said.
“I don’t think a little lady like yourself can take what I have to offer,” he said. I laughed again because he had no fucking clue who he was dealing with. I walked over to the door and turned the open sign to closed and locked the door. I turned back to him and said, “Show me what you got and I’ll see if I can handle it. I love a challenge.”
He smiled again and came toward me. He grabbed me by the hand and led me to a back room with a couch. He lifted my arms and kissed the inside of my elbow. That was fucking hot. He then pulled down my strapless dress and my big DD’s fell out.
“Nice fucking tits little lady. Bought and paid for?” he asked.
“They pay for themselves,” I answered. I put my arms down and started pulling on my three inch nipples, making them rock hard. He bent over a bit and pushed his dick up against my stomach.
“Feels like you’re packing some serious dick, smart ass,” I said.
He backed up and pulled down his chinos.
Now I’ve seen some big dicks in my life. This was one of the biggest. It was 10.5 x 7.5 inches. How did I know just from eyeballing it? You obviously haven’t read my earlier blogs if you have to ask ME that question.
“Makes me fucking hungry,” I said and dropped down to my knees. I put that huge fucking cock head in my mouth and sucked hard. He groaned and tried moving to sit down.
“What’s the matter, getting light headed smart ass? Don’t have enough blood to keep this cock hard and stand up at the same time?”
He just laughed softly and grabbed my pony tail.
“Let’s see how much you can fucking take,” he said, kinda growling in his throat. He pushed my head down on his cock slowly. I opened wide and took it deeper and deeper. I am lucky not to have a gag reflex.
He kept saying “holy shit” when his cock went deeper and deeper down my throat. I know it hurt his cock, the throat is tight and doesn’t stretch. He didn’t stop though. He was looking down at me and I kept looking up at him.
After a minute of him slowly feeding me his cock, his balls were on my chin. I grabbed them and started kneading them gently. He tried to move his cock in and out but it was too tight for him and he winced. He looked down at me and I felt his cock start to spasm. I closed my mouth around him, his 10.5 inch cock was trapped in my mouth and throat. I winked at him when I started moving my tongue on the base of his cock. He gripped my pony tail harder.
“I’m going to cum!” he said. When he started shooting his load down my throat it felt like it was going right into my stomach. His whole cock was spasming and his balls were so tight in my hand. I squeezed them a little harder and I felt his last spasm.
His knees were weak and he almost fell until my teeth scraped him. He yelled and I held up my finger telling him to wait.
I opened my mouth wide and let my throat and the small movement of my head backward take his cock out of my throat. Just before it was going to fall out of my mouth, I closed it tight again, trapping the head of his cock gently with my teeth. I sucked it hard, wanting to taste his cum that I missed.
I couldn’t speak for a minute. He left the room, walking like he was drunk. He came back with the book and said, “You are fucking amazing. You can take this book, free. Someone needs to write a book about you.”
Madison at the Y
I have a trick who loves public sex. He will fuck me anywhere he can. I charge him extra just in case we are hassled by people, I need to be compensated for the pain in the ass that would cause. The cops get their dick sucked for free, but I don’t like giving freebies.
He called last week to make an appointment for 1 pm today. He told me he found the perfect place for us to meet and to wear my bikini under my clothes. I put on my bright yellow string bikini. It looks so good with my chocolate skin.
So, this client of mine is pretty normal except for his public kinkiness. He’s about six feet tall, medium build, a bit soft but not fat. His cock was a normal six inches. He wears glasses and looks like the banker he is. He told me he has to be so reserved at work and that being with me is like a vacation.
Yeah, a vacation where he busts nuts all over the place.
Anyway, I met him at the YMCA across town. I didn’t know what he had planned, but it didn’t matter as soon as that $1000 ended up in my account. No one ever complains about how much I charge, I’m worth every fucking penny.
He was outside in his car waiting for me. He was dressed in work out clothes, blue shorts and a t shirt. I was wearing a green mini dress over my bikini. I looked hot but over dressed. As soon as I took this dress off though, I would definitely be underdressed. We went directly to the pool area. I went into the ladies locker room and showered before going into the pool. I didn’t get my hair wet, I never do.
I have really long, thick nipples and I made sure they were hard when I walked into the pool room. I pinched and pulled them in the shower.
There were five men in the pool and a little old lady. I had to laugh because as soon as she saw me, she got out of the pool and hustled her ancient ass to the ladies’ locker room. He walked to the hot tubs in the back. He pretended not to know me, so I went with it. He got into the nearest hot tub and I asked if he wanted company. He smiled and said, “Sure.”
I held onto the railing and turned around to get in. I knew he was staring at my big booty so I swung my hips really slow. When I was finally inside, I turned around. I could see that look on his face he gets when he’s in a horny trance. I moved past him to get to the other side of the tub. I got so close to him my ass brushed against his face when I went by. He groaned and reached for my hips. He held me there, his nose buried in my ass crack. He grabbed the bottoms of my bikini and pulled them down a little and stuck his tongue in the top of my ass crack.
He pushed my ass cheeks together and moved his head side to side. I stood there and let him bury his face in my ass. He pushed my bottoms to the side and grabbed my hips, pushing me down onto his lap. His dick was rock hard and already out of his shorts.
Without waiting, he slammed me down on his cock. We were facing the pool. We were higher than the pool but if anyone got out of the pool, they would see us.
He had an arm around my stomach, holding me there while he thrust up into me. He fucked me hard, I could feel every inch of his cock. The water was washing away my pussy juice so I could feel the friction even more in the water. I could feel the head of his cock pounding up on my g-spot. Every single vein on his cock caused the nerves in my cunt to jump. Someone needs to win a fucking award for those thin condoms!
His hand was on my left tit, pinching my long nipple hard. His grip on my stomach never let up while he pounded me. I was really getting into it and I started bouncing on him at the same time he was thrusting up into me.
“Oh fuck! Maddy you’re going to make me cum!” he whispered. I bounced harder, then when he started breathing really hard, I sat down and moved my hips in circles. I was grinding on his cock, biting my lip, not wanting to be too loud. He was making enough noise for the both of us. I half turned on his lap and put my hand over his mouth. Well, that was it for him. He started cumming with my hand over his mouth, breathing hard through his nose. I swear that cock grew two inches when he was cumming. It swelled and it felt so tight up in me. His cock was swollen and so was my cunt from the friction.
When I felt his cock start to shrink, I got up off him. I told him it was fun and to call me when he wants me again. I stood up, fixed the bottoms of my bikini and climbed out of the hot tub. All five men were still in the pool and every one of them was looking at me. I waved and shook my ass when I walked into the ladies’ locker room.
Madison Gets Pissed
My car had to get its regular oil change. This is a huge pain in the ass. I have no fucking patience to be sitting around waiting for incompetent fools with no money to waste my time.