4. Miguel Bustillo, “Fires Cleared Way for Debris Flows: The San Bernardino Area Is Especially Vulnerable Because of Residential Growth,” Los Angeles Times, December 28, 2003.
5. Joseph Serna and Emily Foxhall, “Thermometer Hits Triple Digits as Heat Wave Strikes Southern California,” Los Angeles Times, June 28, 2013, http://articles.latimes.com/2013/jun/28/local/la-me-ln-la-heat-wave-20130628.
6. Becky Oskin, “How California’s Rim Fire Grew So Big,” Planet Earth, Live Science, September 4, 2013, http://www.livescience.com/39408-how-rim-fire-grew-big.html.
7. Katie Valentine, “California’s Rim Fire Threatens San Francisco’s Power and Water Supply,” ThinkProgress, August 26, 2013, https://thinkprogress.org/californias-rim-fire-threatens-san-francisco-s-power-and-water-supply-da0331cac131#.gk8mesy7o.
8. Chris Roberts, “Rim Fire Damage Costs San Francisco $36.3 million,” San Francisco Examiner, November 13, 2013, http://archives.sfexaminer.com/sanfrancisco/rim-fire-damage-costs-san-francisco-363-million/Content?oid=2625731.
9. Alan Fram, “Budget Cuts Trim Federal Wildfire Spending,” Associated Press, Las Vegas Sun, July 3, 2013.
10. Bill Gabbert, “Secretaries Vilsac and Jewell Discuss Wildfire Preparedness,” Wildfire Today, May 13, 2013, http://wildfiretoday.com/2013/05/13/secretaries-vilsack-and-jewell-discuss-wildfire-preparedness/.
11. U.S. Forest Service, “The Rising Cost of Wildfire Operations: Effects on the Forest Service’s Non-Fire Work” (August 4, 2015), https://www.fs.fed.us/sites/default/files/2015-Fire-Budget-Report.pdf.
12. U.S. Department of Agriculture, “Cost of Fighting Wildfires in 2014 Projected to Be Hundreds of Millions of Dollars over Amount Available,” news release, May 1, 2014, https://originwww.fs.fed.us/news/releases/cost-fighting-wildfires-2014-projected-be-hundreds-millions-dollars-over-amount.
13. U.S. Department of Agriculture, “New Report Shows Budget Impact of Rising Firefighting Costs, Other Forest Programs, Including Efforts to Help Prevent and Mitigate Fire Damage Have Shrunk; Secretary Vilsack Renews Call to Better Protect Public Forests from Wildfire Threats,” news release, August 20, 2014, https://www.usda.gov/wps/portal/usda/usdahome?contentid=2014/08/0184.xml.
14. Raju Chebium, “Report Shows Impact of ‘Fire Borrowing’ on Forest Service,” Gannett Washington Bureau, August 20, 2014, http://www.azcentral.com/story/news/politics/2014/08/20/vilsack-report-fire-borrowing-impact-forest-service/14359173/.
15. U.S. Senate, Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, letter to Sylvia Burwell, Tom Vilsack, and Sally Jewell, June 28, 2013, https://www.energy.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/files/serve?File_id=a797bf00-f421-414d-8fca-bdcfe1481728.
16. National Association of State Foresters, “Timeline of Suppression, FLAME, Transfers” (February 2014), http://www.stateforesters.org/sites/default/files/publication-documents/Timeline_Feb2014.pdf.
17. Bruce Finley, “Feds Predict Climate Change Will Double Wildfire Risk in Forests,” Denver Post, April 3, 2013, http://www.denverpost.com/2013/04/03/feds-project-climate-change-will-double-wildfire-risk-in-forests/.
1. Andrea Aker, “The Story of Buckey O’Neill: Arizona’s Happy Warrior,” Arizona Oddities, July 13, 2012, http://arizonaoddities.com/2012/07/the-story-of-buckey-oneill-arizonas-happy-warrior/.
2. Richard Gorby, “Prescott’s Great Fire, July 14, 1900,” Sharlot Hall Museum, July 1998, https://sharlot.org/1998/july/863-prescott-s-great-fire-july-14-1900.
3. “Conflagration: The Sherman Block Reduced to Ashes—Involving the Loss of Human Life and over $50,000 Worth of Property, Fearful Death of S. N. Holmes . . .,” Weekly Arizona Miner, February 15, 1884.
4. “A Disastrous Fire: The East Side of the Plaza Laid in Ashes, About $50,000 Worth of Property Destroyed,” Arizona Weekly Journal-Miner, July 2, 1888.
5. “Prescott Is Visited by a Great Fire,” Arizona Weekly Journal-Miner, July 15, 1900.
6. Richard Gorby, “Days Past: Palace Saloon Emerged from Great Fire of 1900 Grander Than Ever,” Prescott Daily Courier, September 29, 2012, http://www.dcourier.com/news/2012/sep/29/days-past-palace-saloon-emerged-from-great-fire-o/.
1. “Granite Mountain Hot Shots,” n.d., history provided by Prescott Fire Department, Prescott, AZ.
2. Anne Ryman and Rebekah L. Sanders, “Yarnell Hill Fire Fallen Remembered: Eric Marsh,” Arizona Republic, July 6, 2013, http://archive.azcentral.com/news/arizona/articles/20130702yarnell-fire-eric-marsh-obit.html.
3. Amanda Marsh, “About Eric,” Eric Marsh Foundation for Wildland Firefighters, http://www.ericmarshfoundation.org/about-eric/.
4. Yvonne Wingett Sanchez, “Holding On to What Was Theirs: A Granite Mountain Hotshot Widow’s Story,” Arizona Republic, June 26, 2016, http://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/arizona-best-reads/2016/06/26/granite-mountain-hotshot-widows-story/85890188/.
5. “Granite Mountain Hot Shots.”
6. Ryman and Sanders, “Yarnell Hill Fire Fallen Remembered: Eric Marsh.”
7. Joanna Dodder Nellans, “What Stopped the Raging Indian Fire from Burning Thousands of Prescott Homes?,” Prescott Daily Courier, May 17, 2012, https://www.dcourier.com/news/2012/may/17/what-stopped-the-raging-indian-fire-from-burning-/.
8. Ibid.
9. Ibid.
10. Robert Anglen, Saba Hamedy, and Kristina Goetz, “Yarnell Hill Fire Fallen Remembered: Travis Turbyfill,” Arizona Republic, July 10, 2013, http://archive.azcentral.com/news/articles/20130702yarnell-fire-travis-turbyfill-obit.html.
11. Zach St. George, “Yarnell Hill Fire Fallen Remembered: Andrew Ashcraft,” Arizona Republic, July 10, 2013, http://archive.azcentral.com/news/arizona/articles/20130705yarnell-fire-andrew-ashcraft-obit.html.
12. Ray Stern, “Brendan McDonough, Sole Survivor of Firefighting Crew, Was ‘Remorseful’ After 2010 Conviction for Stolen Property,” Phoenix New Times, July 3, 2013, http://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/news/brendan-mcdonough-sole-survivor-of-firefighting-crew-was-remorseful-after-2010-conviction-for-stolen-property-6626985.
13. “Fire Shelter Deployment: Mackenzie Incident, Kingman Resource Area BLM, June 1, 1994,” Wildfire Lessons Learned, http://www.wildfirelessons.net/HigherLogic/System/DownloadDocumentFile.ashx?DocumentFileKey=092e0f6f-4e09-4b57-bbef-d43722e56288.
14. Andrew Freedman, “The Climate Context Behind the Deadly Arizona Wildfire,” Climate Central, July 1, 2013, http://www.climatecentral.org/news/the-climate-context-behind-the-deadly-arizona-wildfire-16175.
15. “History of the Prescott National Forest,” Prescott National Forest, https://www.fs.usda.gov/detailfull/prescott/about-forest/?cid=stelprdb5121879 &width=full.
16. Robert Anglen and Saba Hamedy, “Yarnell Hill Fire Fallen Remembered: Grant Quinn McKee,” Arizona Republic, July 6, 2013, http://archive.azcentral.com/news/arizona/articles/20130703yarnell-fire-grant-quinn-mckee-obit.html.
17. Catherine Reagor and Zach St. George, “Yarnell Hill Fire Fallen Remembered: John Percin Jr.,” Arizona Republic, July 6, 2013, http://archive.azcentral.com/news/arizona/articles/20130702john-percin-jr.html.
18. An
glen and Hamedy, “Yarnell Hill Fire Fallen Remembered: Grant Quinn McKee.”
19. “The John J. Percin Jr. Memorial Chapter 5 Scholarship Fund,” https://www.facebook.com/The-John-J-Percin-Jr-Memorial-Chapter-5-Recovery-Scholarship-Fund-551588601563694/.
1. “Doce Fire: Incident Overview,” InciWeb, Incident Information System, Prescott National Forest, June 18, 2013, last updated July 12, 2013, https://inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/3437/.
2. “1, 2, 3: A Whole Community Recovery; Yavapai County, June 18th through July 7th, 2013: An Exposition of the Doce, Yarnell Hill Wildfire, and the Fallen 19” (September 22, 2013), http://coyotecampaign.org/documents/Denny%20Faulk%20Wildfires%202013.pdf.
3. Joanna Dodder, “Hotshots Tree Earns Magnificent 7 Honor,” Prescott Daily Courier, April 17, 2015, http://www.dcourier.com/news/2015/apr/17/hotshots-tree-earns-magnificent-7-honor/.
4. Robert Anglen, Kristina Goetz, and Saba Hamedy, “Yarnell Hill Fire Fallen Remembered: Travis Carter,” Arizona Republic, July 10, 2013, http://archive.azcentral.com/news/arizona/articles/20130702yarnell-fire-travis-carter-obit.html.
5. Anne Ryman and Scott Craven, “Yarnell Hill Fire Fallen Remembered: Anthony Rose,” Arizona Republic, July 10, 2013, http://archive.azcentral.com/news/arizona/articles/20130702anthony-rose.html.
6. Catherine Reagor, “Yarnell Hill Fire Fallen Remembered: Joe Thurston,” Arizona Republic, July 10, 2013, http://archive.azcentral.com/news/arizona/articles/20130703joe-thurston.html.
7. Robert Anglen, Saba Hamedy, and Kristina Goetz, “Yarnell Hill Fire Fallen Remembered: Travis Turbyfill,” Arizona Republic, July 10, 2013, http://archive.azcentral.com/news/articles/20130702yarnell-fire-travis-turbyfill-obit.html.
8. Diana M. Náñez and Karina Bland, “Yarnell Hill Fire Fallen Remembered: Billy Warneke,” Arizona Republic, July 10, 2013, http://archive.azcentral.com/news/arizona/articles/20130702billy-warneke.html.
9. Karina Bland, “Yarnell Hill Fire Fallen Remembered: Sean Misner,” Arizona Republic, July 10, 2013, http://archive.azcentral.com/news/arizona/articles/20130702yarnell-fire-sean-misner-obit.html.
10. Brandon Brown, “Yarnell Hill Fire Fallen Remembered: Dustin Deford,” Arizona Republic, July 10, 2013, http://archive.azcentral.com/news/arizona/articles/20130702dustin-deford.html.
11. Saba Hamedy and Robert Anglen, “Yarnell Hill Fire Fallen Remembered: Kevin Woyjeck,” Arizona Republic, July 10, 2013, http://archive.azcentral.com/news/arizona/articles/20130702yarnell-fire-kevin-woyjeck.html.
12. Ryan Randazzo and Lindsey Collom, “Yarnell Hill Fire Fallen Remembered: Garret Zuppiger,” Arizona Republic, July 10, 2013, http://archive.azcentral.com/news/arizona/articles/20130703yarnell-fire-garret-zuppiger-obit.html.
13. Connie Cone Sexton and Rebecca McKinsey, “Yarnell Hill Fire Fallen Remembered: Scott Norris,” Arizona Republic, July 6, 2013, http://archive.azcentral.com/news/arizona/articles/20130705yarnell-fire-scott-norris-obit.html.
14. Ryan Randazzo and Lindsey Collom, “Yarnell Hill Fire Fallen Remembered: Chris MacKenzie,” Arizona Republic, July 10, 2013, http://archive.azcentral.com/news/arizona/articles/20130703christopher-mackenzie.html.
15. “Granite Mountain Hotshots,” exhibit, Hotel St. Michael, Prescott, AZ, June 30, 2014.
16. Ibid.
17. Scott Craven, “Yarnell Hill Fire Fallen Remembered: Clayton Whitted,” Arizona Republic, July 10, 2013, http://archive.azcentral.com/news/arizona/articles/20130702yarnell-fire-clayton-whitted-obit.html.
18. “Granite Mountain Hotshots,” exhibit.
19. Cindy Barks, “Hotshots Earned, Cost City Millions: Payouts from Fighting Fires in Other States Helped Offset Operating Costs,” Prescott Daily Courier, August 31, 2013, http://www.dcourier.com/news/2013/aug/31/hotshots-earned-cost-city-millions-payouts-from-f/.
20. Ibid.
21. “Standards for Interagency Hotshot Crew Operations: Annual IHC Mobilization Checklist [Granite Mountain IHC],” Southwest Coordination Center (Albuquerque, NM, April 23, 2013).
22. Chris MacKenzie, personnel records, Prescott Fire Department, Prescott, AZ.
23. “Hearing for Juliann Ashcraft Before the PSPRS Local Board,” Prescott eNews, May 21, 2014, http://www.prescottenews.com/news/current-news/item/23552-hearing-for-juliann-ashcraft-before-the-psprs-local-board.
24. Chris MacKenzie, Granite Mountain Interagency Hot Shot Crew, National Wildfire Coordinating Group, task book for positions of Firefighter Type 1 (FFT1), Incident Commander Type 5 (ICT5), initiated April 26, 2011, final evaluator’s verification by Clayton Whitted, June 25, 2013.
25. “Employee Performance Appraisal: Eric Marsh,” City of Prescott, AZ, May 13, 2013.
26. Ibid.
27. “Employee Performance Appraisal: Eric Marsh,” City of Prescott, AZ, July 28, 2011.
1. Jim Karels et al., “Yarnell Hill Fire, June 30, 2013: Serious Accident Investigation Report” (State of Arizona, September 23, 2013), http://www.iawfonline.org/Yarnell_Hill_Fire_report.pdf.
2. Ibid.
3. Barbara Kelso, videotaped interview by reporter John Dougherty, July 6, 2013, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYWM3D6RIFQ.
4. Karels et al., “Yarnell Hill Fire.”
5. National Weather Service, Flagstaff, AZ, spot weather forecast for Yarnell Hill Fire, requested by initial attack incident commander at 9:56 p.m., received at 10:07 p.m., June 28, 2012.
6. Megan Finnerty, “In Yarnell, Everyone Treasures Community,” Arizona Republic, July 5, 2013, http://archive.azcentral.com/news/arizona/articles/20130703yarnell-everyone-treasures-community.html.
7. Peter H. Morrison and George Wooten, “Analysis and Comments on the Yarnell Hill Fire in Arizona and the Current Fire Situation in the United States” (Pacific Biodiversity Institute, July 2013), http://www.pacificbio.org/initiatives/fire/THE%20YARNELL%20HILL%20FIRE%20AND%20THE%20 NEED%20FOR%20FIRE%20ADAPTED%20COMMUNITIES2013july17.pdf.
8. Mary Jo Pitzl, Brandon Loomis, and Matthew Dempsey, “In Harm’s Way,” Arizona Republic, December 8, 2013, http://archive.azcentral.com/news/wildfires/yarnell/arizona-wildfires-homes-forests-risk/.
1. Sean Holstege and Anne Ryman, “Residents’ Questions on Fire Left Unanswered,” Arizona Republic, October 1, 2013, http://archive.azcentral.com/news/arizona/articles/20131001residents-questions-fire-left-unanswered.html.
2. Jim Karels et al., “Yarnell Hill Fire, June 30, 2013: Serious Accident Investigation Report” (State of Arizona, September 23, 2013), http://www.iawfonline.org/Yarnell_Hill_Fire_report.pdf.
3. Wildland Fire Associates, prepared for Arizona Division of Occupational Safety and Health, “Granite Mountain IHC Entrapment and Burnover Investigation: Yarnell Hill Fire—June 30, 2013” (November 2013), http://www.iawfonline.org/WildlandFireAssociatesReportYARNELL.pdf.
4. Ibid.
5. Jim Karels et al., “Yarnell Hill Fire.”
6. Wildland Fire Associates, “Granite Mount
ain IHC Entrapment and Burnover Investigation.”
7. Dispatch logs, entry 2115, June 29, 2013, Arizona Interagency Dispatch Center, Phoenix, AZ.
8. Karels et al., “Yarnell Hill Fire.”
9. Wildland Fire Associates, “Granite Mountain IHC Entrapment and Burnover Investigation.”
10. Ibid.
11. Dispatch logs, AZ-A1S 2013-688, “Yarnell Hill” Wildfire, June 29, 2013, 18:56:28, Arizona Interagency Dispatch Center, Phoenix, AZ. The logs record the manager saying that he and the trailers wouldn’t arrive until 4 p.m. on Sunday, June 30, and the video that was recording air tankers working the fire for the U.S. Forest Service’s Aerial Firefighting Use and Effectiveness (AFUE) study shows the trailers approaching the fire at 3:38 p.m. on Sunday.
12. Karels et al., “Yarnell Hill Fire.”
13. Wildland Fire Associates, “Granite Mountain IHC Entrapment and Burnover Investigation.”
14. Ibid.
15. Karels et al., “Yarnell Hill Fire.”
16. Ibid.
17. Ibid.
18. Holly Neill and John N. Maclean, “Discoveries in Yarnell Hill Fire Recordings Provide New Information About Location of Eric Marsh,” Wildfire Today, January 19, 2014, http://wildfiretoday.com/2014/01/19/discoveries-in-yarnell-hill-fire-recordings-provide-new-information-about-location-of-eric-marsh/.
19. Christopher MacKenzie, “Granite Mountain Hotshots Last Video,” YouTube, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omfw_Unt_VQ.
20. Karels et al., “Yarnell Hill Fire.”
1. Jim Karels et al., “Yarnell Hill Fire, June 30, 2013: Serious Accident Investigation Report” (State of Arizona, September 23, 2013), http://www.iawfonline.org/Yarnell_Hill_Fire_report.pdf.
2. Anne Ryman and Sean Holstege, “Yarnell Evacuation Flawed and Chaotic, Experts Say: Residents Describe Harrowing Ordeal,” Arizona Republic, November 16, 2013, http://archive.azcentral.com/news/arizona/articles/20131116yarnell-fire-evacuations-chaotic-flawed.html.
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