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Stay With Me ~ Kristen Proby

Page 11

by Kristen Proby

  “We should go,” I murmur. He frowns and looks as if he wants to say something else, but he just sighs.

  “Let’s do it.”

  He helps me off his lap and out of his door, then passes me my clutch and joins me. Sam and Leo’s house is only a few years old. Leo had it built for her not long after they met. During the day, it has an impressive view of the ocean.

  Once inside, we follow the noise to the back of the house where the party is set up. The kitchen and family rooms are open to each other. Huge doors open accordion-style out to the back terrace, making it one big indoor-outdoor space.

  Alecia’s crew has strung Edison lights everywhere, casting the space in a soft glow. She also added a few tables with chairs. The firepit is lit, music is piped through the space, and Maroon 5 is singing about sugar.

  “This is stunning.” Alecia is standing near the entrance to the terrace, smiling, holding her wine. Dominic is standing next to her, talking to Will.

  “Thanks,” she says, glancing around. “I think it’s pretty. It’s not necessary to go crazy when it’s just the family, but this is a big deal. I don’t know many people who wrap up a world tour every day.”

  “I’m kind of a big deal,” Leo says as he joins us.

  “I hear it was a great show,” Will says, slapping Leo on the shoulder.

  “It was fun. I’m exhausted,” Leo says. “But I’m not the one we want to talk to.”

  All of their eyes shift to Wyatt, and I realize that all of the cousins have gathered around.

  “Am I about to die?” Wyatt asks calmly.

  “Depends on your answers,” Will says with a shrug and shoves a chocolate cupcake into his mouth.


  Which just makes me laugh.

  “This isn’t funny,” Caleb says.

  “Yes, it is. Will is stuffing his face, and you guys are all acting like bullies.”

  “Bullies?” Matt asks, scowling. “We’re not bullies. We’re family.”

  “What would you like to know?” Wyatt asks, smiling at them. He doesn’t look scared in the least.

  He should be scared.

  “Are you fucking her, or are you around for the long haul?” Caleb asks bluntly, crossing his arms over his chest. I look to Jules or Nat or Stacy for help, but they’re just avidly watching.

  “First of all,” Wyatt begins, his voice calm with an edge to it. An edge I don’t think I’ve heard before. “Her name is Amelia, and what I do with her when we’re in private is consensual and none of your business. Secondly, I wouldn’t be here if I was only interested in getting into her pants. And third, I’ll be happy to be with her for as long as she wants me around.

  “And one more thing, cousin or not, I’m not comfortable with you using such vulgar terms when referring to Amelia.”

  “What do you do for a living?” Dominic asks. Caleb’s arms are at his sides again, and they’ve stopped glaring at him.


  “He’s an architect,” Matt says and then smiles. “I’m a cop. I checked you out.”

  “My brother’s also a cop,” Wyatt replies. “So, that doesn’t surprise me.”

  “What’s his name?”


  Matt tilts his head to the side. “You’re Crawford’s brother?”

  Wyatt nods.

  “Well, shit. Why didn’t you just say so? I’ve worked with Crawford for years.”

  I shake my head and look around the room. Am I in the Twilight Zone?

  “How does this make sense to any of you?”

  “It’s a dude thing,” Jules says with a shrug.

  “I need wine.” I turn to find Alecia already holding a glass out for me. “Thank God you guys own a vineyard. I’m going to need to drink it all.”

  She giggles and then looks at someone coming in behind me. “You guys made it!”

  I turn to find Archer and Anastasia joining us, and I run to hug them.

  “We both just finished up with work and didn’t want to miss the party,” Stasia says. “Did they already grill Wyatt?”

  “Yes,” I reply.

  “Damn it, I missed it,” Archer says.

  “You grilled me the other day,” Wyatt reminds him.

  “I know, but they put on a hell of a show,” Archer says with a laugh.

  “Wait.” I tug on Archer’s sleeve. “You were alone with him for like one minute. How did you grill him?”

  “Doesn’t take long,” my brother replies and goes off in search of beer.

  “Men confuse me.”

  “Drink some more wine,” Brynna suggests.

  “So, he’s your neighbor,” Stacy says an hour later when she, Nic, and I are chatting by the firepit. We have wine and chips and queso.

  It’s perfect.

  “Yep. He came over to introduce himself the day I moved in.”

  “He seems really nice,” Stacy says with a smile.

  “He is. Like, he’s a nice guy, and those are hard to find.”

  “Tell me about it,” Nic replies, shaking her head. “Until I met Matt, I thought nice guys were mythical creatures.”

  “And yet, here we are,” Stacy says with a smile. “We found a whole pack of nice guys.”

  “How did you and Isaac meet, Stacy?” I ask.

  “In school. I took one look into those Montgomery blue eyes, and I knew my life would never be the same.”

  “I do think you all can hypnotize people with your eyes,” Nic agrees. “I’ve never seen eyes so blue. And for all of you to have them, it’s crazy. Are you aliens?”

  I laugh. “Yes, blue-eyed aliens. That’s what we are. I guess the gene is just strong in the family.”

  “Well, it’s hard to resist. And when you add in the kindness, the protectiveness, well . . .” Stacy shrugs. “I just knew I’d never be able to walk away from him.”

  I look over at Wyatt, who’s currently talking with Will, Caleb, Archer, and Leo on the other side of the terrace. Will’s making motions like he’s throwing an imaginary football, so they’re clearly talking about the sport.

  Wyatt’s laughing. He looks so at ease with them, as if he’s known them all for years. Like they didn’t just give him the third degree.

  He fits here, with all of us. He fits in a way that no one else ever has. Vinnie certainly didn’t, and that may be part of the reason that I didn’t fight him on moving to L.A.

  Archer slaps Wyatt on the shoulder, and they laugh again. Yes, he fits.

  With them, and with me.

  “I’m glad you brought him,” Nic says softly.

  “Me, too.”

  “I missed all the good stuff the other night,” Brynna says as she joins us. “I didn’t get to chat with you guys, and I missed out on all of the makeup fun with Lia.”

  “I have so much more makeup to give you guys,” I reply and make room for her next to me. “I’m telling you, it arrives every day. And there’s no way that I’ll ever be able to use all of it. You guys should put it to use. Otherwise, it’s just a waste.”

  “Well, we are not wasteful,” Stacy says with a laugh.

  “I need some book recommendations,” I say to Stacy, who is a book reviewer. “I’m going to take advantage of sitting out by the pool with a book.”

  “I’ll send you a list,” she says with a nod.

  “Lia!” Stasia comes running from inside. “Archer! We have to go. Something’s wrong with Daddy.”

  “What?” I stand and rush to her. “What’s wrong?”

  “Mom just called and said they’re on the way to the hospital in an ambulance. He collapsed and isn’t waking up.”

  “Fuck,” Archer mutters. “Let’s go.”

  I glance around for Wyatt, but he’s right next to me. “I have to go.”

  “We’re going, baby.”

  “You’ll drive?”

  Why am I asking stupid questions? I feel like the floor just fell out from under me, and I can’t get my bearings.

  “Of course,”
he says and takes my hand. “Just text us with the address of where we’re going.”

  Archer nods and glances around. “There’s no need for you guys to wrap up the party. I’ll call when we get there to let you know what’s going on.”

  “We can be there in twenty minutes,” Will reminds us. “Just call.”

  Anastasia is still on the phone with Mom, crying. She looks at me and shakes her head. “It’s not good.”

  “Let’s go,” Wyatt says, leading me out to the car. “It’s going to be okay.”

  I nod, feeling tears forming in my eyes.

  It has to be okay.


  He had a heart attack.

  That’s really all we know right now. We’re in the waiting room, outside of surgery while the surgeons are doing God knows what to my dad. Wyatt is sitting silently next to me, holding my hand. He’s the only thing that’s kept me from losing my shit. Archer is pacing the floor, talking to Matt on his phone, keeping them updated on the little we know.

  Mom and Anastasia are sitting across from us, holding onto each other, looking as shell-shocked as I feel.

  “Do you want some water?” Wyatt asks softly. I simply shake my head no and hold onto his hand tighter, leaning my head on his shoulder. Mom is watching us with sad eyes.

  “I’ll keep you posted.” Archer hangs up the phone and drags his hand down his face. “How long is this going to take? They’ve been in there for two hours.”

  “They said it could take a while,” Anastasia reminds him softly.

  “I talked Steven and Gail out of coming down here until he’s out of surgery. I’ll call them when we know more.”

  “It’s the not knowing that makes me crazy,” I murmur. “Dad’s healthy. I mean, sure, he likes his dessert, but he’s always been fit. Now, suddenly, at sixty-five, he collapses of a heart attack?”

  “His father died of a heart attack,” Mom says and dabs a tear from the corner of her eye. I’ve never seen her look this deflated. This . . . old. “I assume it can be genetic.”

  We’re quiet for a long moment. Wyatt shifts, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and kissing the top of my head.

  He hasn’t said much, but just having him next to me has been wonderful. Normally, I would tell him to go home so I could deal with this myself, but I haven’t had that urge even once. I need him with me. A month ago, that would have sent me running in the other direction. I don’t want to need anyone.

  But it’s different with him.

  “I’m surprised Jace isn’t the surgeon,” I say to Wyatt.

  “He’s not on call tonight,” he replies softly.

  “I’m so glad you were in town,” Anastasia says to me, and my eyes fill with tears. Oh my God, if I were still in L.A., I wouldn’t have been here to be with my family. I wouldn’t have been able to tell my dad that I love him and hug him, touch him.

  I haven’t even taken the time to see my dad since I’ve been here.

  I need to move home.

  “Me, too.”

  Before I can think about it further, the doctor walks into the room.

  “Mrs. Montgomery?”

  We all immediately stand, forming a circle around the doctor.

  “He’s stable. He had a massive heart attack, and had you not been there with him, he wouldn’t have survived it.”

  Wyatt slips his hand into mine once again, holding on tightly.

  “We placed two stents into arteries that were completely blocked. I’ll show you those images in the morning when he’s awake, and I can go through things more thoroughly.”

  “Where is he?” Mom asks.

  “He’s in recovery, and we’ll have him in a room in ICU in about an hour. He will sleep through the night, so I suggest that all of you go home and get some rest.”

  “I’m not leaving,” Mom insists. “So there better be a chair by his bed for me.”

  The doctor smiles kindly. “You can stay. The rest of you can see him in the morning.”

  “What time can we be here?” Wyatt asks, surprising me.

  “Nine a.m. is when we open up for visitors,” he replies and shakes our hands. “He’s a lucky man.”

  With that, he walks away, and we all stand here for a moment, stunned, looking at each other.

  “I’m staying with him,” Mom says again.

  “We’ll come in the morning,” Archer says. “We can take shifts with him if we can’t all be in with him at once.”

  “He’s going to be okay,” I whisper and hang my head in my hands, hot tears running between my fingers. “Jesus, I was so scared.”

  “Hey, it’s okay,” Wyatt whispers, rubbing my back in circles. “Let’s go home, sweetheart.”

  “All of you go home,” Mom says. “You know I’ll call if there are any changes.”

  I immediately cross to her and fold her into my arms. She feels smaller somehow, frailer, and I don’t want to let go.

  “I love you, Mama,” I whisper.

  “I love you, too, sweet girl,” she replies softly. “Go rest up.”

  We say our goodbyes, and Archer insists on staying with Mom until she can join Dad. He looks tired. Worried.

  “This is not how I thought we’d be ending the night,” I say once we’re in Wyatt’s car and heading home.

  “Me either,” he says and sighs. “How are you?”

  “Tired.” I rest my elbow on the windowsill and lean my head on my hand as he rests his palm on my thigh. “Worried. A little sad.”

  “How can I help?”

  I glance over at him and feel so fucking grateful. “You’ve done so much, Wyatt. Just having you with me is huge. You could have gone home at any time. Archer would have given me a ride home.”

  “No, I couldn’t have left.” His voice is harder now. “I’m not going to bail when it gets hard, Lia.”

  He rarely calls me Lia.

  “That’s not what I meant. I just would have understood, that’s all. And I’m tired, so I’m saying the wrong things.”

  He pulls my hand up to kiss my knuckles. “Go to sleep for a bit.”

  But I don’t sleep. I close my eyes and drift in and out, in that in-between place where you’re still aware of what’s happening around you, but you’re a little dreamy, too. He’s flipped on the radio, and Ed Sheeran is crooning softly to me.

  The car comes to a stop, and I open my eyes, surprised to be in Wyatt’s driveway instead of mine.

  “You’ll have to help me walk home. I might be stumbly.”

  “I want you in my bed tonight. I can take care of you here.”

  I frown. “You don’t have to take care of me.”

  He rubs his forehead, right between his eyes. “Amelia, I understand that you’re fierce and independent, but for God’s sake, let me take care of you tonight.”

  I blink at him slowly and realize in this moment that I’m letting all of my walls fall with this man. It both terrifies me and fills me with hope.

  “Okay.” I nod and sit back, waiting for him to walk around and open my door. He helps me into the house and pauses at the stairs.

  “Do you need anything?”

  “Just you,” I reply without thinking, and I’m suddenly swept up in his arms as he climbs the stairs. “You’re really strong.”

  He smiles and kisses my forehead. “You’re a little thing.”

  I just tuck my face into his neck as he carries me to the bedroom and sets me down carefully on the bed. He helps me slip my dress over my head, then surprises me by turning away for a moment and returning with one of his T-shirts.

  Wordlessly, he tugs it over my head, pulls my hair through, and then literally tucks me into bed.

  He wasn’t lying when he said he wanted to take care of me.

  “I’ll be right back.”

  “I’m not broken. Dad’s going to be okay.”

  He kisses my forehead and walks out of the room, then returns minutes later with two bottles of water, setting one on my nightstand and the oth
er on his.

  The only light coming into the room is from the full moon through the balcony doors. Wyatt shucks his clothes, leaving his boxers on, and slides between the sheets, gathering me into his arms.

  “This is really nice,” I say softly.

  “Just sleep, beautiful.”

  He’s kissing my nipples.

  My eyes open into slits, watching him nuzzle and kiss my breasts through his shirt. His hands are under it, sliding up my ribs, pushing the cotton out of the way to bare my skin, and my body is already heating up under his touch. I bury my fingers in his hair, and he smiles against me.

  “I woke you up,” he murmurs.

  “In a spectacular fashion,” I agree as he pushes the shirt up over my head and tosses it aside. His sheets are warm, but he’s opened the balcony door, letting in the cool morning air, and it feels delicious.

  The birds singing mixed with our heavy breathing are the only sounds as he nibbles his way across my torso. His fingers dip over my hip, just grazing my most sensitive center, making my hips buck, but then he’s gone again, touching my legs and waist.

  “Teasing me.”

  “Mm.” He kisses my sternum, then up to my collarbone. “Savoring. Enjoying.” He kisses my chin. “You’re so beautiful, Amelia.”

  I cup his face in my hands as he presses the head of his cock against my core, pushing just slightly inside me.

  “You completely undo me,” he says as he slides home. “I don’t remember what life was like before you, and I can’t imagine going through a day without seeing you.”

  “Wyatt.” I wrap my legs around his waist and hold on as he starts to move. He’s kissing me now like his life depends on it, and in this moment, it just might.

  He’s moving in a slow, steady rhythm, cradling my head in his hands. I want to tell him that I love him, but the first time shouldn’t be now when we’re having crazy amazing sex. I don’t want him to think that it’s just in the heat of the moment.

  It’s too big for that.

  His forehead is resting on mine as our hips move, the cool air swirling around us. His hazel eyes pin mine.

  “I’ve never seen eyes so blue,” he murmurs, rubbing his nose over mine. He takes my wrist and anchors it over my head, lifting my chest and giving him easier access to my nipple.

  He wraps his lips around it, my hips arch, and that’s it. I see stars, my world exploding spectacularly around us. Wyatt groans, falling over with me.


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