Safeword: Rainbow

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Safeword: Rainbow Page 8

by Candace Blevins

  They talked about safewords, hers was still Rainbow. He told her he expected that there would be no safeword for punishment. She said no to that for now, that they would have to negotiate that later. He said they would negotiate it at the end of their three days together. She said they might negotiate that certain punishments could be without a safeword, but not carte blanche in just three days. She didn't think he liked that very much, but she wasn't going to give in on it.

  By this time they were getting into town and traffic started picking up so he put the checklists away and helped her navigate to their hotel.

  Viv stood beside him as he checked them into the hotel under the name he'd made the reservations. James Miller. She found it just a bit ironic that she was here with Master James, kind of in truth, since that's the way he signed them in. She'd been calling him Tyler as much as possible, trying to get used to calling him that. She thought he'd been calling her Viv a bit more than necessary too, probably for the same reason. They'd been James and Katrina for so long in their respective heads, could they make it work as Tyler and Viv? She hoped so.

  Tyler managed to get the reservation changed to a suite with a king sized bed instead of two doubles. In the elevator on the way up with their bags Tyler pulled her to him in a hug and asked, "Are you hungry?"

  "A little, but," she took a deep breath, "if we have to wait much longer I might go crazy. We can eat later, maybe order room service or something, can't we?"

  He hugged her tighter. "Yes my little minx, we can order room service later. When we get to the room I want you to go into the bedroom and take your clothes off, put your hair into a ponytail high on your head, and then present yourself. On the bed, at the edge. I'll get a few things organized and then I'll be in there."

  "Yes, Master Ja...", she stopped herself, embarrassed.

  "Sshh, it's okay. We'll figure it out. And let's not use the word Master yet, not until I've earned it. Again, I guess. How about a simple ‘yes Sir', for now?"

  "Yes Sir. But, can I use the restroom before I go to the bedroom to undress?"

  He kissed her on the forehead, "Of course. And you did good to ask, since those weren't part of the instructions. I am pleased."

  * * * *

  Tyler heard her in the bathroom with the water running. Probably doing one last clean up. He pulled all of the items he'd bought out of the packaging and put the packaging into one of the bags that came from the store. He didn't want to just throw it away in plain sight. He pulled his shirt and shoes and socks off so he was just in his jeans. He put the small items into another bag and grabbed the floggers, slapper, and spreader bar in the other hand and went into the bedroom.

  And there she was. He had hoped she would remember his instructions for how to present herself to him. On her knees, knees parted, chest on the bed, ass in the air, back arched, arms stretched out over her head with wrists crossed. She had positioned herself so he had a view of her ass as he walked into the room. Perfect.

  "Such a beautiful ass. And it will soon be a beautiful red ass."

  He rubbed one cheek and then the other, and ran his hand down to see if she was wet.

  "You're wet already. You've probably been wet since our little shopping trip, haven't you?"

  "Yes, Sir."

  He needed a release now if he was going to do this right. He'd make her get him off now and then he could take his time tormenting her. Otherwise this was going to be a fifteen minute scene and then he'd be fucking her before it was time. He reached for the wrist and ankle cuffs, placing the cuffs on her ankles first but not connecting them, and then pulling her arms back behind her to put the cuffs on her wrists. He placed one of the quick-release fasteners to one cuff and then the other, which effectively restrained her hands behind her back.

  He helped her up from her position while saying, "I'm going to take possession of all three of your holes today Viv. First your mouth. On your knees in front of me."

  He thought about putting a cushion down for her, but decided the carpet would be okay. He reached for her arms to help her balance as she went to her knees, and once she was kneeling in front of him he undid his zipper and pulled himself out through the slit in his boxers.

  "Open Precious. And wrap those lips around your teeth; you know how I like it. But I'm not interested in your tongue right now, just the back of your throat."

  And he made good on his statement, going into her mouth and placing his hands on the back of her head and pushing past the tightness of the opening to her throat. He felt her gag reflex kick in and he didn't back off. He loved the feel of her spasming around his cock. But he didn't stay there long since he knew she couldn't breathe around his cock like that. He went in shallow three times and then deep once, and before long realized she was doing okay with his rhythm, relaxing her throat for the fourth deep stroke. So he picked up the pace a bit.

  "That's good Precious. My mouth, my throat. And when I come I'll make it my stomach, too."

  This was him using her. No nice way to say it. And it was bad form to start off this way, but he needed a release if he was going to do this right. And it wouldn't hurt her to start out with a reminder that her body was going to belong to him, for his pleasure as well as hers. She'd get her pleasure soon enough. And then he felt things moving in his balls and he knew he was close and went to the back of her throat and held as he came. She didn't have the option of swallowing or not, he shot his load straight down her throat.

  As he stepped back and tucked himself in and zipped back up he said "I'm starting at the top and working my way down. Next I'll claim your breasts. Stay put, I'll be right back."

  He walked into the other room and got both chairs from the kitchenette and brought them into the bedroom. He left one just inside of the bedroom door and brought the other near her before sitting it down and then helping her into it. He disengaged the quick-release that held her wrist cuffs together and tossed it on the bed before reaching for the purple rope and methodically running loops from wrist to chair leg to ankle. When he was finished her arms were down at her sides and tied to the top of the back chair legs, and her ankles were tied to the bottom of the front chair legs. Next he wound the rope around her torso and the back of the chair, just below her breasts, and then just above her breasts, attaching her body to the back of the chair.

  * * * *

  Oh. God. That hurt. He was binding the ropes around the base of her left breast. The pressure was too intense, she wasn't sure she could take it. But then she looked in his eyes and saw the sadistic pleasure he was getting out of her pain, and she knew she could.

  Now he was moving to her right breast and binding it as well. She gritted her teeth and felt her eyes beginning to water.

  "That's right Precious, I know it hurts. Take it for me. You have no idea how much this turns me on."

  Once he was done he looped the rope into the other ropes to keep tension and then walked to the bag on the bed. She saw him get something out of the bag but couldn't see what he was getting. He walked to the door to get the other kitchen chair before walking back to her, sitting it down in front of her and smoothly sliding into it as he sat it down. She looked down and saw that he had the bag of plastic colored clothespins in one hand and the clover clamps in the other, and she felt herself grow even wetter at the same time that she was sure the panic was probably showing in her eyes. What was it about that element of fear and anticipation that turned her on so much? She'd stopped fighting it and just accepted it long ago.

  He balanced the clover clamps over his thigh by the chain that connected them, and then opened the bag and sat it on her chair between her legs, coming up with a pink one as he did. He pulled at the top of the areola of her left breast until there was enough skin bunched up to attach the clothespin. And then he closed the clothespin over it and let go. It tightened onto that oh-so-sensitive skin just above her nipple, the pain was intense and she drew in a sharp breath. And then he quickly did the same at the bottom, the right, and left.
Viv felt one tear spill out of her right eye and run down to her cheek as he moved to her right breast to do the same there. The pain was moving closer to the pleasure portion of her brain now, but it still really hurt. Once he had all eight clothespins on he picked up the clover clamps and attached them first to her left nipple and then to her right, randomly flicking the clothespins around. Not enough to dislodge them, just enough to make sure she knew they were there. She couldn't move around, not the way she was tied to the back of the chair, and as she struggled against her bindings she saw the lust in his eyes.

  "This is one of my favorite things. Clips on your breasts. I can put them there and then just watch for a while. Watch the pain show on your face. The tears build up in your eyes and then slide down your face. I love to watch you fight to take the pain… to take my pain."

  She wasn't openly crying, but tears were occasionally finding their way out of her eyes and she hadn't even realized it until he said something. The pain was excruciating, and she wished he would pay attention down lower, he was driving her crazy. Her breasts felt so swollen and tight from being bound. The pressure on them was awful, and then the clips and clamps on top of that. She desperately needed him to fuck her but she knew he would take his time getting there. Especially since he'd gotten off at the very beginning.

  "Do you see rainbows, Precious? Do you want to tell me about them?"

  Viv shook her head no.

  "Say it out loud. Tell me yes or no, out loud."

  "No, Sir. I don't see rainbows."

  He smiled at her, a very gentle smile. "I love that you are trying so hard to take the pain that I am giving you."

  He reached and began unbinding her breasts, and while it should have felt better, in reality it just made the clothespins and clamps hurt that much worse. Once they were unbound he went around her torso a few more times and then tied it off again. She was still securely bound to the back of the chair. He flipped the clothespins a few more times and then began pulling on the chain of the clover clamps and Viv was horrified to hear herself saying, "Oh god, no, please don't."

  He froze, looking at her with the chain held out from her, her breasts obscenely stretched out towards the chain.

  Viv panicked. "I'm sorry, Sir. It just, popped out. My breasts and nipples hurt so bad. I'm sorry, they are yours, to do with as you please. I should never ask you to not do something. I remember your rule, I just... it's a rule I'm not used to anymore. Please forgive me."

  "Okay Precious, I'll take it easy on you then, but you still must be punished. If you want me to stop then you use your safe word. But as my property, unless you step out of our agreed-upon power exchange you don't have a right to ask me not to do something to your body."

  Viv couldn't talk to him about it now, but that was new wording. As his property? She was sure he hadn't used that wording three years ago. And she wasn't sure she liked it, either. But that was a conversation for a later time.

  She looked up to see him holding the smallest flogger, the strands were only about eight inches long and were very thin, and there were a lot of them. She knew it would sting like hell and immediately knew he intended to flog her breasts. She hoped to hell he took the clips off first.

  "Since it's a rule you aren't used to, and since you apologized so well, I'll only give you five on each breast. I'll keep count so you can stay quiet. No screaming. If you scream I'll gag you and give you ten more on each breast."

  He reached for her left breast and quickly removed all four clothespins and the clover clamp and then immediately gave her left breast five very rough strikes with the flogger. She had to deal with the removal of the clothespins and clips at the same time the flogger was hitting and it was all she could do to keep from screaming. Now she was openly crying.

  Without hesitating he removed the clothespins and clamps from her right breast and then gave her five very swift and very hard strikes to that breast. She opened her mouth in a silent scream, and it was all she could do to keep it a silent scream. And then he put the clover clamps back on and was back to pulling on the chain, just as he'd been when she had opened her mouth and gotten herself into trouble.

  She closed her eyes and heard, "No Viv, look me in the eyes. Let me see how bad this hurts."

  She opened her eyes and looked into his and suddenly felt an orgasm coming at her like a freight train. "Permission to come, Sir."


  And he removed the clover clamps and sat back away from her, not touching her.

  Her nipples were on fire, but the freight train slowed as it neared her and then started fading off into the distance and she badly wanted to say "damn you", but she wisely kept her mouth shut, though she was sure he probably saw the sentiment in her eyes.

  He reached out and gently fondled her breasts. "I think I've taken ownership of these. Now it's time to move on to other areas."

  * * * *

  Tyler was hard as a rock again. He took his time removing the rope and neatly wrapping it for the next time he would need it. She needed some time to catch her breath before he started in on her ass. Once the ropes were off he stood her up and kissed her. A kiss to let her know what she was doing to him, he hoped. And then he reached into the bag and pulled out the butterfly gag.

  "I'll give you a way to safe word, but I know how hard it was for you to not scream a minute ago, and we are in a hotel, so I need to make sure you don't scream, Precious. I would love to hear your screams, it's kind of a pity I'm going to have to silence you. Do you want to tell me about any rainbows now?"

  "No Sir."

  "Very well then, open wide Precious."

  He wasn't sure where that had come from. Precious. It had just come out and once he used it he liked it. He'd never called anyone Precious before, but then he guessed no one had ever actually been precious to him before either. When he'd known her before he'd called her Kitten, but he had a feeling that others had called her Kitten, so he didn't use it now. He wanted to take them forward into the future, not backward into the past. He wanted this to work, and if it was to work they couldn't try to just be what they had been three years ago. They had to find a foundation to build on, and then build on it.

  He pumped the gag up until her cheeks were puffy and asked her to try to scream. She couldn't, and he kissed her on the forehead. He pulled the straps of the gag behind her head and buckled them, being careful to fasten it around her ponytail without pulling her hair.

  He instructed her to climb on the bed and get on all fours. Once she was there he put a pillow under her chest and then told her to drop to her shoulders and put her hands on the bed near her feet. He made sure the pillow was situated so her neck and head came off of it at a good angle, and then moved behind her to put the spreader bar between her ankles and fastened it to her ankle and wrist cuffs. With her wrists attached to her ankles the spreader bar wasn't really necessary, but it was a nice touch and would help restrict her movements a bit more.

  He then lined up the lube, some gloves, and a few condoms on the nightstand for later use, and walked around so that he was back in Viv's eyesight again. He wanted her to watch him take his belt off.

  * * * *

  Viv heard him getting more things out of the bag but couldn't see what was going on behind her. With her hands attached to her ankles and the spreader bar between her ankles she was wide open to him and there was no telling what he would do next.

  She watched as he reached down and began unbuckling his belt, hoping it meant he was going to fuck her, but then realizing he hadn't positioned her for that. The bed was kind of tall and with her on her knees on the edge of the bed she was sure she was too high up. And when she realized he was taking the belt off but not his pants she was suddenly terrified. He hadn't given her a way to safeword!

  Once he had it off he walked behind her and she felt him place something into her right hand, "That is a white tissue. Toss it backwards and it will fall off the bed to the floor and I will see it right away. If you drop it, you'l
l be telling me about your rainbows. Drop it now to tell me you understand."

  She used her wrist and fingers to toss it backwards, and he retrieved it and put it back in her hand. "Very good. I'm not going to tell you how many times my belt is going to hit your ass, because I don't know. Whatever it takes for me to lay claim to it, I'll know when we get there."

  The first five strikes weren't so bad. They hurt, but he was warming her up a little bit before he tore into her. The next five were more intense, but she enjoyed them, even wanted more.


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