Safeword: Rainbow

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Safeword: Rainbow Page 9

by Candace Blevins

  And then, on the eleventh stroke, he meant business and it hurt. She could almost feel the welt forming on her ass. He gave her about a five second pause and then the next hit, just as hard, and she felt herself go lightheaded and begin to slip into subspace as the next one hit and she attempted a scream that didn't go anywhere. Though it was just as much a scream of pleasure as it was of pain. She lost track after that, but each strike felt like both a piece of liquid fire tearing at her soul and a caress at the same time. At some point it was just sensation, and she was just there to absorb it. When he stopped she was crying and had snot running down her face and couldn't do a thing about it. He walked to the vanity that was in the room to wet a washcloth with warm water and then removed the gag and wiped her face clean. He made her blow her nose a few times and then re-situated her on the pillow again so that her neck and head once again came off of it at a comfortable angle.

  "You're floating now, aren't you, Precious?"

  That was a bit of an understatement. "Yes Sir".

  He took the tissue from her right hand and then she heard him doing something behind her again, and the next thing she knew she felt something at the entrance to her backside. She felt a well lubed finger sliding into her ass and she moaned and tried not to pull away. She gritted her teeth as she waited for her body to get past the feeling of being violated.

  She felt him add a finger and she worked to relax enough to let it in. It was hard; she still hated having things in her ass at first. Hated it. He worked her with two fingers for just a minute and then a third was coming in and it was too soon, she had trouble relaxing for it, and she knew he was doing it this way to make a point. Just as she thought it she heard him say, "My ass." She felt all three fingers go all the way in until she felt his knuckles pushing against the outside, and then he was fucking her with those three fingers, taking her ass with his fingers. She startled herself when she began moaning, realizing she wanted more, needed more. She needed to come, felt it building up, "Please Sir, please let me come, I'm begging."

  He removed his fingers and once again she bit her tongue to keep from saying "Damn you!"

  And there was nothing. For probably thirty seconds. She heard a condom wrapper ripping open, and a few seconds later felt her hands being released from her ankles. He pulled her legs down so her hips were on the edge of the bed and her legs trailed over the edge, spread by the bar, and then his dick was at her ass and he was barging right in without being gentle. Once he got the head in he pushed, hard, and suddenly he was all the way in and she couldn't breathe.

  "If you come before I give you permission then I'll put clothespins on your pussy lips and make you hold them open so I can flog your spread open pussy. Do you understand me?"

  "Yes Sir."

  "If you can't hold it back warn me and I'll stop. But do. not. come."

  "Yes Sir."

  And then he started fucking her ass, pounding it. She felt her orgasm coming. "I need to come, Sir!"

  "Ten strokes, you'll take ten more strokes without coming and then you can ask again later, now count!"

  And she did. "One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten."

  He pulled out and her orgasm was gone before it hit.

  She wasn't sure how she kept from coming, but somehow she had. And now it was gone.

  Without warning, he rolled her on her back, with her legs straight up in the air. She felt him attach her wrist cuffs to her ankles, so now she was lying on her back with her legs spread over her head and her hands restrained at her ankles. He stepped back and removed the condom he had on and put another one on and stepped forward again and situated her so her ass was hanging off the edge of the bed a little bit.

  "One more hole to make mine, Precious."

  He entered her. All at once, with no warning and no warming up. She was wet enough, but, done like that it was more of a claiming. And as she thought the words she heard him say, "My cunt. My pussy. Mine."

  She winced in pain, bad pain, not good pain, as he went too deep and he must have seen it, because he changed angles and then she was in pure bliss.

  "Come when you want, Precious. As many times as you want. You don't have to ask for permission now, just ride it out."

  At his words her body reacted and the freight train was bearing down on her again and suddenly she was spasming around him as he drove into her and he kept at it, and when she didn't think she could possibly come any more she heard and felt his orgasm begin and that brought another one to her and they came together.

  She must have passed out because the next thing she knew the spreader bar was gone and she was laying the right direction on the bed and he was beside her, wiping her face with the washcloth.

  "Sshh, don't talk. Just float for a bit and then we'll order room service."

  Chapter Eight

  Viv was a bit confused. It was the next morning and he was keeping the power exchange going, even though the scene was long over. She was ready to go back to being themselves, but he was making it clear that he was still in charge. For dinner last night he had allowed her to decide what she wanted to eat, but then he hadn't allowed her to feed herself. He had tied her wrist cuffs to the chair and fed her, much as he'd done three years ago. She'd enjoyed it, but she kept wondering when this scene was going to end. He had removed her wrist and ankle cuffs long enough for her to shower last night, but had put them back on after he'd dried her off.

  When he took her to bed last night he'd restrained her wrists out to her side by running a rope under the bed and up to her wrists and then he'd gone down on her with his mouth, making love to her until she saw fireworks with her orgasms. Then he'd told her to go to the bathroom and empty her bladder, and when she had returned he had very loosely tied her left wrist restraint to the top corner of the bed with several feet of loose rope, kissed her goodnight and held her as she went to sleep. The wrist restraint hadn't interfered with her sleep, but she had to wake him up in the middle of the night when she had to use the restroom. He'd waited for her to come back and tied it back, played with her breasts for a few minutes, and then they'd gone back to sleep.

  And now it was the next morning and he had her head backwards over the edge of the bed and he was fucking her mouth while he played with her nipples.

  When he finished he left her lying there and said, "I'm going to get a shower and then I'll put a butt plug in your ass and we'll go downstairs to eat breakfast in the restaurant. You can shower when we get back, go ahead and brush your hair and put your shirt on and just get out the shorts you intend to wear today. When I get out of the shower I expect to find you bent over the bed, waiting for me to put your plug in. Don't brush your teeth; I want you to taste my come in your mouth for a bit longer. I'll let you brush your teeth after breakfast."

  That was the last straw.

  "RAINBOW you asshole. What makes you think you can stretch the scene out this long? And what the HELL made you think you could tell me when I can and can't brush my teeth!"

  * * * *

  Tyler couldn't believe what he was hearing. Rainbow? She safeworded about brushing her teeth?

  "Viv, I know teeth brushing wasn't covered on the checklist, but... you let me do everything I've done and then pick a denial to brush your teeth for another hour or so as a reason to safeword? I know we haven't gone over the rules I expect my slaves to abide by yet, but this is tame compared to some of the things I will require of you."

  He saw her face drop, and when it did he felt like he'd been punched in the gut. She said just one word. "Slave?"

  He was cautious, he wasn't sure what had changed, but he knew something had. "Yes. Do you not like that term? We can use different terminology if that word hits you the wrong way. I don't mind calling you a submissive instead, or we can come up with something else. Maybe pet, or property, or, something."

  "You thought.... you thought this was..."

  He waited for her to complete her thought. Finally, she finished it. "You expect
ed this to be a 24/7 arrangement?"

  "Yes, didn't you?"

  "No, Tyler. I'm not a 24/7 kind of submissive. I'm a sexual submissive, I'm only submissive in scenes, only submissive in matters of sex, not all of the time."


  He thought fast. This was bad, very bad. He had always envisioned that when he finally settled down it would be with someone who wanted a permanent arrangement, and that was a 24/7 power exchange in his book. Someone who got off on the idea that he owned them, that they were not their own person. He'd love them and keep them on a pedestal most of the time, but would reserve the right to knock them off the pedestal when it suited him. He didn't really think he could change that, it had been his ideal for too long, but he needed to say something, and he and Viv would need to figure something out. But could he treat this as a bedroom game and nothing more? He didn't really think he could. But they had to try to find a compromise.

  First things first though, she'd safeworded and the scene was over. "Here, let's get your cuffs off and you can come take a shower with me. And then we'll go get something to eat before we talk about this, okay?"

  He saw resistance forming so he quickly said, "Let me help you get cleaned up, I got you like this, just consider this aftercare. Outside of the power exchange, Viv. Please don't pull away, we'll figure this out. But we should do it cleaned up and on a full stomach."

  So she came to the shower with him and they soaped each other up and rinsed each other off, and then got dressed and brushed their teeth and hair and she pulled her hair into a ponytail and they went down to eat.

  * * * *

  They hadn't talked while getting ready, and now they made small talk while they ate, avoiding the subject. Viv hated it, but she doubted that they could find a way to compromise on this one. She wasn't really willing to compromise, she would never lose herself to a 24/7 relationship. Not even one that guaranteed to stay out of anything related to work, and he'd made no promises about even that. She couldn't lose herself to someone. The idea of it wasn't so bad, the fantasy of it was quite nice. But in reality it just wasn't the way she wanted to live her life.

  About half way through the meal she couldn't keep quiet any longer about it. They were both thinking about it, so they may as well talk about it. There was no one at the tables right around them; they should be able to talk without being overheard.

  "Tyler, I'm not sure we're going to find our way to a compromise on this one."

  He put his fork down and wiped his hands on his napkin before saying, "Maybe, but I'd like to at least try. Why don't you tell me how you thought this was going to work. That seems to be a good starting point."

  "There are a bunch of ways it can work, I kind of like it best when scenes can sort-of loosely start up. One person maybe hints about it and if the other responds in the proper language then that means you are now in the scene. So, if I say "Sir?" as a question and you ignore it then it means you aren't up to it now, but if you respond back with "Yes, Viv?" in that special Dom voice of yours then at that point we are in the scene. And the same goes the other way, if you say something that you'd only say in Dom mode and I respond appropriately then that means we're in the scene. I've had some partners that wanted a more structured arrangement, so we were only in power exchange while I had a collar on. They'd come to me with a collar and I'd either submit to it or not be interested. Or, I'd walk up to him holding my collar and he'd either put it on me or not be interested. We had a variety of collars, most of them some sort of bondage collar, but some that could be worn when we went out that just looked like jewelry. One partner wanted me to be his for the entire time he took me out of town, but even then he never told me basic things like when I could brush my teeth. It was more about sex than... total ownership. The idea that I had to wake you before I could go to the bathroom last night, that was hard."

  "Did it turn you on?"

  "Yeah, at the same time it made me incredibly uncomfortable."

  "To be honest, my idea of a relationship has always centered around total ownership, total power exchange. Someone who... someone who gave me total control of their body. To feed, to fuck, to hurt, to pleasure, to clean. Or not. Someone I could keep on a pedestal and treat like a princess, or I could knock off the pedestal and treat like a whore. With a handful of rules designed to be a constant reminder to her that I owned her. And punishments and consequences when rules weren't followed. I care about you a great deal Viv, surely we can find some middle ground? Something we can both live with?"

  Still reeling from his words, all she could do was shake her head and say, "Nothing immediately comes to mind."

  He closed his eyes for a second and then opened them. "Not for me, either. Let's spend the day as tourists and not stress over it. Okay? Give ourselves some time and then we can talk about it again later today."

  Chapter Nine

  They had a pretty enjoyable day. They went to the art museum, and to rookery bay which Viv of course loved. Anyone who saw them would have assumed they were dating. They held hands and touched each other as a couple who had been dating for a long time. They joked and laughed and touched as lovers do. They were incredibly comfortable with each other.

  Tyler knew he couldn't just throw this away, but he also knew that what she'd offered wasn't good enough for him. But, at the same time, there was no way he could just say goodbye to her. He'd tried that once and it hadn't really worked for him. As they walked around an area with lots of restaurants, deciding where to eat, suddenly Viv looked at him out of the blue and said "Sir?"

  He wasn't sure what to say, and then he remembered their conversation this morning. When one person questioned that way, the other could start the scene with the right kind of response."

  "You want permission to speak?"

  "No, Sir. Just permission to belong to you for a little while this evening."

  "How will I know when the scene is over?"

  "Sir, it's... it's usually over about the time I come down from floating, sometime during aftercare."

  He could live with that tonight, but not long term. "Alright, that's the negotiation for tonight then. Your body will belong to me for the rest of the day, until I get you back and we have a scene tonight, and it will end at some point during aftercare. And this will extend to more than just sexual situations, correct?"

  She looked down for a second and then back up, "Yes Sir."

  "Very well, the bra you are wearing, which notch is it in? The tightest or loosest or middle?"

  "It's in the middle spot, Sir."

  "Step over here with me, I'm going to put it in the tightest notch. Don't worry, no one will realize what I'm doing. You have to trust me, Viv."

  He pulled her into a public courtyard area and positioned them so no one would see them, and then he tightened it down.

  "I want you uncomfortable, not in pain. If it starts hurting you are to tell me, okay?"

  "Yes, Sir."

  "We'll be going into that little Greek restaurant over there to eat, once we are seated I want you to go to the restroom and remove your panties, put them in your pocket, and then discretely give them to me when you get back to the table. Do not play with yourself and do not urinate. You must ask for permission to urinate and I haven't given you permission."

  "Y-yes, Sir."

  When Viv returned from the restroom he took the panties from her and put them in his pocket and then told her, "You drank sweet tea earlier so I ordered that for you. If it isn't what you want then let me know and I'll tell the waiter when he returns. Look over the menu and pick two items you like and I'll decide which of the two to order for you. You are not to speak to the waiter. I will do all of the communicating with him. Do you understand?"

  "Yes, Sir."

  Tyler hoped he wasn't doing too much, too soon, but at the same time he needed to know if this did it for her. Because even if they weren't going to be 24/7, he'd need at least this much during their agreed-upon periods of power exchange.

When she looked up from the menu he said, "You've decided, Precious?"

  "If I have to choose two, then I'd prefer either the Moussaka or the Spanakopita."

  He immediately decided on the Spanakopita, but didn't let her know. He asked for special instructions for both, but only memorized what she said about the Spanakopita.

  When the waiter returned he ordered her food with the special instructions, and then his own food. When the food arrived she looked at him before picking up a utensil. He picked his fork up and took a bite, and she sat with her hands in her lap.

  "I am pleased Viv. You did not eat without permission. Good girl. You may use your fork to eat. If you have need of your knife please ask permission."

  "Thank you, Sir."

  * * * *

  Viv could not believe how incredibly horny this was making her. She would not have believed it. She doubted there was another man on the planet that she'd submit to at this level, but she couldn't deny that this was doing it for her. No way would she agree to it as a 24/7 arrangement, but if they could work out some kind of compromise, then maybe they could figure out a way to make it work.

  "Sir, I need to use the restroom."

  "Does it hurt? Or are you just uncomfortable?"

  "I just need to go Sir, so I guess it's just uncomfortable."

  "I'll set my watch to vibrate in five minutes. When it goes off you may go relieve yourself."

  She hadn't expected that. She'd thought it was just a matter of asking first. She hadn't considered that he might make her wait. She could wait, of course, but the idea that he was making her kind of hit her the wrong way. He must have seen the look on her face.

  "Unless you see rainbows Viv. Do you see rainbows?"

  She thought about it. Really thought about it. And started to say yes, but then realized how horny she was, realized this was turning her on, and shook her head no as she said, "No, Sir."


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