Safeword: Rainbow

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Safeword: Rainbow Page 10

by Candace Blevins

  He lowered his voice and said in his no-nonsense-Dom-voice, "You give me that look again when I deny something and you'll be punished. Do I make myself clear?"

  "Yes, Sir."

  "Okay then, let's talk. Respectfully tell me why you gave me that look."

  "Because Sir, going to the bathroom, that's like, a basic need. I got used to the idea that I might have to ask permission last night when I was tied to the bed, but I'd never considered that it might be denied. It was a bit of a shock. Sir."

  "You told me your body belonged to me tonight. That I get to make decisions about it, right?"

  "Yes, Sir. I just... I guess I hadn't considered how far this might go."

  "Look at me and tell me the truth. Does the idea turn you on?"

  She thought of the best way to answer that, and finally came up with, "No, the idea doesn't turn me on. Not at all. And yet, here I sit, so horny I can't stand myself. I'm a pretty big contradiction right now, Sir."

  He smiled at her. "I like that you can be so honest with yourself and with me. That can't have been easy to admit. Thank you."

  When she saw him fiddling with his watch a little later she looked at him for permission and he nodded his head, so she got up and went to the restroom. She returned and sat down and he leaned forward and softly said, "And now you say, 'Thank you Sir, for allowing me to empty my bladder'."

  Damn this was hard, "Thank you Sir, for allowing me to empty my bladder."

  "Did that turn you on? Was it hard to say?"

  "Yes, Sir. To both questions."

  "It's time for me to give you some of my rules, Precious. As you already know, I will control when you empty your bladder. The proper terminology to let me know when you need to do so will be "Sir, I need to empty my bladder." You are not asking to empty it; you are only notifying me of the need to do so. I will then either allow it or deny it, and sometimes I will give you a time frame. You are never to allow me to take you to the point of severe pain, that can lead to bladder infections and we don't want that, so if it hurts bad, tell me about your rainbows. Think of it as if you were on the interstate in your car and ten minutes away from home: If it hurts bad enough that you would pull off to go to the restroom then I expect you to safeword. If it's a level that would keep you in the car another ten minutes until you could get home, then I expect you to be able to wait."

  He paused while the waiter came by to check on them and then continued when the waiter was gone. "If we are around people then you will use your best judgment, if you can wait then you must wait until you can draw me away from them to let me know of your need. If you are in pain then you'll need to go and then let me know as soon as you discretely can. I will never deny your bowel functions, though you will need to let me know when you are going to the bathroom. The proper terminology is "Sir, I'm going to the restroom now." Again, if people are around then you'll let me know when you can. Are these rules clear?"

  "Yes, Sir."

  "And you will always thank me for allowing you to empty your bladder when you return. Understand?"

  "Yes, Sir."

  "You've already figured out that you do not eat until given permission, and that I may deny you the ability to feed yourself. Correct?"

  "Yes, Sir."

  "When we are alone somewhere you will be naked at all times. If it is cold then you may respectfully tell me you are cold and I may allow you to wear a robe, but it will have easy access to your breasts and genitals for me, if it is allowed. You are precious, I won't allow you to be cold, but I may have another solution other than a robe. Let me know you are cold, don't ask for the robe."

  "I understand, Sir."

  * * * *

  As they walked back to the hotel room after dinner Tyler thought about how he wanted the evening to go. He needed to be hard on her, but he also wanted to give her some mind blowing orgasms this evening. He didn't want it to be too much about pain, her ass would still be sore from last night's belting. He could flog her shoulders some, though. He thought that the ownership thing was turning her on, and he wanted to keep up with that a bit, too.

  As they walked into the suite he made a point of looking at her and looking at his watch. She just stopped and looked at him. After about ten seconds she said, "Sir, is there something you want me to do?"

  "Are we alone?"

  "Yes, Sir?"

  "Is there a rule that involves us being alone?"

  She thought for a moment, and then her eyes got big, "Yes, Sir, I should remove my clothes".

  "Yes, you should. Please leave your sandals on though, I kind of like them."

  "Um, Sir? I am going to use the restroom." He saw that her face was bright red. Good.

  "Very well. When you are done I'd like for you to remove your sandals and get in the shower and clean your ass with soap and water, then dry off, replace the sandals, and bring me some gloves and the lube. Oh, and the large plug, the remote for it, and a clean hand towel from the bathroom. You'll find the toys in the bag beside the bed."

  Tyler flipped the TV on and didn't look up or respond when she said "Yes, Sir" and left the room. She came into the room about ten minutes later with the items he'd told her to bring. He was sitting in the middle of the sofa, fully clothed. "Sit beside me and put a glove on my right hand, please."

  Watching her put the glove on his hand was beyond sexy.

  "Very good, now the lube, lube my fingers please, all four of them."

  He was getting so hard watching her do this. He could tell the idea of preparing him to violate her was turning her on at the same time she hated it.

  "Very good, Viv. Now, lay over my lap. Yes, that's a good girl. Stick your ass up in the air, that's right."

  * * * *

  Viv was humiliated, having to put the glove on his hand and then lube it up. But, she had to admit she was really turned on. As she draped herself over his lap she realized it wouldn't take much at all to make her come, and that worried her, she really didn't want to be punished by him. She'd had Doms in the past that it had been fun to taunt, to get them to punish her, but she was terrified of an actual punishment from Tyler. It hadn't taken her long to realize three years ago that he didn't mess around with punishments, they weren't meant to titillate, they were meant to make her not do something again. Ever.

  She felt two fingers go into her ass and slowly, ever so slowly, sink into her, until they were all the way in. Even with it being that hated first invasion she was close to orgasm, and he wasn't even moving much.

  "Sir? Permission to speak?"

  "Of course, Precious. You can almost always speak when you want, just be sure you aren't trying to give me orders."

  "No, Sir, I just, I need to let you know of what I'm feeling Sir. That's all."

  "Then speak."

  "Sir, some of this is... it's new to me. And, well, it isn't going to take much to get me to orgasm. And I don't want to do that without permission, but I know that my control isn't very good right now, and, well, it felt like that was information you needed to have. Sir."

  "Yes Viv, that is information I needed to have. Thank you for telling me. I tell you what, as long as you tell me before you orgasm, you don't have to ask. Just tell me before it hits, okay?"

  "Thank you, Sir."

  She relaxed then and reveled in the feel of his fingers in her ass. Before long he'd added another finger and she was pushing back on him as he finger fucked her ass and then she yelled out 'I'm going to come" just as it hit and he kept going at her and as her orgasm faded she realized her ass was stretched even wider and he must have added the fourth finger. He was going slower now, and it hurt but it felt good, too. Eventually she was really turned on again and then he slowed and she felt his knuckles pushing against her outer sphincter. "Relax, Precious".

  She tried to relax for it, but it hurt too bad and she couldn't take it. "Rainbow!"

  He pulled back, Viv thought it felt like he had removed two fingers and then frozen so there was no movement. "Do you want me t
o stop completely or just back off?"

  "Sir, I think maybe that's all my ass can take for the night?"

  "Okay Precious, but you don't want to end the scene?"

  "No Sir."

  She heard him taking the glove off then felt him cleaning the lube off of her with the hand towel.

  "My intention had been to make love to you with the plug vibrating in your ass tonight. When it comes time, I'll ask you if you think your ass is up to it. It will be your decision. For now," he threw a sofa cushion on the floor in front of the coffee table, "I want you on your knees facing away from me. That's right. Now, fold your arms on the coffee table in front of you, and put your head on your arms. Perfect."

  She heard him get up and leave the room for a moment and then walk back and sit behind her again. She was a few feet in front of him and wasn't sure what he was going to do with her like this.

  And then she felt the touch of a flogger on her right shoulder, then her left shoulder. She couldn't see, but could tell that he was in a nice, relaxed, figure eight. He was using the medium sized flogger and the intention wasn't to hurt her. She relaxed as he continued, and she felt the endorphins begin to surface even though it didn't really hurt. Just something about multiple strikes to that area of the body told your body to create endorphins, whether it hurt or not. The caress of the strands felt almost like a massage, like a very loving touch. She relaxed into it as she would relax at the hands of a massage therapist. At some point he switched to the big flogger, this one had some weight behind it and it was like the massage had just gotten a bit more intense. He kept to the same predictable rhythm and she floated in time to it. He must have flogged her for twenty minutes. It was wonderful. At some point she wanted more, wanted it to hurt some, but didn't want to spoil what was happening, either. But not long after that he put more weight behind the heavy flogger and it felt wonderful. Then there was a pause and he was using the small flogger and it stung, like a thousand bees stinging, and it felt wonderful, and then she felt her orgasm right on the brink and, "Oh, Sir, I'm going to come."

  And her orgasm came rolling over her and she tried to move her hips some to accommodate it but couldn't in the position she was in, and he was hitting harder with the flogger and the orgasm just kept growing in intensity and then suddenly, it was over and once it was over he stopped flogging her.

  "Beautiful. You are beautiful. Come with me Viv, now I'm going to fuck you."

  He helped her stand up and then put one hand under her legs and scooped her up so he was carrying her like a baby and walked to the bedroom and gently laid her down on the bed.

  "Vivian, I want to fuck you with the plug vibrating in your ass. Do you think you can take the plug?"

  "Yes Sir, please."

  "Then present yourself Precious, middle of the bed."

  He came back a few seconds later and climbed up on the bed behind her. He fingered some more lube into her ass and then pushed the plug in. Just at its widest she started to say it was too much, and then it sank all the way in and it was okay. And then he turned it on and everything was okay. Better than okay.

  She heard a condom wrapper ripping open and then felt him entering her and heard him say, "Oh yes, vibrating pussy. You have permission to come Viv, as many times as you want. You don't even have to tell me ahead of time."

  She lost herself in the pleasure of it. At some point he turned her over and they made love missionary style while she had that monster plug in her ass vibrating away. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he pounded into her until they both came. She would have sworn she actually saw fireworks.

  He turned off the plug and removed it, taking it to the sink in the bathroom and throwing the condom away and cleaning up before he came back and held her until she fell asleep.

  * * * *

  When Viv woke up the next morning Tyler was sitting up against the headboard beside her with his laptop in his lap. When he saw she was awake he sat the laptop on the nightstand and scooted down to hold her. "Good morning sleepyhead."

  "Good morning."

  She caught herself before she told him she needed to empty her bladder. She didn't want to be in a scene this morning, so she got up and headed to the bathroom, did her business and came back and crawled back into his arms, saying, "Yesterday afternoon and evening were... incredible."

  "Yeah, they were pretty incredible. I'm glad you got us started Viv. It gives me hope that we can find a way to make this work."

  "Knowing the training my brother has had, I'd be willing to bet that you've got your scuba license, right?"

  "Yeah, but neither of us brought our equipment. You want to rent some equipment and go diving?"

  "I'd love to."

  Chapter Ten

  That afternoon as they returned the scuba gear Tyler realized he was in love, and they still hadn't really figured out how to make this work. As they got into her car Viv said, "You know, I'd really like to go back to the room and take a nap. Do you mind?"

  He took the keys from her before she could get them into the ignition. "I don't mind at all, and I have a proposition for you. How about we agree now that when you wake up from your nap that we are back in our power exchange roles, and we'll stay that way until we come back to the room tomorrow morning after breakfast."

  He could see her thinking it over. Finally she said, "I'll need to sleep for two hours, any longer and it messes with my night time sleeping. So, set the clock for two hours after I go to sleep. If I wake up at an hour and go to the bathroom and go back to sleep it doesn't count. At two hours wake me up and give me ten minutes to get ungrumpy, that will probably mean using the bathroom and washing my face and getting some coke or something to drink. And then I'm all yours."

  "You'll be all mine until ten minutes after we return to the hotel room after breakfast the next morning."


  "Even if I don't let you brush your teeth?"

  "You're going to do it just to make a point, aren't you?"


  She pulled her ponytail holder out of her hair and then finger-combed it back into a ponytail and put the holder back in. "I don't know, Tyler. I really don't know how I'll feel about things by tomorrow morning. But I think I'm willing to give it a try."

  "An honest answer, I can live with that."

  He handed her keys to her and she drove them back to the hotel.

  * * * *

  Vivian felt Tyler's hands on her arms and his lips on her cheeks as she surfaced back to reality from her nap. Once her eyes were open and focused Tyler said, "Ten minutes, then you're mine."

  She went to the bathroom and washed her face, then he silently handed her a coke. She took a few sips and took her clothes off so they'd be off when the time was up.

  When she saw him fiddle with his watch she knew that meant time was up. He picked the wrist and ankle cuffs up and walked to her and put them on her. Then he had her sit in one of the kitchen chairs, on the edge of it, and he reached for the blue rope. He'd already had it laying out and he picked up a loop and slipped it over her head and then started making designs and knots with it. They went around her breasts, not painfully so, but she knew the ropes were there. At some point he had her stand up so he could run some strands between her legs. When he was finished she was encased in rope. He walked her to the mirror in the bedroom and it was beautiful. It moved with her, there were knots and there were lengths of rope and the way it moved against her skin was an incredible turn on.

  "Are you hungry?"

  "Yes, Sir."

  "Let's look over the room service menu, shall we?"

  He told her to pick three things she wanted this time, and he would choose what to order for her. When the delivery guy came he put her in the bedroom and closed the door. Once the delivery guy was gone Tyler brought her back out to the living room and connected her wrist cuffs behind her back. He put a sofa cushion on the floor beside a chair at the kitchen table and told her to kneel. The ropes running between her le
gs sure let her know they were there when she knelt, and he realized it was hurting her and made an adjustment.


  "Yes, Sir. Thank you."

  "I don't want you in pain right now, if something hurts let me know."

  He fed her dinner to her that way, with her kneeling on the floor at his feet. He'd feed himself a bite and then he'd feed her a bite. When he took a drink he'd give her a drink. It was very, well, dehumanizing. And yet, once she got over the anger at the beginning, she didn't hate it. She wasn't really turned on, not so much sexually, but she kind of liked the feeling of belonging to him. The security of the ropes combined with not having to think about when to eat and when to drink. It was comfortable, comforting, almost freeing. If she was honest. But she was having a hard time being honest.

  When dinner was over she told him she needed to empty her bladder and he thanked her for letting him know, but didn't tell her she could. He sat the dishes on the counter and cleaned the table up, and then began to methodically take her out of her rope harness. So twenty-five minutes later when he told her she could empty her bladder, she really needed to go. One would think that she would have remembered to thank him upon returning from the bathroom, but she forgot. He gave her a few minutes, and when there was no thank you he told her she'd be punished for it.

  * * * *

  Tyler knew he needed to give her a serious punishment at some point but also hadn't wanted to rush it. But, now that she'd blown off a rule, it was time.

  "Get the spreader bar, the butterfly gag, the cane, the clover clamps, and a tissue, please, Vivian. Take them and line them up neatly on the edge of the bed and then kneel beside the bed so they are in your line of vision.”


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