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Triad In The Stars: Sci-Fi MFM Menage Romance (Celestial Mates)

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by Vi Voxley

  Triad in the Stars

  Celestial Mates

  Vi Voxley


  A Little Taste…


  1. Chloe

  2. Elias

  3. Vanor

  4. Chloe

  5. Elias

  6. Vanor

  7. Chloe

  8. Elias

  9. Vanor

  10. Chloe

  11. Chloe

  12. Elias

  13. Vanor

  14. Elias

  15. Chloe

  16. Elias

  17. Vanor

  18. Chloe


  Alien General's Baby Excerpt

  About the Author

  Thank you for reading!

  A Little Taste…

  "Come then, boy," he called, the distaste plain in his voice. "Words are for lesser men who can't back them up with actions."

  Elias drew his sword immediately, a wide, hungry smile on his face.

  "At last, we agree," he said, charging at him.

  They met with a clash of metal against metal, the crowd backing away from them as fast as they could. Vanor was momentarily caught off guard by the fact that Elias wasn't as weak or fragile as he'd expected, but in return, the same startled realization dawned in his rival's eyes.

  A worthy rival?

  Blood pounded in his veins as Vanor pressed back, finding equal strength opposing him.

  In that moment, a gasp went through the crowd.

  Despite himself, Vanor looked away from his opponent, a grave error in battle, but the other warlord had seemed to have forgotten about the duel as well. They froze, locked together, staring at the strange female standing on the steps of the temple.

  She looked at them, wide hazel eyes full of wonder. Her beautiful dark hair floated gently in the wind and a tight white dress covered her sweet, curvy, divine body. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She was also so much more.

  Vanor's heart nearly stopped, looking at his fated.

  My fated…

  It was like all the pieces of the universe suddenly fell together and made perfect sense to the young warlord. Like the puzzle of his future and present was being wrapped up for him in the matter of a split second, in the form of the most magnificently gorgeous woman he could imagine.

  Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a matching expression on Elias' face. Vanor’s insides twisted with icy horror. That look could not be mistaken.

  No. This can't be. Not him.

  Yet when the female smiled slightly, the world gained color and light Vanor couldn't remember it having before.

  "I assume that this is not a good time," she said.

  Copyright © 2016 Vi Voxley

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and any resemblance to any persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Triad in the Stars

  Celestial Mates

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this work may be used, reproduced, transmitted in any form or by any means by anyone but the purchaser for their own personal use. This book may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of Vi Voxley. Any reproduction or other unauthorized use of the material is prohibited without the express written permission of the author.

  Cover © Jack of Covers

  You can find all of my books here:

  Amazon Author Page

  Created with Vellum



  The dark building towered over her, looking unassuming in the midst of all the high-climbing skyscrapers. For all the looming black glass, it didn't resemble a hive of evil at all, which was a little disappointing considering what Chloe had heard.

  She lifted a cup of Starbucks to her lips, sipping the hot coffee and groaning silently. Waking up had been a chore with a headache that went fast from nuclear to something apocalyptic. It wasn't the best start to a new week, in her humble opinion.

  I hate Mondays. Everyone does, but today of all days I really do wish there was no such thing as a work week.

  Clearly, a night out with some work buddies hadn't been the "best idea ever" as it had seemed at the time. As it stood, Chloe was seriously questioning the judgment of the people around her. Herself among them.

  She had been prepared to wipe the whole thing under a rug, if two words written on her forearm with a black marker pen hadn't jogged her memory.

  Celestial Mates, it had said.

  "This is the stupidest dare I've ever gone through with," Chloe muttered to herself, taking on the daunting task of crossing a street in New York without being killed.

  Morning sunlight glinted in her eyes, which was weird in itself considering how rarely light touched the ground beneath her feet. The Big Apple really was a city that lived in perpetual dusk as far as she was concerned, thrust into darkness by the endless skyscrapers.

  I wonder why I came here. I can't believe I thought it would be better than the place I left behind, but people are the same wherever you go….

  That realization didn’t do much to make her feel less lonely in the throngs of people that skittered around New York like a procession of ants.

  Approaching the big double doors, Chloe pushed that morbid line of thought aside. It wasn't in her nature to complain even when things were bad, which they weren't. She had a decent job, a good-enough little apartment and casual acquaintances.

  Yeah, that's not better, she mused with a grin on her pink, round lips. Everything in my life is okay-I-guess. Maybe this will be the turning point.

  She gave the building of the dating agency another solemn look, as though to challenge it to give her something. Anything, really. If not a good guy, then at least some fun.

  Then, steeling her heart, Chloe stepped in.

  And discovered that – it was nothing like she'd expected.

  Instead of some dump targeted towards desperate women, the Celestial Mates agency was gleaming. Every surface was pristine, all tables and shelves and the counter in front of her made out of pure, white marble. The air tasted clean, somehow, like she'd left the city far behind and was back home in the small town she'd grown up in.

  There was music playing, silently, a tune that seemed so familiar yet she couldn't put her finger on how she knew the melody.

  Chloe was so stunned that she hadn't taken a step forward into the lobby for a solid ten seconds. Only when the double doors closed behind her, shutting the noise of the city away, did she wake up from her daze.

  "You look surprised," said a voice.

  Chloe noticed a man standing behind the gigantic counter at the other end of the hall, the owner of the voice. Now he was exactly like she'd imagined. An elderly gentleman with a little gray in his hair, dressed sharply in a light suit, his short black hair combed back and a knowing smile on his lips.

  "Yeah," Chloe said, crossing the lobby to get to him, feeling that she and her Starbucks were completely out of place in there. "After what I've heard, I expected a little gloomy shop, you know? Dust on the shelves, mysterious creepy items, the shop owner promises me everything I've ever wanted, so on. But it turns out he's the devil and I'm really selling my soul – that sort of thing."

  The man nodded, in an utterly non-demonic way. Something about him put Chloe at ease and she felt a little guilty.

  "I'm sorry," she said, stopping in front of the counter. "I don't generally call people devils when
I first meet them. I'm afraid I'm not my usual charming self right now."

  She extended her arm: "Hi, I'm Chloe. Chloe Riley."

  "Welcome, Miss Riley," the man said, taking her hand and giving it a firm, warm shake. "I am Reuben. May I ask you what brings you here? With such, ah, interesting concerns? What have you heard?"

  Right to the embarrassing part, okay then.

  "Er," Chloe said, smiling apologetically. "I'm actually here on a dare. One of my coworkers thought I would benefit from a relationship, it seemed. But they did warn me that there are some rumors about your operation."

  Last time I let someone challenge me to a round of tequila…

  "Rumors such as?" Reuben asked with a pleasant smile of his own, not looking the least bit offended.

  "People come in, they never come out, that sort of thing," Chloe said. "Hence my lovely story."

  "I see," Reuben replied, nodding. "On behalf of the Celestial Mates, I'll take this as a compliment to our success rate. Now, I must ask you. It is our policy to put this question to all of our customers who didn't exactly volunteer. We promise to find you a perfect match. In fact, we guarantee it, but in return you have to give it – and us – a chance. Are you prepared to give our offer a go?"

  Chloe hesitated. The dare didn't explicitly say she had to commit herself to anything. Tina, the blonde girl who had dared her after an ill-conceived row of tequila shots, was new to the offices of Reese & Son Architect Solutions.

  She must have been a very recent hire, because honestly Chloe couldn't remember ever seeing her before. Even so, Tina had only dared her to go the agency and chat with the employee there. No clause about actually going through with signing up, so technically she'd done her duty.

  On the other hand, what was the harm? Chloe wasn't sure if it was her personality – which she didn't think was that bad – or if something about her screamed "country bumpkin", but she hadn't been able to land a guy since she came to the city. A few dates here and there, but nothing more.

  Yet when she looked in a mirror, her shoulder-length wavy black hair and hazel eyes made a lovely combo. So okay, her nose was a little pointed and there were dimples in her cheeks when she laughed, but generally guys thought that was cute, didn't they? Maybe it was the fact that Chloe definitely wasn't a size zero, but a normal, healthy woman, with all the curves one could ask for.

  Whatever it was, New York guys just seemed to think she wasn't for them, but truth be told Chloe didn't much like them either. All smooth talk and no heart, more in love with their phones than her, always a business meeting on the horizon.

  It would be nice to meet someone. Have a man's hands around me once more, smell that good old testosterone.

  Deciding she had nothing to lose, Chloe nodded. Reuben livened at once, a pleased smile on his lips. He walked around the counter, graciously offering her his arm as he led her towards another set of doors, crafted out of white gold this time.

  Business must be good, Chloe decided, despite the fact she clearly hadn't come at rush hour.

  "I believe you've made the right choice, Miss Riley," Reuben said as the doors closed around them, leaving them alone in a very odd room. "Please sit. I will ask you a few questions to gather vital information to help our process."

  The seat he was referring to reminded Chloe of a plane seat, only there was just one of them right in the middle of the room. Shrugging, she went over to it and sat down, the coffee cup still in her hand. While Reuben typed something into the only other object in the room – a large computer that looked positively prehistoric, she swung her legs, feeling quite happy.

  Not as bad as I thought, although I do feel like I'm at a doctor's appointment rather than a dating agency. I expected forms after forms of stupid shit like what's my favorite color, do I believe in love at first sight, that sort of stuff.

  As Reuben finished the preparations, a ray of light fell over her. It was light green, sparkling and beautiful. Chloe felt like she was in a forest of her childhood, right after the break of dawn when the sunlight shone through the trees she used to play in.

  "This is so weird," she said, sipping at her Pumpkin Spice latte. "I didn't think there would be a light show."

  Reuben smiled.

  "It's a scanner," he explained. "We are very modern, you see. Much more so than you can imagine."

  Right. You did so well so far and now this voodoo?

  "For your own sake, I hope this thing doesn't give me cancer."

  The man gave her a small bow. Chloe liked him immensely. In the city of New York, his manners and politeness were so out of place he seemed to have stepped off another planet. It had been a long, long time since she'd met someone like that. Someone… respectful.

  "Have no fear, Miss Riley," he said. "We would never allow our customers to come to any harm. Now, are you heterosexual?"

  "Quick to the point," Chloe said, almost spitting out the coffee. "Yes, yes, I am. I like men. Manly men, if your scanner isn't magically picking that up. Strong chins, wide chest, abs you could kill for. That kind of stuff."

  Not that they’re exactly in my league, but this place specializes in fantasies, right? No harm in asking…

  "Very well," Reuben said, noting something down on the computer. "When was the last time you were sexually active?"

  Chloe glared over the rim of her cup.

  "That's a little personal," she said. "Are you trying to sell me to some sheik who only accepts first place? I'll tell you now I won't go for it."

  Reuben looked at her, raising an eyebrow.

  Just play along. This will all be over soon.

  "Fine. I don't know, four months ago? It's been a while."

  "No boyfriend? Husband?"

  "Well, it would be pretty weird if I used your agency for cheating, wouldn't it? Generally one wants to avoid a paper trail."

  Still, her cheeks flushed with scarlet. She didn’t need any additional reminders of how single she was. Wasn’t being here answer enough?

  "How about your family? Would traveling be a problem?"

  Chloe didn't answer at once. She needed a breath to settle herself. Then, making sure her voice was steady, she answered:

  "No. They're gone. I doubt anyone would miss me if I took a small trip except for a few cockroaches in my apartment."

  Reuben gave her an encouraging smile, coming over with a clipboard and a pen then.

  "You're doing great, Miss Riley," he said. "We're almost done. Sign here, please, if you're still sure, and we will arrange for you to find true love."

  Since she liked him, Chloe resisted rolling her eyes too obviously, waiting until he looked away. She took the pen, putting her signature on the paper that was as white as everything else in the agency.

  “I’m not selling my soul here, right?” she queried, but Reuben only gave her a look.

  "Alright, I’ll believe you this time," she said.

  Reuben gave her another small bow and took the clipboard away. She couldn’t help but feel a little antsy, though. Was that it? How could they possibly find her anyone with just those questions? They had no idea who she was!

  Then again, that was probably for the best, because she wasn’t so sure of her essence these days either.

  "Hit me with your best shot. I wonder, what were you possibly able to gather from three questions and lighting me up like a Christmas tree?"

  "Just the light, Miss Riley," Reuben said, once again entering something into the computer. "The questions were a distraction, to prepare you. I'm afraid the method of transportation we provide isn't entirely safe for humans. It's all good now."

  Wait, come again? What distraction? What do you mean – humans? Transportation!?

  Like a flash, a large tube of glass rose from the floor, surrounding Chloe and her chair before she could even blink. The Starbucks cup fell from her hand as she jumped up, banging on the glass.

  "What the fuck is going on here?" she demanded, panic twisting her gut. "Let me out!"

sp; "Please be calm, Miss Riley," Reuben said as the room fell into darkness. "You will be–"

  But Chloe never got to hear what she was going to be, since all sound fell away, taking the world with it. She clung to the chair, falling back into it and holding on as the tube began to shake. There had to be some gas or a hallucinogen in the air, because she could swear stars traveled over her.

  And just as she was beginning to think the dare had cost her her life, it stopped. Lights came back on and Reuben was standing right where he'd been before.

  The glass lifted and Chloe stormed out, frantic. She had plenty to say to Reuben, but first she was going to call the police and maybe let her lawyer do the talking for her. Instead of confronting the man, she made a beeline for the exit.

  I need to get a lawyer first, she thought with rising hysteria.

  The lobby was as empty as before when she rushed through it, hearing Reuben follow although she didn't think he was running.

  She grabbed the doors and threw them wide open, stepping –

  What the…

  Into a dream. At least, it had to be a dream, right? Or else it was a very good projection of a sci-fi movie, with all the flying shuttles and alien-looking people and skyscrapers so tall they might have actually scratched the sky, disappearing into clouds far above her head.

  For the second time that day, she was standing flabbergasted at the door of Celestial Mates. It was a pattern Chloe couldn’t find herself enjoying.

  Reuben came up to stand by her, offering her his arm once more.

  "If you'll come inside, Miss Riley, I will explain everything."

  All the words she had wanted to scream at him were gone now in the face of the bad trip she'd apparently walked into. Someone had to have spiked her drink, or it was the world's most elaborate prank. Or she was on some new and fucked up TV show.

  Whatever it was, she needed answers.

  Hyperventilating while speaking probably wasn’t going to help. With grim determination, she forced herself to take a few deeper breaths, until she felt her head clearing and the panic subsiding, if only a little.


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