All Is Bright: A Boys of Lake Cliff Holiday

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All Is Bright: A Boys of Lake Cliff Holiday Page 13

by K. Sterling

  “Dinner is always formal here,” Farris informed Cassie and she refused to believe the dresses, shoes and accessories were for her.

  “I assure you, neither of us wear heels,” Cyril said.

  “But this is so much!” She protested. “And how do I pick?”

  “I don’t know but you’ll have plenty of chances to wear them all,” Farris promised and Cyril didn’t know who was more excited at the idea, him or Cassie. Farris and Cassie weren’t like a traditional father and daughter but they were a real family and Cyril wanted to be part of that and make them his. “Merry Christmas, Cass!” Farris said, beaming as he helped her pick a dress for the evening and they had way too much fun picking shoes and earrings. Cyril watched from an armchair in the corner and laughed as Farris loaded Cassie down with far too much jewelry and made a mess of her makeup before they left her to change in peace. They were enjoying a drink in the study when Cassie poked her head around the door. “Get in here!” Farris demanded then gushed when she nervously posed in a soft pink off-the-shoulder dress with a cocktail length tulle skirt.

  “I don’t know if this works on me,” she said as she shook out the airy layers of the skirt but Cyril clicked his teeth and signaled to Alon to open the champagne.

  “You look like a goddess,” Cyril told her. And she did. She wasn’t Farris’s biological daughter but she had pale blonde waves and soft green eyes like him and Cyril could believe they were meant to find each other.

  “You look stunning, baby,” Farris said then winced at her nude kitten heels. “Are you comfortable though?” He asked but she pulled a face then jumped when Alon popped the cork.

  “Does it matter if I’m comfortable? I’ve never worn a dress this nice in my life and look at this bracelet! Where did you get it?” She asked and Farris’s lips twisted as he took her wrist so he could get a closer look.

  “Hold on. Is this from the vault? Have we been playing with your jewelry?” He asked and Cyril raised a shoulder and thanked Alon as he offered him a flute.

  “I’ll certainly never wear any of it so I thought it might be nice if Cassie did while she was here.”

  “Oh, my God. These are real?” She asked as she snatched her wrist back and held it up to the light.

  “I should have guessed,” Farris sighed but he was smiling as he accepted a glass and Cassie jumped again when Alon offered her one.

  “Thank you!” She said timidly as she took it. Cyril’s pulse exploded and it was suddenly too hot in the room as he slipped his hand into his pocket. He gave the ring one last squeeze before he took it out but he didn’t open his fist as he tapped it against his lips.

  “If I may, I’d like to make a toast,” he said and held up his champagne. Cassie and Farris immediately sobered and gave him their attention. “To new beginnings. New friends, new traditions and hopefully, one day, a new family,” he added heavily and they all saluted and sipped.

  “This is the most perfect Christmas Eve ever!” Cassie said and giggled when the bubbles tickled her nose. Cyril nodded as he held his glass out to Alon.

  “Not quite. There is one more thing we need,” Cyril told them. He took a deep breath then took Farris’s hand so he could slide the ring onto his finger.

  “Farris!” Cassie whispered and covered her mouth as she started to cry.

  “Will you marry me?” Cyril asked. Farris nodded jerkily as he stared at his hand.

  “I already...” His voice was gone and he hiccuped as tears spilled from his eyes.

  “I know but I wanted to do something special with Cassie to make it official,” Cyril said.

  “Yes!” Farris cried as he threw his arms around Cyril’s neck. “Yes! I love you and I’ll marry you!” He was shaking and sobbing as he held on tight and Cyril buried his face in Farris’s shoulder until he had himself under control again.

  “You’ve made me the happiest I’ve ever been and I feel like I truly have everything, for the first time in my life,” Cyril said. He’d spent his entire life hunting for something to fill the emptiness inside of him but all he needed was Farris.

  “I’m not going to yell at you about this insane ring tonight but seriously!” Farris scolded then hit Cyril in the chest with his left hand. “I know what this is! I tried to get it from Sotheby’s for your Deco jewelry collection because it’s... Jesus!” He said as he pushed his hand at Cassie. “I called the morning after we talked about it and they said it wasn’t available. I was so bummed,” he murmured. Cyril felt like he was two feet taller as Cassie stared up at him.

  “That’s so romantic,” she sighed before her eyes dropped to the ring. “I know it’s really tacky to ask but how many carats is this?”

  “If I remember correctly the center diamond is reverse set and a little over five carats and it’s framed with a single piece of onyx,” Farris said and his voice shook as he turned his hand so the diamonds would catch the light. “The original band had baguette diamonds as well but they were a little daintier,” he added and gave his head a shake. “I can’t wear this out of the house!”

  “That’s fine. I’ll get you something simpler for when you go into town. I wouldn’t want you to get robbed,” Cyril said and Farris laughed.

  “What am I supposed to buy for you?” He asked. Cassie’s face scrunched as she considered.

  “This is going to be really hard to follow.”

  “What?” Cyril asked, then shook his head. “Please don’t,” he said then waved at the door when Alon reappeared. He didn’t think about Farris buying him a ring. Cyril instinctively clenched at the idea of someone else buying something he’d have to wear every day but he remembered it was Farris and his taste was impeccable.

  “Don’t worry. It might take a lot of hunting but I’ll find something perfect,” Farris said as he turned and walked backwards across the foyer. “I have no idea where or what that is but I’ll get it right,” he promised and Cyril grinned as he led Cassie to the seat across from Farris’s. She’d be at his left and Cyril was oddly emotional as he pulled the chair out for her. He sincerely hoped this would be the first of many family meals as he sat in his seat at the head of the table.

  “Farris said you’ve always wanted to attend a traditional British Christmas feast but traditional British food can be...” Cyril’s hand rolled airily and she laughed and gasped up at one of the footmen as her glass was filled with wine and the first course was set in front of her. “I asked my chef to give us a modern twist on a Dickensian Christmas feast,” he explained as a tray of gorgeously decorated mince pies were set in front of her. Cyril glanced at Farris and he was fighting to hold back tears as he watched Cassie touch one then lick powdered sugar off her finger. She was incandescent with wonder and excitement and Cyril decided every Christmas Eve would be this magical.

  Epilogue 2

  “Hey!” Paul whispered in Reginald’s ear and he grinned into his pillow and reached for him.

  “Why are you up and dressed?” Reginald asked as he stretched then checked the window. The sun was up but it was chilly and grey out and chunks of snow stuck to the window pane.

  “It’s Christmas morning!” Paul said and gathered Reginald’s face in his hands so he could kiss him. “Breakfast is almost ready and Lavender’s about to wake Robin up!” He said and Reginald gasped and pushed Paul off of him.

  “Get out of my way unless you want to blow me,” he ordered and Paul growled as he threw Reginald back onto the bed.

  “It wouldn’t be Christmas,” he said wickedly. And he was so wicked. He fingered Reginald slow and hard until he shattered deep in Paul’s throat. Reginald was clear as he showered and dressed because he didn’t do hard drugs when Robin was in the house. It was a state of clarity and calm he associated with Robin and being in Lake Cliff. Reginald could stand himself without the gentle, protective haze of drugs more and he liked the novelty of being alone with his unpolluted self when he was in Holderson Manor. He dressed in a jumper and jeans and was tugging on a pair of socks as Pau
l hurried him down the hall and into the living room. Reginald spotted Wilder then saw Toly and ran back to their room to get Toly’s gift. He shoved the tiny red ring box into the pocket of his jumper and raced back to the living room as Sage was handing out mimosas. Sage and Robin were wearing matching elf onesies and it was disgustingly adorable. Wilder and Toly were wearing coordinating knit jumpers and both had a delightful post coital glow. The glow radiated with West and Sharp and they were snuggled together on the sofa with Robin. Sharp was in his standard grey hoodie and jeans but West was wearing a very appropriate green and red flannel shirt. Denver and Ezra were watching from the screen over the fireplace and were in coordinating flannel pajamas.

  “Thank you,” Reginald said and felt a tickle of something sentimental and warm as the rest of the champagne flutes were passed out. Robin’s and Sharp’s were filled with juice and they tapped their glasses together as Mr. Lavender rose and went to the fireplace.

  “I couldn’t be more grateful or feel more blessed to be able to share this morning with all of you. Merry Christmas,” he stated simply and raised his glass. Everyone murmured in agreement as they raised their glasses back and drank. Then, Lavender grinned at Robin and waved at the tree. “These are all for you,” he said and went to perch on the arm of Sage’s chair. Everyone watched as Robin made his way through a sea of toys and wrapping paper and he was precious as he thrilled over each gift. He reached the end and curled up next to Rosemary with a book and a plate of cookies.

  “If I could say something,” Reginald called as all the adults got up to head into the dining room and everyone paused warily.

  “What are you doing? You didn’t say anything about an announcement,” Paul whispered out of the side of his mouth but Reginald shushed him.

  “I put a lot of thought into this and Sharp helped,” he whispered back and Sharp froze.

  “Oh. We’re really doing this. Lane said I was just doing that to keep you out of trouble,” Sharp said as he looked around nervously. Reginald gasped.

  “Not at all! While I did enjoy everyone assuming it was just a ruse, I truly want to do this! It was a ruse and a fun bonding project. We were multitasking!” He stated then held up a finger. “Don’t move!” He said and went to the closet under the stairs. He opened it and unzipped the garment bag he’d snuck in after everyone went to bed. Reginald squealed excitedly as he pulled the first red and green sequined coat out and slipped it on, over his jumper. “And this is for you!” He said as he pulled out the other jacket and held it out to Sharp.

  “I don’t want to wear that,” he said and shook his head as he tried to back away but West caught him by the arm.

  “I think you should!” He urged Sharp and Sage nodded quickly in agreement.

  “You really should. The two of you practiced for...” He started but Sharp glared at him.

  “I was told I was babysitting.”

  “Multitasking! You helped me fool them and we have a brilliant act! Come on!” Reginald said and shook the coat at him.

  “Please,” West said so Sharp rolled his eyes hard as he snatched the coat from Reginald.

  “Haven’t I been through enough?” He pushed his arms through the sleeves and gave the front a tug.

  “Over by the tree!” Reginald said with a gentle shove to get him moving. Once they were in place Reginald took the microphone out of the inside pocket. It was just a prop but everyone clapped and gasped dramatically as Reginald offered them a deep, sweeping bow. “Good morning and Merry Christmas, lady and gentlemen,” he announced to Rose and all assembled. “This is my lovely assistant, Aiden,” he said and Sharp gave them a lazy wave. Reginald cleared his throat loudly as he pulled a tiny wrapped gift from the coat’s pocket. “Could you take that bit of ribbon out of your pocket, Aiden?” Reginald asked and held out his other hand. Sharp jammed his hand in the left pocket and pulled out a length of red plastic ribbon. It was still curly and trailed from his fingers as he held it up for everyone to see before he handed it to Reginald. “Thank you, sir,” Reginald said and gave the ribbon a flourish. “Tell me, Aiden. Did you hear about what happened to the man who stole an advent calendar?” He asked and Aiden sighed as his head fell.

  “No. What happened?” He asked.

  “He got twenty-five days!” Reginald declared and a loud giggle burst from Toly and he clapped his hand over his mouth.

  “Because there are twenty-five days on the calendar!” He whispered to Wilder and Robin was laughing as he sat cross-legged on the floor but everyone else groaned. Reginald held the ribbon over the gift and gave it a wild shake and everyone gasped when he pulled his hand away and a neatly tied ribbon sat atop the box.

  “Now, that deck of cards in your other pocket, please, Aiden,” Reginald said. Aiden pulled out the deck and quickly removed it from the box. He shuffled through the cards and fanned them so everyone could see that it was just a normal deck. “Why don’t you let Robin choose one?” Reginald suggested. Sharp lowered and took a knee then fanned the deck again. He looked away so Robin could pick a card. Robin held up the 9 of clubs and everyone clapped softly.

  “Now, put it back,” Sharp said and Robin slid it into the deck. Sharp stood and shuffled the deck. “Do you know what happens when you cross a snowman with a vampire?” Sharp asked blandly.

  “No. What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire?” Reginald asked with much more enthusiasm.

  “Frostbite,” Sharp replied and there were several snickers but Robin and Toly were cackling. He gave the deck three flicks and shuffled through them until he found the 9 of clubs and held it up then turned to Robin. “Was this your card?” He asked and Robin nodded as everyone applauded.

  “Could you fold that for me?” Reginald asked and Sharp sighed again as he quickly folded the card in half and in half again and handed it to Reginald. “Thank you! Hey, Aiden! What’s Santa’s favorite place to deliver presents?”

  “I don’t know,” Sharp replied flatly but Reginald winked at the audience as he tapped the gift with the folded card.

  “Idaho-ho-ho!” Reginald declared and made the card disappear. He presented the gift with a flourish and everyone clapped encouragingly. “Toly, would you mind?” He asked and Toly cheered as he scrambled from the couch and around the coffee table. “Go ahead and open it,” Reginald said as he handed him the gift. Toly carefully plucked at the tape and removed the paper without wrinkling it too much or disturbing the bow. He dropped it on the table and looked impressed as he inspected the red leather ring box. Toly showed it to everyone then opened it and everyone clapped again when he took out the folded card.

  “The 9 of clubs!” Toly told them in delight as he handed the card and box back to Reginald. Sharp pushed out a weary breath and went to remove his coat but Reginald stopped him.

  “Aiden…?” Reginald asked thoughtfully as he turned the ring box over in his hands.

  “What?” Sharp said warily as he looked around.

  “What’s Santa’s native language?” Reginald asked. Sharp shook his head.

  “I don’t know... We didn’t practice anything else,” he said but Reginald shushed loudly.

  “I’m improvising! Go along with it! What’s Santa’s native language? Anyone?” He asked again and looked around the living room. All he saw were shaking heads so he grinned brightly as he swayed forward. “North Polish!” He drawled and the room erupted in laughs and applause. Sharp pulled a face but his chest shook as he crossed his arms.

  “Are we done?” He asked.

  “Almost!” Reginald replied. “I have something for Toly,” he said and held the ring box out to Toly. He looked unsure and slightly concerned but his lips twisted as he examined the box again.

  “For me? Why...?” He asked hesitantly. Reginald cleared his throat as he scrubbed a hand through his hair.

  “I didn’t mean for anyone to get hurt but I exposed you and I feel like hell,” he said.

  “Oh,” Toly said as he stared at the box. “We’ve
erased everything Blackout had on me and I’m confident I’ve found any trace of me on the internet,” he mumbled.

  “Just open it,” Reginald insisted and everyone but Robin and Rose leaned forward as Toly opened the box and there were several gasps as everyone gathered around him.

  “What the...” Lavender clenched his jaw and looked back at Robin then pointed at the thumb drive on the ring box’s velvet cushion. “What is that?” He asked sharply. Reginald gestured for him to relax.

  “It’s his new insurance policy,” he said and Toly’s eyes widened.

  “I can’t keep this,” he said but Reginald snorted.

  “Of course, you can. And I strongly suggest you do. That’s the most valuable bit of intelligence on the market right now. It’s the Holy Grail and it belongs to you. Not only that, but I added everything we found on Blackout, in case you ever want to blackmail the CIA, China, North or South Korea,” he bragged as he shoved his hands into the front pocket of his jumper. Toly was still wide-eyed and confused.

  “But... How?” He asked. “How do you have this? We all saw Mr. Blink destroy it.”

  “Au contraire!” Reginald said as he pulled out another identical thumb drive. “I saw the CIA and MSS intel and I had a pretty good idea of what they were looking for. I keep an assortment of thumb drives and SD cards in my case and had a couple on me. I just needed a second to switch them out so I knocked the meiping out of Elliot’s hand and made the exchange then. Mr. Blink didn’t destroy anything,” he explained as he held up the blank drive.

  “I don’t know if I want to kill you or if I’m proud of you,” Lavender admitted but Reginald waved it off.

  “It can be a combination of both but I would settle for a hug,” he joked but was surprised when Lavender stepped forward and pulled him into his arms. Reginald jumped as Lavender’s hands patted affectionately.


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