All Is Bright: A Boys of Lake Cliff Holiday

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All Is Bright: A Boys of Lake Cliff Holiday Page 14

by K. Sterling

  “Somehow, I’m always proudest when you’ve nearly pushed me to murdering you. Just give us all a chance to catch our breath,” he asked as he leaned back and cupped Reginald’s cheek. “But you’re on your own when Blink finds out that you’ve double-crossed him. You’ve taken something from him and given Toly the upper hand,” he warned and gave Reginald’s cheek a few playful slaps. “Good luck with that,” he said then went to say goodbye to Denver and Ezra.

  “Thank you,” Toly said and took a deep breath. “I don’t think I’ll ever use this but I do feel better knowing I have this in case of an emergency.” He slipped it into his hoodie then took a cautious step closer and extended his arms so he could give Reginald a loose hug. “You have redeemed yourself, in my eyes,” he said as he patted Reginald’s back awkwardly then released him.

  “I...” Reginald’s voice caught as he wiped the corner of his eye. “Thank you.”

  “You did good,” Wilder said and ruffled Reginald’s hair on his way to the dining room.

  “Good job,” West said with a gentle punch to Reginald’s shoulder and Sharp shrugged and rolled his eyes.

  “That last part was cool but I hated the rest of it,” he said as he hitched his thumb at the Christmas tree.

  “Stop it,” Reginald laughed and threw a hand at Sharp. “We were brilliant. I think we should make it a tradition.”

  “No,” Sharp said and left to harass everyone in the dining room about his pancakes. Reginald chuckled as he watched him go.

  “You could have let Blink destroy it and left well enough alone,” Paul rumbled in his ear as his arms slid around Reginald’s waist.

  “And you could have married a dentist or an accountant if you wanted someone who was well enough.”

  “That’s true but let’s go on a honeymoon and maybe get a house with a yard like we talked about before you create another crisis,” Paul suggested. Reginald narrowed his eyes at him.

  “And where were you thinking we might buy this house?” He asked suspiciously.

  “Well...” Paul held his hands up and his lips fluttered. “I’m open to ideas but it seems like we’re spending most of our time here lately and I thought it might be nice to have more than a bedroom. And we could bring the cats. I know how much you miss them.”

  “You miss them too,” Reginald said. Paul hummed as he kissed Reginald’s neck.

  “I do but I love how happy you are when you’re here with Lavender and Robin and you and Aiden are good for each other. He needs to get into a little trouble now and then and you need real friends who will always be there, even when they don’t particularly like you.”

  “I’m not sure if they...”

  “Lane suggested it. Toly likes it because he can keep a closer eye on you if you’re right across the street,” Paul said.

  “Across the street?” Reginald asked weakly and his eyes went to the living room window and the field and trees beyond the picket fence. He imagined a sharp little cottage next door with a gorgeous front garden and a swing on the porch.

  “They’ve offered me the Chicago field office but I don’t have to step in until late spring,” Paul said and Reginald was surprised by the laugh that burst from him.

  “We’re going to live here? In Lake Cliff?” It was shredded and Reginald’s eyes watered at the excitement and joy. He’d be right next door to Lavender and Robin and he’d be able to bother Toly and Sharp almost every day.

  “If you think you’d be alright with that,” Paul teased but Reginald nodded as he turned in his arms.

  “I really would and I’m not going to make West and Mr. Lavender regret it. Too much,” he qualified and laughed when Paul flicked his nose. “Or you. I won’t make you regret this or marrying me.”

  “I didn’t have a choice. I belong with you, wherever you are. And it feels like we belong here. Just do me a favor and dial back the chaos for a little while. At least until we’ve built something and moved in and it’s too late for them to change their minds,” Paul asked but Reginald’s lips pulled tight and he shook his head.

  “I could but what would be the fun in that?”

  The End

  *Please, if you’re going to leave a review, know that it will be deeply appreciated and could help this book tremendously but think of your fellow readers and don’t include any spoilers! I’ve tortured them through three books to get here so let them enjoy the surprises—I hope—just as much as you did!



  A Letter From K. Sterling

  Dear Reader,

  Thank you so much for your time and for returning to Blackhurst. I hope you enjoyed this visit as much as I have. Before you go, I’d appreciate it if you’d consider leaving a review on Amazon. Your review would really help me and help other readers on Amazon find their way to Lake Cliff and Blackhurst. And I promise, I read and appreciate every single one of them. Even the negative reviews. I want your honest feedback so I know how to steal your heart. Please help me out by leaving a review! Tell me if you enjoyed our visit to Lake Cliff and what you’re in the mood for next!

  If you’d like sneak peeks at future releases, including excerpts, inspiration pics and cover reveals, follow Author K. Sterling at and on FaceBook: and keep an eye on my blog: And I’m messy and always on Twitter: @_KSterling_. If you’d like to hear me and Mr. Sterling act like nerds, listen to our Pervy Corner podcast!: I publish a book almost every month. You can find them all here, on my Amazon author page: Please check it out and check back often so you never miss one of our adventures!

  Once again, thank you from the very bottom of my cold, dark heart. I love you for sharing your time with us and hope we’ll see you again soon.

  Love and happy reading,


  About The Author

  K. Sterling

  K. Sterling is just a very tired and anxious woman with a MacBook who writes to save her sanity. Writing also allows her to stay home and care for her dog, the awful Otis, and one very rotten cat, Luna. K. has two teenage daughters who are the most teenage daughters to ever teenage and responsible for all of K.’s premature grey hairs. She also homeschools her autistic teenage son, Alex. Alex is the inspiration behind K.’s most beloved character, Dr. Aiden Sharp. Before all this magical romance nonsense happened, K. served in the U.S. Army as a counterintelligence agent then went on to teach CI Investigations before changing careers and becoming a stay-at-home mom with Alex and the gang. K. has been married for many, many years to Mr. Sterling and he’s recently left his very long career in counterintelligence to narrate his wife’s audiobooks. And other things.




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