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Reign Over Me (The Covenant Book 1)

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by Gwendolyn Casey

  Most of the guys were good-looking, but there was something about Rem that made my stomach tighten in that girly way.

  I hadn’t felt that way about a man in a while. I was never great with the opposite sex, and by the time I was over my ugly duckling phase, I was over high school boys, too. I’d looked forward to college, but it only took a few dates to figure out that college boys were just as immature as high school boys.

  The men of the MC were a completely different breed though. Normally, I would shy away from a guy with tattoos and a scowl, but not Rem. He made me want to move closer and breathe in his strength. Yet I had no clue how to get close to a guy like him. My failed attempt to make conversation with his friends proved it.

  I struggled to keep up with his long strides. He moved so quickly that it was like he was trying to keep his distance. Once we were through the door at the top of the stairs, he proceeded to the room three doors down on the left. There were three sets of bunk beds against the far wall and a couch with a TV to the left. To the right was a bathroom and the carpeted floor was littered with women’s clothes and shoes.

  He pointed to the top bunk on the far left and said, "I think that one is empty."

  I looked at him and bit my lip as he spoke. His voice was so gravelly and smooth at the same time.

  When he caught me staring, I just smiled and said, "So, um, there are no dressers?"

  He shrugged. "I think the girls share the clothes so there is no need for separate dressers."

  "What if I don't fit into the clothes?"

  I felt my nipples tighten as he looked me up and down. "You'll fit," he said simply.

  He started to walk out, but I didn’t want him to go just yet. "Umm, are you sure this is best place for me?"

  He blinked at me.

  "I mean, I'm not sexy, and I don't know the first thing about being flirtatious.”

  Oh my God, Isabel, don’t be such a dweeb.

  “I mean, I'm not a very good liar, so I don't know how I'm going to act like a slut. Not that I'm judging them. In fact, I envy their confidence—"

  "Listen, I don't give a fuck how you pull it off.” He growled at me. “But my club is on the line for you, so you'd better make it work." With one last glare, he walked out and slammed the door on his way.

  That craving to be closer to Rem suddenly disappeared with his cruel words. I felt the moisture in my eyes before I even realized I was upset. That was harsh, and my little crush was obliterated.

  I quickly shook my head and looked at the ceiling. I was being stupid, anyway. Now was not the time to think about romance. My family was in danger. I wondered what my dad was doing right now, hoping he was on his way here.

  It was safe to say that I was a daddy’s girl. Without my mom around, there wasn’t much choice. We were always close, taking care of each other. I pictured him at home in the mornings, coffee in one hand and his iPad in the other, his black hair still ruffled from sleep and his reading glasses perched over his eyes that matched mine. Those Sunday mornings when we had nowhere to go were always for catching up. I could see that knowing smile of his in my mind, the one he always wore when I had a problem that needed solving. Now that he wasn’t here to help me, I felt lost. He was always the person to turn to but now he had his own problems, and, in order to help him, I had to stay away. It just felt wrong.

  I went to the bathroom and bent over the sink. The cold water on my face felt good, and it seemed to help my rolling stomach. I came out and looked around the room again, unsure where to start.


  I glanced up to see a blonde woman standing in the doorway. "You must be Isabel." She came into the room and offered her hand with a gentle smile. "I'm Sophie. Greyson's wife."

  I smiled back and took her hand. "It's nice to meet you." Up close, I could tell there was gray hair mixed in with Sophie’s long blonde locks. Her face was round with some laugh lines, but still looked youthful. It was refreshing to know all biker babes weren’t haggard looking.

  Stop with the stereotypes, ugh.

  "Greyson told me all about their plan to hide you," she said and then grimaced as she looked around the room. "If it were up to me, I'd give you one of the empty rooms, but Greyson insists on maintaining the illusion."

  I swallowed and wrapped my arms around myself. "I really am grateful for his help, but I am in unfamiliar territory."

  Sophie reached out and cupped my arm just above the elbow. "Let me help," she said. "Why don't we start with a tour? Get your bearings. Then I'll search for a dresser or at least some plastic drawers for you to use."

  Sophie quickly filled me in on the history of the clubhouse. Apparently, it was originally built to be the offices and factory of a potato chip company. Sophie said the offices downstairs were still used for club officers while the upstairs were turned into bedrooms. Most of the single members lived in the clubhouse, while the attached members had homes in the area. I had to catch myself from asking where Rem lived. It wasn’t my business. And he was a jerk, anyway.

  The building next door was the auto garage that the club owned and operated. Then the big warehouse behind the clubhouse was just for parts and storage. Sophie finished the tour with the kitchen, stating that I was welcome to any of the food and could use the appliances any time I liked. She also asked me if I could cook.

  “I can, I just don’t get a lot of opportunities.”

  Sophie gestured to the bar where we both sat down on a stool. “Why don’t you get the opportunity?”

  “Well, I don’t like to cook just for one while I’m at school.”

  “What about at home?”

  “Well, it’s just me and my dad. And on the weekends I do come home, he usually wants to eat out.”

  Sophie lowered her voice as she said, “Do you mind me asking what happened to your mother?”

  I just shrugged. I really don’t like talking about it, but it was better to get it done. “It was cancer when I was six.”

  “I’m so sorry, sweetheart.” She reached out and cupped my arm again.

  This was the part I hated, the pity. “It’s okay. We don’t have to talk about it.”

  Sophie just nodded in understanding.

  Desperate for a change of subject, I said, “So what is expected of the Hearts?”

  Sophie’s brow furrowed. “What do you mean?”

  “Like are there assigned chores—”

  Sophie laughed. “Hell no. Those girls don’t do chores. Their only job is to open their legs whenever and wherever.”

  “Oh.” I blushed. “Well, seeing how I won’t be doing that, is there anything I can do to help out?” Even though my uncle offered money to the club, I still felt like I owed them.

  Sophie was about to reply when she was distracted by something over my shoulder. I looked back to see Rem glaring at me from the doorway to the offices.

  "Is there something I can help you with, Rem?" Sophie asked. His gaze shifted to Sophie. Then he simply turned and walked away.

  "I don't think he wants me here," I whispered to Sophie.

  Sophie hummed as she stared at the door, and then she looked at me again, a sharp focus to her gaze. "Are you on birth control?"

  "Uhh." I was thrown by the sudden question, but I decided to answer. "No. I'm not sexually active so there is no need."

  The older woman just nodded and said, "It might be a good time to start."

  I felt my cheeks burn. "Why?"

  "Well the next couple of weeks will be stressful, and living with those other girls might mess with your cycle."

  "I guess that's true." I didn’t think I would be here long enough for that to matter, but I didn’t want to fight her if she was trying to look out for me.

  "Good. We’ll take you to the doc. He is a friend of the club so we won’t have to tell him any of your real information."

  "Oh, okay."

  I asked Sophie about her kids, and I found out that she had a son who was in college and daughter in high school. K
evin and Sarah. Although she tried to hide it, I could see Sophie’s disappointment that Kevin didn’t come home very often. However, her daughter was another matter. Sarah wanted to be part of the MC, and her parents were having a hell of a time keeping her at bay.

  “We allow her at the family parties, but she can never stay late. And I don’t think Greyson will ever allow his baby girl to participate in the other parties,” Sophie said with a smirk.

  Her statement made me wonder about these parties. I was envisaging a more adult frat party, but now I’m worried I was missing something.

  I needed to know so I asked, “So what can I expect at the parties—”

  “Shit.” Sophie whispered.

  I gave Sophie a confused look, and then I heard, “Who the fuck is this?”

  As I turned, a skinny blonde and an even skinnier redhead were standing there looking right back at me. These must be the other Hearts. They both wore low cut tanks with the Aces logo, ripped daisy dukes, and wedge sandals.

  “Izzy, meet your new sisters. This is Tracy and Jessica.”

  “Why is she here?” Tracy asked with a sneer. She didn’t even lower her sunglasses when she spoke, so all I saw was a skinny nose, a pointy chin and lips that seemed a little too full for her face. Jessica’s face was a little more rounded, making her look younger. She also had large green/blue eyes that were just stunning.

  “You know why. She is a Heart now, and you are expected to help her.”

  I could tell that Tracy was the classic mean girl, so I tried to stay relaxed. To act nervous or scared would be like slitting my wrist near a shark.

  “Hmm.” Tracy walked a circle around me. “We’ll have to say that we felt sorry for her or something. The boys would never want someone so pudgy to suck their cocks.” She gave a smug laugh and started walking toward the stairs.

  “So you’re saying they prefer the crack addict look?” I said, giving Tracy my own up-down look and a gentle smile. I actually surprised myself with that comeback. Maybe I could be a mean girl, too.

  Tracy turned quickly and yanked the sunglasses off her face. My first look at her eyes told me she was definitely older than Jessica, maybe mid-thirties. Either that, or she’d had a rough life so far. She also hadn’t removed the smoky eyeshadow she must have worn the night before, making her look like a raccoon. She made her way back to me, and I tried not to flinch as she raised her hand.

  Fortunately, the hit never came. Tracy was looking over my shoulder at Sophie. Suddenly, her snarl turned into a disdainful smirk.

  “Come on, Jessica,” she barked and turned back to the stairs.

  The redheaded clone ran after her.

  When I turned to Sophie, she had her hands on her hips and her legs spread as if she was Wonder Woman. So that’s why Tracy backed off. Sophie is a badass.

  “So those are the other girls, huh?”

  She finally looked away from the stairs. “There’s also Amy. But you’ll get along with her because she gets along with everybody.” Then she tilted her head. “Well, except Tracy.”

  “I have a feeling she is going to be a problem.”

  “Just remember not to take her bait.” Sophie’s lips pulled into a satisfied smile. “And whenever you get really angry with her, just think about how many times a week she has to take it up the ass.”

  I laughed. “I’ll remember that.”

  Chapter Four


  I came out of my office to get some air. My head hurt from trying to concentrate with little success. I thought encasing myself in a windowless room with a small lamp would help banish Isabel from my mind. No luck.

  Every other thought was of her, from her dusty pink bow lips, to her perfect hourglass shape. Damn, the more I thought about it I realized that her body was my exact type. She was short, making her easy to control and maneuver in bed. Her body had all the curves of woman but was still thin and healthy. She would be light in my arms but not so fragile that I would hurt her with my rough wants.

  Damn it, quit thinking about her.

  Maybe I just felt guilty. I’m not sure why I was so harsh with her this morning. The girl was obviously frightened and looking for reassurance, but I just couldn't bring myself to be nice. At the time, I thought that I was teaching her a lesson. Now it felt more like pushing a pretty girl on the playground.

  I turned the corner to find Sophie blocking my path.

  "A word, VP?" she asked sweetly.

  "What's up, Soph?" I didn’t want to talk to her, but she was the first lady of this club. This may be a male only club, but I knew better than to disrespect the queen.

  "I just want you to know that I'll be taking Izzy to the doctor tomorrow and we'll probably need an escort."

  "Fine. Get Skinny." I turned to leave but then stopped. "Why does she need to go to the doctor?"

  "She needs birth control,” she said simply.


  "You know the drill. All the girls have to take it." The Aces had a strict policy about protected sex, and everyone was subject to testing regularly. But the Hearts also took birth control as an extra precaution.

  "But she isn't going to be having sex, so what’s the point?" Did Isabel want to be a real Heart? That shit ain’t happening.

  She crossed her arms and gave me a smirk. "It’s better to be safe."

  Damn woman! I couldn’t read minds, but that smirk meant something. "What are you saying?"

  "You'll thank me later." With that, she walked away.

  Jordan held the door for her as she went back to the bar. “Vixen,” he said with a flirty smile.

  “Stud,” she responded as she passed him.

  Jordan walked toward me. “You ready? Hawk and Max are right behind me.”

  “Yeah,” I said. I needed to get my head in the game and off Isabel. What she did with her body was none of my concern. But that body…

  I shook my head and started walking. It was time for our meeting to discuss the shadier parts of the Aces’ business.

  Jordan and I headed into the chapel where Greyson was talking on the phone. We grabbed a couple of chairs next to him.

  “Did Hawk already do a sweep?” I asked.

  Jordan just nodded. Hawk always swept the room for electronic devices before he met. Call it paranoia but it was better to be safe than in jail.

  “Your mother already said no. End of discussion. I have to go.” Greyson hung up and gave a frustrated growl before rubbing his eyes.

  “Sarah?” I asked.

  He looked at me with an exhausted expression. “Damn girl is out of control. I swear she needs a couple of wranglers.”

  Just then, Max and Hawk came in, looking relaxed and ready to do business. I wondered which one of the hang-arounds they’d convinced to take them both on last night. Max and Hawk had a thing about sharing women that I didn’t quite understand. Sure, I’ve shared occasionally as a novelty, but I prefer to have a woman all to myself. I want her focus all on me. Her hands, her mouth, her warm brown eyes.

  Damn it. Just like that, Isabel was back in my brain. How the fuck?

  “What you got, Jordan?” I said, ready for some distraction.

  “The tip from Ms. Rochester checks out. We have someone trying to sneak under the radar in our territory.”

  From Fargo to Rapid City, the Aces controlled all illegal activity. If the club wasn’t running it, then we were providing protection for a cut of profits. Max liked to call those small operations the club’s “renters”. The territory was the club’s property, and the others had to pay to use it. Those not approved were shut down immediately. Some thought they could keep it hidden, but we had our ways. Well, more accurately, Jordan had his ways.

  “With what?” Greyson asked.


  “And who are the little entrepreneurs?”

  Jordan looked to Hawk who did the physical reconnaissance. “Looks to be mostly skin heads and wannabe Aryan soldiers. They are operating out of a chicken farm near Wat
er Lake.”

  I appreciated their choice. A chicken farm was out of the way, and the odors would mask the smell of cooking.

  “According to the county, it is owned by Jaser and Whickets LLC out of Iowa.”

  “Which is Snakes territory?” I asked. The Covenant members controlled most of the Midwest, and it wouldn’t surprise me if the Snakes were trying to earn their place among us with meth.

  Jordan shrugged. “Possibly, but I couldn’t find any real connection to them.”

  “You get the lay of the place?” Greyson asked.

  Hawk gave a simple nod with his arms crossed.

  “Okay. Let’s send them a fruit basket.” When no one objected, Greyson added, “And bring Duncan along on the delivery. He seems eager to get his hands dirty.”

  I smiled. We’ll show the boy a good time.

  We took another hour to sort the details and discuss the usual runs. As we stood to leave Greyson said, “And, Rem, don’t forget to prep Izzy and the boys for the party tomorrow night.”


  Chapter Five


  “It has been a while since I’ve attended one of these parties, but I’m pretty sure they haven’t changed much,” Sophie said with a roll of her eyes.

  I showered after we had finished our initial tour and got myself settled in the girls’ room. Not that there was much to settle. I decided to hide my purse in the drop down ceiling for now. Greyson had taken my phone, but I still had my wallet with some pictures and a few pieces of jewelry. I’m not sure why, but I felt the need to tuck it away somewhere safe.

  I came back downstairs and Sophie was waiting with a couple of sandwiches.

  “Is that how you met Greyson?”

  “No, Greyson was friends with my older brother. He used to hang around the house before they both joined the navy. So I loved him with all my pre-teen heart.” She giggled. “I didn’t see him again for seven years. By then, he was already a member here and he invited me and my brother to come to a party.”

  “Did you still love him?” I asked dreamily.


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