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Reign Over Me (The Covenant Book 1)

Page 14

by Gwendolyn Casey

  I smiled and held myself deep inside her. My little virgin was getting brave. This was the first I’d heard her talk dirty without me demanding it. I loved knowing that I inspired her transformation into this goddess.

  I let her squeeze and tease my dick until it became too much. “Any other time, I would stay for however long you needed. But I need to fuck, Isabel. You’ve been on my mind all damn day.” I cupped her cheeks and kissed her. “You have no idea how much you mean to me.”

  She opened her eyes and gave me a bright smile. I suddenly realized that my words gave too much away. I pulled back a little. “Not to mention, we could be seen at any moment.”

  She bit her lip, and her pussy gripped me tighter. She liked the thought of someone watching.

  I filed that information away for later and grabbed her ass to lift it off the table. I started thrusting into her, holding her hips against the table so she could take every inch. I looked down to watch my dick go in and out, being coated in her juices with each pass. The sight of my rod stretching her tiny slit was better than any porn I ever saw. Especially, with her shorts and panties pulled to the side.

  “Jacob,” she said again. One of her hands was behind her on the table, holding her up, while the other was gripping my neck. I wished her breasts were free so I could watch them bounce as I pounded her sweet pussy. The thought had my hands tightening on her thighs and my hips thrusting harder. Her body shook with every thrust, and the table groaned beneath us. Her little moans only spurred me to pound harder. I put my thumb to her clit and rubbed to match the thrusts. It wasn’t long until her thighs clenched and her pussy milked my dick in earnest as her pleasure took over.

  My balls drew up, and I felt my orgasm coming up my spine to spill deep inside her sweet cunt. I pushed balls deep to make sure my cum stayed inside her. For some reason, I hated the thought of it leaking out.

  I leaned down and kissed her again while we both caught our breath. As I pulled away, Isabel cupped my face and held me still. “You mean a lot to me, too, Jacob.”

  I had to stop myself from saying something back. I wanted to, but it wasn’t safe. Instead I pulled out of her and righted her shorts and panties.

  As she sat up, she looked at me expectantly, as if she was waiting for something. I simply helped her off the table and kissed her on the forehead.

  “Come on,” I said and led her back inside.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  I was in the shower when I came to the decision to talk to someone about my problem. Rem’s lack of affection in the daylight made me question what exactly we were to each other. Like yesterday, his fucking says he cares, but once it is over, he emotionally backpedals.

  We share a room, which is kind of like living together, right? It’s more than Tracy gets. But did he ask me to sleep there out of esteem or convenience? And we have yet to actually go out on a date. I understand that my situation complicates things but still. Couldn’t we sneak a movie or even a fast food restaurant?

  I decided to talk to Amy about it because I needed to vent to someone. She was my closest friend in the club, and she might know Rem’s way of thinking better than I would.

  “Do you think I’m just a phase for him?” I asked as we ate lunch.

  “I hate to say it, but you might be. I have seen quite a few women hang around for a week or two and then leave in a huff when the member got his fill. These guys like variety.” She took a bite of her ham and cheese sandwich as if she didn’t just crush my hopes.

  I looked down at my own sandwich in despair. Is time already running out?

  “But hey, don’t feel bad. There are plenty of guys out there who would be lucky to have you. Now that you have more experience, you can have your pick.”

  I knew she was trying to help. She was encouraging me to move on before I got hurt. And a part of me could appreciate that she knew best. But another part was mad at her for saying those things. It seemed callous and hurtful, as if she was demeaning my relationship with Rem as little more than a fling.

  She must have sensed my irritation because she put a hand over mine. “I know it’s not what you want to hear, but trust me, the most you can hope for with Rem is a few weeks. He’ll never make you his old lady.”

  I was about to say that he already called me his old lady when I heard a cackle behind me. Oh, no.

  “Does Little Miss Priss think she has a chance of being Rem’s old lady? That is hilarious.”

  Tracy was standing a few feet behind me. The anger I was already feeling surged to the top of my brain, making me stand up and push my chair away. It was time to put this bitch in her place. Not only was she a bitch but a thief. She was wearing my Express LBD, as if it was appropriate for a Wednesday morning.

  “I am his old lady,” I said.

  “Oh yeah. Where’s your cut?”

  “I don’t need a cut. Rem has chosen me, so you can get over your psycho jealousy trip.”

  “Jealousy? He might be interested in that cold slit now, but we all know you don’t have what it takes to be a real member of this club. You are weak.”

  I couldn’t take it anymore. I ran at her and put all my weight into tackling her to the ground. Somehow, I managed to straddle her and started punching and smacking like crazy. I felt like a lion taking a down a gazelle, but I’m sure I looked like Ralphie on top of Scut Farkus in A Christmas Story. Tracy tried to buck me off, but for once, my weight was an advantage.

  “What the hell?” I heard from behind me and then I was being pulled off her. I kept kicking as I went because I wasn’t done. I never hated anyone as much as I did Tracy in that moment.

  Rem jostled me hard to get me to stop fighting. “Isabel, knock it off.”

  I stopped squirming, but I still stared at Tracy with all the fury inside me.

  “What happened?” Rem said, looking at Tracy.

  She wiped at her bloody nose as she answered. “That bitch claimed to be an old lady and I called bullshit.”

  “She is my old lady,” Rem shouted.

  “What?” Tracy and Amy said at the same time.

  “Isabel is my old lady, and you will treat her as such. Is that understood?”

  I didn’t hear them answer as I looked at the floor. What is wrong with me? What did that solve?

  It felt good though, Catwoman said.

  Rem gripped my arm and dragged me toward the stairs. “Come on.”

  “What the fuck, Isabel?” Rem said once we were in our room. He looked at me as if I’d grown a second head.

  I turned on Rem, ready to have it out with him, too. “I’m sorry. But that fight was your fault.” My voice rose on the last word.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Because I’m not okay with how things are,” I yelled.

  Rem cocked his head, clearly still confused.

  “I tried,” I said as I walked up to him, looking him straight in the eye. “But I’m not that girl. I can’t do casual. I need to know what this is. Not knowing is making me extremely insecure … and that’s why Tracey was able to rile me.”

  After a second, he just smiled and gave a little laugh. “Babe. You are the VP’s old lady­.”

  I rolled my eyes. “But what does that mean?”

  He looked above my head, like he’d never thought about it before.

  I decided to make it simple for him. “Do you care about me? Is it just sex? Are we boyfriend/girlfriend? Is it an open relationship?”

  He looked around and then let out a breath. When he looked at me again, his eyes were gentle. He took my hands as he said, “I suppose the best way to describe it is that we are married, but an old school marriage where the wife belongs to the husband. I’m going to provide for you and protect you, and in return you will submit to me.”

  “Submit?” I frowned.

  “Don’t overthink it, babe. You already submit to me in all the ways I mean. Just remember to keep our issues between us and don’t undermine me in fro
nt of the other members. You’re also never to be alone with another man unless I approve. And unless it is an emergency, you are not allowed to ride on another man’s bike. Do you understand?”

  “I think so.” I nodded. “So being your old lady means I’m special, right? It’s not just sex.”

  The corner of his mouth lifted. “Yeah.”

  It wasn’t exactly a confession of undying devotion, but I’d take it.

  He pulled me to him, and we kissed gently.

  I was about to let myself sink deeper into him when I remembered something. “Wait, you said that I couldn’t be alone with another man. What about you?”

  He grinned. “I don’t think me being alone with other men will be a problem.”

  I gave him a dumb look. “You know what I mean, Rem.”

  The smirk disappeared. “I don’t intend to be unfaithful. I just don’t want to make a promise I can’t keep.”

  Whoa, what?

  I pushed away from him. “I can’t believe you just said that. Even the way you said it was horrible.”

  He shrugged. “What?”

  “So when you cheat on me and I feel crushed, I’ll only have myself to blame because you didn’t make me a promise. Right?”

  “That’s not what I meant.”

  “No, what you meant was that I shouldn’t expect you to stay faithful.” My anger was back with a vengeance. I started pacing back and forth, trying to process what he’d just said.

  Then something crossed my mind, and it stopped me in my tracks. “Have you been with someone else since we’ve been together?”

  “No.” He actually looked offended.

  I believed him, yet I had the image of him with Tracy flashed through my mind and was completely grossed out.

  “We are using a condom from now on,” I shouted at him. Then I shook my head. “What am I saying? This is a deal breaker, Rem. I can handle being your docile old lady but not this.” I crossed my arms to let him know I was taking a stand.

  Rem’s face turned into dangerous mask. “All the old ladies know this is how it is. You want to be an old lady. You deal with the lifestyle.” His voice had that deep, commanding tone that I’d come to love. He used it while we were in bed, and it always made me go weak.

  But not this time. I stood my ground and continued to glare at him.

  He swung his arm toward the door and snarled, “Do you think Amy or Tracy would think twice about it if I asked them to be my old lady? No, they know better than to make demands on an Ace.”

  I walked toward him until I almost touched him. He needed to understand that I would not be bullied into being a doormat so I made sure I was right in his face. I kept my voice low and steady as I said, “Then go stick your dick in one of them.”

  The silence stretched, but I kept my eyes on his.

  “Fine,” he growled and walked out, slamming the door. When I was alone, I finally let myself breathe. As air filled my lungs, I fought the doubt that came with it. I knew I did the right thing, but my heart wasn’t so sure.

  Did I just end our relationship? Would he sleep with Tracy just to prove a point? Should I go talk to him, tell him I was sorry?

  I was so scared all of a sudden.

  No, no, no, Catwoman said. Just sit down and shut up. He’ll come back to you. I promise.

  I just nodded my head and sat down on the bed.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  It was nearly midnight when I finally came back to the Aces’ compound. The clubroom had a few people, but it was mostly quiet. I sat the bar and asked for a shot.

  After my fight with Isabel, I headed straight for Widow and headed out for a long drive. The road was the only place I could think. At least, it used to be, but I felt more confused now than when I left.

  On the one hand, I understood Isabel’s need to know that she was my one and only. I wanted to give her that. And yet, I have lived the past fifteen years fucking who I wanted when I wanted. I’d never been faithful to anyone, so how could I make that promise?

  “What’d you do?”

  I looked up to see Greyson beside me, leaning on the bar.

  Then Duncan was on my other side. “Yeah?”

  “What are you talking about?” I grumbled.

  “Heard shouting earlier,” Duncan said casually.

  I shook my head. So, the club knew we were fighting. Just perfect. “You’re so sure it’s my fault?” I asked Greyson.

  “I’m positive,” he responded.

  I looked at the back of the bar. There was no point in trying to hide it. “I told her that I couldn’t promise to be faithful.”

  “What?” Duncan shrieked. “Why didn’t you lie?”

  “Duncan, shut up,” Greyson said, and then he glared at me. “I’m getting tired of personally removing your head from your ass, Rem.”

  I turned to him, ready for another fight. “You know that monogamy does not lend itself to our lifestyle.”

  Greyson gave me a look like I was an imbecile. “Let me ask you something. Is she the best you ever had? And I’m not just talking about the sex.”

  Yes. Of course. By miles. I nodded.

  “So you would be willing to risk that for the type of women you meet on the road? They can be hot, but they are the bottom of the barrel when it comes to substance.”

  Man had a point.

  “Rem, I’m not saying you won’t be tempted. But are you so weak that you can’t resist for the sake of your woman? You would rather hurt her than be called pussy-whipped?”

  When I didn’t answer right away Greyson sighed and leaned a little closer. “Take it from a man who made that mistake and has been paying for it ever since.”

  I looked over at him, shocked. I never knew a couple more solid than him and Sophie. “Who was it?”

  His eyes went down to the floor. “Jeanie Stanthorpe.”

  “What?” Duncan nearly spit out his beer. “The lady caterer?”

  “Keep it down,” Greyson scolded.

  “How’d you convince Sophie to use her?” I asked.

  “Jeanie didn’t know about Sophie at the time. I was the bastard who lied and cheated, and it took me years to earn back the trust.” He gave me a pointed look. “Do you get what I’m saying?” he said, then walked away before I could respond, stomping as he went.

  Duncan and I sat in silence for a few moments after Greyson’s confession. I found myself getting angry at the thought of him hurting Sophie. She was a good woman and deserved the best.

  So does Isabel, you jackass.

  She was out of my league in so many ways. Was I really going to let this be another?

  Before I could get up to find my old lady, Duncan said, “Greyson is right, but if you need another reason to man-up with Isabel, just remember that there are others standing in line.”

  I gave him a smirk as I left my stool.

  Then I pulled my fist back and punched him in the jaw.

  I left him there to moan and headed to the stairs to find Isabel.

  I was happy to find her in our room. I thought she may have moved out while I was gone.

  She glanced at me and then turned away onto her side. “I would sleep in another room, but I don’t want to give Tracy the satisfaction just yet.”

  “What satisfaction?” I asked as I approached the bed.

  “That she was right. I’m not enough to satisfy you.” She insisted like I was an idiot for not knowing.

  I lay on the bed and threw my arm over her. She tried to stop me, but I grabbed her hand with mine. “I’m sorry about what I said before. I can be faithful to you, and I will.”

  Her eyes met mine over her shoulder, curious but suspicious. “What changed?”

  I licked my lips and let it all out. “You are making me fight against instincts that I’ve had since I was a kid. I always thought being an Ace meant going against normal society’s rules, and monogamy was one of them.” It sounded silly saying it aloud.

  “But being f
aithful to you is something different.” I pulled her closer and looked straight into her warm brown eyes. “I love you.”

  I didn’t come in here planning to give her those words, but looking at her now, feeling it in my chest, they had to be said. I was done holding back from this woman. I couldn’t half-ass this and expect to keep her. Isabel deserved everything, and I was going to give it to her. I knew I was risking my heart by falling in love with a girl like her, so far above me I might as well reach for the moon. But I wouldn’t be ruled by fear, not any more.

  Her eyes lit up and then seeped into the edges. “I love you, too.”

  I bent my head to take her lips, so happy that there was no hesitation in her response. She loved me. Only God knew why, but I wasn’t going to let her regret it.

  I quickly divested her of her tank top and panties before pulling off my own clothes.

  I fell onto my back and made her straddle me, my dick rubbing in her slick folds.

  “Rem,” she whined. She didn’t like being on top. She said it made her feel self-conscious, but I wanted this to be about her.

  I sat up and wrapped my arms around her. “Isabel, I want you on top.” I phrased it like a command, knowing she couldn’t resist being dominated in bed.

  She bit her lip. “Can we turn the lights off at least?”

  I swore I would kill whoever got in her head and convinced her that her body wasn’t beautiful. How could I prove that she was perfect?

  “Okay,” I said gently. I figured once she learned how much pleasure there was in riding, the lights wouldn’t matter anymore.

  I lay back down and reached for the lamp. The room went dark, but there was still light from the windows. I prayed my eyes would adjust quickly so I could see my girl finally take the reins.

  “This is about you, Isabel. Do what feels good and don’t worry about me,” I whispered into the darkness.

  She leaned down and kissed me. As our lips met, I fought the need to push her hips where I wanted them. Instead, I caressed her shoulders lightly, trying to give her the freedom of movement but keeping my hands on her.


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