The Politician - A Billionaire Bad Boy Romance

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The Politician - A Billionaire Bad Boy Romance Page 1

by Connie Black

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1 - Diana

  Chapter 2 – Kyle

  Chapter 3 – Diana

  Chapter 4 – Diana

  Chapter 5 – Kyle

  Chapter 6 – Diana

  Chapter 7 – Kyle

  Chapter 8 – Diana

  Chapter 9 – Kyle

  Chapter 10 – Diana

  Chapter 11 – Kyle

  Chapter 12 – Diana

  Chapter 13 – Kyle

  Chapter 14 – Diana

  Chapter 15 – Diana

  The Politician – A Billionaire Bad Boy Romance

  Copyright © 2017 by Connie Black

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except in the case of a reviewer, who may quote brief passages embodied in critical articles or in a review.

  Trademarked names may appear in this book. Rather than use a trademark symbol with every occurrence of a trademarked name, names are used in an editorial fashion, with no intention of infringement of the respective owner’s trademark. This is a work of fiction derived purely from the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to persons, events, or places in the real the world is purely coincidental. References to political figures are fictional and for entertainment purposes only. This book also contains sexually explicit scenes and language that may be offensive to some readers. This book is intended for adults only.

  The information in this book is distributed on an “as is” basis, without warranty. Although every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this work, neither the author nor the publisher shall have any liability to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the information contained in this book.



  Kyle Swanson was an ambitious billionaire, looking to grab even more power by winning a seat in the U.S. Senate. And he wanted to take Diana Bates along for the ride. When Kyle came calling, Diana always said yes.

  It’s true he was hard to like. He was pushy, domineering, and sometimes rude. But every time she tried to push him away, she found herself back in his bed.

  She can’t get enough of Kyle giving it to her like no man ever had before. But she should know better. She’s a Pulitzer Prize winning reporter on the California political scene.

  It started innocently enough, but appearances can be deceiving. A web of secrets and lies would soon send them both on a wild ride, destroying lives and careers in the process.

  But Kyle intends to play for keeps. Even if it destroys his own world.

  This book is Book 1 of 2 in The Politician series. This is a dark romance that includes some sensitive topics and ends in a cliffhanger. The second book in the series is a happily ever after.



  Chapter 1 - Diana

  Chapter 2 – Kyle

  Chapter 3 – Diana

  Chapter 4 – Diana

  Chapter 5 – Kyle

  Chapter 6 – Diana

  Chapter 7 – Kyle

  Chapter 8 – Diana

  Chapter 9 – Kyle

  Chapter 10 – Diana

  Chapter 11 – Kyle

  Chapter 12 – Diana

  Chapter 13 – Kyle

  Chapter 14 – Diana

  Chapter 15 – Diana

  More from Connie Black

  Chapter 1 - Diana

  Sweat was pouring down my face and I felt my throat narrowing, suffocating from the unrelenting heat. I gasped for air, trying to suck in some oxygen while swimming in the thick humidity that clung to my skin like a deadly fungus.

  This can’t be happening, but it is. I’m freaking out in my mirror after a hot shower trying to make myself look decent.

  I’m getting ready for the biggest interview I’ve ever had in my life and I look like hell.

  Shit. My hair looks horrible and after a late night of drinking I look like I haven’t slept in days. Digging out my concealer I’m making last minute adjustments to cover up those dark circles under my eyes.

  I hope its good enough. This was huge.

  My new boss, Janet Meade, left me a voicemail last night saying I’d be moving to a new position. A chill went up my spine when she told me what it was.

  I was being pulled off the Orange County desk to cover Kyle Swanson, a San Diego billionaire who was running for the U.S. Senate in California. I was supposed to interview him in his office at 9 AM sharp.

  My body trembled at the thought. I’d never met Swanson in person, but following him in the news and watching him in Senate debates sickened me. He was a spoiled blueblood who ran five billion dollar companies, and a player who used women and discarded them like trash. He constantly bragged about that on television and even said he planned to continue fucking women while in office.

  We knew we couldn’t let this man win a Senate seat. There was too much at stake.

  As I got ready, a cold wind came over me, making me shudder. I wondered if Swanson would try and lay his hands on me during the interview, as expected.

  I had to admit he was good looking. He was tall, with well-kept thick dark hair and piercing steel blue eyes. He was nicely built with broad shoulders and a solid chest that tapered down to a flat stomach and narrow waist. Often when seeing him interviewed I’d wonder what he looked like with his shirt off, and think about worshipping him with my tongue. I’d even noticed his tight ass on TV a few times.

  But he was still a player, and it was repulsive how he continually bragged about it.

  If that wasn’t bad enough, the fact we were on opposite ends of the political spectrum was like putting salt in the wound. Five years ago the Republican Party split in two, with a new party called “America First” taking the most conservative elements with it.

  Swanson was running on their ticket, and polls were showing he could actually win.

  That was a shocker, given California’s recent liberal history. But the interest rate collapse at the end of the Trump presidency was changing things. The economy was spinning out of control because the government couldn’t pay its debts anymore, and so was frantically printing money trying to keep up. Massive inflation began to hit, and people were freaking out all over because they couldn’t keep up with their bills.

  That’s where Swanson came in. His message of massive government cutbacks were starting to resonate. He wanted to slash welfare programs, funding of education, and start phasing out social security and Medicare. His views were radical and diametrically opposed to my own, but to be honest things were spinning out of control and I couldn’t offer very any alternative solutions. Taxes had already been raised drastically and that sparked a recession. And the rumors in the markets were that China and Japan were planning on dumping U.S. debt they held. If they did, that could turn a recession into a depression. With Swanson’s opponents offering the same old, some even calling for expansion of government spending by printing yet more money, you could see why he was winning over voters.

  The challenge for me was to give him fair coverage. I simply had to report his positions without editorial comment, even though I’d be dying to trash him in print. But Janet made it clear : the Democracy Action Network was liberal, but the bosses didn’t like editorializing in reporting. “Zip it Diana” were her last words to me before she hung up.


  Finally out on the road I head down I-5 from my house in Irvine toward San Diego. My destination is the h
eadquarters of one of the five companies Swanson owns. It’s a 30 story building that has solid marble and curved gold glass in downtown San Diego. Swanson claims to have designed it himself. He bought an old office building and had it torn down where this one was built in its place.

  This was the headquarters of a microchip design firm called Zylent Technologies that Swanson bought with $4 billion in cash.

  Mysteriously, two years later, he took the company private and made himself sole owner. That cost him a lot more cash and nobody knew why he did it. Janet was hoping I could dig for some answers and maybe find some dirt that would damage his position in the race.

  I continue driving, feeling a strange heat and wetness as I ponder Swanson. What on earth am I thinking? I can’t let my physical attraction to this man cloud my judgment.

  Luckily the traffic is smooth so its looking like I’m going to make it on time.

  That’s important because Swanson doesn’t mess around. If I show up a minute late chances are he’ll refuse to meet me again and Janet will probably fire me.


  After an hour and forty minute drive, I’m here. I stand on the outside of the huge office building feeling a momentary chill, mesmerized by the sign in the lobby window: KYLE SWANSON FOR SENATE 2028. It was hard to believe fate had brought me here, to Kyle Swanson, a multi-billionaire that owned five companies and thought he could take over the entire world. I was about to interview the man I had despised for so long who would probably be the next U.S. Senator representing the State of California, and maybe even President in a few years.

  I pushed open the heavy glass door and walked in, pressing an intercom that was next to a locked inner door. A kind female voice greets me on the other end. “Welcome to Zylent Technologies. Can I help you?”

  “My name is Diana Bates, from the Democracy Action Network. I have a 9 AM appointment with Mr. Swanson.”

  I glance at my cell phone and see its 8:55 AM. Made it just on time.

  “Oh yes, Mr. Swanson is waiting for you.” She buzzes me in.

  The inside of the building is absolutely ornamental, with light grey colored marble and gold trim everywhere. There’s a big fountain with water streaming in the back, providing a hypnotic and relaxing background noise. Besides that the lobby was surprisingly quiet and empty, other than the people at the front and a couple of employees having a hushed conversation by the elevators.

  Think Trump Tower but done with taste.

  Spotting the receptionist station with a big sign VISITORS CHECK IN HERE, I head over, feeling strangely intimidated by the staccato sound of my own heels going across the marble floor. Being a working class girl who graduated from a state university, I’m like a fish out of water in this kind of snazzy, formal environment. A blonde receptionist with her hair pulled tight into a bun sits at the desk, with a tall and well-muscled black man looking very serious standing behind her.

  “Welcome Ms. Bates. Please, sign in here and put this around your neck, it’s a day badge for the facility. Be sure to drop it in the box next to the doors on your way out. Oh, and this is Mr. Henderson, he’ll be showing you up to Mr. Swanson’s office.”

  I thank her as I sign the papers and put my badge on. Henderson smoothly opens his jacket while motioning toward the solid gold elevator doors off to my right. “Right this way Ms. Bates.”

  Suddenly the doors open and my arousal catches fire with a single glance. A hot looking man wearing a denim blue colored shirt and tan slacks comes bursting out.

  It’s Kyle Swanson, and he looks even better in person than he does on TV. As Swanson takes over, Henderson nods and heads back over to the receptionist desk. You immediately sense Swanson is in control as he barks orders to the others.

  Swanson seems rushed. “Ms. Bates, so glad to see you. I thought we’d save time by having the interview in a meeting room down here.” He motions me toward a hallway behind the receptionist desk.

  We keep walking as my stomach flutters with nervous anticipation.

  “We’re going to that last room in the back. With the light on.”

  I turn toward him and give him a furtive glance. He flashes a quick smile causing my heart to quicken.

  “Well Miss Bates, so glad to meet you. I’ve been reading your columns and am interested to finally talk in person. I’m kind of in a rush but I’m making sure to give you that 30 minutes I promised.”

  I gulped and my heartbeat quickened, not sure what to say. I’ve only been around Swanson for 30 seconds at the most, and he’s already having an unnerving effect on me.

  I murmur a response, my voice cracking. “Sure, so glad you’ve been reading my columns.” I notice my palms are perspiring. I feel like a total idiot.

  After a few more seconds walking I entered the conference room that was so cold I felt a little shiver as my nipples stiffened. Wanting to keep some personal space I sat at the far end of the table.

  He shuts the door and pulls up a chair right next to me. Talk about invading my space, he’s so close I thought that was totally inappropriate for a first interview. But I can’t help but noticing his tight shirt closely hugs his broad shoulders and muscular chest.

  I cleared my throat. “Well Mr. Swanson, glad that we can finally meet. I’m looking forward to following your Senate campaign.”

  The sad part was we both knew we were lying. He said he reads my columns, sure he did. Or let me put it this way, if he did they drove him into a rage – I know every word I write makes him squirm. And the only thing I was looking forward too about this was forcing him out of the race.

  My cheeks heat with embarrassment as he sits there staring at me for thirty seconds or more saying nothing. He’s just sitting there with his head resting on his right hand. It’s so quiet the only sound I can hear is my own breath and I’m keenly conscious of my chest moving up and down with each gasp of air.

  Even his eyes – which are locked right on my face – don’t move a millimeter. It was a little creepy but his eyes had a piercing beauty making it impossible for me to look away. I almost felt my soul being drained out of my body and sucked deeply into his.

  After a timeless moment he flashed a sly grin and playfully spoke.

  “I was just thinking, I’ve never banged a journalist before.”

  I knew Swanson was a player, but hitting on a journalist who’s here in an official capacity, that’s harassment. I forced a laugh. He joined in laughing with me and then sat forward, clasping his hands together, his body getting even closer to mine and I felt his warmth.

  “Well maybe someday you’ll get lucky enough to find one who’s willing,” I said, not wanting to betray an ounce of the desire welling up inside me.

  He smiled again with that wry grin, flashing his perfectly straight white teeth – not once taking his eyes off me.

  “We’re going to be spending six months together. Anything can happen,” he tells me as he leans back. Anger wells up inside me and I grit my teeth.

  His mesmerizing steel blue eyes stay focused on me, glancing up and down, drinking my entire body into his gaze. I’m offended by his conversation but feel an odd shiver flow up my spine. I am growing dizzy with conflicting emotions but need to stay professional.

  “Well sir, I’m not interested. I’m just here to do a job. Why don’t we get at it? We only have thirty minutes, is that correct?”

  “Yeah I’ve got about thirty minutes. But honestly you don’t know that you’re not interested in me. We’ve only just met. I bet my cocks in your pussy within 14 days.”

  He smiles again and suddenly my panties moisten, and I can’t understand why. But I’m not going to let him intimidate me or draw me in with his vulgar talk. He may be the emperor here in his little kingdom, but didn’t rule over me.

  I rolled my eyes to let him know I wasn’t just any pushover he could bed at a moments notice.

  “Like I said, I’m not interested.” I protested. He leaned back in his chair and spread his legs wide. I shouldn’t have been l
ooking but I couldn’t help noticing the fullness of his crotch.

  It was amazing the way this guy talked – this is a rich guy, one of the states most respected businessmen, running for Senate. I guess every word I’d heard, every last rumor about him constantly abusing women, was true.

  I opened up my briefcase and got out my recorder. I had planned on only taking notes, but figured I’d get a recorder out so he’d be on tape if he continued sexually harassing me.

  That changed his demeanor a bit. He started sounding more professional. “OK Ms. Bates, fire away. I want to get my ideas out to all the people.” He laughed. “Even the lunatics that read Democracy Action Network.”

  I cleared my throat. I was done wasting time.

  “So Mr. Swanson, I understand it’s your position that if elected, you’ll vote against the quantitative easing act.”

  “That’s correct, Miss Bates. May I call you Diana?”

  “Well Mr. Swanson, I’d prefer you stick with Ms. Bates, since I’m here in an official capacity.”


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