The Politician - A Billionaire Bad Boy Romance

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The Politician - A Billionaire Bad Boy Romance Page 2

by Connie Black

  For the first time he looked down, averting his gaze.

  “You see Diana – I mean Ms. Bates, we can’t keep printing money to get out of this crisis. Its creating massive inflation – 15% last year – and printing even more money means that people’s pocketbooks will be stretched even further. Moreover the countries we owe debt too aren’t taking our payments seriously anymore, because they know each new dollar we pay back is worth less than the last one. What I’m proposing is that not only stop issuing new money, we need to renegotiate our debts and only pass balanced budgets from now on. If Congress followed my plan and renegotiated our five year interest rates back down to 1.2%, we’d drop our annual interest payments by $300 billion.”

  I had to say I was impressed. He knew exactly what he wanted to do and had all the details. And despite my political leanings what he was proposing sounded reasonable, maybe even necessary.

  He flashes me another grin. “Say, what do you say we sleep together tonight?”

  WTF! He even said this while I was recording him. The man is vulgar, pushy, and domineering. I clenched my fists ready to punch him in the face if he dared touch me.

  “Mr. Swanson, are you trying to get yourself knocked out of this race?” I ask.

  “No Diana. I’m thinking about how I’d like to fuck you. Take you on this table right now.”

  I had the urge to just get up and walk out, taking my recordings with me. But something made me stay. It was as if he was so powerful he enveloped me with some kind of force field. He was causing my personality to split in two, half of me wanting him as much as he apparently wanted me and the other half disgusted by his crude language.

  “Come on Diana, I talk like this all the time. Nobody gives a fuck anymore. Hell, I bet my poll numbers will rise if you go public with that recording.”

  He was right. Swanson had the magic touch. No matter what happened, he came out the winner. Everyone thought he was done when he went on and on about grabbing women “by the pussy” in a televised debate, attempting to one up Trump who had to apologize for having said it in an old video made ten years before he ran for office. Oddly after that he became the leader in the race, nearly doubling the numbers of the Democrat incumbent, Charlie Garcia.

  I needed to show him he couldn’t intimidate me, so I continued, ignoring whatever vulgar thoughts came out of his mouth.

  “So Mr. Swanson, you inherited some wealth, but you tripled it by the age of 35, just 9 years out of Harvard business. How do you explain your success?”

  “Two things. First, I look at a market, and ask myself how could it be improved with one additional thing, a feature that people need that’s missing now. Just one feature, that’s all you need. The problem is 99% of people don’t know how to see that one thing. That’s how I doubled Zylent’s gross revenues in 18 months. Second, I am loyal to my employees. I value loyalty above all else, and they pay the loyalty I give them back in spades.”

  For some reason despite his harassing talk, as we started delving into issues I was starting to relax and didn’t feel particularly threatened. His alpha energy seemed to fill the entire room, coming off his body like waves and once I tuned in, it had an oddly protective kind of vibe.

  “Are you planning on using the Senate as a stepping stone, Mr. Swanson?” He looks bored at my question.

  He leans in, with a lust-filled look in his eyes. Gently putting his hand on my bare thigh, he gets close enough to steal a kiss. Inhaling deeply taking in my scent, he whispers in my ear, “I’m going to make you scream.”

  My mind and body seemed disconnected. I was repulsed but felt an ache in my pussy, my body filling with need. But my rational mind took over. I jerked my head backward and said, “Excuse me?”

  He leans back again. I can’t help but notice his muscular frame as he puts his hands together behind his head.

  “Why don’t you let me take you out to dinner. How much are they paying you anyway?”

  “I’m not sure that would really be appropriate, Mr. Swanson, and neither is discussing my salary. Can you just answer the question?” I glance over at him, amazed by his hint he’d try and bribe me.

  “You’re damn right I am. Only I can fix this country’s problems. And as President I will, but I want to learn the ropes of the federal government first, as Senator. But about that dinner...”

  “Is that really appropriate Mr. Swanson?” Deep inside, I regret putting him off.

  He protested. “Sure it is. We’re just going to dinner, to discuss political issues for your articles.” He puts his open hand on my bare thigh again, and slowly brushes it upward towards my womanhood, his deep voice speaking in a near whisper. “I’m pressed for time now but at dinner we can have a couple bottles of wine and relax – and talk all night about politics. Explore things deeply. If you will.”

  He inhales deeply again, whispering ”I’ll give you enough material for two columns. By the way, I can smell your scent from here. Is your pussy wet? I can smell it from here.” He pulls his hand off my leg and places it on top of my hand, giving it a quick squeeze.

  Now he talks normally again.

  “You know that great place by the water, at the harbor, Kings Seaside Lobster? I bought it last month. So we can stay there all night with the back table they keep for me - nobody bothering us. All the lobster you can eat, paid for. By me.” His eyes light up with a smile. “It looks out right on the water. Bring your recorder if you want.”

  A wave of nervous tension overcame my body, but I knew I had to say yes. It was a public place so it was going to be OK. I took a deep breath and loudly exhaled, betraying the tension that had bound up my body.

  “OK Mr. Swanson, deal.”

  With that Swanson squeezed my hand again and got up saying he’d see me there at 7 and walked out of the room without looking back. I could barely get up and get myself together, feeling completely spent. Nearly all my energy had been drained out of me. Luckily it was only 9:40 AM, so I had several hours to lick my wounds before seeing him again.

  Chapter 2 – Kyle

  When you go into politics you have to do a lot of things you don’t really want to do. Like meet a left wing reporter from a hack news organization that has destroying you as their #1 goal.

  I didn’t care for Diana Bates. I read her columns every week, where she pitched Bernie Sanders style socialism, and they filled me with rage. And for some reason no matter what she wrote about she always seemed to work my name into her work. That made me hopping mad on top of the rage I already felt, when reading her stupid pronouncements on issues. So when they called and said I was scheduled to meet her, and that she’d be covering my campaign for the next six months, I about blew a gasket.

  But what I didn’t let anyone else know was her intellect made me nervous. She was a strong willed woman. I’d seen her on TV making politicians up and down the I-5 corridor melt like butter. She was sharp as a tack and could trip you up with questions you weren’t ready for.

  Worse than that, she had the kind of body my cock was always anticipating. Long smooth legs with a thick body that had curves in all the right places. Her voice piqued my arousal with its deep but feminine tones. The fact that she despised my politics only heightened my desires. After years of dating airheads, I could use some intellectual give and take.

  I shook my head.

  Fact is, I didn’t need someone tripping me up now, especially some sexy woman I knew I’d be lusting after in short order. I was about to win a Senate seat and I wasn’t going to let anyone fuck it up for me. Not even a hot babe.

  For a moment I got lost in thought, remembering dad. I needed to get this Senate seat to finally make amends with my parents.

  Son, we both love you more than you could ever know. You don’t have to go to Harvard if you don’t want too. But it seems like you never appreciate all we’ve done for you. We worked hard creating these companies, and we expect you to take good care of them when they’re yours. Harvard has a good business school, the b

  I banged my clenched fists against my head to banish the memories. Despite my parent’s wishes, I dropped out of Harvard after a semester. For about a year dad hesitated bringing me on to run the hotel chain he’d founded as his first business. He said my dropping out was his greatest disappointment.

  You quit everything you do. How can I trust you to keep things going? We employ 22,000 people – and they depend on us to pay their mortgages and keep their children fed.

  Just a month after that conversation, dad died suddenly of a heart attack. I was only 28 years old and dad had left this world thinking I was a huge disappointment. But with mom alone now, she had no choice but to bring me in and help out.

  I sensed she resented it even though I was her oldest son. She knew how dad felt and I think she felt the same way. But there was nobody else who knew the inside of the company like I did, and she reluctantly let me take over as CEO.

  The first three years were rough. Each year, the company lost more revenue. We were still profitable but heading toward losses. They were right, I really didn’t know what I was doing.

  Your father was right. You’re not really cut out for this. If you had stayed on and finished Harvard, maybe things would be different. You’re going to destroy everything we spent 30 years building up.

  She left that night angry, and I couldn’t blame her. After we presented our dismal results to the board after my second year as CEO, I had disappeared for two months, taking a trip alone in Latin America. I kept it a total secret, not telling anyone where I had gone until I called mom from Buenos Aires. She got angry because she had thought I got into an accident or something, not too mention I was neglecting my job.

  But I couldn’t take the pressure and needed to clear my mind. Despite all this she agreed to let me stay on as CEO as long as we started turning things around. But the third year was just as bad, and the company started sliding toward bankruptcy.

  My ambitious parents had started two other companies that were worth $100 million each. The night my mom left for a trip to England, we were arguing – I demanded that she let me take them over too.

  Kyle, you’re crazy. That’s out of the question right now. You can’t even keep one company flying straight, and your erratic behavior, taking off to South America, dropping out of Harvard, what do you want from me? I think you should start over. Try a job at McDonalds and work your way up. Handing it to you isn’t working.

  That was the last thing she said to me. She developed a blood clot on the flight, and when it finally arrived in London she dropped dead.

  Now I was all alone. I had my sister and a younger brother, but she had moved away to the east coast and wanted nothing to do with the companies, other than the dividends she lived on from her inheritance. My brother was still in college. The will was clear, in this situation I was named CEO of all three companies.

  Ever since I’ve been driven by an overwhelming desire to prove my parents wrong, to show them I can run the businesses. But I also wanted to please them, and show them I wasn’t the careless loser I had been up until then. I had quit Harvard but would never quit anything again.

  Then I got interested in politics. I had an overwhelming desire – and still do – to show my dad I’m a leader by winning the presidency. And I can apply what my parents taught me about business to the declining financial situation of the entire country.

  When I declared my candidacy for the Senate, I could feel dad looking down on me. I’m sure it was real. Do you doubt me? I promised him I would make right.

  Winning a Senate seat – a necessary step to getting the Presidency – would be the fulfillment of that promise. My dad had always wanted to get into politics and dreamed of being a Senator, but he died before he could turn his dream into reality. I was determined to do it for him, and I knew he’s be watching over me as I gave my acceptance speeches.

  And now the kooks at the Democracy Action Network were trying to trip me up by sending their best reporter at me. They were panicked because I had recently pulled into a solid lead in the polls.

  But I wasn’t going to let some woman from a left wing website get in the way of my dreams.

  We’d already had two televised debates and I’d come out the clear winner. Even though California had voted Democrat several elections in a row, it was clear to everyone I was changing the direction of politics in the state. Liberals weren’t really worried I’d win the Senate race – they already conceded I would – they worried that like Reagan I’d run for President and win my home state of California in a landslide. Turning California back into a so-called “red state”. Since Trump had turned the “blue wall” in the Midwest, my threat to turn California too would wipe out any chance for a future liberal presidency in our lifetimes.


  That morning when Diana called letting me know she was on her way, actually coming to the building where my office was, my muscles tensed. The sound of her deep, sexy voice on the other end of the line – leaving a message for me - sent an electrical charge through my body. My cock jerked listening to the voicemail, as I imagined her moaning while I fucked her deeply from behind. I must have listened to the voicemail 20 times, letting my feelings of lust cloud my judgment.

  I sat in my office listening to it yet one more time.

  My buzzer went off. It was Lisa, letting me know Diana Bates was here for the interview.

  You could say Diana Bates was just another attractive woman, but she commanded my attention. My mind raced a mile a minute, thinking of all the ways she could destroy my candidacy just by writing a few columns on her website. Despite all the billions of dollars I had piled up, she actually had control over me, and my future.

  I paced back and forth in my office like a caged animal, my pulse accelerating as an explosive mixture of lust, contempt, hatred, and trepidation surged through my body.

  Get a grip Kyle! You shouldn’t have quit the Marines. Just like Harvard. Had you stayed in the Marines you wouldn’t have the confidence problems you have now.

  This time I slap myself, trying to get my dads voice out of my head, and relieve the stiffness in my cock as Diana’s image keeps flashing through my mind. I took a deep breath and headed out to the elevators.

  I go down and the elevator doors open and I see her standing there right across from me. I instantly lost my breath and became paralyzed. She’s wearing a short black skirt that shows off smooth tanned and thick legs. My cock jerks again, for just an instant.

  I knew then I would be in big trouble. I’m a leg man, and can’t resist a woman that looks good in a short skirt. I managed to snap out of it and went over to greet her, putting on an air, the phony friendly kind you use in business meetings. I was trying to cover up my instantly ignited attraction.

  I motion for her to go to the conference room I’d reserved. As she struts over there, I can’t help but notice her round ass swaying with every step.

  I’m into women with big curvy asses, and I’d read somewhere recently that a woman with a swaying ass is more likely to orgasm during intercourse. So the more I see her ass sway back and forth, the more my cock twitches and starts to heat. It gets painfully worse with every single step she takes, feeling imprisoned by the tight pants I’m wearing.

  When she goes in the room and I motion for her to sit down, I’m finding myself completely distracted by her body. I didn’t notice before – her breasts aren’t huge but they are large enough - believe me –they jiggle and jouse a bit in her loose low necked top as she sits down. I notice her nipples starting to harden, and gradually draw my gaze up from her cleavage to her face, drinking in her soft and creamy but tanned skin.

  Her hair has a lot of curls in it and she flicks the long strands away from her face as she’s getting her stuff out for the interview. Watching intently, I feel a drop of hot pre-cum start traveling up from the depth of my body and make its way slowly out the tip of my cock.

  I’m doing everything I can to resist the overwhelming urge to
reach out and touch her, just to stroke her face or run my fingers along her milky smooth thighs.

  She had a slight part in her full lips as she arranged her things. As she bent over to get something out of her bag, I traced my finger over my lips as her cleavage came into full view. She sits up and flashes a quick smile, and I instantly saw my cock entering her mouth.

  I became strangely captivated by her beautiful hands. They were the hands of a sexy, mature woman, with a kind of power and strength, but very feminine, including her nails that were painted in a sexy red color.

  Painted nails always instantly harden by cock. In my minds eye I see her hands on my cock and my ass, her nails catching the light as she strokes me. I feel my cock grow a little more inside my pants, and hope she doesn’t notice. As we start talking, I could only breathe shallow breaths as I watched her make notes and twirl her hair around her finger.

  I knew I was in trouble and soon enough I’d be touching this woman. I had to get out of this. But my cock could not be denied. It took control and I began telling her what I wanted, what my body craved. I moved in closer, putting my hand on her thigh, lightly sliding it upward. I sensed the heat coming from her pussy. I told her how I’d like to fuck her. Her face flushed as she tried putting me off. My muscles tensed in frustration.


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