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The Politician - A Billionaire Bad Boy Romance

Page 7

by Connie Black

  That freaked me out.

  “Kyle, that means someone has been following us around from the very beginning. They have to be trailing me, or they’ve got some kind of inside information on your movements. Maybe tapping your phone.”

  He chuckles. “Who would bother with that? Everyone knows I’m a player. The fact I’m fucking a woman, that’s boring news these days, if you can even call it news.”

  “Do you think this is dangerous?” I asked him.

  “You mean for you? I don’t think so. Its clearly me they’re after. I got the big bucks.”

  The arrogant snob – his ego was always just an inch away.

  “Kyle, a lot of people are taking this race very seriously, and given that I’ve been publicly covering you, everyone knows it, someone could be after me. I don’t know what they want, but it could be someone on either side – trying to get me to stop writing about you, or who knows what.”

  “Yeah I guess so.”

  Kyle seemed unconcerned with my welfare.

  “Well I’m getting ready to leave. I sure as hell am not going to stay by myself in this house, when I know I’m being watched. You think I can sleep tonight after getting those photos?”

  “You can stay at one of my places. I’ve got tons of security.”

  I ponder the offer but decline.

  “No, I think I’ll just get a hotel. If someone, anyone, finds out that I’m staying at one of your properties, that will blow the lid off everything.”

  “Yeah but you’d be safe. You could even stay in one of the suites in the Zylent building. It’s perfectly safe in there.”

  “Kyle,” I lean into him, “Do you still want to win this Senate race?”

  He averts his gaze. “Not if it means I lose you.”

  My heart flutters. I’d felt almost no chemistry since he’d been here. I guess it was the circumstances, but my body had ached for him many times since our night together and now there was nothing.

  I take a deep breath.

  “Kyle, we can worry about that later. The thing to do now is find out what the hell is going on, and we don’t want to put your race for the Senate in jeopardy.”

  I could hardly believe it, but deep inside I was wanting Kyle to fulfill his dreams. I wanted him to become the Senator from California and was starting to think he would be a good one. If only we could get him to grow up a little and get over all his childish insecurities.

  “OK but the offer’s still open.”

  Kyle offered to wait while I finished packing. I had to let him stay, I felt a lot more security with a man in the house.

  Walking out I’m disgusted to see his Bentley parked across the street. I look at him and shake my head. Someone could have seen that, he’s probably tailed constantly. My house was probably going to be on the cover of next weeks tabloids.

  With that we parted again, and I’m off to find somewhere safe to stay. Somewhere I can be alone and let my mind clear.

  Chapter 11 – Kyle

  I needed to be alone. Away from James mostly, who was having a series of panic attacks. It was contagious and draining my energy.

  I’m in my penthouse suite at the Zylent building, thinking about Diana and all that’s going on.

  It’s a huge distraction. We were supposed to have three policy meetings today to prep for the upcoming debate, and I skipped them all. I’m still focused on those pictures, wondering who sent them and why.

  I’m sitting back on the bed across from the full-length mirror wearing shorts, looking at my bulge thinking how it needs some relief. Toying with my phone, I long to call Diana. I figure it wouldn’t hurt to just send her a text.

  Hey babe. What’s up. Just checking to make sure you’re OK.

  After I hit send I already feel stupid.

  I should have just let well enough alone. Several minutes go by. I sit back and slip my hand into my shorts, casually massaging my cock and balls, thinking about Diana and the explosive night we had.

  The phone vibrates and shakes me out of my fantasy. I reluctantly let go of my now hard cock to see what it is. It’s Diana.

  I’m not your babe, you bastard.

  Wow that was kind of harsh. I try being playful.

  Bet you were thinking of me.

  Two minutes go by before the phone vibrates again.

  Yeah Mister, I’m writing an article about you right now,

  So I’m thinking of how I’m going to destroy your Senate


  I began playing with my cock again, and slip off my shorts.

  I’m thinking of you too, Diana. Right now. Wearing nothing.

  I start getting massively hard. My cock pulsates as I look at my phone.

  Are you touching it?

  I grab my stiff cock and flail it around, imagining I’m playfully beating Diana’s face with it.

  Yeah I’m touching it. My thick inches are aching to be released. Can I ask you something?


  Are you wet?

  I began toying with my cock head, stroking it with my thumb, imaging her tongue on me. She texts back again.

  You bet I’m wet. Only wet for you.

  My cock throbbed as I saw Diana in my minds eye, her legs spread apart, fingering her soaking wet pussy. Stroking feverishly, I started feeling I was going to cum.

  Babe, are you there? I’m coming for you now.

  I stood up and began stroking harder and faster. The muscles in my ass tightened as I felt the sensation building. A jet of pleasure rushes across my cock and I start coming, shooting my hot jizz onto the wood floor.

  Sitting back down I pick up the phone. No more messages.

  Now I felt like a silly teenager, a few text messages from a woman and I’m stroking my cock.

  But at least it was something to revive the chemistry between us. I consoled myself thinking she had to be playing with her clit at the same time I was stroking my cock.

  I sent another message.

  Where are you staying? I need to know.

  Ten minutes go by.

  Why Kyle? Have you considered our phones are tapped?

  Diana, if they’re tapped you just let them know that you suspect it. Better to keep that under wraps isn’t it?


  Yeah I guess I’m being silly. I have a question for you.


  How did they know we were meeting at your restaurant? We talked about it in the building, and nowhere else. You didn’t call or text that day.

  I sat back trying to remember.

  I don’t know, they probably followed you over there.

  Yeah but something occurred to me. Those pictures, you said you got some showing us messing around at the restaurant.

  Yeah, so?

  Kyle – how did they know what room we’d be in? And how did they know that we’d mess around?

  That was something to consider. It had to be someone watching me to know I’d be dining in that particular room.

  Well they couldn’t know we’d mess around.

  She texts back immediately.

  Well Kyle, the way you talk about women…

  I felt like my head was going to explode. I still couldn’t figure out for the life of me who could possibly be behind this. My opponents were low life jerks, but they couldn’t be this scummy.

  Where are you anyway. I need to know. We’re in this together and you might need my help.

  The line fell silent again. I laid back on the bed, falling asleep.

  Chapter 12 – Diana

  I let myself get sucked into flirting with him, but I got tired of texting Swanson. I knew if I kept it up my body would begin aching with an uncontrollable need, so I ordered some food and put the phone away.

  A few quick knocks on the door using our special code and I knew immediately who it was. I ran to the door and opened it.


  It was Charlie Garcia. Democratic candidate for the Senate, and Swanson’s main opponent.

>   He immediately takes me into his embrace and we exchange a wet kiss. I bury my head into his chest.

  “Oh how I’ve missed you!”

  “I’ve missed you too babe. It’s not easy being apart from the woman I love.”

  I grab his hand and lead him back to the bed, where we settle down comfortably. I have some good room service food and pour Charlie a glass of wine. He puts his arm around me.

  “Charlie, did you have to send the pictures to me too?” He smiles, but I know he’s not really happy talking about this.

  “I did it to keep Swanson guessing. By making you look like a victim too, it takes suspicion off you” I looked into his eyes, just making sure I was reading him right.

  “Yeah but you know that really freaked me out. It scared the shit out of me. I wish you would have told me about this beforehand.” I protested.

  He looked away from me, as if gazing into the distance. “Diana, the fact is if I had told you about the pictures beforehand, your emotions would have gotten in the way. You wouldn’t have seemed authentic to Swanson. Now that he thinks you’re a victim too, it will throw him off our trail. He’s going to be with his team tomorrow and they’re going to spend all day wondering why the pictures were sent to you, and worrying about your safety. And they’ll wonder if it’s you that’s being blackmailed.”

  He laughs loudly. “Their heads are going to be spinning!”

  For a minute I don’t say a word, lost in thought. “Charlie it made me really uncomfortable that you were out there taking those pictures, watching me.”

  He laughs. But I don’t find it funny.

  “That part is behind us now.”

  “But did you really have to let him fuck you? Seriously? I thought the plan was to just mess around with him, and show some flesh. All we needed was a picture of him touching you, with some clothes off.”

  I sighed. “Well things got a little out of hand. I warned you I was physically attracted to him. And I did put him off the first time.”

  He cocks his head and gives me a sarcastic look.

  I poke him in the chest. “And I remind you it was your idea to catch him in a compromising situation. You said it was the only way to discredit him in the race.”

  We both chuckle. Charlie knew I was willing to do my part for the cause.

  “Yes it was my idea. But I really thought you were stronger than that.” he says and shakes his head.

  I pull away from his arms. “Come on, that’s not fair. I did this for you. For us. You can’t expect me to have my clothes off and being touched, without a chance of things going too far.”

  His eyes dart around the room. Sometimes he makes me angry, the way he thinks I’m all emotions.

  “Diana, I just expected that you’d be able to say no.”

  I kept it to myself, but my body wanted Kyle Swanson. I wanted to say yes.

  I figured Charlie didn’t have to know this, some things are better left unsaid.

  I chuckle for just a second, nervously. “It was all just business. Taking one for the team.”

  Of course there was something that was really eating at me.

  “Do you really think this will get him out of the race?” I ask, tired of dancing around the point.

  “Oh, no question. Everyone suspects Swanson of sleeping around, but when they find out he’s bedding a reporter covering his campaign for the other side, well that will be the end of him.”

  Charlie smiled to himself, impressed with the brilliance of his plan.

  “What could make a man more unfit for office, than a candidate using sex to shut down the best reporter in the state, a Pulitzer Prize winner who was critical of his campaign?”

  He looks right at me. “You did a great job in that first column by the way. Getting his troubled relationship with his parents out in the open, that was golden.”

  I smile, feeling a bit proud of myself.

  “So what’s the next step, Charlie?”

  “Well for one thing, I don’t want you fucking this man again.”

  He smiles to himself again. “I am pretty tolerant you have to admit, letting you have sex with him without getting angry. But can I ask you one thing?”

  I nod, not sure what’s coming next.

  “Did you enjoy it?”

  I clench my teeth a little, thinking it’s not his business. “Charlie I’m a grown woman and I got into this situation for you, with a man I despised. Whose politics I despised even more.”

  “You say it like that’s past tense. Despised?” he says rather angrily.

  “Can we move on? What are we going to do going forward? Can we forget about the sex part now that it’s over?” I protest, gritting my teeth.

  Charlie nods, “Okay, you’re right. We’ll just leave that behind.”

  Charlie gets up and walks around the room, and takes a drink from his wine glass.

  “The first thing is we are going to lay low for about one more week. Let him stew on the pictures. We have a debate coming up in three days, and it’s my chance to reverse our fortunes, because he’s going to be tense and worried during the debate, and easy to trip up.”

  “I hope there’s more to this Charlie. You got me alone with him, to have sex with him, just to trip him up in a debate?” I snap.

  “Of course Diana! This is the knock-out punch!” he barks. “In about a week, I’m sending the pictures to the Los Angeles Times and San Francisco Chronicle. I’m also going to send a set to your boss at the Democracy Action Network. It’s going to explode like an orgasm across the entire state, all at once. That day it will be the only thing on the news.”

  I put my head in my hands, fearful of what’s coming. “And then what? Janet is going to explode.”

  Charlie sits back on the bed putting his wine down, and grabs my hands. He looks me directly in the eyes.

  “Don’t worry Diana. I have everything taken care of. That’s when the next phase of our plan swings into operation.”

  He continued.

  “We’ve been keeping our relationship a secret. But this is our way to bring it public, so we can be married.”

  I sit up straight, eager to hear the rest of his plans.

  “Janet’s going to fire you. But that’s my open door. About two days after she fires you, I’ll hire you as our press secretary. I’ll issue a statement, saying how you’ve been a champion for our causes for years, writing for the top publications in the state of California.”

  I sighed. At least I wouldn’t end up unemployed.

  “So it will be a natural fit. You come onto our campaign staff. Then after the election is over and I’ve defeated Swanson, we can announce we are engaged. Nobody will suspect a thing.”

  The plan sounded good, but I was on an emotional roller coaster. That night at dinner I actually started feeling a warmth for Kyle. The sex was great, and after our encounter at my house, my feelings for him had increased.

  But I tried to stay rational, and told myself now that I was staying away from Kyle, any feelings I was developing for him would fade away. In a couple of months I’d forget all about him.

  I looked up at Charlie. “Are you sure there is no way they can trace this back to you? And did you have to take the pictures yourself?”

  He chuckled. “Would you have preferred that one of my staff was there, taking pictures of you having sex?”

  I rolled my eyes, feeling annoyed.

  He grips my hands tightly. “I’ve taken every precaution. Nobody is going to be able to figure out where the pictures came from or who took them. The pictures speak for themselves. Once they go public, Swanson is finished.”

  His eyes dart around the room and then he catches my gaze again. “Well finished as far as politics goes. He’ll probably continue along with his businesses though, everyone over there is used to him fucking dozens of women. They will probably sigh when the pictures come out.”

  I laugh. “Yeah I bet they thought he was fucking me in the conference room that first day I int
erviewed him. Do you think he’ll just drop out once the pictures go public?”

  There’s a long pause. Then Charlie stands up like he’s getting ready to leave. “I’m not sure it matters. Being as cocky as the bastard is, he may not. But his poll numbers will plummet. I find it hard to believe that the citizens of this state would vote for a man who sleeps with journalists covering his campaign. Especially one running as a conservative.”


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