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Bid for a Bride

Page 9

by Nordin, Ruth Ann

  Then he returned to work and she was alone again. She spent most of the afternoon cleaning. As she did, her eyes fell to the empty bedroom. With a resigned sigh, she took the broom into the room and swept it out. Today she’d sweep the floors. Maybe next week she could plan for making curtains. It had to be one thing at a time.

  It was close to four when she noticed feeling more tired than usual. She figured it was because she woke up earlier than usual. Lying in bed, she closed her eyes and enjoyed the cool May wind as it blew through the open window. While she drifted off to sleep, a mild pain began in her lower back and slowly spread to her abdomen. Bringing herself awake, she stood up and quickly checked her rags.

  She nearly collapsed with relief when she saw she finally started her flow. She wasn’t pregnant after all! Sitting on the bed, she cried again, this time thanking God her worries had been for naught. Now if she had a child, it would be Brian’s.

  Shortly after this, she set about the task of making supper and planning on what color to use for the curtains and rug she’d like to put in the spare bedroom. It was nice to enter the room with hope and anticipation for a change.

  When Brian came home, she greeted him with a hug.

  “You’re in a better mood,” he noted, smiling.

  “Yes. While you were gone, I discovered I’m not expecting a child. Now when I get pregnant, we’ll know you’re the father. I really want to have your child, Brian.” By the look on his face, she couldn’t tell what he was thinking. “Did I say something wrong?”

  He blinked and shook his head. “No. I just got used to thinking of having a child in this house, that’s all.”

  She laughed. “We’ll have a child, Brian. It’s only a matter of time. Now, come on in and have a seat. Supper will be ready soon.” She patted the chair and turned to the skillet on the cook stove.

  He obeyed and she got everything ready for their meal while she chatted on about what she did during the day.


  On Sunday, Lucy and Brian went to church with Eliza and John, and as Eliza did most of the talking, Lucy held Brian’s hand which had become her habit whenever they went to town. After having lunch at Frank and Addy’s, they returned home and stayed at Eliza and John’s house through supper.

  Shortly before sunset, they said good-bye to Eliza and John. Lucy held Brian’s hand on the way back to their house, noticing that he didn’t bother using his walking stick to feel out his path.

  “Aren’t you worried there’s something you’ll trip on?” she asked him.

  “You’d let me know if there was anything obstructing my path.”

  “You’re right,” she admitted, realizing she’d been scanning the ground for anything she needed to warn him about. “You seem to know me pretty well.”

  He shrugged. “I just have a feeling you’d do that, that’s all.”

  They continued on in a comfortable silence, and when they reached the trees that marked where their home was, she said, “It’s been a good day, don’t you think?”

  “Yes, it has.”

  She glanced at the trees with their green leaves. “So you love autumn when the leaves fall from the trees?”

  “It’s the smell in the air and the sound of the leaves crunching under my feet when I walk that I love. It’s a vibrant time of year. Spring is second to it. You can smell the change in seasons best during those two times of the year.”

  “I’ll have to pay better attention to things like that.”

  “I don’t really think about it. I did when I was a child, but now, it just comes naturally to me.”

  They passed under the trees and she stopped.

  “What is it?” he asked. “Is there something in my path?”

  “No. It’s…” She glanced at him and then turned to the fields where she saw the spectacular colors in the sky. “It’s the sunset.” She wrapped her arms around his waist. Resting her head on his chest, she took in the beauty of the evening. It was a perfect ending to a perfect day, and it was a part she couldn’t share with him. “I wish you could see it.”

  “I get the idea,” he whispered and brought his arms around her.

  They remained silent for awhile. She closed her eyes and tried to imagine what this moment was like for him. The warm day had cooled a bit, but it was still comfortable to stay outside. She thought she heard a squirrel run past and was tempted to open her eyes to verify this fact but refrained. A couple of birds chirped from where they nested in the trees, and if she was right, she heard the leaves rustling in the breeze.

  Something brushed her cheek, and her eyes flew open. Brian was stroking her face with his fingers. She looked up at him and waited to see what he’d do next. His fingers went from her cheek to her lips, slowly tracing them until he closed his eyes and leaned forward. She closed her eyes in anticipation of the kiss but it never came. One moment his fingers were on her lips and the next he pulled away from her. Surprised, she opened her eyes and saw that he was using the walking stick to help him on the way to the house.

  “I’ll make the coffee,” he called out over his shoulder.

  Unable to think of a proper response, she stood there and tried to access what had just happened. He wanted to kiss her. So why didn’t he? Lifting her skirt, she headed for the house, determined to figure out why he stopped. When she reached the front door, she peered into the kitchen.

  He was retrieving the coffee pot from the shelf. She stepped into the house and shut the door loud enough so he’d have to hear her. She waited to see if he’d respond, but he placed the coffee pot on the work table.

  Deciding that she’d press the issue, she walked forward and asked, “Do you want to kiss me?”

  He didn’t respond. Instead, he filled the pot with water.

  Walking up to him, she placed her hand on his. “I asked you a question. Do you want to kiss me?”

  After a long moment, he turned his face in her direction. “Yes.”

  Her heart raced with unexpected excitement. Sounding braver than she felt, she said, “Then kiss me.”

  He hesitated but then brought his hand to her face, tracing her cheek and then her lips. She closed her eyes and waited for him to lean forward to kiss her. When he did, she was surprised by the gentleness of the action. It was a mere whisper on her lips. She opened her eyes. Before she could ask him to kiss her again, he cupped the side of her face with his hand and brought his mouth to hers. A spark of excitement shot straight through her. She didn’t know why his kiss should be any different from the ones Adam had given her, but they were.

  Adam, she now realized, had kissed other women before and seemed to rush the kisses to get to the bed, but Brian didn’t seem to be in any hurry. Brian turned to her and wrapped her in his arms. She brought her hands up to his face and focused on feeling his face the way he felt hers. The stubble from the day’s growth of beard was the first thing she noticed, but then she moved her fingers to his ears and then his hair, noting the silky texture.

  Brian ended the kiss but held her to him. She kept her eyes closed and enjoyed the rhythm of his heartbeat which she felt through his shirt. This was nice. The simple action of being held by a man who cared for her and treated her as if she was the most important person he’d ever come across was the nicest thing she’d ever experienced. She thought she might be lucky to settle for someone who’d be content with her--someone she, in return, would be content to be with. But the foundation being laid out between her and Brian was built on more than a marriage where they’d simply be content with one another.

  “What do we do now?” Brian whispered.

  She laughed. “I think we go to the bedroom and let what happens between a husband and wife when they’re alone happen.”

  Realizing she’d have to make the first move, she took his hand and led him to the bedroom. When they stood by the bed, she ran her hands up his shirt and unbuttoned it. He gave out a light chuckle even as his expression had a look of uncertainty in it.

vous?” she softly asked.

  “A little. I-I’ve never done this before.”

  She smiled. “There’s nothing to it, really. You just let instinct guide you.”

  She slid her hands under his shirt so it fell off his shoulders and to the floor. Next came his undershirt, and as she slipped her hands under it, she took her time in feeling the contours of his chest, noting the differences between them. After his undershirt was off, she brought her hands to the belt around his waist and peered up at him, wondering if he’d mind if she continued to undress him. He didn’t seem to mind though, not if his slight smile was an indicator of his thoughts.

  He was so gentle with her at all times, and she figured she could ask him for anything and he’d grant it. Their lovemaking would be no different, and this fact emboldened her to loosen his belt and unbutton his pants. Even as she experienced the nervous excitement inherent in what they were doing, she pressed forward, her curiosity about the male body outweighing her shyness.

  When she pulled his pants and underwear down, he stepped out of them. For the moment, she was grateful he couldn’t see her openly staring at his body, her gaze lingering on his arousal. She knew what it meant, and it intrigued her. With tentative fingers, she studied the male part of him, fascinated by the silken thickness of him. He let out a soft groan and rubbed her shoulders. Since he didn’t tell her to stop, she continued for awhile until she was satisfied with her exploration.

  Then she undressed and embraced him. She kissed his neck, and as she did, it suddenly occurred to her that he was too timid to really touch her. His hands rested softly on her hips, but he wasn’t making a move to touch her more intimately.

  “Come,” she whispered and held his hand while she settled onto the bed. When he was next to her, she placed his hand on her left breast. “It’s alright. I want you to see me.”

  His fingers light on her skin, he traced the curve of her breast.

  “I won’t break,” she softly told him. “You can use more pressure.” To demonstrate, she took his hand and cupped her breast with it.

  He gulped. “You feel nice.”

  She chuckled. “So do you, Brian.” Lifting her hand from his, she ran her fingertips along his arm.

  She sighed in contentment as he continued to learn her body. Bringing his hand up, he felt her neck and then traced her collarbone. She was surprised he chose to start there, but then she surmised he’d already touched her face and hair and now would discover the rest of her, and since he couldn’t see her, the only way he could learn everything was to touch everything. He moved his hand over to her shoulder and then down her arm.

  Closing her eyes, she pushed out the rest of the world and concentrated on his caress. He explored her breasts, making a brief comment on how her nipples hardened when he stroked them. Then he lowered his head and kissed her, telling her he liked how soft she was. She lazily stroked his hair. As he’d been with the kiss, he was in no hurry. He ran his hand down her stomach and then to her abdomen, his kisses coming shortly after. When he reached her triangle of curls, she parted her legs so he could touch and taste the sensitive folds of her flesh.

  She let out a soft moan. He didn’t realize he was teasing her, slowly fanning the flames of her desire. She encouraged him to insert his finger inside her, and when he did, she moaned again, louder this time. As he stroked her, he brought his mouth back to the breast closest to him. The ache between her legs grew more insistent, something that surprised her. It wasn’t that she hadn’t found the marital bed enjoyable with Adam. Even if she didn’t want to think of her time with him, she had enjoyed that part of their time together. But there hadn’t been a sense of urgency in the act. No. This strange welling up of physical pleasure that seemed to be building toward something was new.

  When Brian’s finger slipped out of her body, she wanted to protest, but then he got up and settled between her legs. She assumed he’d enter her and consummate the marriage. However, his hands and mouth continued to explore the rest of her body. He started with the inside of her thighs and worked on down to the rest of her legs.

  By the time he shifted his weight so that he was above her, she reached down and guided him into her. She felt the moist heat between her legs and knew his entrance would be easy. While he slid into her, he gave a slight gasp, followed by a groan, and, as instinct dictated, he began moving inside her. She barely had time to experience the fullness of him when he found his release and spilled his seed into her.

  She held him when he collapsed on her, partly in satisfaction that he received pleasure from her body but also wondering why this part of it had been so quick when he’d taken deliberate time with the rest of it. She tried to recall how long it’d been with Adam. If she remembered right, the first time didn’t last as long as their times had been afterward. Not that she wanted to compare being with Brian to being with Adam. Remembering Adam in any capacity made her feel soiled. Brian made her feel pure and clean. But maybe the next time she and Brian came together this way, it would last longer.

  Brian’s cheek rested against hers for a long moment before his lips met hers. Again, he exhibited no big hurry in his actions. They remained entwined in each other’s arms, just kissing one another, and judging by the fact that he no longer had an erection, they wouldn’t be in for another round of lovemaking for awhile.

  They settled into each other’s arms and at some point, drifted off to sleep. Lucy’s body ached with unmet desire, and in the midst of her sleep, she found herself moaning and reaching for Brian. By the time she rolled him onto his back, she was fully awake and aware that he was as well. Her body urged her to take what she wanted, and since he was now fully erect, she took him into her and moved her hips, pressing the sensitive nub against him without thinking of what she was doing or why. Her movements were in no way as gentle as his had been, and for the moment, she didn’t care. All she knew was that the ache was too powerful and she had to satisfy it.

  Brian, seeming to understand her urgency, placed his hands on her hips and guided her along. “Yes, Lucy. Sweetheart, keep going.”

  She bit her lower lip and increased the rhythm until she was aware that the pressure centering on her sensitive nub was accumulating to something wonderful. When she climaxed, her body clenched around his.

  “Oh, oh my,” was all she could utter.

  Holding her securely in his arms so he wouldn’t break their connection, he sat up and kissed her neck.

  She leaned into him, her head too light and her body still responding to the waves of her orgasm as they continued to consume her, one less intense than the last but still making her tingle in delight. She had no idea such pleasure was possible and decided she wanted to experience this again.

  When she was satisfied, she collapsed against Brian who rolled her over, his arousal still nestled inside her. She was too weak to hold him this time, so she focused on his thrusting, her flesh still sensitive as he moved inside her. This time, their lovemaking did last longer. She got to fully appreciate the way he felt inside her and groaned, enjoying how amazing he could make her feel.

  He increased his movements, and by this time, she gained enough strength to wrap her legs tighter around him to pull him deeper into her. She worked with him, softly calling out his name and aware he responded in kind. Then he stiffened and spilled his seed into her again. She held him close as he throbbed inside her. After a few seconds, he was kissing her, as he had before. And like before, they kissed until they both drifted off to sleep, this time both satisfied.

  Chapter Eleven

  Brian woke up the next morning, his body relaxed and a smile on his face. The previous night was, by far, the best night he’d ever experienced in his life. If he loved Lucy before, he loved her more now. She was the best thing that ever happened to him, and he thanked God Annabelle told him no when he wanted to court her.

  “Lucy?” he whispered and reached for her.

  The place in bed next to him was empty. That wasn’t unusual
. She often woke before him, but the absence of food cooking concerned him.

  “Lucy?” he called out, noting the silence.

  Sitting up, he focused on the sounds and vibrations in the house but noticed nothing besides his own breathing and the chirping of birds outside the window. She wasn’t in the house, and from the smell of it, she hadn’t started breakfast.

  He retrieved his clothes from off the floor and put them on. Rushing to the kitchen door, he flung the storm door open and called out her name again. He remained still and waited for her to respond, but he didn’t hear her. He heard the birds, the babbling of the creek, and the wind whirling around the property. But he didn’t hear her.

  And that worried him.

  He ran down the steps and toward the outhouse. It was the only place he could think of where she might be, and though he stumbled on a few obstacles, he managed to reach the small building. His heart beat with nervous dread as he knocked on the door.

  “Lucy? Are you in there?”

  He waited. Nothing. Opening the door, he reached forward but didn’t feel anything but air. He took a deep breath to calm his nerves. She didn’t leave him. There would be no reason for her to leave him. She wouldn’t make love to him if she intended to leave.

  Even as he reasoned this out to himself, his mind flashed back to the day his father dropped him off in the fields. His father led him to the spot he said was private enough to relieve his bladder and then said he’d find another spot.

  “I’ll come for you when I’m done,” his father had said.

  And so Brian waited. And waited. But his father never returned, and when he searched for the wagon, he couldn’t find it. And now he couldn’t find Lucy.

  Brian closed the door to the outhouse and tried to decide what to do. Her clothes! If she did leave, her clothes wouldn’t be in the house. Praying her clothes were still there, he headed back to the house, careful to hold onto the rope so he wouldn’t stumble as he had before.

  As he neared the porch, a twig snapped in the direction of the row of trees that marked his property line. He stopped and waited for what else he might hear. The sound of footsteps approaching from around the side of the house caught his attention.


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