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The Secret: A billionaire romance

Page 16

by Harper Lauren

  “Well, geez, you could’ve given me a little bit more time!” Jenna said playfully. She stuck her tongue out at me before disappearing into the bathroom and slamming the door behind her.

  Half an hour later, we walked out of the apartment together and climbed into the back of a black town car that Jordan had sent for us. He wasn’t there, of course – I assumed he was helping James get ready for the party – but there was a bottle of rose champagne and two crystal flutes. Jenna immediately grabbed the bottle.

  “Hey,” I said. “You’re not twenty-one!”

  Jenna rolled her eyes. “Yeah, well, I’ve had a few drinks,” she said. She uncorked the champagne with expert ease and poured us each a glass as the car rolled away from the curb. She passed my flute to me and I took a sip: the champagne was sweet and delicate, just like I wanted it to be.

  “So, have you ever been to James’s house before?”

  I shook my head.


  I was, but I didn’t want to admit it to Jenna. “No,” I lied. “I’m sure everything will be fine.”

  But as the town car rolled out of Boston and into the wealthy suburbs, I wasn’t so sure. James had been nice enough to me before…even if he’d spent our entire interaction hinting at Jordan’s dark past. Now that I knew everything, how would he behave? And did he approve of Jordan dating me? Or was this some elaborate plot to force the two of us apart?

  Either way, the champagne was helping. Jenna and I sipped in silence as the limo moved on. When it finally slowed to a stop, I dared to peek out of the tinted window. A beautiful, huge mansion stood on a small hill. The sun was setting behind the marble house, making it look like it was backlit, and well-dressed people were walking slowly across the lawn. I shivered nervously. I’d never been comfortable around excess money. That was one of the reasons why I liked Jordan so much – even though he was loaded, he never acted like it.

  “I just hope this will be okay,” I said nervously as I climbed from the back of the town car. Jenna followed behind me, holding onto my arm with one hand as she adjusted her low chignon with the other.

  Immediately, a stiff-looking man in uniform walked over to us and took a bow.

  “Miss Laci?”

  I flushed “Just Laci, please,” I said. “But yes, I’m her. This is my sister Jenna.”

  The butler nodded. “Right this way. Mr. West has requested that you join him inside for a toast.”

  I threw an anxious glance over my shoulder at Jenna, but she grinned and gave me a thumbs-up.

  The butler led me into a massive foyer. The floor was paved in squares of marble and the ceilings were so high that looking up at them made me dizzy. We walked down a long, wide hall and then took a sharp left into a dimly lit room. The walls were paneled in wood and there were large paintings of important-looking men and animals on the walls. There was even a fire in the fireplace – and it was the middle of July!

  “Miss Laci,” the butler said with a low bow. He turned and left the room. That was when I saw Jordan – he’d been sitting on one of the couches and now he got to his feet and grinned at me.

  “You look beautiful,” Jordan said in a low voice as he leaned down to kiss my cheek. “Come on, I want you to meet my family.”

  “Jenna’s here, too,” I said, flushing. “She’s outside, somewhere.”

  Jordan smirked. “I’m sure she’ll be fine,” he said. He put his hand on the small of my back and guided me across the room. I recognized James – he looked like Jordan, but sleeker – but I didn’t know the stunning young woman at his side. Despite the squirming toddler on her lap, she looked incredibly glamourous.

  “Laci, you remember my brother, James,” Jordan said solemnly.

  I smiled awkwardly and turned to James. He was seated, and he’d made no effort to rise until we were almost in front of him.

  “I do,” I said. “It’s so nice to see you again, James. Thank you so much for inviting me, and my sister.”

  As if on cue, Jenna stumbled into the room. She flashed me a big, bright smile as she walked over the thick carpet on her narrow heels.

  “Speaking of my sister, this is Jenna,” I said, stepping back. James got to his feet and gave her a small bow, then turned to me.

  “Laci, it’s so nice to see you,” he said smoothly. Then he turned to the beautiful woman seated next to him. “This is my wife, Hanna, and our son, Christian.”

  “Christian looks just like you,” Jenna gushed loudly. “I love babies,” she added.

  Hanna smiled warmly. Suddenly, I could tell that like me, she wasn’t from wealth. Despite her perfectly-coiffed hair and expensive designer gown, I knew she was likely more comfortable in jeans and a ponytail.

  “I’ve heard a lot about you from Jordan,” Hanna said kindly. She shifted Christian on her lap and groaned. “He’s almost too big for this,” she said. “But it’s not like I could say no to that face.”

  I laughed. Christian had a head full of thick, dark hair and intense eyes with a pouting lip – just like Jordan and James.

  “I don’t think I could say no, either,” I confessed.

  Hanna scooted to the side and patted the couch. “Come sit, those shoes look like torture,” she said. “I haven’t worn heels for more than five minutes since giving birth…trust me, I don’t think I could handle it.”

  I laughed and joined her on the couch. “I teach high school, so I’m almost always in flats,” I explained. “But I like dressing up sometimes.”

  Jordan walked to the other side of the couch and stood by my side. He put his hand on the back of my neck and squeezed, rubbing my shoulders in a way that made me feel calm and relaxed.

  “Come on,” Jordan whispered. “Let’s go for a walk.”

  I glanced over at his brother and Hanna. They were talking animatedly to Jenna, who was squatting down on the floor and playing with Christian.

  “Won’t they think it’s rude?” I asked softly.

  Jordan shook his head. “No,” he said. There was a gleam in his eye that made my stomach twist. “They know what I’m going to do.”

  Flushing hotly in anticipation, I followed Jordan out of the room. I expected him to lead me out to the front lawn, where other people had been clustered around with drinks. Instead, he led me down a dark corridor and out a narrow side door.

  “Hey,” Jordan said quietly. “Come here.” He put his hands on my waist and pulled me close before dipping me into a low kiss. When I felt his smooth lips on mine, a hot shudder went racing through my body. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pushed my body against his, moaning softly as Jordan nibbled on my lower lip.

  When we parted, I was breathing hard.

  “Just a little bit further,” Jordan said. He glanced down at my feet and smirked, then knelt and gently eased my heels off. He carried them in his hand, the straps hooked over his thumb like he was used to carrying women’s shoes.

  The marble floor was chill and hard against my bare feet, and I was glad when Jordan led me out a private door to a small garden. The moon had risen in the sky and the black velvet above us was dotted with bright white stars. The garden was beautiful, too – hedges and topiaries and sculptures and statues that looked as if they’d be right at home in ancient Rome or Greece.

  “This is magical,” I breathed. “Your brother has a beautiful house.”

  Jordan nodded once. He turned and in the moonlight, his profile looked sharper and more handsome than ever before.

  “He does,” Jordan said. “And I want to give you something just as beautiful.”

  I bit my lip.

  “I’m selling Trading West,” Jordan said. “I’ve already got a few potential buyers lined up.”

  “What are you going to do instead?” I asked softly.

  “My brother has offered me a place in our family company,” Jordan said. “Vice president.”

  I looked up at him. “I’m confused,” I said.

  Jordan led me over to a small stone benc
h and we sat down together. He put an arm around me.


  “I just…” I trailed off, fumbling my words. “I didn’t think you wanted that, Jordan. I thought you wanted to do your own thing, you know.”

  “I’ve done my own things,” Jordan said with a shrug. “And now, I want to work with my family. Family is important to me now. It wasn’t for a long time, but I know I’m going to be happy.”

  I threw my arms around Jordan and hugged him tightly.

  “I love you,” I whispered. “I’m so glad.”

  Jordan kissed my neck and pulled away. Then, quick as a wink, he slipped from the bench and got down on one knee. I gasped as he pulled a bright blue velvet box from his pocket and opened it to reveal a sparkling pear-shaped diamond solitaire set in platinum.

  “Laci Wright,” Jordan growled in a low voice. “Will you marry me?”

  Tears that I didn’t even know had come to my eyes spilled down my cheeks and I leapt from the bench and threw myself into Jordan’s arms, hugging him and burying my face in his neck.

  “Yes,” I whispered hotly. “Yes!”

  Jordan pulled away just long enough to slip the sparkling diamond onto my finger. “Good,” he said. “Because I can’t live without you, Laci.” He pressed his forehead to mine and stared deeply into my eyes. “You’re the one who makes me strong. You’re the one who makes me want to be a good man.”

  I cupped Jordan’s face in my hands and kissed him deeply, slipping my tongue into his mouth and sucking on his lips as our kiss grew increasingly passionate. Jordan groaned and slid his hands down my black lace dress, cupping the cheeks of my ass. I shivered and wriggled and pushed against him.

  “I love you,” I panted as I pulled away. “And I always will.”


  Laci – One Year Later

  “You look beautiful,” Taylor said. She wiped a tear from her eye and stepped backward, beaming at me.

  “Yeah,” Jenna chimed in. “You really do.”

  I looked at myself and flushed. “I feel huge,” I said, resting a hand on my protruding belly. “Don’t you think it’s tacky to get married when you’re seven months pregnant?”

  “Only if you’re marrying someone who isn’t the father,” Taylor said in a deadpan voice. The room was silent for a moment, then the three of us burst out laughing.

  “Thanks,” I said. “But that’s not possible.”

  “You look like a fertility goddess, or something,” Jenna said. She scrunched up her nose.

  “And I guess you’d know all about that, Miss Ancient Studies,” I said, turning to Jenna and raising an eyebrow. To Taylor, I said: “She wants to go on a dig this summer – to Rome! Can you imagine going to Rome in August and not being a tourist?”

  Taylor laughed. “You should go,” she said to Jenna. “It’ll be worth it.”

  The door opened and I gasped, hiding behind the bamboo screen in case it was Jordan. But thankfully, it was Hanna. She looked radiant in a blush-pink bridesmaid’s dress, and she was holding Christian by the hand as he tottered unsteadily.

  “My little man wanted to see the bride,” Hanna said indulgently. “I told him you wouldn’t mind.”

  I grinned. “Of course not.” I knelt down – which, at seven months, was no small feat. “Hey there,” I said to Christian. “Are you ready to be my ring bearer?”

  Christian stared up at me with the same dark eyes as Jordan and James. “Ring bearer,” he repeated solemnly.

  I laughed.

  “Momma says there’s a baby in your tummy,” Christian said. He reached for my stomach and prodded it gently.

  I flushed hotly and eyed Hanna. “I guess no Mr. Stork for you?”

  Hanna looked embarrassed. She shrugged. “I thought he deserved to know the truth,” she said. “At least…the age-appropriate truth.”

  I laughed. “Yes,” I told Christian. “And in a few months, you’ll be an uncle! Isn’t that exciting?”

  “Uncle,” Christian repeated. He turned to Hanna and held his arms up, whining to be held.

  “I should go put him down for a bit,” Hanna said. She scooped up Christian in her toned arms. “See you soon.”

  I stifled a groan as I got to my feet. Even though I knew I looked beautiful, with perfect makeup and hair, I still felt like a cow. I was so big that I couldn’t even see my feet in the shower anymore, and I couldn’t remember the last time I’d been able to look down and see my pubic hair.

  “You look gorgeous,” Jenna said, as if reading my mind. “And it’s almost time. Are you ready?”

  I gulped.

  “Don’t be nervous,” Jenna said. She patted my arm. “I’m your maid of honor, remember? And I’ll take anyone out who fucks with my big sister.”

  I burst out laughing.

  “Yeah, I know,” Jenna said. She smirked. “I’m tough.”

  Taylor gasped. “Laci, it’s time,” she said. She passed me my bouquet – pink peonies and roses – and smoothed her hair. “Let’s go,” she said to Jenna. Taylor winked at me. “You’ll be great,” she said. “I just know it.”

  I swallowed nervously, suddenly wishing that I’d taken Jenna’s advice to eat before getting dressed. But now there was no time – and it wasn’t like I could eat anyway, I was far too nervous.

  Laci and Taylor led me through the giant house. Rose petals were sprinkled on the marble floors and the ivory walls were draped with pink silk and more flowers. It was like something from a dream – I couldn’t believe how beautiful it was.

  “This is a nice place,” Jenna whispered to me as we took our places by the door. I glanced over her shoulder – the last of the guests had trickled in, and I knew that any moment now, my bridesmaids would be walking down the aisle of silk with me following behind.

  “Jordan picked it,” I whispered. “He rented it just for the wedding. Can you imagine what it cost?”

  Jenna gave me a curiously enigmatic smile before turning away. I was tempted to ask her what she meant, but my attention was divided all over the place. At least three hundred guests sat in gold chiavari chairs, staring at an altar covered with silks and flowers. I watched as Jordan and his groomsmen took their places at the right side of the altar. The guests fell silent just as the organ started to play.

  Jenna gave me a kiss on the cheek, then walked forward carrying a miniature version of my bouquet in her arms. Taylor and Hanna followed, carrying small florets of peonies in their hands. The guests oohhed and aahhed as they made their way to the front, three beautiful young women in pale pink silk.

  Then, the music began to play anew and I knew it was my time. Taking a deep breath, I began the slow walk up the aisle. It was a struggle to pace my steps, and I felt like a smile was frozen on my face as I placed one foot in front of the other. When I looked at Jordan, I saw that his eyes were wet. The sheer emotion on his face made my frozen smile melt and soon, I was beaming for real as I carefully made my way to the altar. As soon as I stood on the other side of Jordan, the music came to a gentle stop.

  The minister cleared his voice. “We are here today to join two people in the most holy act of marriage,” he said.

  Jordan winked at me and I flushed. Handing my bouquet to Jenna, I stepped closer and the minister put my hand in Jordan’s.

  As the minister talked, I couldn’t help zoning out and staring into the dark eyes of my future husband. How had this happened? How had my life led me to such happiness? It was overwhelming, and soon tears came to my eyes as I realized that this was truly happening, that this was really my life.

  I love you, I thought as I stared at Jordan’s handsome face. And I always will.

  The minister’s dry voice broke me from my spell.

  “Laci Evelyn Wright, do you take this man to be your husband? To have and to hold, to cherish and to love, until you are parted by death?”

  I repeated the vow. My voice shook with the intense emotion rushing through my body and I began to shake. A hot tear rolled do
wn my cheek and Jordan squeezed my hand.

  “Jordan Edgar Michael West, do you take this woman to be your wife? To have and to hold, to cherish and to love, until you are parted by death?”

  “I do,” Jordan said. He brought my hand to his mouth and kissed it, then beckoned Christian to come forward with the ring pillow. As Christian tottered onto the altar, the crowd began to coo and aww over his chubby toddler figure. He handed the pillow to Jordan with a shaky hand, then Hanna stepped forward to take her son by the hand and lead him back to where she stood with the other bridesmaids.

  Jordan turned and handed James the fake ring pillow as James reached into his pocket and handed Jordan the real rings. The sight of glittering platinum in the summer Boston sun made me gasp. When Jordan slid my wedding band onto my finger, I felt like I would die of happiness. My hands were shaking so badly that I could hardly slide his band onto his finger.

  “I now pronounce you husband and wife,” the minister said. To Jordan, he said: “You may kiss the bride.”

  Jordan dipped me into a low kiss and the crowd clapped and cheered. I threw my arms around Jordan’s neck and clung to him as he pulled me upright.

  “We’re married,” I whispered excitedly. “I can’t believe it!”


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