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Egyptian Lover 3: Ardeth & Amenhotep

Page 6

by Isabella Jordan

  Would she learn to fly like this? She could definitely live with that.

  Suddenly they began to dive for the sand and it was then she spotted what looked like a black cloud below. In horror, she realized it was the dark riders battling on the sand with other creatures. There were two other sphinxes, just like Ardeth, and a large, bald man who looked familiar to her, fighting Set’s minions. There were a number of other men out there and the bodies of some of them littered the ground. There was blood in the sand.

  One of the men she saw fighting as she and Ardeth neared the ground, was Hunter Storme!

  Ardeth roared from above her. It echoed over the scene as he dropped her easily in the sand just before the entrance to a cave she’d never seen before.


  Carson Bonham ran out to greet her, another lady right on her heels. She looked just as Alex remembered her, willowy and tall with warm, hazel eyes.

  Carson wrapped her arms about Alex, embracing her tightly. “You’re okay.” She could barely hear Carson’s voice over the battle all around them. “Thank, God!”

  Pulling away from Carson to look for Ardeth, she spotted him easily as he jumped right into the middle of the fight.

  “Oh, I can’t look,” Alex muttered. But neither could she look away as she watched the battle. One of the men dropped to his knees not far from where they stood.

  Carson’s body went rigid in her arms. “Oh, my God! Dad?”

  Carson dashed to the man in the sand -- and it was Hunter Storme -- as the other woman grabbed Alex and began pulling her back toward the cave.

  “My name is Emma,” the woman said with a very crisp British accent. “Don’t be afraid.”

  “You son of a bitch!” Carson’s fierce yell drew their attention to the creature that she pulled off her father. It was injured but still alive on the ground, though ripped nearly in half.

  Ardeth seemed to be everywhere in the battle, his wings giving him an advantage. There were screeches and screams, spatters of blood and cries of pain. One of the creatures came at Ardeth from behind. Panic welled up in Alex as she watched it draw closer to her lover. She couldn’t just stand there and allow that monster to hurt him.

  Yanking free of the other woman’s grip, Alex yelled. The preternatural sound that emerged from her throat startled her. Running as fast as she could for the creature that was nearly upon Ardeth now, she felt a great surge of energy humming in her body, felt her flesh tingle and burn.

  She was counting on the strength she’d had to sling the suitcase back at the hotel and it didn’t let her down. Alex reached the creature, her hands held out before her as she ran with all her might. Only those weren’t her hands that struck the black, faceless creature and sent him sailing several feet away across the sand.

  She had paws!

  Ardeth whirled around, his quick gaze taking in the scene. “Get back to the cave!”

  Yet she was being swept up as he said that, held again by paws and flying back to the cave with no idea who had her. When they gently landed, she turned just in time to see the sphinx change in form, back into the woman who’d called herself Emma.

  Her hand clasped over Alex’s. The paws were gone.

  “Please, stay with me. This will be over soon.”

  It seemed to go on forever, but it actually ended very quickly after that. In amazement she watched the dark riders finally retreat, summoning great black horses with horrible red eyes and racing away into the desert.

  One of Ardeth’s rear legs showed a long line of blood and she ran to him.

  “You’re hurt. We have to clean that.”

  He smiled at her, the sands whipping around him before she could reach him. He was back in his human form when she got to him and she wrapped her arms around his waist.


  Ardeth’s voice came from behind her, not from the man she embraced. What the fuck? She turned to see a man who looked like Ardeth, dressed as he had been when he came to get her at the airport.

  Pulling back from the man she held, she looked up into what appeared to be Ardeth’s face. He wasn’t dressed the same. He wore only tan pants but nothing above the waist.

  Looking from one to the other, she had to stop and ask, “Wait. What’s going on here?”

  She instinctively recognized Ardeth’s touch as he came up behind her and pulled her back against his body. So if the man behind her was her Ardeth, who was in front of her?

  “This is my brother, Amenhotep.”

  “You’re twins, huh?”

  Amenhotep nodded, his gaze roaming over her body in an unmistakable way.

  A little uncomfortable with that, Alex looked around for her friend. “Where’s Carson?”

  She spotted Carson sitting in the sand embracing her father. Alex’s insides warmed to see their reunion. “I missed you so much,” she heard Carson say. “I have so much to tell you.”

  Hunter rose from the sand with her. It appeared that he’d be okay.

  “What happened?” she heard Ardeth ask.

  “The dark riders attacked their group.” Another man, who Alex had watched earlier as a sphinx, walked up to their group. “They must have sensed they were looking for Alexis.”

  The man tipped his head at Alex. Amenhotep’s expression became stilled and serious as he also gazed at her. “We cannot withstand an attack like this each sun,” the man warned Ardeth.

  “Alexis, this is Kahma.” He introduced the man since he didn’t seem to have any intention of introducing himself. “He is leader to those of us who dwell outside of the tomb.”

  The tomb of Osiris?

  “She nearly achieved transformation on the field helping Amenhotep,” Ardeth pointed out while her face heated.

  How the hell was she supposed to have known that he had an identical twin?

  Kahma, an attractive man who was slightly smaller than the twins, nodded.

  “I saw. But her transformation must be completed quickly. As long as she is human, we will be forced to fight them daily. This we cannot do.”

  “What did he say?” she heard Hunter ask behind them.

  “We’ll talk, Dad,” Carson told him. “I’ll tell you everything.”

  Alex watched as Carson led her father toward the cave and Emma walked up to help her. Hunter stopped dead in his tracks to stare at Emma, even reaching out to touch her face.

  “You look… so familiar. I --”

  “Let’s get inside, Dad.” Carson and Emma led him away.

  “Ardeth.” Kahma drew their attention back to him. “Her transformation must be hastened. You know what to do.”

  Walking toward the bald one who Alex now recognized as the man who’d delivered her to the hospital that night, Kahma left her to ponder the meaning of his words. Would Ardeth actually be able to speed up her change into the sphinx? She’d help if she could. The sooner she changed, the sooner she could adjust to her new life and wrap her mind around everything that had happened.

  It was in that moment the realization hit that this was her life now, her reality. She couldn’t leave Egypt. She’d proven that to herself. Her body was changing and she had evidence of that as well. Her life now would be living in this circle of beings. Carson was her friend and that was comforting. And Ardeth…

  Well, Ardeth was something special. He protected her, made her feel incredible things. Sharing a lifetime with someone like him, who looked like him, was enticing even under the shadow of the curse.

  The twins exchanged a meaningful glance before Amenhotep joined the other men, checking the bodies of the fallen ones in the sand.

  “How do we speed this up, Ardeth?” she asked him now that it was just the two of them standing there. “I’ll be safe once I’ve changed, right?”

  Ardeth nodded.

  “Then what do we do?”

  “I gave you the answer last night.”

  She remembered asking him how long it would take last night.

  I cannot say. But there are
ways to speed the transformation. Very pleasant ways.

  “You mean that will speed this up?”

  Again he nodded, his eyes already glittering with desire. “There is something else that we can do.”

  There’d been hesitation in his voice as he’d said that. It wasn’t like him.


  Ardeth leaned forward to whisper in ear and what he told her had her face hotter than the desert around them.

  Chapter 9

  Alex paced nervously back and forth in the bedroom, startled when Ardeth quietly entered the room.

  “I am alone,” he assured her, smiling.

  It was easy for him to smile. Ever since he’d told her Kahma’s suggestion for accelerating her transformation into the form that would protect her, she’d been as nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rockers. They believed her sleeping with both Ardeth and his twin might speed up her change, even complete it? How many times would that have to happen? Would it even work?

  And while to the men it seemed like a solution to a problem, it was an infinitely more delicate matter to Alex who’d been stretched to her limits already over the last couple of days. Over the last year really.

  Ardeth came to a stop before her, halting her pacing. His hands were warm as they clasped her upper arms and smoothed up and down her skin.

  “Relax,” he said quietly.

  “That’s easy for you to say.”

  “You might find this will be a pleasant experience.”

  “Yeah? I could use a little pleasantness, Ardeth. It’s not easy to accept that you’ll never be able to return to your home or to your old body for that matter. You know I have parents back home, friends, a roommate.”

  “I know.” Brushing a kiss to her forehead, he pulled her into his arms. “Is there not also pleasure? You do not enjoy my embrace?”

  Since her face was pressed to his shoulder and she didn’t have to meet his gaze, it made the question easier to answer.

  “Yes, you know I do.”

  “Did you enjoy meeting my brother?”

  Well, yeah, as much as one could like the identical twin brother of her lover who was thousands of years old.

  As was the case with many sets of twins she’d encountered in her life, they were totally different. Where Ardeth was quiet and thoughtful, Amenhotep was teasing and irreverent. Over dinner he amused her with tales of their adventures growing up, chiding Ardeth for being the younger of the two twins, but never mocking him.

  Once she’d gotten past the teasing and the efforts to outdo one another in telling stories, Alex listened in silent fascination as they described Egypt as it was in their youth, how it had changed over the centuries. It made her head spin to listen to them compare Egyptian Dynasties like her great aunt Margaret compared living in the nineteen-forties to living in the nineteen-fifties. It was just fucking incredible.

  They talked until nightfall. Now Alex wasn’t sure she could agree with the rest of the plans for the evening. “Amenhotep is nice.” She knew it was a weak answer but it was the best she had.

  “Do not be afraid, fair one. As close as you came to transformation today, just one night with both my brother and myself may be enough to protect you.”

  Shying away from his touch to walk to the window, Alex wanted to know something. “Have you and your brother, ah, shared women before?”



  There was a pause before he spoke again. “Mostly when we were human before the curse. Since that time there have been few occasions.”

  “Because women were scarce or…?”

  His fingers stroked a line down her spine that made her shiver with sensation. “There is something quite provocative about two men sharing a woman, Alexis. There is much enjoyment in watching the heights of pleasure she can reach when pleasured by two men.”

  “So this is the way it will be?” Alex had to ask.

  When she turned to face him, she saw his expression had darkened.

  “No, I am only agreeing to this to protect you. While I will enjoy your pleasure, where you are concerned, I am much too possessive to ever want to share you with Amenhotep after this night.”

  Her heart shifted in her chest in a pleasant way at that.

  “Can you do this?” he asked gently.

  Considering Amenhotep was as gorgeous as he was and she was already on her way to liking him immensely, she thought so. “It will save my hide, right?”

  Ardeth grinned. “Yes.”

  When Amenhotep walked in on that part of the conversation, she felt her cheeks warm.

  “Aside from Kahma, does anyone else --”

  “No one else needs to know,” Ardeth assured her before she could ask the question.

  Okay, well, that was good. Because she liked Carson a lot but didn’t know what her friend would think of such a thing even if it was supposedly saving her life. And Emma, the British lady, seemed really proper.

  “Okay,” she told them.

  To her utter shock, Ardeth unceremoniously grasped the hem of her robes and pulled them over her head. Automatically her hands went to cover her naked breasts and the apex at the top of her thighs.

  Amenhotep moved closer, his gaze sweeping over her, lust gleaming in his dark eyes. His arms crossed over the wide expanse of his bare chest, the heavy muscles taut. There was a conspicuous bulge at the front of his white pants.

  “Alexis, relax,” Ardeth whispered as he took her in his arms and moved with her back toward the bed. The comforter was cool beneath her as she eased onto it and her lover was kissing her with all the passion and hunger any woman could ever want.

  Amenhotep joined them on the bed and Alex had a startling thought. Would she be able to tell them apart?

  Amenhotep lowered his head to her breast and began licking at one nipple and Ardeth followed suit, suckling gently at her other breast. Alex studied them, her eyes darting from one to the other until she noticed that Ardeth, who was busy ridding himself of his pants as he pleasured her, the faint line of a scar on his right shoulder. She looked at Amenhotep’s right shoulder, no scar.

  “Alexis?” Ardeth had stopped what he was doing to stare with concern into her face.

  “I’m good,” she told him. She knew how to tell them apart. Now she could relax and enjoy what they were doing to her.

  They had both pulled off their own clothing and their hands coasted over her body with abandon, seeking out all of her secret places. Their mouths were wicked torments at her sensitive breasts.

  Amenhotep used his tongue and teeth to torment the tip of her breast while Ardeth’s hands slowly smoothed up her thighs. It sent heat greater than that of the Egyptian desert racing through her, burning her from the inside out with carnal fire. She basked in it, losing herself quickly.

  The incredible sensations she felt had her arching her back and her thighs falling open in surrender. Ardeth’s hand was there in an instant, his fingers searching through the sticky wetness. Amenhotep’s mouth now covered the tight peak he worked at, sucking it deep into his mouth.

  Alex twisted on the bed as incredible waves of pleasure raced through her blood. Heat pooled low in her belly, warming her pussy and spreading out through the rest of her body. Alex quickly gave herself completely to the pleasure that the men offered. Each lick, each touch smashed her sanity and sent pulses of ecstasy racing through her being until she couldn’t breathe, until she couldn’t do anything but be their wanton disciple.

  Both brothers hummed their pleasure as they suckled her. The lashes of their hot tongues, the greedy pulls of their mouths made her feel as if she were dissolving into a puddle of molten lava, the feeling unreal. They feasted on her, licking and teasing until she was screaming in her need for more, for release. Her breasts were so sensitive that each puff of breath, each small touch nearly had her coming. Her pussy walls quivered in longing, coating Ardeth’s fingers as he teased her swollen flesh.

  Now they were moving, roll
ing her onto her side, and she helplessly went with them. Ardeth’s lips burned a trail over the flesh of her belly as his hand lifted her leg high.

  “Ardeth!” Rapture unlike anything she’d ever experienced before crashed over her in waves and her entire body was trembling in need. Amenhotep had positioned himself behind her, his strong fingers parting her buttocks as she gasped in surprise. She cried out when his tongue began to circle tight entrance to her ass, something she’d never even fantasized about in her wildest dreams.

  Ardeth’s tongue curled around her clit, unconcerned with what his brother was doing. Slowly he circled the tight little bud before his lips closed around it and he began to suckle it. The heat of their mouths was incredible, the sensation of their tongues probing the most private places of her body, a decadent delight.

  Alex’s hands sank into Ardeth’s hair and clutched tightly, unable to do anything but focus on this moment with their greedy mouths devouring her.

  Alex begged mindlessly, her body on fire, her hips pushing at one mouth then the other until she thought she’d lose her mind. When Ardeth began suckling at her clit in earnest, his tongue a hot lash of fire, Alex exploded. Her cunt spasmed long and hard, and her screams and cries filled the room around them.

  Ardeth rolled onto his back next to her before the hard waves of her release began to ease, dragging her over his rock hard body. Ammenhotep came up behind her eagerly, his fingers gripping her hips as Ardeth positioned her over his straining cock. When he pushed down hard and fast on the erection waiting for her, Alex screamed, coming again.

  Her body trembled from the incredible sensations, both pleasure and pain, as she felt Amenhotep’s lubed fingers behind her, pushing into the tight entrance with care. Ardeth wrapped his arms around her, pulled her down to him, as his cock began to move in her greedy vagina. The powerful feeling of Amenhotep’s fingers testing the passage that had never been breached nearly took the breath from her body.

  When Amenhotep’s cock slowly began to ease into that tender channel, she nearly tore free of Ardeth’s hold on her. The stretching and burning in her anus was incredible as he worked his length up her untried ass.


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