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Courting Suspicion

Page 13

by Kimberly Dean

  ‘This is why you were taken off the case, for conflict of interest.’

  He looked at her from under his lashes and shrugged. ‘They may have been onto something there.’

  He turned the photo over in her hands. On the back, somebody had written their names and the date. ‘Do you recognise the handwriting?’

  ‘No.’ It made her uncomfortable that somebody had followed them or done enough research to unearth proof of their relationship.

  She bit her lip. Because it certainly looked like a relationship, even back then. ‘He received this yesterday?’

  ‘That’s what he said. Why?’

  She looked at the watch on his wrist. ‘We should watch the news.’

  Whoever was playing with them liked to dangle information in front of people who might bite. She grabbed the remote from the end table and pushed a button. The doors of the entertainment centre swung open, and the big-screen television rolled forward.

  Beside her, Josh straightened. ‘Whoa.’

  Nina didn’t bite. She’d worked hard for her money; she liked to splurge on things that made her life easier. Or happier, like her glass animals. Or prettier, like her shoes. ‘I don’t like clutter.’

  ‘Right. That’s why I’ve got a hundred critters watching me every time I get near you.’

  Her mouth dropped open in indignation. ‘Those aren’t clutter.’

  ‘What are they?’


  ‘There’s Gunderson.’ He grabbed the remote from her hand.

  She’d turned on the television just in time to see the reporter who’d interviewed the senator on the Capitol steps. There was a picture of Gunderson on the screen, but when they switched to the live interview, the reporter was talking to the other man running for the Senate seat.

  Josh upped the volume, and Nina’s eyes narrowed. The guy was good in bed and all, but that was her remote. She took it back.

  ‘Mr Murphy, I’m sure you’re aware of the incident that happened recently with Senator Gunderson and two reporters from TMI News. Do you have any comments?’

  ‘I very much do.’ The candidate jabbed a finger into the air. He was blue-collar and relatable, but his hair was dishevelled and his suit fit awkwardly. ‘I can tell you that, back in my day, something like that never would have happened. Journalists conducted themselves with professionalism back then. If anyone could tell me what those two bozos were thinking, I’d like to hear it.’

  ‘Do you think this helps or hinders the senator’s campaign?’

  ‘Anyone with a television can see it’s helping. Any channel you choose, he’s there. It was terrible, I’m sure, for the senator and his …’ Murphy waved his hands. ‘Companion. All I’m asking for is equal coverage.’

  ‘Are you saying that the senator is milking the incident for more votes?’

  ‘Of course he is. Did you see the bandage on the man’s arm? You’d think the doctors were ready to amputate.’

  The interview went on for a few more moments with the challenger making some good points about the freedom of the press versus the right to privacy, but nothing about the interview was as flashy or sexy as the senator’s heroic return to the Capitol steps.

  Nina hit the mute button. Thoughts were spinning through her head. ‘Did you watch all of the video those reporters took?’

  Josh glanced her way. ‘I did.’

  ‘What did it show?’

  His expression turned dubious, and she held back a huff. She wasn’t jealous. Not any more. Not exactly. ‘I want to know.’

  He leaned against the cushions and spread his feet out before him, but the pose wasn’t all that relaxed. ‘It started outside the room in the hallway. Hoodie and Bieber were –’


  ‘The reporters.’ He rubbed his brow and started again. ‘They started taping as they discussed their plan. They used a key card they’d bought from a maid to gain entry.’

  ‘And?’ Nina didn’t shy away. She needed to know what was on that video in case it ever got out. Genieve would want to know, and Brody needed to be prepared.

  ‘And the senator was on top of your friend. Nothing kinky, vanilla missionary style, but they were going at it pretty fast and hard.’ The detective rubbed a hand over his chest. ‘Genieve said the reporters broke in at a particularly uncomfortable time, and it looked like it.’

  Nina nodded. The discussion was particularly uncomfortable, too, but she held his look – and he held hers. Neither giving in.

  ‘Everything the senator has said is true. He cowered away at first but, once he saw the camera, he came off the bed swinging.’


  ‘I would say “as the day he was born”, but given the condition he was in, that wouldn’t be accurate.’

  So there was video out there of Samuel Gunderson defending his turf while sporting a raging hard-on. Fantastic.

  Nina sighed. ‘If that gets out, he’ll be re-elected for sure.’

  A muscle in Josh’s jaw ticked. ‘Should I be jealous?’

  ‘What? No. Not of … I’m talking politics.’ It flustered her to think of him being possessive of her. ‘It’s Gunderson’s electorate. They’re impressed by the silver hair and chiselled physique.’

  ‘Chiselled,’ he snorted.

  Her gaze drifted over his muscled chest and washboard stomach. He had a point. ‘Samuel is all about the show. If they put together his good looks with a heroic image like that, he’ll be in the Senate for as long as he wants to be.’

  Josh turned. ‘You don’t like him either.’

  Nina mentally kicked herself. She’d opened one door to him and now others were showing cracks. ‘That’s not to leave this apartment.’

  ‘Because he’s a client?’

  ‘Because he’s Genieve’s boyfriend.’

  ‘Uh huh.’ The declaration bounced right off him. He rubbed his whiskered jaw as he looked at the TV. ‘Do you think Murphy’s right? That Gunderson is spinning this to help his campaign?’

  She didn’t think it. She knew it. He’d hired Brody Haynes.

  Josh’s eyes narrowed. ‘Do you think he could have set the whole thing up?’

  Nina’s lips parted in surprise. Himself? That was more of a leap – but not outside the realm of possibility.

  ‘Do you think Genieve knew about it?’

  Nina closed down immediately, her glare icy and dangerous.

  ‘I don’t think so either.’ He smiled slowly. ‘But that’s better.’

  He slid his arm behind her. ‘Good morning, Nina.’

  Before she could figure out what he meant, he was kissing her again. Soundly and deeply. Her hands lit upon his bare shoulders, but when his tongue ran over her bottom lip, she clutched at him. He leaned into her, easing her back into the cushions, and she let him.

  ‘We’re too old for morning-after silliness,’ he said against her lips.

  ‘I prefer the word “mature”.’ But she felt appropriately chastened. He was calling her out.

  She’d panicked; she knew she had. She’d lost control. Her basic instincts had taken over, and in the light of day she hadn’t known how to handle it.

  She still didn’t.

  ‘Call it whatever you like, but we’re too good together for it. I don’t want last night to be a one-time deal, do you?’

  She closed her eyes, but eventually shook her head.

  He sighed and caressed her side. ‘I need to go home for a change of clothes and then head to work. Can I come over tonight?’

  She hesitated.

  ‘I’ll grab some takeout, and we could watch the game.’

  ‘I can’t.’

  He lifted an eyebrow. ‘That TV set-up of yours is giving me a boner. You might find that useful.’

  She laughed. Actually laughed.

  The evening sounded appealing, but, unfortunately, she had other plans. ‘I have to attend an event.’


  She glanced back at the TV where the repor
ter’s lips were still moving soundlessly. ‘Capitol Hill.’

  * * *

  The event was black tie and exclusive to donors to the US Capitol Preservation Fund. Nina arrived fashionably late and took a look around the scene. The socialising was happening in the Capitol Visitor Center, which was cleverly based under the East Front of the Capitol and its plaza. She entered through the Exhibition Hall and wished she had more time to explore. No matter how many times she visited the building, she never had enough time to look at all the historical documents and hands-on exhibits.

  The one she did stop for was the massive Statue of Freedom. Actually, the Visitor Center housed the original plastic cast for the statue that was placed atop the Capitol Dome, but the model itself was one of her favourites. The statue was of a woman holding a sheathed sword and a laurel. She wore a fringed blanket over her shoulder, but, best of all, on her head was a helmet crested with feathers. She looked strong, determined and beautiful. A warrior princess.

  Lifting her chin, Nina strode into Emancipation Hall, where guests were already gathering. Senators and Congressmen were mingling with the wealthy patrons who supported the maintenance of the national landmark. Everyone was in black tie, looking sharp and pressed. The impressive surroundings of their workplace were open every day for public tours. But not at night.

  Skirting the crowd, Nina ventured to the end of the room. She looked up and was met with an impressive sight. The Visitor Center might be underground, but the architects had built in skylights to see all the way up to the Capitol Dome. It was lit, and the view was stunning.

  Her donation was going to a good cause.

  She accepted a glass of champagne from a waiter and turned back towards the crowd. So much for fun; it was time for her to get to work. She needed to make acquaintances, renew connections and nourish the relationships she currently had with clients. She took a sip of bubbly to get herself in the mood. It wasn’t a crowd she relished – especially after the senator’s escapade – but it was a market segment she couldn’t ignore.

  Politicians were some of Luxxor’s best clients.

  She made her way over to a freshman congressman who was making a name for himself. Her dress swished, signalling her arrival. The man noticed, and an appreciative smile lit his face.

  ‘Good evening, Congressman Craft.’ She extended her hand. ‘It’s nice to finally meet you. I’ve heard such good things. I’m Nina Lockwood.’

  She’d dressed for the event, and the deep-purple dress was one of her favourites. The bodice was snug, and the dress was sleeveless. It was full-length to match the formality of the event, but the slit up the side kept her from feeling stodgy.

  Stodginess was definitely a no-go in her line of work. She knew she’d achieved that delicate, classy but sexy balance when the congressman’s gaze swept down to her shoes. Silver tonight, to match her beaded purse.

  She touched her amethyst teardrop necklace. ‘Are you all alone tonight?’

  And so it began.

  She felt the congressman out carefully. She’d already done her homework on him. When her gut feeling matched what she’d read, she discreetly handed him a Luxxor business card. The young bucks working sixty hours a week were ripe for her company’s services.

  She plastered a pleasant smile on her face and moved on. For the next hour or more, she worked her way around the crowd. It was what she did. She didn’t have to attend as many of these events now that Sienna was onboard at Luxxor, but tonight it seemed to take more energy than usual. Her heart just wasn’t in it.

  She shared a look with Casey, one of her escorts working the night’s event. Widow Hawkins didn’t look that upset to be on the man’s arm. She was a young widow, after all, and Casey was nice to look at. He was a nice man, as well.

  Turning down a shrimp canapé, Nina wandered over to look at a statue of Helen Keller. The crowd had broken down into its normal clumpings. Democrats talked with Democrats, and the Republicans stood on the other side of the large room. Office staffers tended to keep together, although couples had broken off to enjoy some private time in an interesting space.

  She hoped to be able to break away, too. The one thing she’d looked forward to about tonight was a private tour of the restoration work in the interior of the Dome upstairs. She wondered if she’d spent enough time schmoozing when she heard a familiar laugh and spotted a dashing head of silver hair.

  Senator Gunderson.

  Her anticipation dimmed. She looked quickly for Genieve, but the senator seemed to be with his staff tonight. His aide was sporting a spiffy red bowtie, while the woman with the stern bun had let her hair down. She looked pretty in the soft yellow dress she’d chosen, especially when she smiled shyly at her boss.

  He smiled back.

  Good, the man was occupied.

  Nina tried to slip away from his line of sight, but the purple dress failed her. He spotted her in that moment and took a step in her direction. His assistant’s face fell when she lost the senator’s attention, and Nina clenched her teeth.

  The last thing she needed tonight was to be seen with that man. What was he thinking?

  She started around the pillar behind the statue. If he had to talk, it offered the most privacy she could find. Her footsteps slowed, though, when he was waylaid.

  By Brody Haynes.

  Her eyebrows rose when the fixer pointed the senator at a table of appetisers and turned towards her himself. She considered him appreciatively as he stalked her way. The tux suited him. His shoulders were wide and his hips were trim. The look would have been elegant if not for that stealthy walk.

  Interesting. He was still pissed.

  She moved silently behind the pillar and waited. He arrived, looking ready for battle. She swept up two fresh glasses of champagne from a passing waiter and offered him one.

  He glowered at her, but accepted. He took a more than healthy sip, and his shoulders finally dropped from somewhere around his ears.

  ‘He’s not the brightest bulb in the pack,’ she murmured over her own glass.

  ‘Dim,’ Brody agreed. He rolled his head on his shoulders and finally looked at her. The hostility was gone, but not the recalcitrance. He didn’t like her, it was clear.

  That was fine. There were many people who didn’t like her, but they all respected her.

  Haynes raked a hand through his dark hair. ‘He wanted to know if you received the flowers.’

  ‘He shouldn’t have sent them.’

  ‘I told him that.’

  Nina circled her champagne flute and watched the gold liquid swirl. ‘How is Genieve?’

  ‘Bored.’ The man looked around the room of power players. ‘She doesn’t do bored well.’

  Nina held back a smile. ‘No, she doesn’t.’

  ‘She’s broken up with the senator.’

  Nina tilted her head. ‘I’m aware. I’ve taken care of the … paperwork.’

  ‘No, I mean that’s the story we’re going with.’ Brody drank some champagne. He was centring himself, toning down and focusing on the matter at hand. ‘She was a victim of the political limelight. She was mortified by the break-in and doesn’t want to deal with Gunderson’s world.’

  So that’s how he was extricating her escort from the situation?

  It was workable. It put Genieve in a sympathetic light, and Nina wouldn’t fight that. ‘When’s it going to break?’

  ‘Whenever the press notices she’s not accompanying him any more.’ The man shrugged. ‘It could be tonight, maybe tomorrow … We’ll just let it play out.’

  Nina watched the senator walk over to shake the hand of one of the Capitol architects. His assistants were in tow, but no reporters had been allowed in the building for the event. There were probably some lingering outside. Some of the most high-profile politicians sat on the Capitol Preservation Commission, but the event wasn’t all that sexy. If it was a slow news night, some reporter might do a piece on the refurbishment of the Capitol. It was an ongoing process, although
some of the most recent major projects were completing.

  She toyed with her earring as she watched Gunderson. The story would play well for him, too. He’d lost his girlfriend due to the pressures of his job. It would tug at women’s sympathy. He’d be appropriately heartbroken on camera, she was sure.

  Had he engineered all of this? She doubted he was that smart.

  ‘I expect full payment on the contract,’ she warned. It might have ended early, but not due to anything her company had done. Haynes was managing to turn lemons into lemonade. The scandal could catapult the senator to re-election.

  ‘You’ll get it.’

  Yes, she would. ‘When will Genieve be returning to work?’

  Haynes shook his head fervently. ‘No. She can’t be seen with other men yet.’

  Nina folded her arm over her waist and considered her champagne. ‘She’s one of my best girls.’

  The man’s jaw set, and a muscle at his temple pulsed.

  She sipped her champagne and let the bubbles play over her tongue. ‘I have some administrative busywork I could send over, but I can’t keep paying her indefinitely.’

  Brody’s champagne was gone, and, if his white fingers around the stem of the flute were any indication, the glass would soon be, too. She signalled a waiter and smiled appreciatively when he took the empty glass.

  ‘You know, this scandal affected more than the senator,’ she said. ‘It impacted my company and Genieve’s livelihood. I’m grateful for all you’ve done to keep this under the radar, but Luxxor can’t stop doing business.’

  She lowered her tone. ‘Genieve is an escort. She needs to be social.’

  ‘So assign her to me.’

  Nina tilted her head, and her earrings jingled. ‘Excuse me?’

  She might be pushing the poor man too far, but she wanted to hear him say it. For her peace of mind. For Genieve.

  ‘Put her on an exclusive contract with me.’

  Nina let her eyes widen just enough. ‘With you? Have you talked to her about this?’

  ‘No, just draw up the paperwork.’

  ‘She has to agree to it.’

  ‘She will.’

  The fun Nina was having stopped abruptly, and Haynes shifted uncomfortably under her steely look.


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