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Defying The Alliance: ERUPTION (Novokin Alliance Invasion 3)

Page 6

by Bobbi Ross

  I grabbed his "belt" and pulled him close towards me. "I believe I can think of something you can give me."

  Chapter 17

  Anya leaned forward in the captain’s chair aboard the Protectorate warship Razor, watching an escape pod scream away from the Novokin monstrosity known as the Harbinger. A small white burst emanated from where the bridge should be when a second pod wildly peeled away from the ship.

  "Lieutenant," she had tied her command into the comm system of all the other ships as she called out one final order to the valiant crew of the Protectorate warbird Razor. "Target all weapons in the direction of that explosion."

  Every ship in the fleet ceased chasing the small Novokin attack fighters and aligned themselves into position.

  The ship's intercom crackled to life. A tinny voice yelled at them from the Arboretum, "It's twins!"

  The large half Terran-half Duskanite smiled from ear to ear at the news, and continued smiling as she gave her last order as Captain of the Razor.



  When the thick metal door to my new room slid open, Trex duct and spun instinctively. His gorgeous mane of golden brown hair flailed wildly behind him.


  Something exploded on the wall behind his head. His gorgeous olive eyes softened and gazed at me with that annoying look of his - part affection and part annoyance. The air around the room began to charge. Old-time writing instruments in the table next to my bed danced, all the photo frames across the room shivered and the hard copy reports on the floor seemed to come to life.

  Within a second he was next to my bed, kneeling at my side. Goddess how I loved this man, but boy did he annoy me. Crackling with blue light my hand met his jaw at near the speed of sound.


  The air exploded between my palm and his face. During my incarceration I learned that when a charged surface meets charged surface, the resulting sound was near deafening. He at least had the courtesy to blink his eyes a few times and rub his jaw, even if the blow hadn't moved him. He didn't deserve to be hit, he was the sweetest alien this side of the dark nebula. But being cooped up here in a converted cargo hold for the last two months with nothing to do didn't make for a happy Captain.

  His warm hand met my face, but unlike my initial greeting, his was filled with love and longing.

  "I'm sorry my little Captain, but as you know we have little choice." His fingers moved to stroke my hair.

  "I know. Doesn't mean I have to like it."

  "Anya is working on a containment suit, that might allow you to get out of here." He tried to convey hope with his eyes, but we both knew her fifth attempt at a suit wouldn't likely be much different from the other four I had melted. I couldn't fault her though, she meant well.

  Being cooped up here by myself I was having a wee bit of trouble controlling my emotions. The charging hormones didn't make matters any easier. Trex's large hands encircled mine. My big barbarian captured my gaze with those damn stunning eyes of his. His sculpted lips and perfect jaw made me want to slap him again.

  "Tonight, I will discharge you as much as I am able, then I have arranged for you to have some time here with your godbabbies." Skeck, now my eyes were leaking. This man always knew exactly what I wanted.

  Nothing made me happier than playing with Shotoc and Vaneflower. Shotoc was the same vibrant viridian as his father. He even looked like a mini Jaxx, but with a soft fuzzy coat of adolescent foliage. He was fearless, and like all Floturan children, growing like a weed. He had to be almost two metlars high already. But no matter how big he got, he would never be too big for godmother Caspia to cuddle.

  Vaneflower on the other hand was the complete opposite of her brother. Her foliage was reddish with a hint of orange. Her eyes were big and bright, but she often chose to survey the world in detail before reaching out to experience. These being his first children, Jaxx was nervous and concerned. Caspia knew better, Vaneflower was just thoughtful very aware of her surroundings. She was careful and aware. She'd make a fine captain someday.

  "Do you want the reports?" The trepidation in his voice suggested to me I might've tormented the big barbarian a little too much. I soothed his wild mane and drizzled soft kisses along his cheek. He took that as an invitation and began to read.

  "Currently, we are at a hundred and twenty ships, and have six more scheduled to rendezvous with Lieutenants Cobbs and Dodson next week. Ensign Chandles is now in his third week of training all the freighter pilots and civilians who were interested in learning to fly the small attack vehicles we salvaged from the wreckage of the Harbinger."

  I sighed. Regardless of their Captain being out of commission, the Razor was still the focal point of this rebellion. We may have had a major victory against Ass-mot nearly two months ago, but one battle was far from winning the war. It was closer to the truth to say we had painted a big target on our backs now, begging the Alliance to come and get us. Fortunately the crew of the Razor, my crew, had stepped up. My lieutenants used our victory to help swell our ranks to nearly three times the size of the force that took on the Harbinger. My Ensign and Commander Jaxx were making sure each ship was properly briefed, their tansponders recoded so they would be essentially invisible to Alliance scans and every able pilot was trained. From ex-Protectorate, to freighter jockey, to pirate.

  Supply lines had been built, and the Razor's engineering crew led by Anya; a woman even I had to concede was absolutely fabulous was retrofitting all the older ships in the fleet with upgraded targeting technology, weapons and even got together with some of the other engineers in their off time to build us a dozen starlight series Protectorate ships.

  Anya had also managed to contact her brother in the Southern Fleet. Their expedition had been cut short when they came upon a contingent of Alliance ships just inside the dark nebula the same time as the Novokins were invading us. They had their hands full with their own little war in the galaxy adjacent to ours. Now at the behest of his sister and their victory there, they were headed home. His crew’s addition to ours will nearly double the size of the fleet we had now. When the Alliance came looking for some payback for that black-eye we gave it, they were going to be in for a big surprise.

  "Any word from Julie and Marco?"

  "None as of yet, but according to their time line they are not yet overdue."

  "They still should've checked in by now." I scowled.

  "From what you have described, they are both quite capable of taking care of themselves." He turned his attention back to the papers in his hand.

  Apparently, he wasn't prepared to give in to another one of my rants today. The twitching at the corner of his mouth also told me he knew that I knew he knew. Sniff – sniff – oh yeah, I smelled a slap coming.

  I just hoped the two of them were all right. Wow, I never thought I'd be worried about one of the purple skins – no. That wasn't right. I never thought I'd be concerned for a Novokin’s well-being. I had to remember to keep the Novokins and the Alliance separate, at least if what Marco said was true.

  Trex was still reading update reports to me, while I absently stroked his long fuzzy tail. It playfully pulled at my fingers and rubbed itself up and down my thigh. I can't believe at one point I thought it was merely some kind of ceremonial belt he had wound around himself. I knew better now. It playfully tugged at the seam of my uniform. I also knew how naughty it liked to be sometimes. I punctuated that knowledge with a little pinch and it ran for cover, cowering around his waist. Trex gave me a wry look.

  "What?" I punched him lightly on his thick tree trunk of an arm. "I'm really bored in here. I can't keep up to date, I can't use the computer – I can't even read the reports you give me." I threw an exasperated gesture at the pile of semi-burned papers next to the insulated ruberium bed we were sitting on. I could feel the air around me start to take on a static charge. The writing instruments in the metal desk once again began their annoying dance.

  "All I do, all day, is eat and ex
ercise. I wish I knew how many push-ups I've done today, or how many times I've hit the speeder bag. I should be in the greatest shape of my life," I laid my head on his shoulder and gave a fake punch to his rock hard six pack. "But I'm fat."

  An instant later I was about a foot from the ceiling. If anyone ever asked, I would categorically deny that I squealed like a little girl. After scooping me up and twirling about the room he pulled me back into his arms before we collapsed to the bed. His lips found mine, his kisses hungry and toe tingling. He slowly pulled back, his teeth catching my lower lip and gently sucking at it just before release.

  With one massive hand supporting my back, his other slid around to palm my growing belly.

  "You are not fat. You are with child. My child. You are beautiful, wonderful and glorious."

  "Yeah yeah, whatever." I pretended like his words didn't cause my heart to swell, tsunami heights.

  "I know this is hard for you, but as you know Othmarvian children only gestate for four of your Terran months."

  "It's already been two months," I pouted.

  He nudged my nose with his. I was nearly overcome by the delicious smell of his, an intoxicating erotic mixture of a warm summer day brushed with the sweetness of apples. I took a long, deep breath, and caught him smiling. I nudged him back with my hips.

  "The Terran midwife from the mining colony, says you and the baby looked to be somewhere equivalent to the fifth or six month of a normal Terran gestation."

  I couldn't be angry at the baby. Heck, she wasn't even born and had already saved my life once. But these uncontrollable bursts of electricity from my pregnancy were maddening. I destroyed every terminal I came near. I burned three uniforms and shot bolts of energy at my crew whenever I got upset. After multiple crew members and several visiting entourages had received multiple third-degree burns, more than a few hints suggesting I take a break or even a vacation had landed in my inbox.

  A thought raced through my mind, materializing in the tangible world as a bolt of static electricity shot through a half-empty teacup on the desk next to my insulated bed.

  "What if this doesn't go away after she's born?"

  His fingers stroked my hair. Energy crackled and hummed between us, his fingers encircled with blue and green tendrils of energy. My body was reaching out to him again.

  "If that occurs my little Captain, my Caspia… We will deal with it. Maybe in time you will learn to control your new powers?"

  That earned him another slap, but a playful one on the chest. It turned into a slow rub and I savored the warm magnetic pull of his skin.

  As an Othmarvian female, I would have been able to safely absorb and then discharge the necessary energy from my growing child. However as a Terran, I had no such way to regulate the energy levels my little girl needed to survive. So every day, I relied on Trex.

  Based on the scans the A.I. doctor did on the Protectorate ship Glory, Trex's body had sensors that were attuned to the child and what it needed energy wise. Never having encountered Terrans before, the doctor as well as the rest of the fleet was unaware of any current-producing species, meaning we were deep in uncharted space here.

  The only nice thing about my situation was that the more skin contact there was between the two of us, the easier it was for him to regulate the necessary energy fields for me. It took a few tries, and a few positions to narrow down that tidbit of information. A sensual wave of energy pricked the skin of my forearm like a cool breeze in a hot summer’s day. Seemed my man was done reading.

  Turning to face Trex I was greeted by bright hazel eyes, crackling with the wrath and virility of the spring thunderstorm. His face drew close to my when the first tendrils of electricity began to jump between us. Any pain from the sparks was sweet, more closely resembling a lover’s bite.

  I wove my fingers through his charged silky, golden brown mane. When I had a nice firm grasp, I held his beautiful face inches from mine studying every minute detail of it. Green and gold firebolt stricken eyes captured me in their loving and tender gaze. They sat above high cheek bones, split by a strong, straight nose towering over big luscious lips and a delectable jaw. He was beautiful. Behind us I could smell smoke from where one of the errant tendrils of lightning we had discharged was burning through the papers he had brought with him. It was a good thing the bed was fireproof. Very good.

  Across the room photo frames holding exact duplicates of the pictures from my Captain's quarters shook, while the images inside them bubbled and split. The writing instruments on my table danced into the air along with a heat-resistant plate and eating utensils I had left over from lunch. The electromagnetic waves I was generating even started to shift the bed we were laying on.

  "Last time you shorted out this whole section of the ship." Trex growled his reminder at me from between clenched teeth.

  I couldn't hold him off any longer, and he pushed through my grip to devour my mouth. As hungry as he was, he took his time savoring each drag of his lips across my mouth, as if we hadn't seen each other for years. True this had only been our second time making love today but I wasn't in the mood to split hairs.

  I opened for him, inviting his tongue to meld with mine and explore my mouth. Our tongues twisted and stroked one another, his thick lips claiming my mouth. The protected lights in the ceiling began to flicker, strobbing the room as their power supplies alternately surged and drained.

  My big golden alien attempted to pull back from my mouth. I protested by biting on his bottom lip, hard.

  "We are going to destroy all the conduits in this section of the ship if we keep going like this." I knew that must've been praking hard to say, especially with me dangling and suckling on his lower lip. "Caspia…"

  Prak him for bringing logic into this, the last thing I wanted to do now was think about –.

  "We need to have more direct skin contact."

  My barbarian alien was genius. I released my hold on his lower lip and fell back down onto my ruberium coated pillow. I let my hands slide across and then down his beautifully sculpted chest. My fingers dancing like the water of a babbling brook across the tightly packed muscles of his abdomen, only stopping when I reached the solid jutting bones of his hips. Being so close to his groin caused my insides to flutter. I made small hungry kneads into his skin.

  It was hard to see his expression with the blue and white arcs of electricity shooting from my own eyes. The ancient Greevian godlike statue of a man straddling me, waited with a pent-up fire. Two weeks ago there would've been no way I'd have been able to hold him back, but after nearly blowing up the two bottom rear decks of the ship last week, he struggled against all odds to keep his passion and check.

  This had become a little game of wills between the two of us. Who could hold out longer. I dragged a finger back up his stomach encircled his naval, all the while emitting burning sparks directly into his center. He winced and his eyes lit with fire to the point they nearly glowed.

  "What's wrong kitty? Don't you want to play anymore?"

  "I am not a cat." The muscles in his jaws twitched before he gave me a sneer with teeth. They didn't have the large species of jungle cats on his world, so he wasn't familiar with the fierce lion he resembled.

  He lifted a hand to touch me, but a ragged blue arc of electric fire swiped at the moving hand. Another side effect of the little Othmarvian growing inside me; no one could touch me without my say-so.

  "Aw, did the putty-tat hurt his paw?" Jutting out my lower lip to emphasize my sympathy.

  His guttural growl shook the whole bed, instantly soaking my panties. I think the time for playing was over. Reaching out both of my hands for his, we interlaced our fingers. A sharp intake of breath let me know the immense amount of pain he was under. I struggled hard to focus, and with Trex's help, I was able to synchronize my electrical field with his.

  A huge smile slid across his face when touching me turned from excruciating agony to a familiar pleasure. He cocked a sexy eyebrow. "May I?"

nbsp; "Let's do it together," I cooed.

  His hands shot to the fasteners at my waist, as I reached for the Velcro that pinned my uniform. Zippers tended to overheat and burn my skin in this new state of mine. With a flourish I split my top open and let the girls bounce free.

  Trex paused in his fumbling with what the seamstress traveling on the freighter ship had called, buttons. The massive alien male above me went silent as death. His eyes widened, enraptured by the girls, simultaneously begging for his attention. Like the lion he so resembled he struck.

  Hands still at my waist, his lips latched onto my right breast, his tongue pebbling my nipple in his mouth. Squirmed underneath his ministrations, the rising waves of pleasure threatened to overtake what little focus I still possessed. If I climaxed, before he was against me, before he was inside me, we’d have to replace half the power conduits on the ship.

  But it felt soooo good. I pushed his head into my bosom when he started in on the other side. His tongue flickered over the tip, while his teeth gently clenched the tender flesh forcing a gasp from my mouth and a bolt of blue energy to explode one of the power conduits on the far side of the room.

  "I need you naked," I hissed.

  He pulled back, his eyes pleading for mercy. "I can not… the buut-toon is stuck."

  I was too worked up to spare his feelings. With his large hands and thick fingers, the buttons were always stuck. I took pity on my poor golden barbarian, and pushed aside the thought of the bill my new seamstress would deliver.

  "Do it," I commanded.

  My handsome beast rose to his knees. His strong hands griped both sides of my uniform and pulled. With a ferocious roar he tore the uniform in two. Holding my gaze, he threw both pieces into the pile of last night's and this morning's shredded uniforms at the foot of my bed.

  I was about to repay the favor by tearing off his loincloth, but his blasted tail had beat me to it!


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