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Jane Millionaire

Page 7

by Janice Lynn

  Forbidden, lethal, and something she had to resist, Rob embodied the most potent ingredients of any addiction.

  When the song ended, she reluctantly lifted her head. “Thank you for the dance.”

  “It was my pleasure, Princess.” He stared into her eyes, longings of his own evident. But just as visible was the determination to ignore his attraction to her. She wouldn’t ever know how high Rob could bring her. He’d never give either of them the opportunity to find out. Which was a good thing since she longed to throw caution to the wind and experience all this man could share.

  She turned away before moisture gathered. Must be something about Europe making her all glossy eyed. Regardless, she couldn’t ruin her make-up. Gregory would kill her.

  “May I have the honor of another dance?” a grinning hunk asked. She smiled at Bachelor #6, hoping her disappointment at leaving Rob’s arms wasn’t too apparent. At least, her new dance partner wasn’t 4, 7, 8, or 9.

  “I’d be honored.” Which was much better than saying, “Forgive me, Your Honor. It was a case of temporary insanity,” like she’d be doing if she got caught.

  Which was exactly what was going to happen if she didn’t stay away from Rob Lancaster.

  Chapter Five

  Reluctantly resigned to his fate of craving a woman he couldn’t have, Rob watched as Jane slipped into the other man’s arms and swayed to the music.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” JP growled, joining him under the pretense of handing him a drink. A drink Rob didn’t want as, minutes after Jane’s descent down the stairs, he’d downed his self-imposed limit of two.


  “Uh, yeah. I noticed. As did all the cameras filming this blessed event.” JP smiled as a camera panned their way. “What gives?”


  JP stared at him with wide ice-blue eyes. “Nothing?”

  “I’m the host.” Rob shrugged one of his shoulders. “I danced with the princess. No big deal.” And if that were true, everything would be just fine. However, his insides still shook from how her body had fit perfectly against his, how her scent had wrapped itself around him and dragged him further under her spell, how--

  Jane’s laughter rang out across the room. Lyrical, beckoning him to return to her. What had the man said? He racked his brain for Bachelor #6’s information. Ex-military. Athletic. His gaze assessed the other man’s appearance. Looks most men would give their eyeteeth to resemble. Didn’t he work as a private investigator now? He and Jane had a lot in common.

  Damn it. He’d like #6, too. The guy had reminded him of his die-hard military brother. An annoying tic twitched along Rob’s jaw. Was #6 the bachelor she’d choose?

  It didn’t matter which one just so long as she chose.

  He couldn’t have her regardless.

  “You like her, don’t you?”

  Rob cut his gaze to a thoughtful JP. “Jane?”

  “No, the other ‘her’.”

  “Smart mouth.” He turned to where she and the man danced. Damn. She looked as if she was enjoying herself with the come-to-life GI Joe. His tic worsened. Rob hoped JP didn’t notice, but he imagined the twitch probably registered on the Richter scale and was impossible to miss.

  This shouldn’t bother him. She was supposed to enjoy herself--with any man but him.

  Most likely, she was similar to all the other starlets he’d encountered over the years, willing to do anything to climb to the top of Hollywood’s Most Wanted, including walking over him to do so. Think about Gambler. Think about Mandy, how she used you to introduce her to bigger fish and then she’d…he clamped his jaw tight in effort to stop the increased twitches.

  Jane stared up into Bachelor #6’s eyes and looked totally captivated by whatever the man was saying. A lump formed in Rob’s throat, threatening to cut off his air supply.

  The evening was a success.

  Too bad the knowledge held no pleasure.

  Ignoring JP’s glare, he shoved his still full glass back at him. Time for him to disappear to the studio to scan over tonight’s footage to start edits for the show’s premiere just two nights away.

  # # #

  “Just one more?” Bachelor #11 panted after Jane sunk her winning basket.

  Rob watched on the monitor as she grinned and shook her head at the man who’d just allowed her to walk all over him.

  “Not today.”

  “Can I have a kiss as a consolation prize?”

  “Nice try, but no,” she laughed as they walked to a wooden bench where they had left their towels and water bottles. Jane stretched her neck, then dried her face and throat with her towel.

  “Just one?”

  Rob snorted. The guy was pathetic, but he wasn’t the only one. Why were the bachelors letting her win? Did they think they had to be chivalrous? Next week, twenty million plus viewers were going to watch them getting their butts stomped by a pretend princess. Didn’t they care?

  “Partaking in your favorite pastime?” JP questioned as he slid into the seat next to Rob.


  “Watching our very own WNBA star.”

  “Ha ha, very funny.” Rob adjusted his headset and fiddled with the volume.

  “I notice you aren’t bothering to deny it.”

  “I’m being paid to host, produce, and direct this show. Of course, I’m watching Jane.”

  “Maybe keeping your tongue from lolling out the side of your mouth when you look at the star should have been listed in your contract.”

  Rob turned to his long-time friend. “That’s enough. If you have something you want to say, spit it out.”

  “Don’t worry. If you act out of line where Jane’s concerned, I’ll be doing more than spitting. I saw how she looked at you when she came downstairs last night. What’s worse, I saw how you looked at her.” JP sighed. “I know you have a way with the ladies, always have, and I’ve been damned proud of you for it, but this is one little gal you’re going to have to leave alone. She’s got twelve men to choose from. Thirteen is bad luck, and don’t you forget it.”

  Rob watched as Jane blew a stray piece of hair from her eyes and faced her next opponent, Bachelor #6. The man who’d taken his place last night. A man who’d had a right to hold her in his arms and breathe in her sweet scent. A man who might be chosen to accompany her to a romantic paradise.

  Jane’s face lit up in delight as she joked with the guy.

  “Promise to go easy on me.” She swatted her towel at him. “You’re my fourth game today.”

  GI Joe’s gaze raked over her from head-to-toe and Rob squelched the urge to punch the guy’s lights out. “Oh, I promise. I’ll be easy, and make sure you enjoy our game as much as I do.”

  Jane’s eyes widened as she checked out the man’s wide shoulders and bulging biceps, then her mouth lifted in challenge. “Why do I get the feeling you’re no longer talking about basketball?”

  “Because I’m not.” He winked at a grinning Jane.

  Rob scowled at the screen. He hated reality shows. He really, really did.

  # # #

  Jill practically tiptoed down the stairs. Maybe she could make it to the exercise room without any of the bachelors spotting her. She’d had her dates with the bachelors that morning. First, she’d gone horseback riding with Bachelor #8, then she’d had a picnic lunch with Bachelor #12, and this evening she’d cooked dinner with Bachelor #3.

  She discovered Bachelor #8 barely knew which end of a horse to avoid, Bachelor #12 had severe hay fever and Bachelor #3 should have the fire department on standby any time he stepped into the kitchen. The entire day had been a disaster. From start to end. But then, she had a feeling Rob and JP had meant for it to be.

  She’d also played four more of the men, one at a time, in a game of K-I-S-S, two in the mid-morning and two in the afternoon. Twelve games of K-I-S-S and none had beaten her, although Bachelor #6, Steve, had come close on that first afternoon. But she was pretty sure that was
because he’d been fresh. She’d been playing ball for thirty minutes straight and had already played three games that day. Still, he had been good.

  Of course, truth be told, none of them had really tried to beat her--not until she’d sunk the ball even when they hadn’t meant for her to. Then pride had taken over, and they’d tried but to no avail. Except for Steve and he’d remained playful, not stressing when she’d score or outmaneuver him. Easy, he’d said. She smiled at the memory.

  Regardless of the constant attention and flirting from the bachelors, she remained kiss-less.

  It bugged her that she wanted to be kissed. Not by any of the dirty dozen, as she now thought of the bachelors. Not even Steve or Bachelor #10, Jeff, although both were great guys. She wanted Rob’s kiss. Goosebumps pricked her flesh at the thought of his lips covering hers, demanding she respond to him. And his kiss would be demanding. Of that she had no doubt. Rob wouldn’t go easy on her. No way.

  She sighed, shaking the image from her mind before she went into meltdown. Here she was in the middle of a castle full of gorgeous men wanting to woo her and all she could think about was the one man she shouldn’t want. The one man she needed to stay away from at all costs because she couldn’t have him and if he discovered the truth, she’d have to face the legal repercussions of her actions.

  A door opened. Her breath caught. She hoped. Could it be? JP stepped into the room. In disappointment, she let the air whoosh from her lungs.

  “Jane.” He looked around the grand foyer. “What are you doing here alone? I’m surprised one of the bachelors isn’t with you.”

  Yeah, that made two of them. All day long, bachelors had shadowed her every move. At least one of the men had been with her from the time she’d left her room prior to breakfast.

  “I snuck down after pretending to go to my suite for the evening. I’m headed to the exercise room to work out.” She was pretty sure she’d find Rob there. During the time before the bachelors had arrived, she’d gone to the exercise room several times and found him pumping iron. They’d worked out together, laughed, talked, worked up a sweat. Her stomach flip-flopped at the memory of how he’d looked in his gym shorts. Oh man!

  JP’s brows lifted, probably because her face had flushed from her heated thoughts. “I figured you’d be tired after the day you’ve had. What time are you meeting the bachelors for drinks?”

  So, she might be a bit sore in the morning? No biggie if it meant she got to see Rob without a crowd around them.

  “At nine by the pool.” She rolled her eyes at the thought of more time with the bachelors. Three full days in and she’d already like to eliminate half of them. “Maybe I’ll drown a few.”

  “Why on earth would you want to do that?” JP scolded.

  “I thought this would be more fun than it’s turning out to be.” And it would be if she could spend her time with Rob the way she had before the bachelors showed up. She missed having her meals with him and the rest of the crew, having Rob devote hours of his time to educating her on her role, supervising her photo shoots, of having him smile and laugh with her. She missed Rob. Period.

  Oh yeah, if she could have spent the entire month in Rob’s company, she’d have been a happy camper. Instead, she’d barely seen him since the dirty dozen had taken up residence four days ago. Not seeing him should have been a welcome reprieve, rather than sending her in search of his company. Rob embodied the biggest threat to her being found out, yet she yearned to be with him.

  Jill sighed, not bothering to hide her frustration.

  A worried look settled onto JP’s face. “You aren’t thinking of breaching your contract, are you?”

  She shook her head. Why would he think that? She’d gone this far to ensure her sister didn’t face legal repercussions. She wouldn’t quit now. Who knew what would happen to Jessie if the truth ever came out? Or to her? The prospect of losing her job and possibly going to jail for fraud wasn’t an appealing thought. Besides, to end this charade would be ensuring she’d never see Rob again.

  “I’m seeing this to the end--whatever that may be.”

  She spoke with JP a few minutes longer, nervously glancing around the foyer, in case one of the bachelors showed up. She didn’t want anyone following her to the exercise room.

  “Well, I’m going to get a quick workout in before having to meet with the bachelors.” She smiled and gave a quick wave before heading down the long passageway that led to the fully equipped exercise room.

  Jill stood in the doorway and watched Rob lift weights in controlled repetitions. His dark hair was damp, and his tan skin glistened. His sleeveless t-shirt outlined to-die-for abs and revealed biceps that bulged. She’d like nothing more than to cross the room and run her fingertips over his shoulders and arms.

  She was used to working out around men. The police force gym was always full of half-dressed men, but none of them made her break out in a sweat before she’d made a single move. Watching Rob made her sweat. In a very naughty way.

  He looked up and frowned when he saw her. “You need something?”

  Yeah, she did. What would he say if she admitted she needed him to kiss her? Just so she’d know if his lips were as scorching as she imagined, if his lips zinged the way his fingertips did, if her knee would bend and her would insides melt at the mere touch of his mouth to hers.

  “I want to work out.” Which was the truth. She did want to work up a sweat. Of course, the only special equipment she’d need was the man eyeing her with suspicion.

  His brow rose, but he didn’t point out the obvious--that she’d had a more than decent workout playing the men earlier. Instead, he glanced around the exercise room. “There’s plenty of room. Help yourself.”

  Why had things had to change? He’d smiled when she’d arrived in the gym prior to the constant cameras. He’d teased her and even sat on the bench just talking when he’d finished his workout halfway into hers. Now, except for the dance, he’d barely acknowledged she still existed. Of course, the only time she’d even seen him had been during filming. He’d remained in the background and she’d only been able to sneak quick peeks.

  And she hated it.

  Walking over to a bench, she dropped her fluffy navy and white striped towel. She pulled off her t-shirt, leaving only her black sports bra and matching shorts to cover her body. She stretched to and fro before hopping onto a ski machine. When she glanced up in the mirror lining the wall in front of her, her gaze collided with Rob’s.

  He looked away and continued his own workout.

  Jill smiled. Rob’s gaze had been full of sexual longing.

  Bachelors or not, Rob wanted her.

  Maybe, life wasn’t perfect, but regardless of having to spend time with the bachelors, this was going to be the best month ever. A month without bailing Jessie out of one crisis after another. A month of not having to deal with crooks, con men, an ex-lover partner who she’d always believed she’d eventually marry, and said ex-lover’s new girlfriend who brought new meaning to the word jealous.

  Of course, maybe she’d had reason. Because Jill now admitted that until meeting Rob, she’d harbored hope Dan and she would get back together. After all, they made a great couple and wanted the same things from life.

  Dan was built, but didn’t begin to compare to the man pumping iron across the room as he pretended to ignore her. Probably because of the camera in the corner recording every move they made. But it was more than his outward appearance that attracted her to Rob. She’d watched him over the past week. He was a natural born leader. Everyone on the crew, including JP, looked to Rob for answers. He never hesitated to make a decision. He was a man who invoked trust in those who knew him.

  She wanted to know more. Wanted to move beyond her twenty-six years of being a good girl, and just live for the moment--even if it was only for one month.

  But what she wanted more than anything was for Rob Lancaster to make love to her over and over until she couldn’t see straight. More caught up in her
thoughts than her workout, she lurched and stumbled awkwardly on the machine.

  “Ouch.” She rubbed her hand over her calf as a muscle pinched into a spasm. She hadn’t had a cramp in years, but lusting after the man in the mirror rather than paying attention to what she was doing had apparently triggered all sorts of aches.

  “You okay?” Rob dropped his weights onto the mat and crossed the room.

  “Charlie horse.” She groaned in total misery.

  He knelt next to her and ran his hands over her calf. Her spasm eased as he massaged her tight muscles. Magic. That’s what his fingers were. Pure zinging masculine magic. Jill stared at the top of his head, spotting a single strand of gray mixed in with his shiny dark hair. How old was he?

  “Thirty-one. Not that it’s any of your business.”

  Had she asked that out loud? Yikes. She needed to be more careful, or she’d be begging him to kiss her--possibly more.

  “Don’t you want to know how old I am?” Now why had she asked that?

  “You’re twenty-five.” He recited Jessie’s age reminding Jill she was living a farce in more ways than one.

  “You know, it really isn’t fair that you know everything about me, and I know next to nothing about you.” His hands stopped massaging. “Don’t quit. That felt great.”

  He frowned, eyeing her skeptically. “Did you have a Charlie horse?”

  She flexed her toes upward. No pain. Had she had a real cramp, or had her body given her an excuse to get his attention? A reason knowledge of the camera wouldn’t cancel out? Her leg had hurt, but her pain was gone.

  “Maybe you’re so good my pain went away?” Okay, so she was feeble minded, and her excuse was even worse. His hands on her body had been worth it.

  “Maybe.” He conceded, his eyes briefly meeting hers. She wished she could read his thoughts, but those whiskey eyes revealed nothing. He stood and turned back to where he’d left his weights.


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