Jane Millionaire

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Jane Millionaire Page 16

by Janice Lynn

  “If you say so.” So, she sounded like a spoilsport. She didn’t care. She didn’t want to pretend an interest in one of the remaining bachelors. She already had an interest. In the man lying with her.

  “I can’t believe I told you all that stuff.”

  She lifted her head to search his face. Did he regret having revealed so much about himself? “Why not?”

  “Because I don’t usually share personal information with anyone. Too much worry about the press printing every word from my mouth.”

  “I’d never repeat the things you just told me.”

  “No, I don’t think you would.” His chest rose and fell against her. His frustration a viable entity. “But I’ve been wrong before.”

  “You’re not this time. When I asked you about your past, I wanted to know for me. No one else. I’m sorry if I gave you reason to think otherwise.”

  “I bet you’re one hell of an interrogator for the police force. No criminal stands a chance. You ask a question and they just start blabbing.” He half-smiled although she could tell he was starting to over-analyze the night’s events.

  She laughed softly, wanting to hang onto their temporary closeness. “If only they’d let me interrogate bad guys. I just get to catch them and haul their butts in for someone else to question.”

  “Will you go back to the force after you leave Europe?”

  “Yes. Why wouldn’t I?”

  “I assumed you’d relocate to Hollywood.”

  “You assumed wrong.”

  “Maybe.” His expression shifted, as if he were battling a losing war. “Jill, you need to go back to your room.”

  “Huh?” Whatever war he’d been waging, she’d apparently come out as the loser.

  “As much as I’d like you to remain in my bed all night, you can’t stay. The cameras in your room recorded you entering mine.”

  Uh-oh. That one had flown right over her head. She should have tossed a towel over that blasted camera.

  “No one will know what we’re doing.” She didn’t want to go to her room. She wanted her night. Her whole night. Not just a stolen snippet. She wanted to wake up in his arms. Was that asking for too much?

  “No, but you have to go to your room before it’s too late. For the record, we reviewed the video footage of the bachelor’s daycare shots. Not the most brilliant of plans, but at least it gives a halfway plausible reason for you to have been in my suite this long. If anyone asks, I’ll simply say we were going over your options again.”

  “My options?” How was she supposed to go on with this charade now that she knew what being with Rob was like? She didn’t want options--unless they included him.

  “Regarding the bachelors,” he paused. With every second that passed, she knew her fate was sealed. “Nothing’s changed. We’ll stick to our original agreement.”

  Their original agreement. One night, then they moved on with the show.

  “Okay.” Even if she’d tried, she couldn’t have hidden the hurt in her voice.

  “Jil-Jane,” he corrected, looking uncomfortable.

  When he insisted upon calling her by her show name, she knew he was once again throwing barriers between them. She’d lost him. No, she hadn’t ever had him to lose. He’d given her exactly what he’d agreed to, and she had to live with that.

  And she would. Honor demanded it.

  “Don’t say it. I don’t need a reminder that you’re a one-night stand man. As I told you when I came in here, I’m okay with that. I’ll stick to my end of the deal. I’ll choose one of the bachelors and continue with this crazy show. But know this.” She leaned forward and brushed her lips across his with a light, feathery touch. “That door,” she motioned to the one separating their rooms. “Won’t be locked on my side. I’m not looking for marriage or long-term commitment from you, but I do want you and freely admit to wanting a repeat of what we just shared. The choice is yours.”

  With that she leapt out of his bed while she had the strength to do so, scooped up her clothes, dressed, and disappeared through said door as regal as any true royalty could ever have done.

  # # #

  Rob watched Jill leave his suite, her head held high. Heat, sweltering heat, spread through him. Which was utterly ridiculous since he’d just had the most guttural fulfillment of his life. Twice.

  Or maybe the sensation running through him was regret. Regret at not being able to call her back. Regret at the knowledge he’d never again experience the emotional and physical high he’d just shared with her.

  He’d made a mistake. A big mistake. Huge. Horrendous. Gigante. Enorme. Okay, he’d made his point. He’d messed up by thinking making love to Jill would ease the tension between them. Because now that he knew how hot she was, how she could bring him to places he’d never been, staying away was going to be almost impossible.

  Jill. That was another thing. He needed to think of her as Jane, not Jill. Jane was off-limits. Jill wasn’t. He had to think of her as Jane.

  Jane. Jane. Jane.

  It was no use. No matter what he called her, she was still the woman he wanted. The woman he’d had, twice, and it hadn’t been nearly enough. A rose by any other name…damn.

  What a fool he’d been to think sex would diminish the sparks between them. But then, he’d only been fooling himself, wanting to believe when he’d bought into that line.

  He swung his feet over the bed and sat up. As he ran his finger through his damp hair, old insecurities filled him. Would he pick up a tabloid and read about the things he’d told her? Or worse, had she had sex with him because he was the producer and she believed he could do wonders for her career?

  Why was it anytime he had sex that question always remained in the back of his mind? Which was why he normally avoided having flings with women working on his productions. Mandy had taught him that lesson well--only in a reversed kind of way.

  Several girlfriends since had provided refresher courses. Sleeping with him until a bigger fish came along, or she landed the role she wanted. Sex to advance one’s career seemed to be par the course in this industry. But not where Rob was concerned.

  Truth be told, sleeping with him was probably the worst thing Jill could have done for her career.

  When JANE MILLIONAIRE aired, viewers were going to want her to fall in love with one of the bachelors. Having a hot affair with the producer probably wouldn’t ingratiate her in America’s hearts. If what they’d done leaked out. Which he’d do his damnedest to prevent.

  For everyone involved, he had to pretend like he didn’t want her with a fervor that scared the hell out of him.

  And just how was he supposed to do that when just the thought of that unlocked door sent him up in flames?

  The next few weeks couldn’t go by fast enough.

  # # #

  Jill smiled at each one of the six bachelors remaining as part of the show before taking her seat at the breakfast table. They stared at her curiously. Heat tinged her cheeks. Could they tell what she’d done during the night?

  Maybe having glorious sex made a woman look different. Certainly there had been a gleam in her eyes this morning when she’d stared at her reflection in the mirror. She’d looked…alive. Really alive for the first time.

  “Good morning, gentlemen.” She nodded at Jeff and Steve in particular. “I’m sorry you had to wait on me. I overslept.”

  Which was the truth. Once she’d drifted to sleep, she’d slept surprisingly peaceful considering she’d been kicked out of Rob’s bed.

  Too bad she hadn’t even showered when Gregory woke her, expecting to do her hair and make-up rather than drag her from bed.

  She glanced around the breakfast nook where they generally ate their meals. Large floor to ceiling windows that had been an addition made to the castle within the last century allowed the bright morning sunshine to filter into the room.

  “Late night?” Jeff asked as he passed her a butter dish.

  “Wouldn’t you like to know?” She winked, amaze
d she felt as chipper as she did this morning. She’d expected to wake all teary-eyed at what could have been, but would never come to pass. Apparently memories of making love with Rob outweighed any remorse she experienced over knowing he didn’t plan on a repeat performance. She’d count her blessings. “So, what’s on the schedule this morning?”

  “A trip to Paris for shopping and amour.”

  Jill’s gaze shot suspiciously to Bachelor #4. “Really?”

  “Don’t listen to him. You know we signed up to stay within these stone walls until the filming is finished.” Steve reminded with a glower at Bachelor #4.

  Jill shot him a scowl of her own. She hoped he got booted on tonight’s show. His jokes just weren’t funny. She might could get past that if he didn’t think he was the funniest thing since knock-knock jokes. Surely he’d get the axe soon.

  She chatted with the bachelors for a few more minutes, enjoying the delicious eggs, sausage, and toast.

  “That’s a wrap. You guys enjoy the rest of your meal.” The cameraman lowered the camera from his shoulder. He shot Jill a glance. “You, too.”

  “Thanks.” She always felt more relaxed when the cameramen weren’t in her face. Of course there were still the mounted cameras, but it was easy enough to forget they watched her every move.

  Too easy as she’d discovered last night.

  JP entered the room. Was it her imagination or did he look harried this morning?

  “Jane, you and the bachelors are going canoeing today.”

  “Canoeing?” Now there was something she’d never done. “I don’t know how to canoe, but sure.” How hard could it be to sit in a skinny boat and paddle?

  “Then this will be an enlightening experience for you, won’t it?” He sank into one of three empty chairs remaining at the large round table.

  “I can teach you,” Bachelor #4 spoke up.

  Maybe they’d lose him in the small lake where she and Jeff had picnicked. She gave a tight smile in his direction, before turning to JP. “Okay, if canoeing is on the agenda, I’m cool with that.”

  “Smile. It’s not like we’re talking extreme sports here.” JP advised. “You’ll have a great day.”

  “Sure.” Canoeing would eliminate the possibility of seeing Rob this morning.

  She’d really wanted to look in his eyes to see how he felt about last night. Did he have an extra bounce to his step? A satisfied gleam in his eyes? Or would she see regret? Regret for making love to her? Or regret for asking her to leave his bed?

  Maybe when they got back from the lake, she’d have the opportunity to search him out.

  Luck was on her side. After changing into a pair of shorts and a plain taupe T-shirt, she ran into Rob in the corridor outside their suites.

  “Rob,” she breathed when she almost collided into his thick chest.

  He winced. She might have been hoping to catch a glimpse of him, but Rob hadn’t wanted to see her this morning. He regretted their night together and obviously preferred to forget. “Ji-ane.”

  Hope spiraled down like a fighter jet shot from the sky. So he wanted to avoid her. Fine. That was what she’d promised to do when she’d seduced him.

  “Morning, Rob.” Her smile might blind him from its fake brightness. “Did you sleep well?”

  Okay, so maybe she wasn’t feeling quite so generous after all.

  “Not particularly.” He raked a hand through his already tousled hair. He didn’t appear to have slept at all.

  “Sorry to hear that,” she lied.

  “I’m sure you are.”

  “It’s a beautiful day. I’m heading to the lake with the bachelors. Will you be joining us for the trip?” Her face hurt from holding her smile in place.

  His gaze narrowed and he looked at her, really looked at her, for the first time since she’d almost ran over him. “No. JP will be supervising this morning’s shoot. I’m working on tonight’s show. We’ll boot another two bachelors.”

  “Can I pick which ones?”

  His brow lifted. “No. Not until the last show do you get to chose.”

  “I know.” She nudged his arm playfully, pretending not to notice how sparks of awareness dug into her from the contact. “I was just teasing.”

  One corner of his mouth lifted in a tight smile and he looked beyond her to the door of his suite. “Have fun on your trip and don’t get wet.”

  She waved and brushed past him. Hoped he’d grab her, pull her into his arms and kiss her senseless, but knew he wouldn’t.

  And of course, she was right.

  She moseyed down the stairs, passed a grim faced Gregory on the landing, and joined the men waiting in the foyer.

  “Ready, boys?” she asked when she saw the bachelors present and crew present. Seems she’d been the last one to arrive on two occasions today.

  She chatted to Jeff and Steve for a few moments before JP joined them.

  “You look lovely, Your Highness.” JP grinned at her, then shook his head with regret. “I apologize for the change in plans, but I’m no longer going to be able accompany you. Gregory’s on his way to inform Rob he’ll be supervising today’s outing.”

  At that moment, a red-faced Rob bounded down the stairs.

  “We need to talk.” He grabbed JP’s arm and tugged him across the foyer and into a neighboring room.

  Although she couldn’t make out Rob’s words, it didn’t take a genius to figure out he wasn’t pleased about the change of events. Undoubtedly, spending the day watching her wasn’t on his priority list.

  Too bad, because the grin JP shot her when he reentered the room assured her that once again JP had gotten his way. Rob would be going on the canoe trip.

  Jill smiled and hooked her arms with Jeff and Steve’s elbows. “So, which one of you gents am I going to be rowing with first?”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Who’d have known canoeing would make her seasick? She’d never been seasick. Couldn’t believe something as serene as a paddle across the small private lake would make her regret her breakfast. Nothing should make a woman regret delicious food. But with each shift of the elongated metal boat, her stomach pitched.

  Things might not have been so bad, but after three trips across the water with various bachelors, she wasn’t sure she’d be able to take much more. Especially since her current companion was Bachelor #4.

  “Has anyone ever told you the one about the preacher and the four cops?” he asked, ignoring the fact she hadn’t laughed at his last three jokes.

  Would he just please shut up? Who wanted to hear lame jokes about body functions or another one downing cops when one’s stomach threatened to upchuck?

  Rob and two crewmembers trolled beside them in a small gas powered boat. Knowing Rob was near, if inaccessible, helped. She snuck a quick glance across the twenty feet or so separating them.

  He wore a headset to listen in on their conversation, courtesy of the mikes they wore. His face looked terse, unyielding. Guess he didn’t find any of the jokes funny either. Despite his grim expression, he provided the only bright spot to her current excursion across the lake.

  Turning back to Bachelor #4, she blocked her mind of her aching stomach and imagined Rob sat across from her. Would he smile at her as he rolled them across to the middle of the lake? Would he take her hands and kiss her to distract her from her uneasiness in the canoe?

  “Wanna hear something really funny?” Bachelor #4 asked.

  Did he know anything really funny? If so, why had he been holding back all these weeks?

  “Why not?” Jill smiled politely, although she’d have preferred to keep fantasizing about Rob and pretending she didn’t feel nauseated.

  He launched into another unfunny joke. Jill’s stomach pitched and so did the boat as the man slapped his knee in amusement at his own tale. In his merriment the oar slipped from his fingers and dropped into the water.

  Had Jill not been fighting to keep her breakfast in her body rather than on her clothes, she’d have fores
een what the man was going to do. Instead, she was just grateful he’d shut up.

  Until the canoe tilted at an awkward angle.

  “What are you doing?” she exclaimed when he stretched over the edge of the precariously perched canoe. The oar remained out of his reach. “Sit down. Now.”

  “Just a little more and I’ll have it.” He extended further and managed to get a hold on the oar. Looking quite proud of himself, he stood, waving the oar through the air. “See, I told you I’d get it.”

  “Please sit down.” She covered her mouth with her hand.

  His face wrinkled in amusement. “Scared we’ll flip?”


  “Sit down.” Rob and one of the crew called simultaneously from the neighboring boat.

  The bachelor shifted his weight and the urge to knock him into the water with her paddle threatened to take hold. He lifted his oar triumphantly over his head, bobbing the canoe back and forth. This crazy man was going to make her toss her cookies on National television. Jill took aim. This was one bachelor she was going to eliminate herself.

  Too late. His eyes widened as he lost his balance and the canoe tipped, tossing him from the canoe.

  Just great, Jill thought as she was dumped into the water. All Gregory’s hard work primping her hair and she’d come up looking like a drowned rat.

  But at least she’d be out of the rocking boat.

  Although she knew the temperature wasn’t that bad, the water felt like icy fingers grasping at her as it soaked through her clothes and pulled her into it’s murky depths. She kicked her feet to resurface but the edge of the canoe spun, righting itself, and caught her on the head. Hard.

  A searing stab shot through her, momentarily blinding her. She gasped in pain. Water filled her lungs, gurgling in her throat. She sputtered trying to rid herself of the liquid as she ached for air.

  Blinking her eyes, she forced them to stay open and tried to keep from panicking.

  Stay calm. You’re a strong swimmer. Just swim to the surface. That’s all you’ve got to do.

  But the light letting her know where the surface lay faded into darkness as her face grew cold.


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