Jane Millionaire

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Jane Millionaire Page 17

by Janice Lynn

No. She wouldn’t black out. Not from a little bump to the head. She struggled to keep conscious, to find her way to where the water met life-giving air, but the darkness took over.

  Images of Rob making love to her, whispering her name, Jill, not Jane, beckoned her to close her eyes and dream sweet dreams.

  # # #

  Where was she? Rob searched the glossy water for some sign that Jill had surfaced. Nothing but Bachelor #4 waving in their direction.

  He’d wanted to pound the man’s face in when he’d realized the idiot was going to topple them over. Still might once they’d reached shore.

  He made one more visual sweep of the area where Jill had gone into the water. Nothing.

  Her mike only registered static. An eerie sound that taunted Rob.

  “I’m going in.” He tossed his headgear to the two cameramen as he dove into the water.

  The water stung at his eyes as he sluiced his way toward where Jill had disappeared. Where the hell was she?

  His lungs began to cry out for a breath. He’d have to surface soon.

  That’s when he caught sight of her hair floating loosely about her. Red tinged the water like a luminous cloud above her still form.

  Dear God. No.

  Ignoring the pain in his chest, which had to be from a lack of oxygen, he cut through the water and grasped her lifeless body.

  With a few powerful kicks, they surfaced.

  He gulped a lungful of air as he lifted her chin. “Jill, wake up. Jill.”

  He jerked hard against her chest with the arm he held her with, hoping to clear her lungs. Rubbing her cheek with his free hand, he prayed he’d been in time. Water spilled from her lips and she coughed. Blood trickled down her face, oozing from the gash on her head.

  “Jill, open your eyes.”

  Her lids sprang apart to reveal dazed, dilated pupils. She coughed again and sucked in air. Her body trembled against his as he kept them above surface.


  “Shh, it’s going to be okay, babe.” Without thought he kissed her temple. “I’ve got you.”

  The boat pulled up to them and Rob reluctantly let go of Jill to assist the crew in pulling her into the boat. With water dripping off her soaked body, the crew hauled her from the lake.

  Rob attempted to lift himself into the boat, but found he couldn’t. His muscles had locked down. He grabbed hold of one of the cameraman’s hands and allowed the man to help him.

  He ignored an offered towel and immediately went to Jill.

  She huddled on the matted boat carpet, shivering. A towel wrapped around her drooped shoulders. Another towel was pressed to her bleeding head. Coughs racked her body as she fought to clear her lungs.

  Hell, she could have died.

  He sank to his knees beside her, causing her wide eyes to meet his. Amazingly, her trembling lips curved in a small smile.

  “Bet you don’t use that on tonight’s show.”

  The show? She thought he was worried about the damn show when he’d almost lost her?

  Whoa. He was jumping the gun. He didn’t have her to lose. They’d had their one night and had both agreed that was all they’d ever have. The show was what mattered most to him. That’s why he’d been so worried about her. Without her, Jane Millionaire didn’t exist. His concern wasn’t personal.

  Jill was just a sexy as hell woman who he’d been thrown into an extraordinary circumstance with. It wasn’t as if he wouldn’t have done the same for anyone. He would have.

  But it had been Jill, he’d saved her, and she was smiling at him.

  Damn, he’d missed seeing her smile.

  With a weak smirk of his own, he ignored the turmoil inside him and squeezed her hand.

  “No, I doubt you plunging to the bottom of the lake would help ratings.” His gaze dropped to her clinging shirt. “Although if the network ever decides to air a wet T-shirt competition, you should definitely audition.”

  Her mouth dropped open as her gaze lowered to her sopping clothes. Rob grinned, then remembered the idiot who’d caused all this to begin with.

  He glanced around, knowing the crew would have hauled the man into the boat.

  Bachelor #4 sat in a seat with a towel draped over his shoulders, looking stunned by the events that had followed his foolish behavior.

  Rob’s fist clenched as he rounded on the man. “What the hell were you thinking?”

  “How was I supposed to know the canoe would topple?”

  Rob stood, determined to knock out a few of the idiot’s perfectly even teeth.

  A frightened light shined in the bachelor’s eyes.

  “Don’t do it. He isn’t worth it.” One of the crew’s hands grasped Rob’s shoulder.

  Rob gritted as he fought the need to pummel the man. “You’re through,” he spat out.


  “You’re finished. Off the show.”

  “You can’t do that.”

  “I don’t have to. You’ve already been voted off.” He turned to the cameraman who’d stopped him from creating a liable situation. “Make sure he sticks around long enough for tonight’s taping and then escort him off the premises to where the other bachelors are being detained. I don’t want him left alone. Remind him of the contract he signed in regards to what his liabilities are should he discuss any of the events he’s participated in during his stint on Jane Millionaire.”

  “You can’t do this,” the man repeated.

  With barely contained anger, Rob faced the man once more, ignoring his words. “If you ever have the misfortune to cross my path again, run. Because I intend to crack a few knuckles beating your face in.”

  # # #

  “How the hell did that happen?” JP sank onto the settee in Rob’s suite. When the crew had told him what had occurred he’d almost had a heart attack. How would they have finished filming if something happened to Jane?

  “Because casting did a crappy job selecting bachelors. The man is a walking disaster.” Rob pulled a dry T-shirt over his just shampooed head.

  JP experienced a moment’s envy at the rippled abs Rob covered, abs similar to the ones JP had once sported himself. Growing old really was the pits. Now, his stomach looked more like the proverbial beer gut. Maybe he’d hire a personal trainer when he got back to California. A young, frisky, female trainer to whip him into shape.

  JP blinked, pulling himself back to the conversation. “What happened at the lake was an accident.”

  “An accident caused by the irresponsibility of one of the bachelors. He risked Ji-ane’s life unnecessarily. He’s to be removed from the castle as soon as taping is finished. Otherwise, I’m not liable for my actions.”

  JP stared at the angle of Rob’s clenched jaw as he studied Rob’s slip up of her name. When he’d watched the film of Jane’s rescue, Rob had called her Jill. And kissed her.

  He leaned back, reached for a cigar, and frowned when he came up empty handed. Damn, he’d snuck a smoke after he’d approved the clippings to be aired with the segment they’d record tonight booting #4.

  “You know,” he drawled. “It’s a shame you aren’t one of the bachelors. The crew caught your rescue. It would have made some great footage. Handsome bachelor risks life and limb to save the star of the show.”

  Rob’s chest rose and fell in swift succession. “That footage needs to be destroyed. I don’t ever want to see it or think of this afternoon again. This isn’t some show about getting your jollies off of fear.”

  Did the boy realize how transparent he was? He’d never seen Rob so smitten by a woman. And the poor lad had been ga-ga over Mandy before her shine had started to fade and the real witch beneath her gilded surface came through. Yep, Jane had Rob by the ole royal jewels.

  “Quite humorous that our pretend princess gets rescued by Prince Charming, but he isn’t one of the eligible bachelors she’s allowed to chose from, wouldn’t you say?”

  “I don’t see a thing funny about any of this.”

  No, JP imagi
ned he didn’t. “Cause you’re looking at it from the wrong perspective.”

  “Ji-ane almost died this afternoon. No matter how I look at it, I’m not going to see a humorous side.”

  So transparent.

  “So, we’ll film the show and Bachelor #4 leaves immediately following. That should work well enough.” JP nodded, considering how far to push. Much further than he had up to this point. “Kensington is with Jane. He put a couple of stitches in the cut on her head. Says she has a light concussion but will be fine as long as she doesn’t over do it for a few days.”

  Rob’s face pinched at the news Kensington was with Jane. A tic twitched along his jaw.

  JP almost laughed. And just to think, the boy had once been a successful actor. “Too bad we won’t be using any of the footage of her rescue since the two of them cozily playing doctor would have heated up the airwaves.”

  “Isn’t it though?”

  “Fortunately the gash is easily hidden beneath her hair. Kensington was able to keep from making a gap. Only had to snip a few strands.” JP stifled his mirth. Barely. “The man is really good with his hands.”

  Rob stuffed his hands into his jean pockets and let out an exasperated breath. “Don’t you have something you need to be doing? Possibly finishing up whatever was so important I had to take your place today?”

  “Aren’t you glad you did? I could never have pulled Jane from the water and we both know it.”

  Rob’s face paled and JP regretted his reminder of Jane’s brush with death. Still, she was going to be fine and the show would go on as scheduled. At least, mostly. There had been a few necessary changes. One had to be flexible about these kind of things. Fortunately, he’d learned to go with the flow a long time ago.

  “Actually.” He stood from the settee. “I do have a few things I need to attend to. I’ll see you in a couple of hours. Maybe you should take a nap. You look worn out. But come to think of it, you did when I first saw you this morning, too. Must have had a long night. Get some rest. We’ll film the show as soon as Jane fills up to it.”

  Standing with his legs slightly spread, Rob rocked back on his bare feet. His mouth twisted in thought, he finally shrugged. “Okay. If I’m not down fifteen minutes before time to start shooting, send someone up for me.”

  “Sure thing.” JP opened the door, pausing to throw one last parting shot. “You know, when I was editing last night’s film, I noticed Jane disappeared fairly late into your room for several hours. What was that all about?”

  Gotcha. JP smothered a grin at the guilty as sin look plastered on Rob’s face.

  He rocked back on his feet again, his hands digging deeper into his pockets.

  “You weren’t sticking your hand in the cookie jar were you?” JP asked, knowing exactly what had transpired during the time Jane had been in his pal’s room. He’d known the moment he’d seen Rob this morning. Something had been different. Not that his constant tension about Jane had eased, more like it had transformed into something more intense, more personal.

  “No, sir. No cookies for me last night.”

  JP held his tongue. “Yeah, that’s what I thought. You were reviewing the daycare scenes with her, right? Good thing I can always trust you to do the right thing.”

  He slipped out the door and closed it with a loud thud. He pressed back against it and huffed a long breath.

  Dear Lord, would Rob ever forgive him for what he was about to set into motion?

  # # #

  “I’m fine.” Jill swatted Jeff’s hands away. “Really. Quit making a fuss over me.”

  “You took a blow to the head. One that knocked you unconscious. That is a big deal.” Jeff hooked his arm with hers again as he escorted her down the stairs and into the room where each show was taped.

  Jill hung her head. “I can’t believe I passed out because of this little thing.”

  She fingered the raised bump on the top of her head.

  “Quit touching it. You’ll end up with an infection.”

  “I thought that was the purpose of those stitches you put in.”

  “Yeah, well, if you don’t quit touching them, you’ll bust it back open.”

  “If you say so.” She smiled at his concern. He really was a great guy, and a fabulous doctor. “Personally, I don’t see the reason for so much fuss. All the other stitches I’ve had never burst open, and goodness knows I put a lot more pressure on them than just my fingers.”

  Jeff’s blue eyes narrowed. “Just what were you doing where you would have gotten stitches, Princess?”

  Oops. Maybe that blow to the head had done more damage than she’d thought. “Just because I am royalty does not mean I have spent my life in a plastic bubble wrap. I did spend four years in Southern California, you know.” Which is how they’d explained her speech from the get go.

  “Yes, but I can’t imagine too many university students went around causing you to need sutures.”

  “You might be surprised.” Jill hid a smile. She’d played many a game during college that had led to cuts that had to be sewed together. Usually on her head. Jessie had always teased that it was a good thing she was so thick skulled.

  Jill came to an abrupt halt on the stairs.


  Not once when she’d been struggling in the water had she thought of who would take care of her sister. All she’d thought of was Rob.

  Guilt hit her. How could she have forgotten her sister? Jessie needed her. Had needed her from the time their parents had died while on the way to watch one of Jill’s basketball games.

  “Jane?” Jeff tugged on her elbow with his. “Are you okay?”

  She blinked up at him.

  “I.” She winced. “Yes, I’m fine. It’s just,” she paused, searching for the right words. “I think I forgot who I really am today.”


  She shook her head and ignored the tiny spurt of pain the motion triggered. She’d refused medication when Jeff offered. Good thing, too, as she was slipping out of character enough as it was.

  When they entered the room set up for the filming of the show, Jill’s gaze immediately met Rob’s.

  # # #

  Rob’s breath lodged in his throat. Jill on Jeff Kensington’s arm wasn’t what he wanted to see. Although it should have been.

  Her wide green eyes searched his. For what he wasn’t sure, but could guess. She had to be wondering if her dip in the lake had changed things between them.

  It hadn’t.

  Although he had slipped and called her by the wrong name. Had gotten caught up in the emotions of the moment and kissed her forehead.

  None of the crew had mentioned the incident. Possibly no one had noticed.

  More likely they just weren’t commenting.

  Damn, he could have screwed up everything. He wouldn’t ruin this show. Not for any reason.

  He looked away without acknowledging her presence, determined to not give any indication that she looked lovely in her elegant blue gown or that he’d wanted to take Jeff Kensington’s place at her side.

  “Wow, I think she’s more stunning every time I see her.” JP walked up beside him.

  He ignored the comment. Why admit that JP was right? “Is everything ready?”

  “Of course.” JP nodded toward Rob’s tuxedo. “Have to say, you’re looking quite spiffy tonight yourself.”

  Rob rolled his eyes. “Come on, let’s get this over with.”

  When everyone was in place, Rob ran through his spiel as host. Smiling and providing a witty narration that led into scenes that would be inserted into the show at a later time.

  When the filming ended, he turned to find Jill standing next to him.

  She reached out to touch him, then stopped, her eyes full of confusion. “I wanted to thank you for what you did earlier.”

  Rob shrugged. “It was no big deal.”

  “You saved me.”


  “I owe my life to you.”

  “You don’t owe me anything.”

  “Rob, about last night,” she said, but he shook his head.

  “No. Don’t even say it. Last night never occurred.” He met her gaze and squared his shoulders. “You think you owe me something? Fine. Repay me by forgetting that last night ever happened.”

  Shock registered on her face. “But.”

  “No buts about it.” He scanned the room to make sure no one had noticed them. Only JP, a few crewmembers and a couple of bachelors remained. None were paying them any attention. “Last night shouldn’t have happened. Regardless of what we said, I should have sent you back to your room. If I could do last night over, that’s exactly what I’d do.”

  But he was lying. He knew it and suspected she did, too. But he wouldn’t retract the words. She had to focus on Jane. On the bachelors. On Jeff Kensington.

  Her gaze lowered briefly. “Okay. I shouldn’t have assumed anything had changed, but you called me Jill and I—” her words broke off as JP joined them.

  “Excellent job tonight.” He slapped Rob on the back.

  Jill offered him a smile, but Rob didn’t bother. “I’m just glad that bachelor is gone.”

  “Me, too,” Jill said.

  JP nodded. “Yep. Can’t believe he lasted as long as he did.”

  “So what’s next?” Jill asked.

  “Nothing,” Rob answered. “You’ve been given the night off to rest.”

  “To rest?” She met his gaze. “I’m fine.”

  “Yes, that’s what I’ve been told. I was also told that you needed to rest.”

  “Okay.” She nodded at JP. “I’ll be in my room.”

  Rob watched as she spoke to the bachelors before she left the room. Kensington close at her side.

  JP slapped Rob’s shoulder one last time, then walked off. But not before tossing out words that twisted Rob’s gut.

  “They do make a lovely couple. Maybe the show will have a real honeymoon, yet. Wouldn’t that just push us right off the rating scale?”

  # # #

  Knock. Knock. Knock. Rob glanced at the connecting door.

  Oh no, he wasn’t answering that knock tonight. He already knew what heaven waited on the other side.

  “Go away.”

  “Please, Rob. I need your help.”


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