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Real Men Howl (Paranormal Shapeshifter Werewolf Romance) (Real Men Shift Book 1)

Page 9

by Celia Kyle

  “Lucy?” His gravelly voice was a tonic to her frayed nerves. She sighed in response, every cell in her body yearning to trust him, despite what her silly brain told her. “There are things we need to talk about, but I don’t want to scare you.”

  Her eyes fluttered opened and she tried to smile, even though her body felt as if it was weighted down by a metric ton of rocks. “I think we crossed that line when you turned into a ginormous wolf.”

  He let out a relieved breath and rubbed his thumb against her cheekbone. “Okay, here goes. I’ve been waiting for you my entire life, Lucy Morgan. I didn’t know it, not until yesterday, but that’s the truth. You’re the reason I’m still breathing. You’re why I’m still alive and sane.”

  Her arched eyebrow made him chuckle, which sent a shiver of joy through her aching body.

  “Okay, as sane as someone like me could ever be,” he corrected, before continuing. “Until you came along, I fully expected to be put down by year’s end. Now I have the chance at a future I’d never dreamed possible. You’re my miracle, Lucy, and no matter the outcome, I intend on having my mate by my side.”

  It took a few seconds for Lucy’s brain to process his words. When his words finally untangled themselves, she frowned. “What do you mean, ‘put down’?”

  A muscle in Mason’s jaw flexed. “As far as unmated werewolves go, I’m getting long in the tooth, so to speak.”

  She smiled, only because she didn’t have the strength to laugh. “So?”

  “So… werewolves must find their mates at some point or another, or they’ll turn feral.”


  Mason smiled softly at her, sending ripples of desire through her. “A mate soothes you, calms your wolf. Without that calming influence, the wolf starts to take over.”

  “And that would be bad?”

  “Very. I was already losing control when we met. My wolf had been steadily taking control of our shared body more and more over the last few months. Everyone in the Blackwood pack knew it, but they were also patient, hoping I’d find my mate before…”

  Lucy didn’t like that he’d trailed off like that. “Before what?”

  Mason sighed. “Before I lost control completely and the rest of the Blackwood ruling circle were forced to eliminate the problem.”

  The severity of what Mason had been facing hit her like a Mack truck. “Damn, I thought being single in the human world sucked.”

  Mason smirked and stroked her cheek again. Lucy wouldn’t have minded dying right then, if he’d just keep stroking her so sweetly.

  “You are, quite literally, the other half of my soul, Lucy. I can’t live without you. And now that I know you a little, I don’t think I’d want to. I need you to believe that.”

  She met his very serious and very intense gaze. She should have scoffed at his words. She should have grabbed her cell and dialed 9-1-1 and “ordered pizza,” as all the Facebook memes suggested. She should have run screaming through the woods until someone came along to round up all the loonies in that particular bin.

  But something in his expression eased her doubts, and a scent she’d never smelled before soothed her, made her trust him. It was crisp and clear, like a sunny morning at the beach. It smelled pure and ancient and right, and it told her every word coming out of his beautiful mouth was the truth.

  Since when did she smell feelings? Maybe it was her infection, or maybe her sanity. Whatever the reason, she trusted Mason as she’d never trusted anyone before. And more than that, the funny, fizzy feeling inside her belly every time she looked at him felt distinctly like love. Not like an anemic, soda pop “love” she might have thought she felt before, but like a rocket launching into space.

  “I do believe you,” she whispered, reaching up to lay her hand on top of his. “At least, I’m trying to. It’s all just a bit much. I need a little time to come to grips with all of this. Maybe when I’m feeling better…”

  Mason closed his eyes and kept them closed for a long moment. She didn’t need any special ESP to know he was trying to figure out how to break some bad news to her.

  “You have no idea how much I’d like to give you all the time in the world,” he finally said.

  “So why don’t you?”

  “Whether you can believe it right now or not, you were destined to become an alpha mate, Lucy. As a human, my mating bite would have transformed you painlessly. Since Charlie bit you, we have no idea how your change will go.”

  Adrenaline surged into her system as panic took hold. “Transform? Change?”

  Mason winced, as if he’d forgotten to tell her a key part of the story. “When a wolf bites a human, one of two things happen. Either they die, or they turn into a werewolf themselves.”

  Lucy’s mouth went dry, and no matter how much she tried to form words, nothing came out.

  “We were all hoping it wouldn’t happen, but it’s pretty obvious Charlie’s bite transmitted enough saliva to… infect you, for lack of a better term. Since you were fated to be my mate, it’s still possible you could change on your own, but Drew thinks it would be safer—and more pleasant—if I claimed you right away.”

  As much as she enjoyed the feel of his hand under hers, Lucy pulled away and pinched the bridge of her nose, desperately trying to remain calm enough to make sense of all the craziness Mason had just lain in front of her. She took five deep, cleansing breaths, just as she’d learned in yoga class.

  Didn’t work.

  “And what’s involved with this claiming process?”

  Mason leaned back and took his comforting hand with him. Lucy suddenly felt as if a part of her body had been removed. He stared at her for a moment before explaining. “When fated mates find each other, they bite each other on the neck… while they’re making love.”

  Lucy let her eyelids fall shut. Her body burned so hot she shuddered with chills. Every muscle, every joint, every inch of her skin hurt. She’d never been so miserable in her life. The thought of making it all go away quickly was mighty appealing, but the very idea of exerting enough energy to have sex—even though every cell in her body screamed for Mason—quite literally exhausted her. Besides, she was still not sure about all this “fated mate” mumbo-jumbo.

  Turning to face him, she gave him her most pleading look. “Couldn’t you just give me a little nibble now, and I’ll take a rain check for the rest?”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Mason had never appreciated how much could change in twenty-four short hours. The day before, he’d been fretting over his human mate’s potentially mortal injury. Just last night he’d bitten Lucy in an attempt to heal her. Now the day after and they strolled down the sidewalks of Ashtown, window shopping and people watching. Since he’d begun his campaign to turn the town into a tourist destination, there was no shortage of either.

  “I think you should grow a beard like that guy,” Lucy said, nodding toward a fellow skating down the opposite side of the street.

  The guy stood as tall as Mason and had twenty pounds on him. Beyond that, he sported a bushy, yet perfectly trimmed beard all the way down to mid-chest. Bright yellow dandelion flowers dotted the brown beard. He also happened to be wearing pink Hello Kitty skates.

  Mason arched an eyebrow at Lucy, drawing a giggle from her. He loved the sound of his mate laughing. It meant she was alive and would continue living for the foreseeable future. He had no doubt that if he’d waited to give her the bite only a mate could administer, she would have died from Charlie’s accidental bite. He was still in awe of her bravery in the face of certain death, but it just proved to him that she would be the perfect alpha mate.

  Now they just needed to actually… mate.

  As much as his wolf was pushing him to claim her fully, Mason wouldn’t rush her. He had to set aside his innate alpha instincts and allow her to come to terms with a metric shit-ton of new information, an entirely new way of living. He could be patient… for a little while.

  In the meantime, he simply enjoyed t
he feel of her fingers entwined with his and her new scent. It was her flowery aroma, only amplified a thousand-fold. They walked past tourists and, time after time, the strangers would turn their heads to watch her pass. Almost as if they smelled her new commanding power as well.

  “How are you feeling?” He pulled her closer to his side.

  She smiled up at him. “Fit as a fiddle. The wound was scabbed over and barely pink when I got dressed. It hardly hurts. I never thought I’d say this but… thanks for biting me.”

  Her fingers feathered across the tender spot on her shoulder where he’d sunk his teeth. Her shirt covered the evidence, but Mason could feel her pulse beating just under the healing skin. She hadn’t yet shifted into her wolf form, but he sensed it building. Drew’s best guess was that her body had to fight off Charlie’s infection first, and then the transformation process would continue as any other. But since none of them—not even the National Circle—had any experience with this situation, it was anyone’s guess how long it would take for her to recognize him as her mate.

  As they strolled, Mason wasn’t only “people watching,” but he was also watching people. The NC could bury their heads in the sand all they wanted, but he knew Frank Riverson was behind all the fuckery going on lately. He continually and systematically scanned the crowds, holding onto Lucy’s hand, just in case he needed to pull her to safety. Across the street, behind them, and in front of them, Mason’s own sentries prowled the streets too, watching for any sign of trouble.

  “I can’t wait to bite you again,” he murmured just loudly enough for her to hear.

  Her cheeks grew bright pink and she shot him a mock glare.

  “I’m just sayin’,” he said, basking in her embarrassment. “I can’t wait until you feel well enough to cash in that rain check. To fuck you into oblivion. To sink my teeth into my mating mark on your neck. To join you when you shift for the first time. To run with you in the woods, our paws pounding in time on the spongy earth.”

  Lucy grew quiet and listened intently, though her face still burned red.

  “You won’t believe the sense of freedom, Lucy. It’s a joy like you’ve never experienced as a human. And I’ll be by your side through it all, watching and supporting you as you discover your new self and get to know your inner wolf.”

  He lowered his voice. “And can’t wait to feel your body under mine. Your breasts straining against my chest. Your creamy thighs opening for me. Your heat on my tongue. To claim you as my mate, forever and ever amen. Then you’ll know what a mating bite should feel like.”

  Her scent shifted toward desire. His words were having the intended effect, even though he knew they couldn’t just drop down on the sidewalk and go at it. But sowing the seeds of passion might yield a helluva bounty once they returned to the pack house.

  “What do you mean?” she squeaked.

  He stopped and skimmed a finger down her cheek and neck to the curve that flowed into her shoulder. She winced from the sting of the bite he’d given her.

  “A mating bite shouldn’t hurt. Not in a painful way, as it did yesterday. Only in a ‘Ooh, baby, that hurts so good’ kind of way. Under normal circumstances, mating bites are given during the course of, ya know, mating.”

  He pulled her against his body, wrapping his arms around her lower back so he could rest his hands on her fine rump. Lucy relaxed into him and laid her hands on his forearms, staring up into his eyes.

  “So, when you’re ready, you just let me know in whatever way you see fit. Whisper it in my ear, take my hand and lead me to the bedroom, stuff your hand down my pants… whatever. I promise to blow your mind, but I won’t push you.”

  Lucy blinked up at him, and he almost thought she would jump him right there on Main Street, but she finally nodded curtly and turned away. He sighed as he followed, but he didn’t lose hope. She would be his, of that much he was certain. It was only a matter of time.

  “I’m starving,” she finally said.

  “I’m not surprised. Your body is undergoing a massive change. That’s bound to make anyone hungry. What’ll it be? A big ol’ country breakfast? A burger and fries? It is just about lunchtime.”

  Lucy shook her head and stared at a neon sign that featured a giant ice cream cone across the street. “Ice cream.” She grinned. “A mountain of it.”

  Mason smiled in return. “You got it.”

  Once the street was clear of vintage Citroëns, Volvos and Saabs, Mason led her across the busy street and straight into Dickey’s Diner. The proprietress moved as if on autopilot, yanking two plastic-covered menus from a holder on the counter and turning to them without really seeing them.

  “Welcome to Dickey’s Diner,” she droned in a crusty monotone. “Take a seat— Oh hello, Mason.”

  Agnes Dickey was a stout, unflappable woman with enough grey hair to prove just how much her sons had put her through during their teenage years. Nothing fazed her anymore. Her husband Arthur—a thin, cheerful man—smiled through the pass bar between the kitchen and the dining room.

  “Hey, Mason,” Arthur called, before he turned back to whatever he had been cooking.

  “Your usual?” Agnes pulled an order pad from the pocket of her apron.

  “Not today, Agnes. Just ice cream.”

  “Sure. Pistachio for you, and for…?”

  “Oh, I’m sorry. Lucy, this is Agnes and Arthur, the owners of this fine establishment. Agnes, this gorgeous woman is Lucy.” He paused a beat for effect. “My mate.”

  Agnes’ eyes flew open so wide Mason worried her eyeballs might pop right out. Though no one except his brothers had spoken with him about his… situation directly, everyone had known he’d been on the verge of going feral.

  “Y-your…” She glanced at the humans enjoying their meals to make sure none could hear as she whisper-yelled. “Your mate?”

  Mason grinned.

  Lucy glared.

  Then Agnes did the most unexpected thing. She ran out from behind the counter and wrapped Lucy in a giant bearhug. Laughing and grinning and chattering like a happy little bird. Agnes handed over their ice cream and insisted it was on the house. Another first. A few minutes later, Mason led Lucy to a bench in the park downtown.

  “That was low, even for you,” she said grumpily as she licked up a drip of chocolate truffle ice cream.

  Mason shrugged. “You’re just trying to delay the inevitable. Besides, I’m proud to call you my mate.”

  Lucy blushed furiously and then tried to change the topic. “She sure was happy to hear the news. What a hugger!”

  “You have no idea what an honor she just bestowed on you, fair maiden. I didn’t even know she could smile before today. The woman didn’t even tear up at her oldest son’s wedding—and he was the favorite!”

  “Well, I just hope she can keep her mouth shut.”

  Mason leaned back, giving her a satisfied smirk. “Oh, Agnes isn’t known for her discretion. In fact, she has quite a reputation as a world-class gossip.”


  “Yup. By nightfall, everyone in the pack should know you’re my mate.”

  “B-but why?” Lucy stuttered.

  “Eh, it’s easier than telling everyone individually.”

  “You sneaky son of a—”

  “Is that any way to talk to your mate?” He gave her a cocky little wink.

  Lucy rolled her eyes. “You can’t know for sure I’m your… you know.”


  “Whatever. You can’t be certain.”

  “Of course, I can. Wolves mate for life. You’re still transforming, which is why you still have doubts. Once you’ve fully changed, you’ll understand that you’re mine forever. You just don’t know it yet.”

  Lucy’s expression changed, softened into sadness. “Nothing is forever, Mason. One day you can be living your life, happy as a clam, and the next… it’s over.”

  Mason didn’t care for her fatalistic tone. “Sounds like you’re speaking from experience.�

  She stared off across the park, lost in her thoughts, her past. “I learned the truth a long time ago.”

  “What truth? When?”

  “The day my parents died.”

  Mason remained quiet, letting her choose how much to share. He wouldn’t pressure her. As it turned out, he didn’t need to. With a deep breath, she launched into her story.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Hurry up, Lucy Goosey!”

  Lucy rolled her eyes, sighed dramatically, and jammed a bookmark into the paperback she was currently obsessed with. It was artistic and darkly romantic and full of angst, just like her. The stupid camping trip her parents insisted on taking was seriously messing with her reading time.

  “It’s the last time we can go camping as a family until next summer,” her mother had wheedled over the previous week until Lucy had agreed.

  God, she couldn’t wait to go to college and finally be free!

  Stuffing her book into her backpack, she glanced around the room to see what she was forgetting. Her phone sat on her desk, and despite her parents’ sacred rule forbidding electronic devices on their camping trips, Lucy grabbed it anyway. As of last month, she was officially an adult and they couldn’t say boo about it.

  “Besides, they should be grateful I’m going at all,” she muttered to herself as she muted the ringer and tucked it into the pack’s front pocket next to her pepper spray keyring.

  “Luce!” her dad shouted. “Get a move on!”

  “Coming!” she shouted back. “Jeez!”

  Three epically boring hours later, her folks set up camp while Lucy sulked on a nearby stump. Dad had popped their old tent up in seconds flat, but he seemed to be having trouble with the new one they’d bought on the way out of town. Lucy had insisted she was too old to sleep with her parents in a pup tent and said she’d just sleep under the stars. Naturally, her overprotective mother wouldn’t hear of it. Too dangerous.

  Lucy had rolled her eyes and stared out the car window. Didn’t they realize she could take care of herself? Besides, the wildest animal they’d ever seen on one of their trips was a raccoon who tried to pry open their ice chest once. And let’s get real, what kind of protection did a thin layer of nylon offer against anything that really wanted to eat her? But she’d played along and picked a tent the color of blood. It reminded her of her book.


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