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Alien Intrusion

Page 26

by Gary Bates

  The alien abduction phenomenon itself is fast becoming a modern cultural icon. Famous UFO debunker Philip Klass has noticed a trend:

  When I first entered the UFO field in the mid-’60s, even the pro-UFO organizations like NICAP exercised appropriate caution when evaluating claims from “repeaters,” and especially from “abductees.” Now, no tale is too wild to be embraced by a large segment of the UFO community. How very sad.[8]

  Even famous popularizers of modern science, like Carl Sagan, have devoted a large percentage of their time and writings to dismissing the notion of alien abductions. For such well-known and prolific authors to spend so much of their time on this subject, the phenomenon must have taken deep root in our modern culture.[9]

  {See Fire in the Sky — The Travis Walton abduction}

  The Classic Abduction Syndrome (CAS)

  Abductions are becoming commonplace. It seems that the more experiences are recounted and retold, the more stories of abductions appear bearing similar characteristics.

  The CAS is so named because of features common to abduction cases. UFO folklorist Thomas Bullard lists eight common categories of experiences, noting that not all will apply in every case. The headings are Bullard’s,[10] but the details include my own observations and comments.

  1. Capture

  The experience usually occurs at night when an individual (or sometimes a group) is driving a car, sitting at home, or sleeping in bed, when a light(s) or a UFO appears nearby. This is often the abductee’s last conscious recollection. Subsequent details are often recalled under hypnosis, although some have been triggered by an event, such as an image on TV, a conversation, or déjà vu-type experiences. Some abductees do claim abductions during the daylight hours. (For example, one lady named Joyce says that her abductions started at age five, and that she was levitated out of a classroom while in the presence of other people. When she returned, she was woken from what the teacher thought was a bout of daydreaming. The abductee experienced a huge amount of missing time, and no one else in the classroom witnessed her “abduction.”)

  Usually, the abductee (often called an “experiencer”) remembers feeling a sense of stillness over the physical world, and a feeling of paralysis, which overtakes their bodies. Most are gripped by fear and are unable to resist as they are levitated out and upward in a beam of light (commonly blue) to a waiting ship. Sometimes they are accompanied by alleged alien beings of varying descriptions, but most commonly, the grays. Interestingly, the grays appear to be the most common type in American cases, with “Nordics” (tall, blond, European-looking beings) predominating in England and Europe, and bigfoot or monster types in South America.[11]

  Many have claimed that they were transported through solid objects, such as a wall, roof, or car. Shortly after being beamed up, there may be periods of lost consciousness, with the experiencer waking up on board the ship.

  These accounts are similar to those of people who engage in occult activities such as astral traveling, or other “out of body experiences” (OBEs). Beaming toward a light source is also similar to the accounts of people who claim near-death experiences (NDEs). Some who say they’ve had an NDE have claimed seeing alien-like creatures on “the other side,” and also report seeing dead relatives in the presence of aliens.[12] This large body of anecdotal evidence is not to be ignored, and it once again points to the psychic/spiritual nature of UFOs. Researchers have already shown that many UFOs can change shape (or morph), and as we shall see, the aliens themselves appear in a variety of guises.

  2. Examination

  Once on board, the captives are usually undressed, and made to lie on an examination table of some sort. Often their eyes or bodies are scanned, or an “alien” captor peers directly into their eyes. Experienced abduction researcher David Jacobs claims that this is to create sexual stimulation via the “optic nerve,” i.e., creating images in the abductee’s mind in preparation for alleged sexual medical procedures.

  David Jacobs

  Using what are often described as “primitive” devices (compared to what one might expect for a supposedly advanced race), every imaginable body orifice is probed. Jacobs believes that these thorough examinations are not the real reason for abduction, but are meant to give the abductee (or possibly us) the impression that the whole episode is some sort of study or scientific experiment.[13]

  Eggs and sperm are routinely removed from victims, and sometimes the captives are forced to have sex with each other. On occasion they are also forced to have sex with their alien captors, heterosexually, homosexually, and even with “hybrids” (who are supposedly the offspring of previous interrelations between aliens and humans). Jacobs claims that the abductors have no particular interest in sex, but that it is part of the process of sperm collection or egg fertilization for breeding purposes.

  Sometimes women are impregnated artificially, and told via telepathic means that they are pregnant. Jacobs and others claim that experiencers have subsequently had pregnancy tests to confirm this event. Apparently, when this type of implantation occurs, it is common for another abduction event to take place for the purpose of removing the fetus. One can only imagine the deep emotional scarring that occurs with experiencers who genuinely feel that they have undergone these events.

  Sometimes, blood, skin, and hair samples are taken, and implants (commonly known as alien implants) are inserted into victims. Some abductees have subsequently had objects surgically extracted, but upon examination it appears that they are simply of biological origin, and not some form of advanced technology (although it is claimed that some resemble a ceramic-like substance). Photos abound of alleged implants, as do “scoop” marks in the abductee’s skin, as well as bruising and scratches. Skeptics refute these claims, stating that there is no proof they have been caused by ETs and that the more reasonable explanation is that the experiencer merely forgot how the marks originally got there.

  3. Conference

  At this stage, the abductors conduct school lessons for their captives. Once again, using telepathic methods, they sometimes communicate the reasons for their activities, or tell the abductee that they have been specifically chosen for a mission. The beings often tell of future events, not only concerning individuals but also events on a global scale. Sometimes these prophetic events are portrayed on large screens or as some type of holographic image. Although he is not a Christian, Bullard relates the UFO messages using biblical language:

  The beings often warn of a time of tribulation ahead and prophesy disasters to come, and may school the witness for an obscure mission to be performed “when the time is right.”[14]

  These prophecies often bear a close resemblance to events forecast in the Bible. UFO literature is riddled with biblical references, as we have indicated earlier in this book. Many of the ETs’ messages have paralleled biblical events, stories, and prophecies. At the same time, the biblical texts are often misquoted and misrepresented. Members of the pro-UFO lobby, such as von Däniken and Sitchin, have twisted the Bible to read into it what they want to believe. This is deceitful. The original Bible authors — intelligent people in their own right — should be fairly represented and their writings portrayed accurately — not with the biased view that they must have been primitive and ignorant because they lived long ago.

  As to the unreliability of the ETs’ predictions, one of the world’s leading experts on the psychosocial aspect of the UFO phenomenon, Martin Kottmeyer, says:

  Over two hundred predictions premised in the extraterrestrial hypothesis by encounter claimants and UFOlogists have been offered over the past half-century and they have uniformly failed. Further belief in it is not recommended.[15]

  4. Tour

  On rare occasions, the abductee is given a tour of the ship, including the bridge. If a “tour” occurs, the most common experience is to be shown the “incubatorium.” This is a special room where they will see numerous containers of liquid that contain fetuses of “hybrids.” The abductee is told that
one or more of the fetuses belong to them.

  Sometimes women are shown rooms containing hybrid babies or children. They are often forced to hold or make contact with individual babies, and are told that they are their own children, who need their mother’s contact. Many recount memories of breastfeeding them, even though they are not actually pregnant or lactating at the time.

  Occasionally, experiencers say they meet older children or adult hybrids in these rooms.

  5. Otherworldly Journey

  In a small number of cases, it is reported that the beings fly the witnesses to another environment, but not necessarily another planet. It may be an underground or undersea location with no sunlight, yet displaying a uniformly lit sky. When taken to another planet, it is often dark, desolate, and showing signs of ruin or destruction.[16]

  6. Theophany

  Witnesses may claim to have met a divine being, or had a religious experience while on board the spacecraft. Some have said they have heard the voice of God, or have participated in some seemingly religious ritual. The aliens have sometimes disguised themselves as Jesus, the pope, well-known celebrities, and even the dead spouses of the abductees. On occasions, this was done in order to gain the cooperation of the abductee, even for the purpose of having sexual intercourse with them.[17]

  7. Return

  The victim is returned to their home, car, bed, or wherever, to resume normal everyday activities. They are often told to forget their experiences (which they do until later).

  8. Aftermath

  Although initially the abductee may have no conscious recollection of events, they may suffer from significant aftereffects for weeks, and even years to come. Physical effects include nausea and pain or lesions in various parts of the body, particularly in the region of the genitalia.

  The most telling effects occur on the experiencer’s personality and outlook on life or world view. It has been noticed by the majority of researchers that the person undergoes a type of religious transformation. They have also suggested that instigating a belief change in the abductee could be the reason for the whole enterprise.

  Surveys have overwhelmingly shown that the majority of abductees subsequently develop an interest, and openly participate, in New Age/occultic or Eastern-type mystical religions.[18]

  Some also claim to be able to regularly astral travel after their experience. It is also interesting to note that many describe their astral traveling experiences as being “real.” That is, they testify to the sensation of movement — up and down, side to side, as they move along. One lady described this travel, as well as her abduction experience, as “more real than reality.”

  Abductees also report developing psychic powers, such as ESP or a form of precognition. However, an even more common effect is that the abductees start to witness a range of seeming paranormal experiences including poltergeists.

  It seems ironic that in an age where traditional religious values and beliefs are being discarded as unscientific, mainly due to the materialistic (“matter-is-all-there-is”) interpretations of modern science, many are willing to accept the bizarre (even hostile) and illogical demonstrations and messages of the so-called alien visitors. Although many pro-UFO researchers would justify the aliens’ bad behavior as being simply matter-of-fact and business-like, it makes little sense, especially since their messages are often ones of salvation, claiming the high moral ground and condemning poor human behavior. If they are so technologically advanced and have been visiting the earth for hundreds, or even thousands, of years, why are they not friendlier or more reasonable in their behavior toward us? Surely they would understand our human nature and sensibilities, and seek our cooperation. And if they are genuinely concerned about our environment, why do they not use their technology to help us?

  Listed above were the common characteristics of alien abductions that you would find in many standard UFO books and articles. Now look at some of the facts the pro-UFO lobby does not widely publicize.

  What the experts don’t tell us

  Pro-UFO writer Bullard, who developed the aforementioned categories, adds:

  Though polite, the outward courtesy of the beings hides an innate coldness. They show little concern or understanding for human feelings and care only for accomplishing their mission.[19]

  Former abductee-turned-researcher, the late Dr. Karla Turner, also derived some disturbing conclusions based upon her own experiences, and her research of other victims. Some of her observations follow:

  • Aliens can alter our perceptions of our surroundings.

  • Aliens can control what we think we see. They can appear to us [in] any number of guises and shapes.

  • Aliens can be present with us in an invisible state and can make themselves only partially visible.

  • Abductees receive marks on their bodies other than the well-known scoops and straight-line scars. These other marks include single punctures, multiple punctures, large bruises, three and four fingered claw marks, and triangles of every possible sort.

  • Female abductees often suffer serious gynecological problems after their alien encounters, and sometimes these problems lead to cysts, tumors, cancer of the breast and uterus, and to hysterectomies.

  • A surprising number of abductees suffer from serious illnesses they didn’t have before their encounters. These have led to surgery, debilitation, and even death from causes the doctors can’t identify.

  • Abductees often encounter more than one sort of alien during an experience, not just the grays. Every possible combination of gray, reptoid, insectoid, blond, and widow’s peak have been seen during single abductions, aboard the same craft or in the same facility.

  • Abductees report being scoffed at, jeered at, and threatened by their alien captors… . Unknown fluids are injected into some abductees.

  • Abductees — “virgin” cases — report being taken to underground facilities where they see grotesque hybrid creatures, nurseries of hybrid humanoid fetuses, and vats of colored liquid filled with parts of human bodies.

  • Abductees report seeing other humans in these facilities being drained of blood, being mutilated, flayed, and dismembered, and stacked, lifeless, like cords of wood. Some abductees have been threatened that they, too, will end up in this condition if they don’t cooperate with their alien captors.

  • Aliens come into homes and temporarily remove young children, leaving their distraught parents paralyzed and helpless. In cases where a parent has been able to protest, the aliens insist that “The children belong to us.”

  • Aliens perform extremely painful experiments or procedures on abductees, saying that these acts are necessary, but give no explanation why… . Painful genital and anal probes are performed, on children as well as adults.

  • Aliens make predictions of an imminent period of global chaos and destruction. They say that a certain number of humans … will be “rescued” from the planet in order to continue the species, either on another planet or back on Earth after the destruction is over. Many abductees report they don’t believe their alien captors and foresee instead a much more sinister use of the “rescued” humans.[20]

  Turner also made the following comment:

  In every instance from this list, there are multiple reports from unrelated cases, confirming that such bizarre details are not the product of a single deranged mind. These details are convincing evidence that, contrary to the claims of many UFO researchers, the abduction experience isn’t limited to uniform pattern [sic] of events. This phenomenon simply can’t be explained in terms of crossbreeding experiments or scientific research into the human physiology… . Before we allow ourselves to believe in the benevolence of the alien interaction, we should ask, do enlightened beings need to use the cover of night to perform good deeds? Do they need to paralyze us and render us helpless to resist? Do angels need to steal our fetuses? Do they need to manipulate our children’s genitals and probe our rectums? Are fear, pain, and deception consistent with high spiritual

  Vallée was right. These beings do act deceptively. They also act dishonestly. One would have good reason to be suspicious of their motives, despite their yarns about being here to help us. These beings say one thing and do another. They talk about doing good but they actually behave abominably. People are scarred, physically and emotionally, for the rest of their lives by such experiences. This is hardly something people would wish upon themselves — or is it? Strangely, some repeat abductees eventually start to welcome their experiences. This is markedly reminiscent of “Stockholm Syndrome,” a phenomenon that occurs when hostages, such as in a kidnapping or terrorist plot, start to sympathize, and even cooperate, with their captors. One example is the experience of the famous horror fiction writer Whitley Strieber.


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