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Chaos (Naughty Bits Book 2)

Page 7

by Lea Hart

  And wasn’t that going to be a fun conversation.

  Hearing footsteps, he looked up and saw Sal moving down the hall. “Coffee is hot.”

  Nodding, Sal moved to the cart and filled a cup. “Those little assholes piss me the hell off. Where the fuck do they get the nerve to show up at a private club and demand entry?” He collapsed into a chair and drank from his steaming cup. “Good thing Alessi was nowhere near the place when they made their stupid scene.”

  “Did they show up thinking Maksim could run into Alessi and have another chance?”

  “Who knows? The kid isn’t all that bright, according to my intel, but his twin brother, Viktor, is and is also apparently a sociopath.”

  “Fuck,” Gio breathed out as he stood and went over to refill his cup. “Talked to Stefano this morning and he alluded to the same thing about the father. The Kumarins have a long-standing feud with the Contis and did a bunch of shit in Macau trying to disrupt the casino business they have there.”

  “So, we have to be vigilant on two fronts: your sister and your woman.”

  “And we both know there isn’t a thing I won’t do to protect both.”

  “Do you still want to take Valentina to Zumanity tonight?”

  Moving to the window that looked out over the property, he drank his coffee. “Yes. I know how much she wants to see the show, so as of right now, let’s keep the plans as they are. If something develops during the day, then we can reassess.”

  “The twins are being followed, so I don’t expect any surprises.”

  “Is McCallan Security running the surveillance?”

  “Yes, and we’ve got a man scheduled to be on the team too.”

  “Was Cole okay with that?”

  “He left the decision up to Zach since he’s the one playing Alessi’s fiancée.”

  “Okay, keep me updated.”

  Standing, Sal nodded. “I’m going to check in with the men who are at the house and make sure they’re all on point.”

  “Thank you.” Sal nodded, and he watched him stride down the hallway. Knowing there was little more to be done, he decided to go back to bed and make sure he and Valentina started their day off right.


  Dropping his clothes next to the bed, Gio took a moment to breathe in the perfection of the moment. Valentina was the most desirable woman in all the world, and she was all his.

  A miracle if ever there was one.

  Lifting the blankets, he slid in and admired her full breasts. He ran his finger over her nipple and watched it peak as his cock rose in greeting. Wanting to connect in the most intimate way possible, he watched her eyes flicker open. “Good morning.”

  “Morning,” she mumbled as she stretched.

  Looking down, he saw her pussy and licked his lips. As much as he wanted her taste on his lips, he wanted her body wrapped around his, so he could mark her in some way, making it impossible for her ever to leave.

  Taking her mouth in a possessive kiss, he felt her soften and become like melted butter in his arms. Lifting himself up, he parted her legs with his knees and slid into her welcoming tight heat. “Home,” he muttered.

  Thrusting hard, he let their bodies express themselves in the most primal way.

  To love.

  To breed.

  To make a connection so deep, they could never be apart.

  Her arms tightened around his neck, and he felt her need match his as they moved together in the oldest dance in the world. Locking eyes, he knew she understood as he did, that this was bigger than either of them could’ve imagined.

  It was their souls joining along with their bodies.

  Slowing the pace, he wanted to hold onto the connection and wished they could spend the rest of their day in this sacred cocoon…making love.

  Making them.

  Except Valentina started saying his name like a prayer as her orgasm flamed like a wildfire, pulling him along. Trying to prolong it, he found himself almost split in two as her legs tightened. Not able to hold back, he threw his head back and let out a sound similar to a wolf as he gave in.

  By far, one of the best moments of his life, as their hearts combined, fusing a bond he prayed was unbreakable.


  Valentina stood next to Bruno outside the theater and couldn’t wipe the smile off her face. Cirque du Soleil’s Zumanity surpassed her expectations, and she was brimming with ideas for the Ceylon Rose. “Did you love it?”

  “Of course,” he replied as he kept his head on a swivel. “Makes me think of the burlesque show in a whole new light.”

  “Me too! I bet when we put together a new one, we’ll have a ton of talent to pull from. One thing this town has is creative people, so no matter how wild our ideas, I know we can find just the right ones.”

  Bruno moved her closer to the wall and stood in front of her as a crowd moved past. “Too many fucking people in this place.”

  Huffing, she shook her head. “Are you going to tell me what’s going on or do I have to guess what’s got your hackles up?”

  “Those two stronzino Kumarin kids are running around the city like idiots and, until we know why they’re here, I’m not gonna rest.”

  “Papa hasn’t sent anyone out, so how big of a deal can it be?”

  “I don’t like it.”

  She patted his back and knew not to say anything more. After all, his instincts had saved her life more than once. She watched Gio stride down the hall and knew the car had pulled up at the emergency exit. “Here we go.” Bruno stepped to the side, and she took Gio’s outstretched hand.

  “Cara, are you ready to go?”

  “Yes, are we going to the Red Door or someplace else?”

  “We’re going to the Barrymore; a friend of mine owns it, and I think you’ll like it.”

  “Perfect.” They moved down the hall, and she wondered if there really was anything to worry about. God willing, the old feud would find a way to burn itself out before the need to spill blood occurred.

  Bruno moved closer as they walked through the door meant for employees and headed down the long hall that led to the doors where the SUV waited. A shiver ran over her body, and she felt Gio’s hand tighten.

  Gio’s two men opened the door and nodded as they moved toward the door. The warm, dry desert heat pushed against her face as they stepped outside, and she saw the car door was open across the alley.

  Looking to the left, she saw nothing but dumpsters and then saw a flash of silver glint in the moonlight. Just as she turned back to Gio, she heard the unmistakable sound of a gunshot, as the noise reverberated against the concrete walls.

  Flashbacks invaded her mind, and she knew she had to fight to stay in the present. Bruno picked her up, and she saw Gio slide his gun out of his holster and aim it in the direction of the shot.

  A kaleidoscope of colors crossed her vision as she remembered the last time she’d been on the wrong end of a gun. Fighting for breath, she clung to Bruno and saw Gio fire at someone approaching in a black hoodie.

  The gunshots cracked into the air as loud as thunder, and she wondered who they were after as Bruno pushed her into the back seat of the car. Closing her eyes, she felt the adrenaline course through her body, despite the fact that this wasn’t her first time with a gun pointed in her direction.

  Random thoughts ran through her head as the exchange of gunfire exploded in the alley. Another night in sin city with blood spilled on the streets; another body going to the morgue and one more mother mourning the loss of her child.

  When would it ever end?

  Would this always be the soundtrack to her life?

  She lifted her head and saw Bruno move away from the door as Gio slid in, shouting orders to his men. Bruno took the wheel, and within thirty seconds, he was navigating them away from the violence.

  “It’s done,” Gio said firmly as he took her into his arms and pulled out his phone.

  Burying her face in his chest, she listened to him bark orde
rs about cleaning up the scene. She knew the whole thing would be erased from the side alley of the hotel within twenty minutes, and no one in the organization would rest until who and why was answered.

  An act as brazen as this was going to be answered in the strongest possible terms, and she wasn’t looking forward to seeing what it was going to look like.

  Bruno expertly navigated through the streets, and she wasn’t surprised that he knew exactly how to get them as far away from the danger as possible. He always had three exit strategies planned, anywhere they were in the world, and could always make them disappear without a trace. Something she was incredibly grateful for.

  “Is the shooter dead?” Valentina asked as Gio ended his call.

  “Not sure. My bullet hit his chest, and he’s being taken to the family facility.”

  “I see.” Feeling his hand on her face, she looked up.

  “If someone points a gun at you, I’m not interested in their survival, because a shooter doesn’t need to live for us to figure out who sent him.”

  “I know.”

  “We will have this taken care of in no time; trust me.”

  “I hope I didn’t bring this to your door, Gio.”

  “Nonsense. Your enemies are my enemies, and I’m happy to take them out one by one if that becomes necessary.”

  “Leave one or two for Bruno because he’ll be mad if you have all the fun.”

  Letting out a chuckle, he nodded. “Of course, cara. Whatever you want.”

  Leaning her head against his chest, she prayed their union wouldn’t make them an irresistible target to those who were interested in shifting the landscape of power.

  No love could bear that sort of burden, and she prayed for a peaceful solution.


  Gio walked into the bathroom and couldn’t believe what the site of Valentina in the tub did to his heart. Not only was she safe and sound at home, but beautifully, heartbreakingly, fucking alive.

  Lifting the bottle of Alchermes, he grinned. “I brought the elixir of long life since we had such an exciting evening.”

  Smiling, she moved the bubbles around. “I only have that at my father’s house.”

  “It’s an old-fashioned liqueur, but I figure it’s just what we need after surviving a gunfight.”

  Snorting, she moved further under the water. “There was no fight. You took the man out in one shot.”

  Lifting his shoulders, he nodded. “It should never take more than that when my family is threatened.” He poured two glasses and then handed Valentina one. “Never a dull moment.” He drank his glass down and then poured another. “How are you, mi amore?”

  “Alive.” She sipped her drink and then looked up. “I froze when I heard the shots. I thought I was over the incident that happened in Macau, but apparently not.”

  He sat on the edge of the big tub and held out his hand. “I’m sorry, cara. I don’t ever want you to be afraid.”

  She put her wet hand in his and shrugged. “Almost impossible, considering our families.”

  “But you know that I will protect you with my life.”

  She pulled him down so their faces were close. “Gio, what have we gotten ourselves into? Maybe together we’re a target too large to ignore.”

  “Then so fucking be it.” He closed his eyes and took her mouth in a kiss so possessive, he knew she couldn’t confuse the message. “I have waited to find someone who’d I’d be willing to lay my life down for and you, my love, are exactly that. There is no price too high to pay for having you in my heart and life.” He bent his head against hers. “Nothing, mi amore.”

  “But being together should never require it.”

  “Not in our world.”

  “You would do that for me?”

  Pulling away, he laughed as he got rid of his clothes. “There is nothing I wouldn’t do.” He stepped into the tub and watched the water move in waves from one side to the other as he settled Valentina in his arms. “Now, what did you think of the show?”

  Her laughter bounced off the marble floors, and he moved her closer. “We are not interrupting our lives because some stronzino tried to ruin our evening.”

  “Do you have any answers yet as to who’s responsible?”

  “My brother Eduardo has an idea, but he’s not going to say anything until he has all the facts. So, I imagine by lunch we’ll be called to the house for an update.”

  “Do you mind that he took your place in line for the crown?”

  Letting out a laugh, he ran his hand down her soft body. “No, cara. I never wanted it, and he is so much better suited for the job. I like running my clubs and being on the fringe of my family operations, so this works out for everyone.”

  “Good because the last thing I need is to have the capo di tutti cappo be the father of my children.”

  Stilling, he didn’t dare to move a muscle. “Say that again.” He watched her head turn as she looked up.

  “You heard me. I don’t want the head of the Zanetti family to be my husband, so thankfully it’s nothing I have to worry about.”

  “Of course.” Not sure what the appropriate reaction would be, he decided to keep his mouth shut and accept that the woman who held his heart loved him too.

  A damn miracle.

  Acting as cool as he could, he kissed her head and decided this was perhaps one of the best days of his life. “So, tell me, which part of Zumanity was your favorite?”

  “I loved the aerial fantasy piece because it spoke to longing. The way they handled the sequence of her finally attaining her dream was beautiful.”

  “I was surprised how much I enjoyed the show. I’m in a world where everything is available and yet the thing I’ve wanted most always eluded me. Willing partners mean nothing because I think we humans crave real connection most. Whether we admit it or not.”

  Moving her hand to his arm, she slipped deeper into his embrace and nodded. “I suppose you’re right. I’ve never allowed myself the luxury because getting involved with me can be life-threatening and…”

  “What, cara?”

  “I always wanted the feeling you gave me when we met initially. For a long time, I thought it wouldn’t be that hard to replicate, but now I know how rare it is.”

  “Which is why we’re going to treat this as a treasure and do everything we can to honor it.”

  Turning in his arms, she sat up and straddled him. “Might as well, considering we’re dangerous to anyone else.”

  “I know you’re trying to be flippant because this incident scared you to death.” Framing her face, he looked into her eyes and fell as he always did. Right into her heart. “Te amo, mi amore.”

  “Ti amo anch’io.”

  Pressing their mouths together, he made a silent promise that he would spend the rest of his life making those words a living promise. Valentina was his heart, and now that he was hers, he knew that whatever came before them would be handled.

  After all, a love like this only came along once, and that was only if a person was extremely lucky.

  Thank God he’d always been exactly that.


  Valentina walked into the home gym and sat on a bench as Bruno finished his set. When he put down the enormous barbells and gave her a smile, she handed him a bottle of water. “Good morning, sunshine.”

  Taking the bottle, he drained it and then wiped his face. “You look pretty good considering you survived an attempt on your life last night.”

  “So, it was me they were after?”

  “Yes. According to Papa Conti, it was someone within the Kumarin organization that wanted to make a point by showing how close they could get to you.”

  Collapsing on the bench, she dropped her head between her legs and took several breaths. “Damn.” She felt Bruno’s hand run up and down her back slowly. Just as he’d done a million times over the years. “So, now what?”

  “Not sure, your dad is in meetings all day, so I imagine he’ll have a plan befo
re too long.”

  “How much blood is he willing to spill?”

  Bruno tilted his head and raised an eyebrow. “What do you think?” He shook his head and then sat down on the bench. “He will do whatever it takes to send the message that his family is absolutely off limits, and he’ll go to any lengths to ensure that everyone understands that.”

  “So, we’re here for the duration, then?”

  “Yes, unless you want to go back to New York and live in the compound.” He took her hand and shrugged. “It will take me at least two months to get everything in place so we can have our own place. And I don’t want to take any soldiers off the street at this point unless we have to. I spoke with Papa Zanetti earlier, and he told me we had the full organization at our disposal.”

  “So, it would be totally selfish to move at this point.”

  “Yes, cara.” He bent down and gave her a smile. “I imagine you’ll be married within the next month, so going through the exercise seems futile.”



  “We’ve always had our own place.”

  “This fifteen-room mansion seems okay, though it could certainly use your feminine touch.”

  “Could you live here?”

  “Gio told me last night he’s going to have a house built for me on the property, so I’d have my own space.”

  Flapping her arms, she let out a huff. “I’m so happy that everything’s been agreed upon.” Narrowing her eyes, she gave him her most disapproving glare. When his expression didn’t change, she let out a sigh. “Whatever.”

  “Don’t be ungrateful. You’ve managed to reunite with the only man who can make you happy, and it’s time to start appreciating it.”

  Dropping her head, she nodded. “You’re right.”

  “I always am.”

  “But pointing it out is annoying.”

  “You’ll survive.”

  “Can we be happy here, Bruno?”


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