False Pretenses
Page 7
“Yes, he’s taken with you and said I was not treating you like family.”
“Nathan, I don’t feel right about deceiving him.”
“He’s happy, Alyssa. That is more important to me than a lie. Period. Are you backing out?”
She sighed and rubbed her damp forehead. “No, I’m not. It’s just…”
“Good. I’ll be home soon, and we can do something fun, just the two of us. Dad will need to stay in bed until tomorrow, so we’re free.”
“Fine. I guess I’ll see you in a little while.”
* * * *
“Are you serious?” Alyssa had trouble pulling in a breath as she stared at the yacht anchored just feet away from where she stood. “We get to go on that?”
Seeing her excitement, Nathan grinned, and she thought he must be proud of himself. “Yes, it’s mine. I figure I might as well get a little use out of it.”
She croaked, “It’s yours? Damn, it’s huge. Does it have bedrooms in it?”
“Of course, but you’ll never see them if you don’t come on.” He held out his hand, and she took it, her heart hammering out of control.
Yachts were synonymous with the wealthy as far as the average Jane was concerned, and she never imagined she’d get to go on one. As he escorted her around the vessel, she discovered Nathan’s included four bedrooms, or cabins, as he called them. Eight people could sleep there, not including the space for the crew. The cute little kitchen with small eating area off of it impressed her, but he assured her the boat included a formal dining room as well.
“Do you throw parties here?”
“I have in the past. When Dad was well, he headed many corporate meetings here.”
“That’s the way to have a working lunch,” she agreed.
He grinned.
“Well, for such a special treat, I can cook us lunch in the kitchen. That is if you have the refrigerator stocked.”
“That’s not necessary. I’ve hired a chef for the afternoon.”
She shook her head. “Of course.”
Soon they were under way, and rather than sit in the lounge, she opted for the deck and leaned on the rail at the front of the yacht. The breeze whipped her hair about, and the spray peppered her skin with drops of water. When she sensed Nathan watching at her side, she looked up at him.
“You surprise me.”
She raised a self-conscious hand to brush the damp hair from her face. “How so?”
“You’re not worried about your hair or your clothes.”
“Are you saying I look a mess?”
“Not at all. You’re beautiful.” He moved closer, but she took a step in retreat and turned away. When his hands dropped on her shoulders from behind, she couldn’t bring herself to move out of reach. He nuzzled her neck. “Many of the women I’ve dated are concerned with appearances. They strip down to skimpy bikinis, but would not imagine getting into the ocean and damaging their hair with the salt water.”
“Maybe you’re dating the wrong women.”
“I must be.” The timbre of his voice gave her ideas she shouldn’t have.
“How far are we going?”
“Far enough to be alone.” He hesitated, and she glanced up at him. “Would you consider riding the jet ski? I can take you on mine, and you can hold me as tight as you need to.”
Her eyes widened. “You only have one?”
He burst out laughing. There it was, that happiness she’d wanted to see. Was it really because of her?
“One each then,” he promised. “Go get changed.”
The day flew by, Alyssa loving every moment on the water with Nathan. Her hair sat in a tangled wet mess on her head, and her skin darkened even more than its normal cocoa brown to a rich chocolate. None of that mattered with the spray in her face and the wind exhilarating as she zoomed over the water’s surface. Nathan stayed just ahead, but kept an eye on her.
“You’re a natural,” he shouted.
She threw an arm in the air and whooped. He laughed and circled around. Back and forth, they raced and then chased each other. When she grew tired, Nathan pointed, and she shaded her eyes to follow where he indicated. A small island lay directly ahead. The place looked deserted, but had a natural beauty in white sand, palm trees, and green foliage. Lighting the sky in hues of orange, the sun lay heavy on the horizon.
Nathan directed her to drive slowly toward the shore, but they turned off the motors when the water appeared about two feet deep. He hopped off and helped her. Tingles raced up and down her back at his touch, and Nathan drew her in close to kiss her lips. She luxuriated against his chest and shut her eyes.
“Hungry?” he murmured.
She nodded. “A little, but I can wait so we can explore a little.”
A noise to her left caught her attention, and she realized one of his staff was collecting the jet skis. Nathan took her hand and led her up to the beach. “I’ve arranged for everything. You don’t have to wait.”
“What do you mean?”
Two more staff rowed a small boat to shore and began unloading picnic items, a table, chairs, a blanket, and even a basket with food and wine. Alyssa blinked at the elaborate setup. “Nothing’s simple with you, is it?”
He shrugged. “You don’t like it?”
“Don’t be crazy.” She approached the table, her stomach rumbling from all the exercise. A bite of pepper jack cheese calmed the beast a little. “Why did you do all this, though? Your family isn’t here to see.”
“My way of saying thank you—for yesterday.”
She turned away, but he pulled her back. “Is that okay?”
“Sure, of course. Why wouldn’t it be?” She dismissed the silly thoughts running through her head, and they sat down to eat. When Alyssa had had her fill, Nathan stood up and held out his hand.
“Let me straighten this a bit and throw out the trash.” She started to pick up one of the plates, but a servant leaped forward to relieve her of it.
“Your job is to look beautiful,” Nathan told her and led her over to the blanket. They stretched out in the evening sun.
Alyssa turned toward him and watched as Nathan put his hands above his head and shut his eyes. Even though he looked content, she sensed the tension. So much weighed on his shoulders. She might not command hundreds, maybe thousands, of employees, but she knew how he felt. She and stress were no strangers. His words echoed in her head, and she thought of Lydia.
“Do you think women shouldn’t work?”
His eyes popped open. “Where did you get that?”
“I don’t know. Just asking.”
“Women can do whatever men can do.”
She smirked. “The answer designed to keep a man out of the doghouse.”
His wink made her wonder all the more, and he sat up to touch her cheek. “I am not a chauvinist, but I believe there’s nothing wrong with a man taking care of a woman. If she chooses to stay home, and her significant other is okay with that, it’s fine.”
“Okay, I’ll give you that one.”
“Smart woman.”
She stuck her tongue out at him. He made a grab for it, but she rolled away. He would not be put off. Before she knew what he planned, he landed on top of her while she faced downward, his cock pressed against her ass. Desire flamed to life, and the game ended as fast as it had started. Nibbling at her neck, he captured her wrists and pinned them to the blanket.
“I want to be inside you right now,” he whispered in her ear.
She shivered. “Someone will see.”
“No one is here but us.”
“The servants, your crew…”
“I can order them to look away.”
“Uh, yeah, no. Let me up, Nathan.” She thought he would fight her or try convincing her again, but he did as she asked.
The serious tone made her look at him.
“Do you have someone ba
ck home?”
“If I did, I wouldn’t be here, and I definitely wouldn’t have had sex with you last night.”
“I want you to be my mistress after this is all over.”
Was he serious?
“As I said, it’s a woman’s choice as to the role she leads. I can already tell I want you longer than a week, and I can give you whatever your heart desires. I’m a generous man.”
“All I have to do is keep pleasing you in bed.”
He must have missed the bitter tone. No more nights wondering how she’d stretch the little she had over all the bills. No more ramen. At least, not until he grew bored with her.
“Don’t think of it as one-sided, pleasure all for me and none for you. I believe you enjoyed the sex as well as I did.”
“I’m not denying it.” She struggled to contain her anger. He did nothing wrong asking, and yet, it felt like he was saying she wasn’t good enough to be a full-fledged girlfriend, not a genuine one. Just a fuck buddy with the extra advantage of enjoying his money.
“Excuse me, Mr. Corde, sir, but we need to get going. A storm is coming in.”
At the crewman’s words, Alyssa glanced toward the ocean and was surprised to see dark clouds on the horizon.
Nathan stood and pulled Alyssa to her feet. Their conversation was forgotten as they hurried to get things packed. Alyssa wouldn’t hear of Nathan leaving it all to the servants. She did not want to be on the water when a storm hit. The thought alone sent chills of terror racing down her spine. By the time they made it back to the yacht, the rain had begun to fall, and the captain headed them back toward Grand Cayman.
The water grew choppy, and the yacht tossed about over the waves. Alyssa’s stomach churned. She held on to the rail on deck until her fingers hurt. Nathan moved up behind her and laid his hands over hers. “Let go, baby. I need you to put on this life jacket.”
She hesitated and then worked fast to get it on.
“You should go below. You’re getting soaked.”
“Hell no. If this thing goes down, I’m not going to be stuck below deck and drown.”
“I’m not kidding, Nathan. I’m trying to keep it together.”
Her teeth chattered, and her limbs shook. She prayed she wouldn’t act like an idiot in front of him and his men, but it seemed like she already had. The crew nearby tossed her looks of concern that Nathan ignored. He kept his eyes on her.
“Everything will be fine.” He wrapped his arms around her and drew her close. “I will make sure you’re safe, and trust me, this yacht isn’t going down easily. The storm is not as bad as it seems. It will be over quickly.”
Lightning illuminated the sky, and thunder crackled, making her shriek in alarm. She sneezed one after another as rain soaked her hair, which had dried even in the early evening sun. When she began to shiver, Nathan pried her hands from the rail and picked her up.
“No, don’t do that. We’re unsteady.”
He crushed her to his chest and strode with purpose to the door leading below deck. Alyssa buried her face against his neck. “If you drop me, I’m going to kill you.”
A chuckle sounded above her head. Somehow he made it to one of the bedrooms without falling, or dropping her, and he sat down on the bed with her on his lap. His hold didn’t lessen for an instant, and Alyssa clung to him, fighting panic. The boat continued to toss about, and the weird creaking from various corners drove her insane. Nathan’s low voice and gentle words kept her from the edge.
“Everything will be okay. I’ve got you,” he murmured, and she felt the vibrations in his chest. Concentrating on his heartbeat, she calmed down. A boat horn sounded, working her up again, and Nathan tightened his grip. “Shh, we’re coming into port. See? It’s fine.”
She climbed off his lap and checked the window. He was right. Lights from the shore pierced the darkness. Her knees gave out, but Nathan was there behind her. He stayed close by while she changed into warm, dry clothes, and he did the same. Not soon enough, they were back on solid ground and headed to his house. Nathan laced his fingers with hers, sitting beside her.
“I hope the storm didn’t ruin the day for you.”
She thought of his offer and shook her head. “No, that didn’t ruin it.”
He appeared about to ask if she insinuated something else did, but thought better of it. Good. She didn’t feel like talking about being his mistress. Not that she had any intention of saying yes. The answer would be no despite how much she enjoyed his touch. Nathan needed a woman impressed with his money enough to go after it any way she could. She was not the one. If he wanted arm candy, let him find it elsewhere. This week was the beginning and end for her, and then back to reality.
Chapter Eight
No matter how many times Alyssa told Nathan nothing bothered her, he knew she lied. She’d felt distant most of the day and even turned away from his advances toward having sex the night before. He’d thought they had moved past the pretense that the attraction between them was feigned. They wanted each other. They had tasted and touched and explored. He desired more, and so did she. So why did she turn him down?
The fact that she grew restless but refused to explain her emotional state drove him crazy and heightened his anger. Was it the offer to become his mistress that upset her? She could say no. He would not like it, but he would accept her decision.
Frustration drove him to invite her to attend a party at a business associate’s hotel. Maybe getting out of the house would help. Finding her by the pool, talking to his mother, he leaned over Alyssa and kissed her hair. He paused to breathe in her scent. Damn, she smelled good, like honey and brown sugar. Perhaps it was his imagination, or his cock, because he grew tight every time he neared her. His beauty’s smooth cocoa skin drew his hands and beckoned to his lips to taste, but he gave in to no more than a stroke along her arm as he sat down.
“Excuse me, ladies,” he said, “enjoying the day?”
“Of course, more with you here.” Alyssa glanced up at him with such an expression of adoration he lost his train of thought. Then it occurred to him she was a pretty good actress.
His mother stood. “I’m going to let you lovebirds enjoy yourselves while I go check on Dad. He should be waking from his nap soon.”
“Mom, you don’t have to leave on my account,” Nathan assured her.
“Nonsense. I was young once, and I’ve been monopolizing all of Alyssa’s time today. I know she missed you when you were gone.” His mother kissed them both and disappeared inside the house. He turned back to Alyssa, but she’d already risen and walked to the pool’s edge to dip her toe in. The knot of frustration wound tighter around him.
“Would you like to attend a beach party with me tonight?”
She turned glowing eyes to him, and a smile transformed her already beautiful face. A wayward dark brown curl bounced between her eyes, and she brushed it away absently. He’d noticed her hair started out very black, but now the sun had browned it a bit. Something tightened in his chest watching her.
“Seriously? A beach party?”
Relief flooded him at her excitement. “Yes, I take it you want to go?”
“Ah, yeah!” She laughed. “When do you need me ready? I can wear one of the sundresses I bought, maybe the blue one.”
He mentally went through all the clothing she’d shown him from her shopping experience and what she’d brought from New York. While he let his mind wander during the times his mother showed off her purchases, Alyssa had captured his interest, and he’d imagined her wearing each piece she had held up for him to see. Well, that and him peeling them off. “How about the green one with the low cut in the front?”
Her eyebrows rose. “That’s so formal.”
He nodded, stood up, and strode over to kiss her lips. Careful, Nathan, or you’ll have her in bed and not leave the house at all. Then how will you get that sweet smile again? “How about sev
en thirty? Will that work?”
“Um, I guess so.”
He examined her face and noted the doubt, but he knew she’d look amazing in the dress, and he would do all he could to help her to enjoy herself that night. Then later, maybe she would be willing to let him make love to her, and they could get back to where they stood at the beginning.
* * * *
Nathan kept his hand at Alyssa’s lower back, guiding her through the entrance to the hotel. Just as he knew, Alyssa in her dress did things to shrink the room in his pants. He’d had to distract her to deal with his erection, but the more he took in the supple breasts and generous view at her dress’s neckline, and the long, shapely legs peeking through a slit that extended almost to her hip, the less control he maintained over his body. Then he had led her out to the car and got a good look at that ass. All of his will kept him from tossing her over his shoulder and marching up to their room to rip her clothes off and have his way with her. Somehow, he needed to convince her to keep seeing him after the week ended. The very thought of any other man pushing into that tight, sexy body made him want to commit murder. She was his until he had sated the lust she invoked day and night.
“Mr. Corde,” one of the hotel staff called out to him. Nathan sifted through his memory and the mental notes he’d made on every person he had ever met. The man’s name popped to the forefront of his mind.
“John, how are you?”
The man’s face glowed with pleasure. “Fine, thank you, sir. Mr. Cunningham’s party is in the Waldorf Room. If you and your guest will follow me, I will show you the way.”
As they walked, Alyssa glanced up at him. That sweet confusion made him squeeze gently at her waist.
“The Waldorf Room?” she whispered. “Isn’t the party out on the beach?”
“There is a terrace outside the room,” he informed her, “with a good view of the water.”
“A view.”
He peered at her, but she’d already turned to face the room they entered. Crystal chandeliers hung from various spots on the ceiling. Tables with pristine white tablecloths were arranged at one end of the room, dancing space at the other. No one took advantage of the latter. Most of the men, dressed in black suits, stood about talking to each other. Fewer women were in attendance, and those who were appeared to have chosen dresses that were the most vivid in color and showed the most skin. While some of them were quite beautiful, none approached Alyssa’s perfection.