Taken by Aliens: The Complete Collection

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Taken by Aliens: The Complete Collection Page 1

by Sierra Chambers

  Taken by Aliens: The Complete Collection

  by Sierra Chambers


  © Copyright 2016

  All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction and any character resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. All characters in this story are over 18 years of age.

  No part of this book this book may be resold or given away without written permission from the author.



  Taken by Aliens 1 ………………………… 5

  Taken by Aliens 2 ………………………… 20

  Taken by Aliens 3 ………………………… 38

  Taken by Aliens 4 ………………………… 63

  Taken by Aliens 5 ………………………… 78

  Taken by Aliens 6 ………………………… 101

  Taken by Aliens 7 ………………………… 121

  Bonus Story: Alien Surrogacy 1…………. 146


  Taken by Aliens 1

  Talia would never forget the day the Earth exploded. Not that she had been there, of course - her still being alive demonstrated that much. She hadn’t seen its destruction from a distance, or even known about it until several months later.

  But when the Earth had exploded, Talia’s future had exploded too. It was for that reason the date was forever burned into her memory: the fifth day of the twenty-third month, 2537.

  She had been thinking about going home for a while. Spaceship adventures are only as exciting as your crew mates, and the crew of the Fleur Semence were far from interesting.

  The captain, Baruba, was competent enough at his job, though he had the misfortune of being from the planet Loxon. Loxonese people had skin with a texture resembling that of a dish washing sponge, and as much personality as one too.

  Reye, Baruba’s sister, spoke even less than he did.

  Henry, a fellow Earthling, hadn’t talked to her in months. One night, feeling horny, she had crawled into his bed. His cock was large, and his hands were gentle as they caressed every inch of her body. Talia had woken up feeling ecstatic at the prospect of having him time and time again.

  It hadn’t lasted, though - he had taken their encounter to mean more than it had, and publicly confessed his love to her in front of the crew, before asking her to marry him. In complete shock, she had been unable to speak and had just stared at him for a few moments before an uncontrollable nervous laugh bubbled from her lips. He had never forgiven her.

  Zorgax, the fighter, was the only one she was still friends with. A muscular man from the warrior planet of Horgal, his job was to protect the crew and ship should they run into any trouble. All he ever seemed to do was work out, eat, and fuck her. He spent so much time working out and bulking up that he burned off an unbelievable amount of energy. Sometimes Baruba complained that Zorgax ate as much as the rest of the crew put together.

  He had big, strong arms and a steel-hard cock she rode nearly every night. He brought her pleasure in a way nobody else ever had, though Talia was trying to not scream so loud when she orgasmed - Henry’s sullen attitude the morning after was becoming almost too much to bear.

  She had been waiting for her contract to expire so she could return home when she had learned that Earth itself had expired. Unless she wanted to risk her life by settling on an alien planet, she would be stuck on the Fleur Semence forever.

  Talia sighed, looking out the windshield at the planets and stars whizzing past. Watching space go by normally soothed her, but today it just made her feel worse.

  The universe was so big, and she was so small. It’s possible that we will go for months without seeing any sign of life whatsoever, she thought, sighing.

  As soon as the thought crossed her mind, a strange purple light caught her eye. It was distant, but rapidly coming closer. Talia squinted. How strange.

  She called out, and soon the whole crew was watching the object approach, tense and silent. As it moved closer it became evident it was a ship, but no ships had appeared on Captain Baruba’s map. Whoever it was was using advanced technology to ensure they couldn’t be detected by scanners.

  They all knew who was on the ship, though none of them spoke the word.



  The ship came close enough that they could make out the figures moving around on board. The crew of the Fleur Semence was still standing motionless, as if in a trance, until Henry suddenly sprang into action. He grabbed Talia’s arm roughly, ignoring her gasp of surprise as he dragged her into the bowels of the ship.

  They made their way into the storage hull, winding their way through the boxes of undelivered cargo. They’ll probably never make it to their destination now, Talia thought. Zorgax was a good fighter, but no match for an entire pirate crew. It was hopeless. Her footsteps slowed, and in response, Henry’s grip on her arm tightened as he continued to drag her forward.

  He stopped abruptly near one of the shipping crates and rammed his shoulder into it. It made a scraping noise as it moved forward slightly.

  He did it again, and again, grunting as his shoulder collided with the heavy crate. She watched in surprise as a trapdoor became visible on the floor. She had never known it was there.

  Henry lifted open the trapdoor, revealing a small compartment.

  Talia quickly realized its purpose. From the outside, the ship was an oval shape, yet for practical reasons the floor of the ship had to be flat. This had resulted in a small amount of wasted space beneath the floor of the ship, and someone had thought to build a trapdoor there.

  She was so relieved that she could have cried in happiness. They were saved! The pirates would loot the treasure, but it was unlikely they would move such heavy crates when it was so much easier to simply open them up and take the best contents.

  She clambered down into the space, curling up to give Henry the most space possible.

  He made no move to join her.

  “Aren’t you coming down?” she asked.

  He shook his head sadly. “Somebody has to cover up the trapdoor, or we’re both doomed,” he replied. He blew her a kiss, and wordlessly lowered the trapdoor.

  And then Talia was in the dark, all alone.


  Her breathing sounded so loud. It filled the air around her, echoing as it bounced off the walls of the small compartment. She had never felt claustrophobic before, but now the dark felt like it was suffocating her. She was lying on her back, which was growing increasingly uncomfortable. She wished there was enough room to allow her to change positions and lie on her side.

  It had been hours, and she knew it wouldn’t be long until the panic set in. She was trapped.

  In his alarm, Henry had forgotten one important thing - if everybody else on the spaceship was either captured or killed, who would let her out?

  She would starve down here, or simply run out of air.

  She had no way of knowing how long had past. Mere minutes would surely seem like an eternity in the small, dark, cramped hellhole she was in.

  Her breathing was raspy. She swallowed in an attempt to wet her throat, wishing she had a bottle of water.

  Then again, she supposed it was for the best that she didn’t. If she was going to die, she didn’t want to die after wetting her pants.

  She sang songs in her mind until the words lost their meaning, then counted to one thousand. She tried to count to ten thousand, but her focus would never last long enough. Inevitably, she would begin to panic about being trapped, lose count, and have to start at zero again.

  When someone finally opened th
e trapdoor, letting light into the dark space that was almost her tomb, Talia sobbed in relief.

  The sudden light was startling. Talia blinked rapidly, trying to take stock of her surroundings, but her light-deprived eyes refused to cooperate. There were figures surrounding her, but she couldn’t make out any details apart from their human shape.

  Her hopes of salvation were dashed when they quickly began mumbling to each other in a strange tongue.

  One of them poked her curiously and began speaking excitedly in the gibberish-sounding language.

  As Talia’s eyes adjusted, she got a good look at the creatures surrounding her. They were humanoid in shape, though definitely on the shorter side, with silvery skin. There were slits where their noses should be, and their eyes seemed to be glowing.

  She shuddered in revulsion as another one of the creatures reached out and pinched her cheek, examining the flesh between his slender, cool fingers. His skin had an almost slimy feel to it.

  “Hello, earthling,” the alien pinching her cheek said in a gravelly tone.

  Talia stared at him wordlessly.

  “You are an earthling, aren’t you?” the alien clarified.

  She hesitated, trying to determine whether these aliens thought it was a good or bad thing to be human, but their bulbous faces gave nothing away. Finally, she nodded.

  The alien bared his teeth at her in what she supposed might have been a grin. “Good, good,” he exclaimed. He grasped her arm. “You will come with us. Don’t worry, no harm will come to you. You are very precious.”

  Talia took a last glance at the Fleur Semence, her home, as they herded her out of the ship and onto their own.


  Her new quarters seemed to back up the claim that she, for whatever reason, was precious. Her new room was larger than her old room, and even had a private sitting room and her own bathroom.

  Three aliens stood guard outside her quarters at all times. She didn’t know whether their purpose was to keep others out, or to keep her in, but she suspected it was both.

  She wished they would talk to her - she was so lonely - but they didn’t seem to understand what she was saying.

  She had been on the ship for weeks, but she had only had one visitor – the same alien who had spoken to her initially. She had been relieved to find out what was going on, even if the answer was alarming.

  These aliens hadn’t been looking for treasure. They’d been looking for her. This race of aliens – they called themselves Yarunians - had hundreds of ships out, all tracking the last known whereabouts of every human woman who could have potentially survived the explosion of the planet Earth.

  When she had asked why they so desperately wanted to find her, he had refused to tell her, but Talia suspected that she knew.

  There had to be a reason they were only after human women, not men. Maybe there was a shortage of women on their planet, and they needed to find sexually compatible wives from elsewhere.

  There was no entertainment aboard the ship, and Talia spent a lot of her time thinking. After much introspection, she realized that the thought of being an alien’s bride didn’t bother her that much. Sure, the aliens had a strange appearance, but they didn’t seem violent or cruel.

  Months later, when they finally arrived at their destination planet, the alien’s homeland, she knew the real answer of why they wanted her was worse than simply marrying her off.

  The building had the same sterile smell that a hospital would. Her nose twitched, overwhelmed by the smell. Her blindfold was in place, but her other senses felt heightened. From the echoing sound of their footsteps, it seemed that they were walking down a very long corridor.

  Keys rattled and she was shoved into a room. Rough hands yanked away her blindfold, and Talia gasped as she looked around the room. Strange equipment surrounded her - chrome tubes hanging from the ceiling, a table of nasty looking instruments that all looked like variations of scissors, and shelves stacked with jars filled with various colored liquid.

  She was pushed into a large steel chair. Her arms were quickly tied to the chair armrests, and her legs were spread before also being tied down. She hadn’t been given any underclothes on the aliens’ ship and was only wearing a short dress. Talia felt her cheeks turn red when she realized that this new position was baring her pussy to her captors.

  “Who are you?” Talia demanded. “Why am I here? What do you want?!”

  The alien regarded her coolly. “Greetings, Earthling,” he said. “We are the Yarunians. We are always seeking ways to further our species, and we recently discovered the perfect way. We discovered that when mating with humans, the offspring is likely to have superpowers of some sort. Children born so far have had special abilities such as flight, super strength, invisibility, and so on.”

  As the alien talked, he grew more and more enthusiastic. “Even better, when these children have grown up and had their own children, these superpowers are passed on! So naturally, we all want to breed with humans to improve the Yarunian race.”

  “Are you going to marry me?” she asked quietly.

  The alien let out a surprised laugh. “Gods, no!” he exclaimed. “You’re far too precious for the likes of me. Don’t you understand? Everybody wants to have a baby with a human woman, but Earth exploded. We’ve been able to find hardly any women. You will be rented out. Wealthy Yarunian men will pay for you for three months, long enough for you to grow their baby. You will go to their home, or stay here if they don’t want you in their house, and see to their pleasure. Then once you are swollen with child, you will be brought back here to give birth. Then you will grow another, and another. This is why the science facility sent out pirates to look for you. The money your service earns will help us research even more, and further Yarunian society.”

  Talia sobbed, horrified. “I don’t want to do that! I don’t want to be a breeding machine!”

  The alien shrugged. “Your wants are of no importance to us. You will do as you are bid, one way or another. I would suggest that it’s in your own best interest to do as you are told. Life-givers are sacred in Yarunian society, and if you are obedient you will be treated well.”

  He abruptly stood up. “Your first client will be here in three days. He has paid a lot for the privilege to be the first Yarunian to plant a baby inside you, be sure you don’t disappoint him.”


  The next few days had gone by in a blur. Female aliens had come and gone, shaving her body hair, moisturizing her skin and examining her pussy with strange metal devices that moved around inside her cunt. The sensation of the cool metal brushing against her clit before snaking inside her pussy had made her wet, and embarrassingly, the aliens seemed to know that.

  As soon as he entered the room, Talia knew that he was her first client. He was slightly taller than the research scientists, though not by much, and had a wiry frame covered by a loose robe. His oversized head was bald, just as those of the scientists had been.

  His black eyes were devoid of any emotion at all as he looked over her body, a lingering glance on her pussy.

  He barked a command, and the workers scurried out of the room.

  He strode over to her, ripping off his robe to reveal his naked body. Talia’s eyes widened as she took in the sight of his two cocks, one directly beneath the other. Both of them were erect, pointing towards her. She was thankful that they were both small.

  The alien’s dicks were a slightly darker silver than the rest of the alien’s skin.

  He wasted no time in untying her from the chair and pushing her onto the floor.

  Talia went down on all fours in front of him. I’m about to get fucked by an alien, she thought disbelievingly. The thought filled her with disgust, but she heard the alien scientist’s words in her head. It’ll be easier if you are obedient.

  She cried out as both cocks penetrated her pussy simultaneously. The sudden entry hurt. The alien hadn’t bothered doing any preparation or using lubrication, and days of bein
g examined, poked and prodded had left her dry as a bone.

  The alien continued pistoning in and out of her, undeterred by his partner’s lack of enthusiasm. He made a guttural, primitive sound as he fucked her, acting on his natural instinct to mate.

  His hands felt cool on her hips as they pulled her body towards him, slamming himself deeper inside her. He groaned, muttering words in his strange alien language.

  The sounds of sex filled the air, both sets of his balls slapping against her skin, one-half a second after the other. Slap-slap. Slap-slap. Slap-slap.

  Talia let out a moan of pleasure as her body began to betray her. Her pussy began to moisten, and she stopped caring that it was a strange-looking alien pounding her pussy. The only thing in the world that mattered was that this strange being, with its two cocks, who was going to make her orgasm harder than she ever had before.

  He filled her perfectly, stretching her pussy with his silver shafts.

  She let out a sigh of encouragement as he picked up the pace, slamming roughly into her.

  He leaned over her body, wrapping his hands around to grasp her tits. She could feel his hot breath on the back of her neck as he panted, massaging her breasts. He couldn’t support his own weight in this new position, so he laid on top of her like a parasite, never slowing his thrusts.

  Her arms shook slightly at the strain of holding the alien’s weight as well as her own, but it wasn’t too hard. The short alien’s body weighed far less than a human of the same size would.

  He was bucking wildly now, his two cocks forcing their way deep inside Talia’s dripping wet cunt. He hissed gutturally, the strange lizard-like sound filling Talia’s ears. He licked her neck with his long tongue.

  Her disgust at the strange creature’s grunts and mating behavior was overwhelmed by the sensation of his cocks hitting a pleasurable spot deep inside her whilst his hands expertly kneaded her breasts.

  He suddenly stilled inside her, roaring as he emptied his balls into her eager pussy. As he withdrew his dicks, Talia lowered her head to look between her legs. She could see excess cum flowing out of her. She watched, disbelievingly, as the purple liquid pooled onto the floor. How much could there be?!


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