Taken by Aliens: The Complete Collection

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Taken by Aliens: The Complete Collection Page 2

by Sierra Chambers

  Several breaths later, it was still coming out of her. His seed must have completely filled every inch of her pussy.

  She shivered at the thought of every bit of space in her human cunt filled with this alien’s purple jizz. It should have been repulsive to her, but for some reason… it wasn’t. Some deviant side of her enjoyed the thought, the possibility that even now his seed could be quickening inside her, that soon his alien sperm might grow a baby inside her womb.

  As she stood up and turned to face her alien mate. They looked at each other, neither one speaking. The room was quiet, the only noise being the splashing sound the cum made as it continued to trickle out of Talia’s cunt and onto the floor

  He still hadn’t spoken a single word to her. She wondered if he could speak English.

  The alien curved his lips into a smile, revealing rows of pointed teeth, and pressed his hand to her belly, resting it there for a moment before leaving the room.


  The next day, Talia’s pussy was throbbing, sore from the fucking it had received yesterday.

  She got goosebumps as she remembered the way his two dicks had filled her so fully, how his cool hands had rested on her hips. She absentmindedly reached between her legs and began fondling her clit as she relived the experience in her mind.

  She had fucked aliens before yesterday, of course, but there was something arousing on a whole new level about a man wanting to fuck her in order to get her pregnant. In him wanting her to become swollen with his seed and birth his babies.

  She closed her eyes, remembering the purple cum that had spilled from the alien’s two cocks, filling her pussy to the brim. She circled her finger around her sensitive bundle of nerves more urgently, gasping as her climax began to build. She slipped a finger inside her wet cunt.

  Her eyes flicked open as she heard the sound of the door opening. The alien stood there, his mouth slightly agape as he took in the site of Talia pleasuring herself as she sat on the chair. He was completely naked, though far less impressive than he had been yesterday - his cocks hung limply between his legs.

  He stuck his head forward, sniffing the air. She blushed, knowing he would be able to smell the scent of sex in the air.

  The smell whipped the alien into a frenzy. His cocks ballooned up, becoming stiff and erect before her eyes. He crossed the room in three strides, sinking his cocks inside Talia’s dripping cunt in a single thrust.

  He plowed into her savagely and without restraint, his primal side completely in control. She mewled in ecstasy, letting out a small gasp with every thrust.

  In her position on the seat, she was able to see his length disappearing inside her with as the alien pounded into her. She watched in awe, marveling at how much alien cock her cunt could accommodate.

  Less than a minute after the he had first entered the room, he grunted and stilled as he spilled his seed inside of her. Talia watched his twitching cock as it filled her with cum.

  As soon as he had finished, he pulled out of her and left the room, leaving Talia alone, watching excess alien jizz gushing out of her pussy and wondering what had just happened.

  He didn’t come back the next day, or the day after that. Nobody came to see her at all. The food slipped underneath her door ensured she never went hungry, but she was starved for companionship, and even more than that, conversation. It had been more than a week since she had been around anybody that spoke English.

  She felt like she was going crazy with nobody to talk to.

  On the morning of the third day since her last encounter with the alien, she noticed that her usually flat belly was now slightly rounded. She was relieved - now she had finished her duty to the double-dicked alien. He wouldn’t drop by unannounced and fuck her like an animal anymore. She stubbornly ignored the small part of her that was disappointed by this thought.

  A gurgling noise was coming from inside her stomach. She placed her hands on her belly and felt movement inside. Her belly looked slightly bigger than it had that morning, and Talia wondered how long her pregnancy would last.


  In the next month, Talia’s stomach had grown constantly. Now, when she tried to wrap her hands around her belly, her hands could barely touch each other.

  Every now and again her baby would kick, reassuring her it was okay. The fact that it would kick in five or six places at once made her worry exactly what was growing inside of her, but she had nobody to ask about what to expect.

  It was exactly four weeks after the alien had filled her with his seed that the surface of her stomach began to ripple. She let out a cry of pain and stood up from the chair.

  She was all alone in the research facility room, and had never given birth before, but her body seemed to instinctively know what to do.

  She ripped off her clothes and underwear and began pacing around the room, pausing occasionally as a particularly strong wave of pain rushed over her.

  She dropped to her knees, bellowing as she bent over on all fours.

  Her yells had brought attention to her, and some of the scientists, along with the alien that had fucked her, ran into the room.

  Talia was in so much pain that she wasn’t even embarrassed about the fact that her position on all fours meant they all had a perfect view of her pussy.

  They observed her silently as she writhed around on the floor.

  Green fluid began gushing out of Talia’s pussy, and as it did, the pain suddenly stopped. She glanced over at the alien spectators. They didn’t seem alarmed by the sight of the green liquid pooling between her legs, which was a relief.

  It felt like something was pressing against her womb, trying to get out. Talia pushed, grunting with the effort, and a tiny alien suddenly plopped out of her, landing with a splash in the green liquid. The creature quickly got to its feet and scuttled away, hiding in a dark corner of the room.

  Talia sighed, relieved it was over. The birth had hardly hurt at all, and now it was finished and she had over a month before she had to repeat the process.

  But when she began to stand up, the scientist pushed her back down, shaking his head. He spoke at her in the alien language.

  “I don’t understand what you’re saying,” she said.

  “More,” he said simply, gesturing to her stomach.

  And Talia could feel it, something else pushing its way through her, trying to free itself. She laughed at herself. Her stomach was nearly as big as a gym ball - how could she be so stupid to believe that that one tiny alien was all that had been inside there?

  Another alien emerged from her cunt, followed quickly by another, and another.

  She didn’t need to push anymore. The green liquid lubricated the walls of her pussy and allowed to baby aliens to slide out of her easily.

  She was still on all fours, and she tilted her head down so that she could look between her legs and watch the creatures leave her womb one by one.

  She felt a frisson of pleasure as each one worked its way through her pussy, expanding her cunt and brushing past her clit on the way out.

  Her breathing began to get heavier as her pleasure built. The aliens were rushing out of her pussy faster now, and she lost count as the waves of her orgasm overtook her. Her body tensed and shook as she came, more aliens flowing out of her the entire time.

  Suddenly, they stopped. She didn’t know exactly how many creatures she had birthed, but she knew there were at least fifteen. She had birthed an entire litter, and orgasmed from the pleasure of doing so.

  Panting from the exertion of the births and her orgasm, she looked up at the scientists and the father of the aliens, all of whom had watched the show with their expressionless eyes.

  They were silent, but one by one began to smile. She was the mother of an entire litter of aliens, who would most likely grow up with superpowers. She had proved her fertility and had had fun in doing so.

  And she knew that this was just the beginning.

  Taken by Aliens 2: Allett

ia smiled as she gradually woke up, feeling safe and warm in her bed. Light filtered softly in through the window, just like sunlight would back at home.

  But Talia knew she wasn’t on Earth. In fact, it wasn’t natural light at all. When she had peered through the window, she had discovered that rather than it leading outdoors, there was a room identical to hers on the other side. There was nobody living in the other room, but there was machinery in there, pointed at her window - an automatic lighting system on a timer designed to replicate the pattern of the sun on Earth.

  It had been over two months since the aliens had kidnapped her and made her fuck an alien, and one month since she had given birth to his children.

  She had been left alone since then, giving her pussy ample time to recover. At the same time, she had watched her swollen belly gradually flatten down to her normal slender figure.

  It was only a matter of time until the aliens came back to prostitute her out again and have her produce more alien babies.

  She was still a prisoner. Talia knew that. But it was hard to care when she was being treated like a princess. Her room was filled with the kind of luxury furnishings she had only ever dreamed of owning back when she still lived on earth.

  The alien that spoke English, Berrel, visited her at least once a week, bringing her anything that she requested. She had been impressed with how many human items he had been able to bring her. She knew now: he would go to any lengths to please her.

  She was a prisoner, but a precious one, because alien men would pay a fortune to fuck and breed her. Human women were a rare commodity, and offspring had by them had the chance of being born with special powers.

  Talia heard the telltale creak of her door being opened. She looked up as Berrel poked his head into her room.

  “Hello, Talia. May I come in?” he asked. He walked in, not waiting for her answer.

  “Hi, Berrel,” Talia replied, slipping out of bed.

  She was naked, but she wasn’t embarrassed by being nude in front of Berrel. They were past that stage. He had, after all, watched her give birth to a litter of aliens.

  She walked over to her closet and grabbed a light dress to put on.

  “How are you today, Talia?”

  She shrugged. “I’m pretty good, I guess.”

  “That’s good. Your body has recovered from the birth?” he asked, his gaze drifting down to her pussy.

  “I think so,” she replied.

  “Good. Today you’re going to meet your next client.”

  Talia frowned. “Can I still stay in this room?” she asked. The other room she had lived in, where her first lot of children had been conceived, was a harsh and sterile room. It was filled with strange objects that reminded her of visiting the doctor or dentist.

  He shook his head. “Not this time. Your new client wants you to stay at his house.”

  Talia felt stirrings of both excitement and terror when she realized that she would finally see outside the research facility.

  Her excitement was short-lived. Berrel had slipped a blindfold on her before guiding her out of her room, and the blindfold had remained in place for the entire journey.

  After walking out of the research facility, Berrel had led her into some sort of room, and led her to a seat. She sat there for a long time. She supposed it had to be a vehicle of some sort, though it if it was it moved so smoothly if was difficult to tell if they were even moving.

  At the journey's end, someone put a hand on the small of her back and gently guided her out of the vehicle.

  As soon as she set foot onto solid ground, her legs buckled beneath her. Blindfolded, she let out a cry of terror as her hands flailed around, desperately seeking for something to grab onto.

  Talia fell to the ground but didn’t feel any pain on impact. The ground seemed almost rubbery.

  A guttural voice laughed cruelly, and a rough hand yanked the blindfold from her. She squinted in response to the sudden rush of light.

  There were three suns high in the sky. They were green. Everything else had a greenish tinge to it, too - when she raised her hand to inspect it, she saw that even she was green under this new sun.

  In front of her towered a massive mansion. Was this one person’s house? Why could someone possibly need all that space? A chill ran down her spine.

  Maybe they were apartments.

  Berrell walked towards her, offering his hand to help her up.

  “Your legs may feel a little shaky for a few hours,” he advised her as she murmured her thanks. “One of the side-effects of traveling at such high speeds, I’m afraid. Still a lot better than the old generation of the vehicles, where the users had a chance of disintegrating. Oh, technology is wonderful!”

  Talia noticed another alien standing beside him. His silver head was bald, but he had thick, stern eyebrows and severe facial scarring. It looked like someone -or something- had clawed at his face. He must have been the one who laughed when she fell over.

  His black eyes were narrowed as he glared at her.

  Berrel noticed her gaze. "That's Ipstux," he said. "Ipstux was a guard, to make sure nobody tried to kidnap you on the journey here. Nobody messes with Ipstux." He laughed uneasily, and Talia noticed how his voice trembled slightly when he spoke about the alien. Berrel was afraid of him.

  She made sure to give Ipstux a wide berth as she followed Berrell towards the mansion.

  Despite her unease, it was difficult to not be enchanted by the property. Talia marveled at the dark hedge-like plants lining the property, with leaves that bobbed like balloons. The lawn was covered in brightly colored flowers that swayed back and forward, even though there was no wind. They almost looked like they were dancing.

  Berrell saw where she was looking. “They’re designed to resemble those back on Earth,” he said. “Earthling items are always in vogue here- they’re somewhat cultural. We share a common ancestor with you, you see, though we evolved a lot faster than you. We think of you Earthlings as our primitive cousins.” His voice cracked slightly, but he pressed on. “When Earth exploded, it was a day of great sadness for us.”

  Talia stayed silent, uncertain of what to say. As she continued to take in her new surroundings, she noticed more similarities to Earth.

  There were the animals that she could only deduce were guarding the property. They looked just like pit bulls on Earth, except that they were the size of elephants. They lay snoozing among the flowers. They didn’t seem particularly aggressive, she resolved that trying to escape would be a very bad idea.

  Berrell led her inside, into a luxurious room with lots of seats. He smiled kindly at her. “This is where I leave you. Wait here. Do not leave this room, no matter how long it takes for someone to come for you. Good luck Talia. I’ll see you in a few months!”

  Talia nodded, her anxiety levels rising as he left, though she was relieved to see that Ipstux was leaving with him.

  She sat in silence, looking around the room as she waited for the alien who had purchased her to show up.

  The floor was made of a metallic-looking surface, that looked as if it would be cold. However, when Talia pressed a hand to it, she was surprised to discover it was warm to the touch. The walls shimmered and changed color.

  There was a pot plant on the floor, and when she glanced at it, it bloomed right before her eyes, bright orange flowers unfolding.

  She looked away from it, and watched out of the corner of her eye as it shriveled and died. She turned her gaze directly towards it, and it bloomed again. She amused herself for a few minutes by making it wither and then bloom, and then wither once more.

  Lost in her game, Talia gasped, startled when she heard someone clearing their throat behind her. She whirled around, heart pounding, and stared at the alien standing there. He was completely naked, revealing every inch of his silvery skin to her. He was taller than the researchers had been, and had a broader chest. A quick, subtle glance to his nether regions confirmed that like the first alien, he also had two co
cks instead of one.

  He had inky blue hair on his head, though no hair anywhere else on his body. His eyes watched her intently.

  She met his gaze briefly, before looking away. His eyes were terrifying - they looked like black holes.

  “Hello,” he said. “My name is Allett. What is the name of you?” His English was stilted and heavily accented, but still understandable.

  “Talia,” she replied quietly.

  He grinned delightedly. “You understand me!”

  His enthusiasm was infectious, and Talia found herself giving him a wavering smile in return.

  He noticed her fear. “You not be scared. I will not hurt.” He took her by the wrist. “Come! I show you house!”

  Allett led her around the house, showing her various rooms. She was struck by just how big the house was. It was five stories high, with hundreds of rooms.

  He showed her his bedroom, her bedroom, the kitchen, and countless other rooms, including the ones their children would grow up in.

  “Your house is very big,” she said, trying to speak slowly and clearly so he would understand her. “Do all Yarunians have houses this big?”

  He paused for a moment, seemingly trying to process what she had said. Then he shook his head. “No. I have big house because I be prince. Soon, I be King. King gets big house.”


  He led her to the next door, before turning to face her, a stern expression on his face. “While you here, you go anywhere you want, if room is open. If door does not open, Talia does not go inside.” he rattled the locked door while shaking his head to demonstrate.

  “Okay,” she said, nodding to make sure he knew that she understood.

  He smiled, reverting back to his chipper self. “Good! Now, you want to make baby now or later?”

  Talia hesitated.

  Allett seemed kind enough, and it was clear from his home that he was very wealthy - and he was a prince! Maybe she could seduce him. If he fell in love with her, he might save her from the scientists.


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