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Blood of the Infinity War (Afterlife saga Book 8)

Page 24

by Stephanie Hudson

  “You served me?!” He sounded so shocked that I burst out laughing.

  “Well not you directly, but where you lived, well it was a place that people go to and pay to drink…I am not sure if you have something like a tavern?” I asked.

  “Yes, I know of which you speak, but I must confess, for I am confused as to why I would feel the need to own one.” I laughed and told him,

  “Let’s just say that power in the modern world isn’t held by kings and queens but by rich businessmen and you are very rich and own a lot of businesses, one of which is in a small town where you find it quiet enough to rule over your people in a more private way,” I told him thinking this the best way to describe it.

  “Ah, I see. It is similar in Rome as great wealth equals power and ruling is gained not by birth right, like royalty.”

  “So, you say you worked for me, I have this correct?” he then asked, taking a minute to think about it. I grinned and told him,

  “I served the mortals in your club to begin with and then Sophia intervened and ensured I worked upstairs with your own kind, to be closer to you, something you were not happy about at the time.” His face was a picture, as I knew it would be.

  “I don’t understand my reasoning behind this, why would I have you working in this way, if I knew who you were to me? No surely your true self was being hidden from me as it was now.” I laughed and surprised him further when I said,

  “You knew who I was but I believe your reasoning at the time was concern for my safety, as you didn’t want me around your kind…you weren’t very nice to me at first.” He scoffed at this and replied,

  “Then I fear I must have lost my head along with the rule of my people for if I had known who you were, I would have taken you as mine the moment I first saw you and killed anyone that dared question me on the matter or presented a threat to your life.” Hearing this I couldn’t help but smile. Looking back and trying to picture how his version would have gone wasn’t exactly practical in modern day and would have quickly been labelled as kidnapping.

  “I am sure this was what you would have preferred to do but things are very different in my time and besides, you had an extra two thousand years of learning patience,” I said winking at him, an action he didn’t understand the meaning of. Boy, did I have a lot of explaining to do and it seemed that he wanted to start with the most difficult. He ran his fingers softly over my scars and asked,

  “And these, can you tell me why you would do this, for I know now you would not try and end your own life.” I sighed knowing that for the second time in my life I would be reliving those painful steps that brought me nothing but traumatic memories and fading white lines along my skin.

  Scars that I now knew didn’t define me…

  I defined them.

  Chapter 21

  The Fall

  The rest of the night consisted of hours answering questions and blowing Draven’s mind about what awaited him in the future. I tried not to lie to him about anything but for obvious reasons, I did hold myself back as to the depth of what I told him. For example, I didn’t think it wise to mention too much about the prophecy or the long list of shit that had happened to me because of it. After all, there was me pretty much dying to save Lucius’ life after he had kidnapped me, then there was the whole Draven faking his death heartache. Oh, and not forgetting me going to Hell and back before getting blood poisoning from some scum of the earth rapists. Oh yeah, I could just imagine the can of worms that would open…

  Then there had also been Alex, which would have been a big no, no to mention around this extra jealous and murderous version of Draven, especially when hearing about how he too had tried to kill me. And of course, after that there were old enemies being released from prison, the near fatal attempt at releasing the Titans, a few demonic battles, spending eight months with a cult of vampires and not forgetting a few parties thrown in here and there for good measure.

  So, all in all, there was probably more I couldn’t tell him than there was to tell him. Like the bloody long list of people that had tried to kill me. Talk about a way to give a girl a complex I thought wryly.

  But my decision to hold back turned out to be a good thing for more than one reason, as we would have still been chatting a week later and still have lots left over for a raging encore! But thankfully for me, the stuff he wanted to know was mainly centred around how we got together and more about my life in that time.

  There had also been the difficult conversation about my past and I could see Draven trying to rein in his temper for my sake, something that looked close to exploding by the time I had finished. Telling him about Morgan for the second time was just as hard as it had been the first.

  “If it helps, you did get to kill him in the end.” I had told him, something he thankfully did relish in knowing. However, when I then explained all the ins and outs about how it happened, he complained at how quick a death it had been, going on to say,

  “Death found him too swiftly, for I would have made it last the weeks he took from you and I would have enjoyed watching his torture at my hands for the suffering you endured at his.” The tone in which he said this was a deadly promise and one that was the complete opposite to the soothing touch he granted me as he ran his fingers up the column of my neck.

  “I will never let anyone hurt you again, this I can promise you,” he then told me and I turned my body to his and snuggled in close, gaining comfort from his soft tender words of care. He pulled me even closer and wrapped his arms around me. I blissfully fell asleep that night in his arms as he whispered adoring words in my ear.

  The next morning, I had happily woken to the feel of lips at my inner thigh and ended up arching my back at the first swipe of his tongue against my aching clit. I came screaming his name before I had even opened my eyes. Soon after this I found myself screaming again after he took my body in ways only Draven knew how.

  After our delicious morning sex, I had asked him if I could go and see Pip, something he had no hesitation in granting me. I had been curious to ask why he suddenly felt so at ease with me coming and going as I pleased, as long as I stayed within the palace that was. But in the end, there had been no need to ask, as I quickly found out why.

  I was now dressed in harem pants the colour of raspberries that were edged with a gold border in a grape vine design that was thick around the ankles and the low waist band. There was also a little bolero top to match that fastened under my bust and had capped short sleeves that flared off the shoulder. The whole of my belly was on show and I had to wonder at Draven’s choice for my outfit, as it was the most revealing yet. I think he particularly liked the low neckline that showed a lot of cleavage as he continued to stare and touch me there whenever he felt the need…which turned out to be often.

  Of course, the answer to that soon came as well, as eventually I had to ask,

  “Where is everyone?” I said looking around trying to catch sight of anyone as we walked from Draven’s room.

  “I had this part of the palace forbidden to enter, as there is only a few of my most trusted guards allowed.” His answer shocked me.

  “But why?” I asked going slightly high pitched.

  “Because I knew you would want to walk freely about your new home and now you can do so at ease.” My eyes widened before they narrowed at him.

  “What you really mean is you can be at ease with me doing so.” I mocked and he glanced at me side on and smirked, before agreeing,

  “I must confess it was somewhat for my benefit also.” Then he gave me a lustful look that started at my face and travelled the full length of my body.

  “Ha! Yeah right, it is all for your benefit!” I teased, smacking him on the arm and making him growl light-heartedly at me.

  “You want to play my little pet, for I find I am in the mood for something sweet and dripping once again?” he warned me and I took two steps from him and said,

  “You will have to catch me first!” Then I giggled as I
ran away from him down the large corridor. Of course, I didn’t get far and I shrieked out, making it echo around the large empty space as he scooped me up into his arms.

  “Okay, so I didn’t get far,” I admitted laughing.

  “And you never will, for I fear for my mind if ever you accomplish the punishable task,” he teased lifting me higher and biting my neck playfully. I giggled as it tickled thanks to his long beard.

  “Punishable you say…mmm, that sounds interesting, tell me more my demanding King.” I asked jovially. Hearing this he threw his head back and laughed, making me jiggle in his hold.

  “Behave yourself my pet, for remember, I still have your chains, and after last night, I know your weaknesses and am not beyond exploiting them for my amusement.” I had to say, hearing this had me soon squirming in his hold and the sound of the deep rumble rising from his chest told me he could shamelessly scent my arousal.

  “I like the idea of being chained to you all night,” I told him after pulling myself closer to his ear.

  “By the Gods woman have you no pity on your King’s manhood, for I fear by your words alone I could come undone like a young cock at the first sight of a naked girl spread ready for him?” he warned with a heavy grate to his voice that spoke of his waning restraint. So, what did I do, what I always did…I pushed,

  “I know where I would like my large King’s manhood to come undone,” I said whispering the last two words seductively. He growled at me before snapping,

  “Enough, for I cannot wait!” Then he kicked in the nearest door which thankfully turned out to be an empty storage room, as there were folded linens, large jars, small pots and even chopped wood and filled sacks of god knows what. To be honest neither of us cared and I was sure it was no doubt Draven’s first time in here, as it was mine. The thought made me giggle, a sound that was quickly growled at light-heartedly. He kicked the door closed and sealed it shut with a flick of his wrist.

  “You mock your King’s choice of rooms in which to take you?” he asked as he let my legs go, only to seat me at a high work bench, one he first swiped clear of the piles of cloths.

  “Not at all, it’s a very sexy room…tell me, my Lord, do you take many a woman in a place as grand as this?” I joked making him smirk before then yanking my pants down, making me cry out in surprise.

  “No, but then there are none as special as you and as you know, I do love to spoil you so,” he teased back and I was amazed at the ease in which he joked with me, hardly believing it was the same ancient, stern King I had met not that long ago. I giggled again and it soon became a sound that faded to a moan as his mouth took possession of mine. Then I felt his hand spread my legs and after tugging at the ties of his trousers, he thrust up into me, making me cry out in pleasure.

  It turned out to the be the very last place I would have thought I would have had sex with a King, but was wonderful to know that it was a first for us both and three orgasms later, I found myself very grateful for the ‘special room’.

  “How is she?” I asked Sophia, as soon as I was led into the room by Draven, one who was even more at ease now, thanks to our little romp on the way here.

  “She is still sleeping and she keeps calling for Adam in her dreams, which keeps breaking my heart but at least she is smiling in them,” she told me making me tilt my head and say a girly, ‘Aww’.

  “Adam is her husband and a basic bad ass demon that all of Hell is scared of.” I told Draven who gave me a look of disbelief…I soon found out why when he asked,

  “He has a rotten behind?” I burst out laughing and then reached up to kiss his cheek for being unintentionally funny.

  “Bad ass means the fiercest of our kind, strong and fearless among others,” Sophia said translating for me.

  “Ah, I understand and he is in love with this Imp?” At this I coughed out a laugh and said,

  “More like adores, worships and obsesses over, oh and of course loves dearly…she is also the only being alive who can tame his demon side before it destroys the Earth so, needless to say, they are made for each other,” I added and Draven must have thought I was joking as he turned to his sister for confirmation when he asked,

  “This is true?”

  “Yeah, pretty much,” she agreed nodding. Now when Draven looked back at Pip, he seemed to do so with a look of great respect rather than the disdain he had shown her the last time he had seen her. Although I could see his point on that one for at the time she had basically given him the verbal middle finger by telling him that she wouldn’t take orders from him, but only me. And for a man like Draven, I couldn’t imagine that was something he was used to hearing all too often.

  “I fear I must say goodbye for a short while, as I have…”

  “I understand, after all you have a kingdom to rule. It’s okay, I will see you when you’re ready for me,” I told him cutting him off.

  “I am always ready for you, my little time traveller,” he told me softly pulling me to him and cupping my cheek.

  “I think you proved that not long ago by spoiling me, my demanding king.” I uttered back reaching up on tiptoes so that I could speak in quieter tones. He growled low and nipped at my nose, warning,

  “Behave wife of mine, or you will find yourself back there and I will find my kingdom in ruins from lack of care, for you will make me lose my head as I have already lost my heart willingly.” His sweet reply had me grinning like a mad woman and I beamed up at him before pulling him down for a kiss. If anything, it was the sound of Sophia clearing her throat that finally broke our connecting lips, as it was starting to get heated once again. Jesus, but I felt like a damn teenager again!

  “It’s alright, don’t mind me or anything,” she commented sarcastically making me laugh. Draven was about to speak when Sophia held up her hand and said,

  “You don’t need to ask Brother, for I would protect her with my life.” Draven looked relieved and nodded before walking over to his sister and pulling her head forward so that he could bestow a kiss on her forehead.

  “I am proud of you, my sister,” he told her gently and released her. Then, with her still looking flabbergasted, he simply kissed me swiftly before telling me,

  “Try and stay out of trouble this time, little lamb, for I wish not to worry for longer than a day.” Then he winked at me, like I’d taught him to do earlier that morning. I rolled my eyes at him, something he also now knew the meaning of, which was why just before he left he smacked my bum playfully, making me yelp.

  After this I released a big loved up sigh, just as I usually did around Draven from any time.

  “I see you two are finally getting along,” Sophia commented, bringing me down from my cloud 9. Realisation soon hit me that my rash decision in telling Draven the truth could have cost us everything, so in that moment I threw myself into her arms.

  “I am so, so sorry! I tried to hold back telling him but then I made the stupid mistake of saying the wrong name and then he got angry, and then when I refused to tell him, he called for Pip and…” She started laughing and said,

  “Whoa there, take a breath honey, I am not angry and I knew you did what you felt you had to…besides, Dom has obviously taken this better than we ever expected he would or you would be locked in the tallest tower he could find right now, growing your hair and singing about floating lanterns.” I laughed and said,

  “Okay, you have been spending way too much time around Ella.”

  “Nah, I love that kid and besides, it’s mainly Pip who makes me watch that crap, but getting past all that, it looks like our only problem now is finding a way back home…congrats by the way,” she added nodding down at my belly and my hands flew to my stomach, as my eyes went wide.

  “You really think I could be…I mean, can you sense it or anything?!” I asked in astonishment and hope combined. Sophia gave me a soft, kind smile and took my hand.

  “I’m afraid I can’t but don’t be discouraged, as I wouldn’t be surprised if the guards you have pro
tecting your mind also feel the need to protect the life that may grow inside you.” I bit my lip and nodded, hoping that she was right. The first thought that I could be pregnant right now brought me a warmth in my heart of the likes I had never known. Of course, feeling the slight sting on my lip also made me think of what Draven had done to me that morning, like I told him it would. I don’t think my smile could have gotten any bigger.

  “That reminds me, where is Ari?” I asked, thinking that she would have been here. Sophia grinned and said,

  “I am afraid she is too busy being wooed by another brother of mine, for after your desert escape, I fear he has taken it upon himself for the first time to try and make a girl fall in love with him.” I chuckled once.

  “So, how’s that working out for him?”

  “I think he is making progress.” Hearing this made me smirk.

  “Oh really.”

  “Yeah, I believe he is out there right now teaching her how to ride his horse.”

  “Yep, that would do it,” I told her laughing and shaking my head at the thought of those two. It was just a shame that the Vincent from our own time wasn’t getting the chance at ‘wooing’ her and I could only hope that this would mean her cutting him some slack when we got back home. Speaking of which,

  “I haven’t yet had chance to tell you, but I think I might know a way to get us all home.” Hearing this had Sophia’s full attention.

  “Oh, good because I really don’t want to be around when the other version of me wakes up and Dom has to deal with that shitstorm sister!” After this Sophia explained how she told her brother the reasons for her coming through the Janus gate were to keep me safe. And after describing how her younger self had tried to murder me, well, let’s just say after that he didn’t have much to argue with. She also told me that her other self had been moved to a separate part of the palace and been made secure, along with having supernatural guards constantly keeping watch. I, in turn, told her my plans for getting us back but that first we needed to find Ranka.


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