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Blood of the Infinity War (Afterlife saga Book 8)

Page 40

by Stephanie Hudson

  “Go to her and keep her safe.” I heard Draven speaking to Sophia but again I didn’t care because as I heard the door close, he was sealing the fate of someone I loved. Because no matter how powerful Lucius had become thanks to my blood, I knew it would never be enough to beat Draven.

  Not in this time.

  Because it wasn’t the Venom of God he needed to become powerful enough to match Draven.

  No, it was the blood of Christ…

  Blood that was on the Spear of Destiny.

  Chapter 34

  A Show of Death

  After this Sophia led me from the room and I soon found a small army of soldiers escorting us through the palace. I knew we were being taken to where the fight would happen and my dread increased with every step I took closer to it. It felt as though I had been made to swallow dead weights as any remaining food I had in my belly just felt like it wanted to come back up again.

  I didn’t take in any of my surroundings as we walked through the dead hallways, feeling it mirroring my empty shell. Sophia held my hand firmly in hers but it could have belonged to a ghost for I barely felt it. If anything, it just felt as though I was being lured to witness my own death for I was sure my hand was shaking through fear.

  “It will be okay, I have a plan,” Sophia told me as she could obviously see how much I was struggling with it all and felt like she needed to give me something. But really, what could she do? I knew there were only two people on earth that had the power to stop this fight from happening and they were both as stubborn as each other.

  We continued to walk until it seemed we were heading out of the palace and down a long corridor leading to another building. I didn’t know what to expect. But when I heard a rumbling sound I instantly held back.

  “What…what is that?” I asked, stuttering at first. It sounded like the thundering feet of an army of thousands. I could see the dim light at the end of this tunnelled walkway and the closer we got the more the army started to sound like something else.

  “This is Rome,” Sophia answered me as we stepped out into view and I gasped at the sight. She was right, it looked like the entire city was now crammed into one space.

  “It’s the Colosseum!” I exclaimed in utter shock. I had never seen anything like it before in my life. The arena itself was no bigger than a football field but the utter marvel of ancient architecture it sat in was nothing short of breath-takingly incredible. I think my jaw must have dropped as Sophia chuckled next to me.

  “Not what you imagined?” she asked and I mutely shook my head. It felt as though someone had just dropped me in the middle of the Gladiator movie with Russell Crowe. Only instead of a half-built set filled with extras, this was as solid and real as they came and filled to the brim with thousands of people. Hell, there must have been at least 60,000 people here at least.

  “I thought they were fighting somewhere else? They mentioned some about the Fla…something.” Sophia laughed before helping me out, with both the name and an explanation.

  “You mean the Flavian Amphitheatre, well it is one and the very same. The building was constructed by emperors of the Flavian dynasty, following the reign of Nero.”

  “So why is it now known as the Colosseum?” I asked unable to help myself.

  “It’s known now as the Colosseum thanks to that colossal statue of Nero nearby. I believe Lucius’ arch will only find itself completed and dedicated in his name in 203 AD to commemorate the Parthian victories,” Sophia added and I knew she was doing this to try and get my mind off what we were about to witness, along with the rest of Rome.

  “Lucius has his own arch!?”

  “The white marble Arch of Septimus Severus stands close to the foot of the Capitoline Hill…or at least it will do.”

  “And it’s still there?” Okay so clearly, I was shocked to find that Lucius had a monument dedicated to him and his reign as Emperor of the Roman Empire.

  “It is and still stands proud…and fairs better than this place I should say…did you know they used to flood this place so that they could put on shows or re-enactments of sea battles?” she told me as we stepped closer to the edge. We were currently standing in a large open room sat on a raised podium at the centre of the narrower side of the arena on the north side. It gave us the perfect view to be able to see all of the space below. I shuddered at the thought of what that view might be shortly.

  There were four columns, each surmounted by a statue of victory which supported a canopy in rich colours over us. Gold tassels hung down like golden dew drops travelling down branches and I looked around the vast space to see that no other part of the Colosseum looked so grand. I glanced behind me to see a large marble throne with a huge lion’s head at it back and its sides were rolling marble curls that ended at the floor with giant paws of a beast. The cushioned seating pads were thick and lush deep purple with gold embroidered wreaths at the centres.

  It certainly looked fit for a King, or in this case, a Caesar of an Empire. Even looking at the rest of the Colosseum, it had me believing that if ever such a fight between Lucius and Draven were to happen, then they couldn’t have picked a grander stage to house such a fight. However, looking at all the cheering thousands, I was sure that I was only one of two people that didn’t want this fight to happen, as Sophia looked as grim as I did.

  Collectively they all looked like ants gathered around scraps of food like a swarm.

  “All of these people,” I uttered and Sophia stepped closer to me.

  “See the top tier, near the awning…” She pointed to the very top row where people looked on, stood under a sloping red cover, one that looked as if it retracted. It was obvious its purpose had been to cover the audience from the elements as it must have covered at least two thirds of the arena’s roof.

  “That’s where the common women are and as you follow the tiers down, so do you rise higher up the social ladder. The third was originally reserved for ordinary Roman citizens, the plebeians. Seating was then divided into two sections, the wealthy of these and the poor. After this came the second seating level that was reserved for the non-senatorial noble class called the Equites, or knights,” she told me and now I knew she was definitely trying to keep my mind occupied and considering we once took history together, let’s just say that she knew my weakness.

  “And the last tier?” I asked looking at those closest to the great wall that surrounded the arena.

  “The first tier, called the Podium, which also means place of honour, well that’s reserved for the most important Romans. The Emperor, the Vestal Virgins, the important priests and members of the Roman Government including the Roman Senators.” I looked all the way around and you could easily see the differences between social classes even by the way they were dressed. The Podium she spoke of was like a flat platform, or terrace, measuring at least 15 feet wide. Parts were covered like ours, no doubt protecting the precious and important people from getting too much sun as they watched the brutal killings of others.

  To think how much blood went into building this place only for its sole purpose was to have blood spilled freely within it. It was a sickening thought wondering how many lives had been lost so that others may find some entertainment. I felt bitter tasting bile rise up in my throat just looking down at the sand coloured arena floor, wondering how much blood of the poor lost souls it had soaked up and how much of it left was tightly packed earth and how much of it was invisible death?

  Flaming torches framed the outside wall and rose high like beacons as, unusually for the people of Rome, what they were going to witness tonight, was going to be done in the small window of the dim light of dusk. So, no wonder giant bowls of burning oil had been placed around the arena floor, as well as massive torches attached to the pillars that framed the outside space. It certainly managed to give it a more menacing atmosphere and considering who they were here to see fight, then I wasn’t surprised. Although, none knew the true nature of these two as I did and I knew that no grand fight i
n the day would have been fitting for two that were far more connected to the shadows, one more than most.

  And speaking of him, I felt everyone else with us in the imperial box straighten up and I knew someone important had just arrived. Then I felt his hands on my shoulders and I flinched.

  “Easy, little Keira girl,” Lucius hummed in my ear and I wanted to turn around and slap him, but knew I would probably only get myself arrested for the offense. Good, then maybe I wouldn’t be forced to witness this pointless display of ownership!

  But then I knew showing him my anger wouldn’t get me anywhere, but maybe pleading with him would. So, I turned to him, the tears in my eyes there without even needing to try.

  “Please Lucius, call this off…don’t do this.” I pleaded and instead of meeting angry eyes, I was met with ones of deep sorrow.

  “I wanted to marry you so that I didn’t need to do this,” he confessed, which was when things started to make sense. He was hoping to claim me without the bloodshed. That was why he had rushed me to the altar. I had to say that if it would have spared lives then I would have made the sacrifice and married him. Better running back to the future from a living husband then a dead loved one.

  “And what of now, don’t you have the power to stop this?” I asked and he raised a gentle hand to my cheek and pulled me closer to him.

  “I wish I had the power to do anything you asked of me…to be able to give you anything you want, which is why I hope this will be the one and only time I say no to you.” He knew the second his answer crushed me as I closed my eyes and let the tears escape beneath a fan of lashes. I’d had just a slither of hope, one that was quickly crushed.

  “Have no fear sweet one, it will all be over soon,” he told me kissing my forehead just as Draven had done. Then I decided in the middle of my utter anguish, to issue him a warning, one he could also deliver to Draven.

  “Then if you do this, if you both fight, then know this…” I wouldn’t meet his eyes before but I finished my sentence looking up at him and he couldn’t miss the pain in my eyes, nor the pain in my voice…

  “I will never forgive either of you.”

  “Then that is our burden to carry and for one of us, to our grave,” was his only reply and heartbreakingly, could be his last goodbye. I couldn’t allow that, so just before he approached the edge of the Imperial box, I grabbed his hand holding him back. As Draven had done, he didn’t look back at me but instead looked down at his hand now entwined with mine.

  “Please be safe, I care too much about you…about both of you.” He took a deep breath and nodded, telling me silently that he had acknowledged my words. Then he gripped the edges of the side and vaulted over it making me cry out. I ran to the edge to watch as he gripped onto the long banner, allowing it to help in his fall. It wasn’t very far and he did so as the crowd went wild around us at the show Lucius made of entering the arena. He landed gracefully and his people cheered for their Emperor as he walked into the centre of the empty space.

  I could now make out that he certainly looked ready for the occasion as he was no longer dressed as an Emperor. No, this time he looked more like a mighty Gladiator. He wore a tarnished looking golden breastplate, this time void of any elaborate moulding as it was simply a sculptured representation of what lay hidden underneath. Armoured Pecs, a tapered waist and a rippling display of solid abs. Then all the indented lines in between the muscle were lined with a copper thorn vine, giving it an edgy badass look. This was finished off with two large curved shoulder pieces connected with thick leather straps.

  His biceps were on show and they bulged as he rolled his shoulders, limbering up, ready for the fight ahead. His forearms were protected by leather bracers, one of which covered the top of his fist, whereas the other was shorter and finished at the wrist, like a thick band. His legs were bare, as was the usual fashion in ancient Rome, and thick leather strips finished above the knee. His manhood was saved from view by the red material attached to the bottom of his chest plate.

  A line of servants stood by holding a weapon, a shield, and a helmet in readiness for his use. Suddenly a booming voice started speaking in Latin and Sophia came up behind me and said,

  “He is announcing the fighters…” Just then the crowed started cheering and Lucius put up an arm, acknowledging his people’s support. Then with the next few foreign words out of the announcer’s mouth Lucius pointed to where I stood and suddenly the crowd all turned to look at me.

  “Oh dear.” I heard Sophia mutter next to me.

  “What, what is it? Why are they all staring at me?”

  “It’s just been announced that the reason for the fight is to win your affections as the victor gets to claim you and your hand in marriage,” Sophia said with a wince, ready for my freak out.

  “What!?” I hissed. Oh great, that’s all I needed.

  “I think I need to sit down,” I complained, feeling as if I was once again going to throw up. Sophia led me over to the seats either side of the throne and just as I was about to sit down, Marcus stepped forward. I hadn’t even realised he had been behind us.

  “The Emperor wishes for you to take his seat, where you will be more comfortable.” I was shocked that I understood him this time.

  “Thank you,” I said letting Sophia lead me to his throne.

  “He is one of us and like our kind, speaks many language,” Sophia whispered to me as my face must have said it all.

  “But that night he…”

  “If he was in front of his men, then he would have no doubt looked odd speaking Persian, seeing as in their eyes he is born and bred here in Rome.” Okay, so I had to agree with her there.

  The next announcement drew my attention back to the arena and my heart sank as I knew there was only one thing left…

  Draven’s arrival.

  My eyes shot to massive grated doors at the end, interlaced with massive metal spikes. Almost as you would have imagined the gates of Hell to look like and for the poor gladiators and slaves that were forced to fight, then I suppose it was…as they were certainly walking into Hell on earth by stepping through them. And the next person to step through them now, like some dark avenging knight was,


  The gates were framed with four large pillars and topped with mighty statues of fallen heroes. And speaking of heroes, my own was about to emerge. The gates opened and a lone figure walked from the spiked gates with deadly purpose. I hated it when the crowd started to boo and hiss their displeasure, my anger reaching new levels. Sophia placed her hand on mine, one that was trying in vain to claw at the marble beneath my fingers.

  “Calm down, you know what getting yourself worked up can do,” Sophia warned and I knew she was right. I couldn’t chance doing something stupid in front of all these ‘mortal’ witnesses.

  “But they’re booing him,” I said in a pained voice, one that Sophia looked heartened to hear.

  “My brother has thick skin, trust me when I say that hearing such would not affect him in the slightest.”

  “Well it affects me!” I complained making her smirk.

  “And I would expect nothing less.”

  I watched as Draven strode from the entrance, dressed as he was earlier only now he wore a black helmet, the same one I had seen him wearing that day he came to get me on horseback. Plucking me from the desert like an eagle after circling its prey.

  Lucius looked to see his opponent approaching and then motioned for his servants to come forward. He took hold of his own helmet, one that matched his golden armour but looked more elaborate. It was the head of a demonic beast with its mouth open wide and it fangs hanging down past his forehead. It was finished with a gold mohawk of metal, unlike Draven’s one of black hair.

  He then took hold of his shield and sword and I couldn’t help but notice that Draven had chosen against having a shield.

  “Why doesn’t Draven have a shield?” I couldn’t help but ask.

  “Who says that he doesn’t,” she a
nswered cryptically, winking at me. I was then forced to watch as the two men I cared most about in this world, other than my own father, approach one another. You could see them exchanging words and as if on cue, they both looked up to where I sat, bowing their heads to me, as if this was what I would want to see.

  I tore my gaze from theirs, letting each of them know how I felt. Something they both knew seeing as I had pleaded with each of them.

  I didn’t want this.

  I never wanted any of this.

  All I ever wanted was to spare the lives of those I cared about, but all those sacrifices, one soon to be my own life, would all be in vain if they did this!

  “Sophia, we can’t let this happen…I have to…do something,” I said gripping onto her arm in desperation, angry hopeless tears falling freely, for I no longer cared who saw them.

  “Be strong and be ready,” she replied whispering this last part, squeezing my hand as if trying to relay a secret message. I gave her a look and she shook her head slightly, after first motioning to the guards behind her with her eyes. I knew she had something planned but why did I get the feeling it was one for us than for them.

  The thundering sound of many feet banging on the floors of the tiers sounded like the Devil himself was knocking at the gates and I looked back to the arena, ready to watch my own private Hell play out.

  As this was it, the time was now. I took in a ragged breath as Draven and Lucius faced each other. Then Draven whipped off his cloak, throwing it to the ground in a fan of crimson before it landed on the floor, leaving Draven looking like a demonic gladiator ready to fight his demons. Lucius in return reached up and pulled down a section of his helmet, now covering his face for one of death. A metal skull plate was now in place and proving my earlier thoughts true,

  Draven was in fact, face to face with his demons.

  He then drew his sword and Lucius held his ready for the attack. They both pulled back, spoke once more and then…


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