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Blood of the Infinity War (Afterlife saga Book 8)

Page 50

by Stephanie Hudson

  “Then I pronounce you husband and wife, congratulations, you may…” The vicar was about to say something when Vincent stepped up and told him,

  “It’s okay, I think I have got this bit Vicar…” Then he turned to his brother, slapped him on the back and said loudly,

  “Brother, congratulations, you can kiss your...” But Draven didn’t wait until he was finished, as he would never need permission from God, Man or Beast to kiss me. He pulled me to him, tilted my head and kissed me in a way that could have almost been classed as indecent but he didn’t care. No, all he cared about was me and the piece of me he wanted to take.

  Because I was his, now and always and he, well he was…

  “Mine,” I growled over his lips making him nip at mine before growling the same promise back,

  “Mine, always.”

  I hadn’t even realised but everyone was on their feet cheering for us and we smiled against each other’s lips before pulling away and facing the crowd. Then suddenly I was crying out in surprise as Draven picked me up in his arms and walked us back down the aisle. Flower petals were thrown as confetti over us and I giggled as Draven kept turning me so that I would catch most of them.

  It was then that I noticed everyone. I smiled and laughed and waved to each of those dear to me. I even noticed faces I hadn’t seen in a while, like Percy, Liessa, Caspian, Ruto and even Hakan all stood looking happy for us. This made me finally look for Lucius and I was surprised to see him standing at the aisle with the rest of the groomsmen, Vincent, Frank, Adam and Zagan.

  Then there was Jared’s crew, Marcus, Smidge, his big ass scary brother, Orthrus, Chase and his husband Otto. Now adding Ragnar, Sigurd, Seth, Takeshi and Rue into the mix, and I could definitely understand why they were being stared at by the mortal side. For starters, most of the men on Draven’s side looked so big, buff and handsome, they could have been the entertainment for ladies’ night at Vegas! I think I even saw my old neighbour Betty openly drooling and she was in her seventies!

  But Draven didn’t stop so that we could greet anyone, no instead he just kept walking with me, until the point where I had to ask,

  “Where are we going?”

  “Somewhere,” was his vague answer and my argument came out in a giggle,

  “Draven, we have guests and…”

  “And like I said, the world can wait, I however, cannot.” And he was right, he really couldn’t. He kept walking until we were at the fountain and then he sat down, placing me on his lap and sweeping the long skirt of my dress over his outstretched legs.

  “I don’t think I will ever forget the joy in my heart when seeing you walking down that aisle, Mrs Draven,” he told me tenderly and I reached up and ran my finger along his lips.

  “Well I did make you a promise, Mr Draven,” I replied with a giggle.

  “It looks so beautiful here,” I said looking around and back over his shoulder at the fountain.

  “The only beauty I see is the one I hold in my arms and can now proclaim you as my own to both my world and now yours.”

  “Oh, you smooth talker, you,” I said cupping his cheek and pulling him down for a kiss. Then next thing I knew someone was snapping a picture of us, making Draven growl against my lips.

  “Oh, don’t mind me, I am just the photographer,” said a young lad who had about four different cameras hanging around his neck. I looked from the guy to Draven and we both said the culprit at the same time,



  “It will be nice to have pictures,” I mumbled against his cheek, ignoring the way the guy snapped shot after shot. Draven decided to agree, or ignore him either way as he became far too engrossed in me nibbling and kissing my way up his neck…or so I thought.

  “That’s enough, please take some pictures of the guests, our niece especially,” Draven ordered, making the photographer stop in the middle of taking one, he pressed the click button as he raised his head in a comical, ‘Oh shit, this man is scary’ type of way.

  “Yes, yes Sir.”

  “Hey, wait, what’s your name?” I asked before he could run off, probably to use the bathroom and relieve himself thanks to my husband’s abrupt immortal manner. He looked shocked at first and then shot a panicked look at Draven before answering me, so I intervened

  “Don’t worry about him, he’s a pussy cat…I’m Keira and you are…?

  “Oh Ben…I mean I am Ben, pleased to meet you and congratulations.”

  “Thank you, Ben, I think most people are heading into the marquee, so I would love some pictures of that.”

  “Oh, yes certainly,” he said then nodded before leaving us alone once more and doing so without now running in fear for his life.

  “Pussy cat?” Draven growled and I smirked.

  “Would you have preferred, big scary but slightly tamed lion, because I thought that would have been too wordy,” I teased.

  “Tamed?” he repeated with a raised eyebrow and I lifted his hand and tapped on his ring finger.

  “Yep, and now owned…hey maybe I should get you a collar with a little bell on it, so I know when you’re coming,” I added with a giggle and a wink. His eyes got wide at the sight of my playfulness and he suddenly stood with me, warning,

  “Right, that’s it, you have gone and done it now!”

  “Wait, where are we going?” I complained as he started to look as though ready to take me somewhere.

  “Wait, we can’t leave our guests!” I yelled, also slightly panicking because it hadn’t been long ago that I had Vamped out and Lucius had told me that arousal would do the same thing. Well, if there was one thing I knew about teasing Draven, then it would usually end up with arousal being top of the list. Especially seeing that when he was making me come, I could almost see stars and thought fangs might not be welcome in the mix.

  “I am going to show you just what this ‘cat’ can do to make you purr! But yes, I agree, I like the collar idea.”

  “You do?” I asked clearly shocked,

  “Yes, for you, not me of course… then maybe with a leash attached I can wrap around my fist to stop you from sneaking off like you seem to do far too often.” Okay so this thought shouldn’t have had me getting wet but it so was. Then Draven stopped dead and sniffed the air.

  “Oh, you like that idea I see,” Draven growled and to my utter shame, I realised that he could smell my arousal. Well, if he carried on much longer he would be able to see it for himself, just not in the way that he would have planned. I blushed scarlet making him run his nose along my heated cheek.

  “Draven as much as I would be begging for you to make love to me now, I can’t do that to my family…our family,” I reiterated. He looked thoughtful a moment and said,

  “I did tell you my heart is selfish when it comes to you as I don’t like to share you, but on this occasion, I know I must.”

  “Thank you and I…”

  “At a price, of course,” Draven added interrupting me.

  “A price?”

  “A kiss and a dance,” he said making me smirk, more about the kiss and not the dance because I was hoping to make him forget about that one.

  “Deal.” Then I reached up and gave him a kiss, one he started to deepen. It was dreamy.

  “As lovely as that was, that wasn’t the type of kiss I was speaking about.” I frowned not understanding what he meant and then it hit me,

  “Oh…OH…well we can’t…”

  “Don’t panic sweetheart, as tempted as I am to ravish you here and now, I can restrain myself for our wedding night, but make no mistake, that when I finally get you all to myself, then I am tying you to our bed and feasting on you until I can claim your sweet tears, begging me to stop…” He paused for my mouth had dropped open and then he added…

  “…And stop, I might not do.”

  After this ‘alone time’ which mainly consisted of Draven sexually teasing me into a near frenzy, one where I was close to saying, to hell with the fang
s. But the truth was that it was our wedding and people were there to celebrate it with us and well, an important factor in that plan was that we should actually be there.

  So, we walked back to the marquee hand in hand and the second we did the whole place erupted into cheers and applause, with everyone on their feet. I laughed and blushed as was my natural response along with granting everyone a little wave. And this was my first time in seeing everyone all grouped together.

  Each round table on the right side was like one for a King and his council. As on one you had Jared and his motley crew of misfits and another was Lucius and his own council. Then there was the crownless Kings, Sigurd and Seth, who both refused to take their rightful places in their world. These two were also seated on the same table that was closer to the top table, that held other important people in Draven’s life, Takeshi, Leivic and Ragnar.

  There was also another table close to these on the other side, that had Adam, Pip and RJ who seemed to be shooting daggers at a brooding looking Seth. Then there was Ari, who like RJ, seemed to be shooting her own silent weapons of mass destruction at a smirking Vincent at the top table. Frank was also sat at this table with a squirming Ella who was desperately trying to get out of her high chair to reach something.

  Then there was the other side of the room that was filled with distant family members, a few old school friends of Libby’s and mine and then people my parents had known for years and therefore I’d known for years.

  Needless to say, this was the side that was openly gawking at the other. And could I really blame them? I mean there was more eye candy in here than a romance novel book signing, filled with front cover hotties! Even my nan looked to be drooling and strangely, or more worryingly, for a certain someone. And the object of her affections was none other than scary massive mountain of a man, Viking Ragnar. My poor grandad had no hope…or should I say Ragnar didn’t.

  The top table and the one Draven was currently leading me to was long and was the only one that looked fit for royalty. Large free-standing candelabras made from twisted wrought iron, framed it either side, each holding five church pillar candles. It was the only table in the room that had a luxurious rich purple table cover, that was half hidden by the long flower arrangement of white flowers which ran the full length of the table.

  The whole place was stunning and purple and ivory definitely worked as a theme. It looked regal and classical at the same time, with hints of gothic thrown in there for good measure. Well, what did I expect, my husband and I did meet whilst I was working in his gothic nightclub!

  Everyone was still on their feet, except my dear nan, as we walked to take our places and they only sat once we had done the same. Well, as I did because Draven remained standing, as it was clear he had something to say.

  “I would like to start by thanking you all for being with us on this day…”

  “Well you did send out your private jets, so it was the least we could do!” Marcus heckled and I was surprised to see him looking quite normal, for him that was anyway. He was quite handsome in a striking kind of way, and now he didn’t have his hair in a creepy jester style or clown makeup on, he just looked like a slim, fit goth in a black suit. Although his red hair was still stare worthy, no matter how much he had styled it and secured it at the back of his head with a black ribbon… you couldn’t exactly miss it.

  “Actually, that was all my idea, Dom wanted to steal her away to a desert island,” Sophia quipped back making everyone laugh.

  “As true as that maybe, I am still thankful for the day, for I am now blessed with my bride’s unwavering smile and seeing her happiness by being surrounded by family and friends…so for that I must thank you all.” I blushed and bit my lip.

  “But what I say next is for my wife.” Draven then turned to me and I swallowed hard, knowing this was going to be emotional.

  “Catherine, what I say to you now, I once said when I first asked you to be my wife. I do so again, to tell you that my feelings have not changed, but instead that the impossible happened…they only grew stronger.” Hearing this I had to swipe away a single tear that emerged.

  “We are here tonight with the sole purpose of saying goodbye to all the yesterdays spent apart and now welcoming a new forever of days together. For I promised you once to never let you fall and in doing so, ask you once again to place your trust in me, as I have placed my trust in you. And all I ask in return is that you believe these words of love and know that I will never let you go…I will fight for you until the end of days and beyond.” Then he leaned down and kissed me, making everyone start clapping. Then he took his seat next to me.

  However, I started to get even more teary and the second Draven looked away, I couldn’t help but look at Lucius. He hadn’t taken his eyes off me as if waiting for when I would need him and in that second, I felt it coming. I looked to Sophia in panic. I felt my fangs starting to slip past my lip and I tried to hide my face but not before Zagan and Vincent had seen. They both couldn’t hide their shock, but before they could act on it, I heard Lucius’ voice in my head,

  “Retract your fangs, young one.” The second he did my gaze shot to his. I quickly felt my body doing as he commanded and my fangs disappeared just in time as I felt Draven taking hold of my chin so that he could reclaim my focus. I gave him a shaky smile and the second he raised a brow I knew he was trying to get a read on my strange behaviour. So, I did the only thing I could think of,

  I blagged it.

  “My turn,” I whispered up at him before pushing my seat back and getting up to deliver my own speech…what exactly that was going to be, I didn’t know yet. But I knew how I felt and unfortunately, I couldn’t speak of trust like Draven had done, not knowing what I now was and what I had kept from him.

  Because in the end it had been his last statement that held the weight of the truth of my actions. His words, ‘…and know that I will never let you go…I will fight for you until the end of days and beyond.’ It was the reason for all of this. Because Draven would always fight to keep me, prophecy be damned. And looking around the room now, at all we cared about, I knew that at least one of us couldn’t condemn them…

  So, I condemned myself.

  “Hello everyone…” I started nervously.

  “Okay, so I am not great at this and don’t have a flare for public speeches as my husband does, so please try and refrain from any heckling…Marcus…oh and you Pip…” I added making people laugh when Marcus held up his hands and said,

  “I wouldn’t dare, your husband is one scary demon!” This made everyone laugh, and thankfully the humans didn’t get the inner meaning. Even Pip stood up, stuck two thumbs at her chest and said,

  “Who me? As if I would Toots...okay, so only maybe a little.” Then she winked at me before sitting again, making everyone laugh.

  “First, I would also like to thank everyone for being here today as it means the world to me that I get to share this day with not only my family, but my friends as well.” I paused to look at all those that meant so much to me.

  “To my mum and dad, I owe the happiest of childhoods to you and you both taught me what it meant to love. To Libby, who wasn’t ever just a sister to me but also a best friend and to her wonderful husband Frank, who became my brother after about five seconds of meeting him. I can’t thank you both enough for giving me another home, one that brought me closer to finding my final home,” I said looking toward Draven’s side and my other family. Draven gave me a warm smile and I knew he was thinking about something he no doubt wanted to add to this, only I could tell it was for my ears only.

  “Which brings me to the important ladies in my life. First RJ who welcomed me into her town with open arms and gave me her friendship without question.” I nodded to her where she sat blushing. Seth had turned in his seat so that he could fully stare at her, making her look close to squirming in her seat.

  “Then there is the matchmaker herself, Sophia, who was always a sister to me but utterly determined
to make it more official by setting me up with her brother. We wore him down eventually,” I commented on a laugh, making everyone else do the same.

  “Yes, and I bet it didn’t take long, all of ten minutes, eh Dom!?” Jared shouted cheerfully hammering a fist on the table with the rest of the supernatural men surrounding him.

  “Less than a second!” Draven responded, making me blush and the whole room chuckled.

  “To Sophia, who made this wedding utterly perfect for us and all I ever dreamed of it being…but also to all my beautiful bridesmaids, who have all been there for me in ways I never thought possible and I can only hope that I can do them proud, as they have done me.” Each of them smiled and I nodded especially to Ari, who tipped her glass my way.

  “And then there has to be a mention of all the men in my husband’s life, who have also been there for me in one way or another. You all, now and forever, will hold a dear place in my heart, for this journey could not exist without each of you helping me along the way to my husband’s heart.” They all knew what I meant and I didn’t care for those that didn’t. It needed to be said and I was glad that I finally had the opportunity to do so. I looked to Vincent, Sigurd, Ragnar, to Jared and his men and then to Lucius, who had helped me more than most. Each of them tipped their chin to me, acknowledging my thanks and love.

  Then I looked down at Draven and placed a hand to his shoulder to gain his focus. He looked up at me and I told him

  “And last of all to my handsome, loving husband who made me the happiest soul on earth today by taking me as his wife. I simply say this…” I took a deep breath and looked him in the eyes,

  “Dominic, you will forever be my world, forever be my heart and forevermore…be my everything…I love you.” Hearing this he was up and out of his seat in seconds. His lips then captured mine and he kissed me to the backdrop of cheers, rowdy shouts and wolf whistles, mainly coming from his side of the family.

  “I love you,” he told me after our kiss, but not moving away from it. Then as I was still smiling he grabbed my hand, raised it up and said,


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