Primal Magic: Scent
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Amber Quill Press
Copyright ©2006 by Adrianna Dane
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NOTICE: This work is copyrighted. It is licensed only for use by the original purchaser. Making copies of this work or distributing it to any unauthorized person by any means, including without limit email, floppy disk, file transfer, paper print out, or any other method constitutes a violation of International copyright law and subjects the violator to severe fines or imprisonment.
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ISBN 1-59279-588-9
Amber Quill Press, LLC
Books By Adrianna Dane
The Boy Next Door
The Diary Of Lillian Manchester, Book I: The Stranger
Eluria's Enforcer
Esmerelda's Secret
Fertility Rite
Graphic Liaisons
Images Of Desire
Immortal Treasure
Jebediah's Promise
Kierra's Thread
Legend Of The Beesinger
Nights In White Satin
Realm Of The Ice God
Sequestered Passion
Smooth Finish
Sylvie's Gift
Primal Magic:
If You Dare...
To my readers who've asked for more of Julian and Rachel. This one's for you.
Come to me. Tonight.
Tightening the belt on her terrycloth robe, Rachel stepped from the steam-filled bathroom into her bedroom and walked toward her dressing table. Removing the lid of the gift box, she reached inside and lifted the contents, setting it carefully on top of the gleaming wood surface of her dressing table. Her gaze admired the lush curves of the bottle as she leaned over to set the box on the floor.
Something about the gift hypnotized her; it was a sensuous, bulbous figure narrowing to a slender, sleek base reminding her of a woman's generous, fertile curves. Her eyes widened as, unbelievably, the bottle seemed to unfold and ripple with movement. It shimmered and swayed as though caught in an unheard, decadent rhythm. She blinked, but couldn't move, couldn't look away, caught in the throes of the erotic hallucination.
It swayed in undulating cadence, a dance of seductive grace. The decorative glass with raised, diagonal, flowing sections at either side at first appearing like translucent wings at rest against the curvaceous, ebony globe, suddenly unfolded like ethereal arms raised beseechingly to the sky. Rachel's breath stuttered in her chest at the mirage of movement.
She should be frightened by the manifestation occurring before her, but all she felt was excitement and growing heat emanating outward from her center.
There had always been an element of magical mystery about her trysts with Julian. Why should she be surprised at this? Wasn't that part of what drew her to him?
Remove the robe.
A whispered command inside her head had her reaching for her belt and shrugging from the garment as she watched the undulations of the perfume bottle before her. It fluttered and shimmered, a life force now emanating a throbbing red glow, growing wider and wider.
She felt the cool air of the room slide against her skin, so different from the wet heat still lingering on her flesh from her recent bath. Panic began to leak into her mind at the unreality of the moment. Unconsciously, she lifted a hand to stroke the necklace at her throat.
It grounded her, and she calmed as her searching fingers encountered the glittering collar of his possession. What was it his note had said?
Open yourself to receive this special gift created for you. Feel my presence. Give to me freely and it shall be yours.
She inhaled and released a long whoosh of panic. It steadied her as she felt his essence fill her. There was nothing to fear as his special brand of magic enclosed her within its embrace. He would never harm her; she knew that in her soul. The elemental caress of his presence surrounded her, yet she knew, if she chose to deny him, he would not force her or ever harm her. He always had and always would let her decide for herself.
Lowering her hand to rest upon her thigh, she gazed at the bottle, opening herself to receive his gift, silently offering herself—and watched, wide-eyed, as the long, elegant stopper lifted effortlessly into the air.
Prepare, Rachel. Accept the scent of my favor, embrace the aroma of my dominion.
Her body tingled, her nerve endings unfurling, open, and ready to receive. If it brought her closer to Julian, she willingly accepted—he had to know that after all this time. She loved him with a passion that exceeded rationality, flew beyond the borders of civilized society.
The bottle continued to sway in a fluid mimic of movement to an unheard beat, but something echoed inside her head, a melody calling her into motion, mirroring the undulations of the bottle. She rose from the bench and began to sway, closing her eyes, hearing inside her head the pitch of primal, vibrating notes and allowing it to drive her body. The touch of smooth, wet glass against her neck made her gasp, and then the scent was inside her as her skin quickly absorbed it, an arrow of molten passion, flying through layers of societal strictures, past polite response, slicing into the primal heat hidden far beneath the surface, freeing it from the prison.
Open yourself. Show me your acceptance of what I offer.
She heard his voice through the waves of deep feeling, and lifted her hands to her pussy. Feeling the thick, slick cream of her arousal, she separated her engorged lips, offering herself to him. Cool, wet glass seemed to pierce the heat of her vagina, as the elongated stopper slipped inside, thrusting in and out, slow and steady, her pussy clinging to it, greedy for every ounce of sensation, every glimmer of liquid it offered to her, releasing her own brand of sensual perfume in return.
Thrusting against the slender invasion, she envisioned Julian's strong hands as the guiding impetus, stroking inside her, drawing her climax, needing her pure, willing response to his demands. She felt it rising, tossed her head back and forth, the fire rising inside her, until finally she fell over the edge as the ripples of orgasm pulsed through her, feeding the scent in the air around her.
The solid, narrow presence inside her pussy receded, yet she couldn't seem to move, still shuddering with the effects of the release and the scent that had now become a part of her.
Her eyes flew open and she jerked as a sudden rush of heat raged a path outward, white hot in intensity. Searing her. She gasped and fell to her knees as primitive, painful longing enveloped her. Wrapping her arms around herself, she attempted to contain the emotion. Her pussy convulsed painfully as she dropped forward on hands and knees, arched her back, and screamed with the savage passion flooding her in torrents of need.
"Julian,” she screamed, “help me.” It was a cry from deep within the swirling vortex of her soul.
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He stiffened and raised his head, his hearing attuned to her cry. The change had begun. The potion he had created would work to free the magic inside her—the essence of her ancestors. It had been a long time since he'd prepared a special potion such as this one. His lips curved upward. Yes, its ambient woodsy aroma suited her perfectly—he'd blended it to match her passionate nature and remind her of their many trysts over the last months in the forests at the perimeter of the estate.
The blend of oils contained in the bottle when combined with the chemistry of her body would ignite to free the contained magic of her heritage. It primed her for a mating that would be like none before as he claimed that magic for himself, locking the p
ower of her ancestors with his own and bringing it within his control.
If she willingly accepted the compulsion of the potion, all that she was would be his to claim. In the air all around him, he heard the primal scream of her acceptance of his gift.
Another test of her commitment to him. The ebony bottle was one of the few items he had carried with him when he'd fled Belinda's domain. It was imbued and forged with the essence of night under the dark tutelage of the ancient, immortal witch, and he had known, even then, he would need its special powers one day. That day had finally arrived.
He turned his head to look out into the inky blackness of night. It had been two hundred years since his last encounter with Belinda and her minions. He and others who had been enslaved by her dense veil of evil darkness managed to escape her clutches on that long ago night when there had been a rip in the fabric of her magic—a momentary weakness, just long enough to break free. They had fled and hidden themselves, bound together to protect each other, knowing she would seek them out.
They ran for their lives. Julian had known there was only one place where they had a chance of survival. Belinda had taught him well. Well enough, that is, for him to enter her mind on more than one occasion undetected and discover the location of a special portal. But knowing the location and reaching it safely had taken lifetimes in mortality to accomplish.
He was the one who knew Belinda best—most intimately. Therefore, it had been up to him to get himself and those with him to that portal and return to the land holding the secret of his own ancestral magic. It was the only place that had a chance of cleansing him of the black possession that marked him as a disciple of Belinda the Wicked.
When they had finally found the portal, and were able to pass through thanks to Julian's blood ties, they fell into a world none of them had been familiar with. But they'd learned to adapt swiftly. His mother had been a shapeshifter who had traveled through the arch to find her soul mate—his father—and had ended up dying in an unfamiliar, alien environment of evil.
Gideon. A grounded place that lay at the center of the white magic of his mother's people. Belinda was blocked from using the portal—it had always been her goal to destroy it if she couldn't find a way to pass through it—she had thought to use Julian to breach it. As far as he knew it was a goal she had yet to accomplish. Her enslavement of him in the end worked against her machinations. Because of her twisted work, when the time had come for him to pass through, it had taken all his persuasive powers to convince the guardians he and his followers were not evil and would, in fact, be killed by Belinda if they were not allowed safe passage.
That would not be the end of it. He knew she would search for a way to reach him. And she would destroy him and the others without a qualm when she found their weakness.
The Arch of Swans, located in what was now a park in Gideon, was a power source of good. He'd felt its cleansing vibrations as soon as he passed through the portal into this world. Its magic would afford them protection until they could find the strength needed to defeat Belinda. Its protective shield extended around the circumference of the town to a five-mile radius, encompassing the boundaries of the Gideon Estate. The clean magic was a refreshing change from the dark, cloying sorcery of Belinda and her dominion. This would be where they would stand and fight—where they would become strong. He had promised them safety, and he would do his best to keep his promise. Added protections were in place, guards set to warn in case Belinda should discover their location before he was ready.
He had known the key to his power lay within the heart of Gideon. He felt the magic of the night thread through him, empowering and naturally enhancing the gifts of his heritage, calling to him like a magnet of energy. Would he be able to wield it without warping it because of the darkness of Belinda's presence inside him?
His mind wandered backward to the time when his love for Belinda had been an all-consuming passion and he had placed her needs above those of others, had given all of himself to her. He had not understood then that his submission to her demands, his unquestioning loyalty and love, had been the fuel that helped to feed her dark, malevolent power. The more he gave to her, the more she demanded, until there was nothing left of the boy born of white swan magic. Everything he was became twisted and warped beyond recognition, and command of his own thoughts was no longer his. One incident stood out in his mind, far beyond the others. It was the moment when he'd realized exactly how all-encompassing her control was—the moment when he knew he could never be free of her.
"Come with me, I have a surprise for you. A new game.” Belinda, dressed in a transparent black robe that magnified rather than hid her voluptuous curves, drew him down the dark corridor of the castle toward the spiral stairs leading to the north tower. It was close to midnight, her most powerful hour, and Julian had no idea what she could possibly have in mind, but he felt the shackle of her control tighten on his thoughts, pulling him along in her wake. There was no longer even a glimmer of a thought to deny her. To fight for control was a losing battle—her magic was too tightly threaded through him. He had become her plaything, to do with as she willed.
His hungry gaze followed her as she mounted the stairs ahead of him, her long red hair curling delectably against the outline of her milky white thighs. She was an ageless being, and to his way of thinking, more beautiful each day. He would have reached out, sought to take her there on the stairs, but knew her dark protections were in place. No one touched Belinda unless Belinda wanted them to. Yet, his cock grew hard at the thought of what game she might have planned. They were usually hard and rough—milking him of his energy for use in her magic, yet the rewards addictingly gratifying. He anticipated the thought of fucking her the way he knew she liked it—demanded it. Pleasing her was an all-encompassing glaze in his mind where there was room for no other thought but whatever goal or task she set for him.
By the time they reached the top of the staircase, his cock strained painfully at the confinement of his trousers. Belinda stepped into the circular room, and Julian followed her, eager to begin the game. He came to a halt as he realized there was someone else awaiting them. He cocked his head at Belinda questioningly.
There was the glitter of dark, feral, lustful demand in her emerald eyes—a command for his acquiescence in whatever she would require of him this night.
"Strip, Julian. Now.” Knowing he must comply, feeling the push of her mind, she walked over to the other occupant of the room without turning to look at Julian.
As he pulled off his shirt, then tugged off his boots and, finally, stripped out of the remainder of his clothing, he watched her fondle and stroke the other occupant who was already naked. Finally, she turned to study Julian, a small, triumphant smile on her full, red lips.
Her gaze slid over him. “Perfect, as always, my sweet. Such a fine specimen of youthful manhood you are.” Then she turned her gaze to her companion who stood meekly at her side. “What do you think?” she purred. She reached up to stroke the side of the face of her companion as Julian watched impotently, wondering exactly what she had in mind.
As she turned back to Julian, he noted her gaze had turned darker, more determined. “He wants you, Julian, and I mean for him to have you. He's going to fuck you, and you're going to enjoy it.” She reached out to encircle the stiff cock. “He's going to bury this deep inside you and you're going to know what it feels like to have a man's seed filling you. And you're going to come while he's doing it, you'll be eager for it, you will worship his cock just as much as you do my pussy, and you'll enjoy every moment of it, because I demand it of you. Won't you, Julian?"
He reeled at what she wanted from him. Wanted to deny her, fought it, but her will was too strong, too deeply embedded inside him. “As you wish, Belinda,” he found himself answering in a tight whisper, even though his mind struggled to deny her control.
"Stroke yourself, Julian. Just as I'm stroking him. See how much he likes it?"
bsp; He couldn't fight her, her will and magic were too strong, and his hand came up to fist around his cock and begin stroking it, mimicking her actions, and he felt his desire harden and glisten with pre-cum.
"That's it, Julian. You are mine, and you will do as I ask, you will think as I want, and you will perform as I command. I've prepared you just for this night.” She turned to quickly look at the man she was stroking. “You both will do so. And as a reward, you will both be allowed to fuck me. Come to me, Julian. This night the moon is full and I want the power of the male magic you will both create for me. I will consume it and use it as I see fit."
He had no choice but to comply and, inexorably, he was drawn toward them, across the room, continuing to stroke his slick cock, knowing what occurred in this room would forever change him, yet unable to swerve from his own destruction.
And in the end, he had wanted it just as she said he would.
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She had broken every last vestige of his will, of the person he had once been meant to be. From that point on, whatever dark deed she had required of him, he had eagerly sought to complete. What she had done to him, how she had changed him, could not be undone. He lived in immortality with that knowledge—with the memory of every twisted command he acceded to, changing him more and more each day. And that night had only been the beginning.
His saving had begun with the arrival of Drago—a man who purported to have known his father. He had sold his soul to Belinda in order to get close to Julian. Not long after that fateful night, Drago found Julian alone and provided him with information about his parents that had buried the knife deeper inside him, making his life all the more an unbearable hell where he was torn between the all-encompassing desire for Belinda and the raging need for revenge for past sins.
Drago provided the knowledge that Belinda had been the one responsible for his father's murder and, ultimately, for his mother's death. That she had stolen him as an infant and raised him herself, knowing the power of the swan magic that surrounded him—wanting it for herself—and infusing him with her own brand of dark sorcery, making him a willing supplicant to her demands.