Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Seduce Their Woman [Wyoming Warriors 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)
Page 8
He slid his mouth along her neck, to the juncture of neck and shoulder. He kissed the spot where her heart pounded, and then he sat back and stared at her breasts. His hands cupped both through her silky blouse. His thumbs raked across the sensitive points. She moaned and moved restlessly, wanting more.
Jack separated the edges of her blouse and breathed deep. He kissed her skin. “You smell like country roses in bloom in the summer.” His eyes sparkled with light. “You taste like the sweetest strawberry just picked from the vine, warm from the sun. You’re warm because you want me. Admit it.”
She tried to regain her control, to deny what he said. “I won’t admit anything.”
“Ah, there goes that damnable control. It frightens the hell out of you to think of not hiding behind it.” He sat back and studied her. “Sahale got inside those walls. He surprised you before you knew what was happening. You think this time you can keep them up and still get what you want. Love doesn’t work that way. It isn’t a game or a challenge.”
* * * *
Jack kissed her pouting mouth and slid off the bed. His cock hurt so bad he thought he’d explode, but he had to follow through. “There, you’re free to go. I’m sorry if I came across as a bit of a brute. I didn’t mean to.”
Turning his back, he walked into his bathroom, shut the door, and leaned against it. He fought the part of him that wanted to go in and take her. But not on her terms. Not with her walls up and her control in place. She had to want him bad enough to let them go. Later their relationship would be a two-way street, but right now she saw it as only one way, hers.
“That’s it?” she yelled.
He grinned at the frustration he heard in her voice. He waited. With his heightened hearing, he heard her getting off the bed and mumbling to herself. He knew when she stopped at the other side of the door. He heard her breathing. It took all his control to stay in place and not open the door, take her to bed and plunge his cock into her pussy. Her scent seeped around the crevices, taunting him. Finally, she left the room.
First a very cold shower, and then he’d dress and join her and Sahale downstairs.
* * * *
“Take me home,” Ellen said to Sahale. Her body shook with the hunger Jack had built inside her. She ached from her frustrated desire. Sahale didn’t question her. He led her to the truck.
“Could we walk back? The air is cool and inviting.”
“Sure. It will give me time to talk with you about tomorrow.” He explained about Mitch’s request.
“He thinks, like you, that I have an important forgotten memory?”
“Yes. We suspect your father-in-law—”
Sahale grinned at her correction. “We think he’s involved in the gun sales and women sold overseas. I expect Morgan and Sara have told you about the group we’ve been trying to bring down.”
“Yes, they explained that much after what happened to Morgan.”
“Your ex-father-in-law may be the top boss we’ve been after. You can help us.”
“I'd be surprised if he was that involved with such illegal trafficking. But I’d agree to do anything to bring that arrogant, hateful man down. I’ll go with you to your grandmother’s house. What does she do?”
“She helps you go into a deep trance and talks to you to help you search your memories. It’s a gift few have. She has it.”
“Do you?”
“Yes, but Mitch wanted her this time.”
“All right. As long as I feel comfortable after I meet her, I agree.”
“Good. You’re going to love her, and she you. Do you want to talk about what happened back there?” He motioned back toward his house. “I disappeared hoping to give you and Jack a chance to get to know each other better.”
“Oh, he knows me, or thinks he does. He’s arrogant and thinks his way is the only way. I don’t agree. This threesome thing will never work.”
They’d turned down her street. She heard his snort. She whirled and saw the grin he was struggling not to show.
“You are just as bad.” She poked her finger into his hard, muscled chest. “Go home. I can find my way.”
“Go ahead, but I’m waiting here until I see you go in and your light goes on.”
She whirled and stomped along the dirt road, up her walkway, and into the house. Just before she closed the door, she heard him.
“Eight o’clock, tomorrow morning.”
She slammed the door shut and flipped the switch for the light. She was exhausted. Her emotions kept fluctuating between arousal and anger. In the bathroom, she turned on the water for the tub, making it warm.
A bottle of white wine cooled in her refrigerator. She’d added it to her purchases at the last minute. She poured a glass and took it and the bottle back to the bathroom. The tub was full. Her goblet sat fine on the curve at the end of the tub. She sat the bottle on the floor.
Throwing off her clothes, Ellen sank into the heated water and tasted the fruity wine. Gradually her body relaxed.
Thoughts bombarded her head. She didn’t want to think or feel. She wanted oblivion. She’d almost fallen asleep, a dangerous thing to do in a tub, when strong arms pulled her up and wrapped a towel around her.
“You. What are you doing here?” Her words sounded weak to her ears. “How did you get in?”
“I knocked and the last few knocks were loud. When you didn’t respond I got worried.” He grinned. “We all know how to get in a locked door. It’s a good thing, I came on in. I saved you from drowning.” He briskly dried her skin before carrying her to her bed. He laid her gently down on the sheet. “And I wanted to finish what we started. Unless you want me to leave.”
“No, stay.”
Jack threw off his clothes, put on a condom, and joined her. Her limbs were weak and her mind tired. She tried to pull her anger around her for protection, but she was lost the first time he kissed her and his hand held her breast snug.
Moisture seeped from her pussy, and her breasts were extrasensitive to the touch of his fingers. His mouth suckled one breast as he moved his other hand between her legs. His thumb grazed across her swollen nub, and two fingers slid into her pussy.
Unable to shore up her walls and resist him any longer, she whispered, “I want you.”
“I know. I want you, too.” He placed his cock at her pussy opening and slowly entered her. His tongue circled her breast and suckled as he went deeper. She moved her hips up to meet him. Her pussy clenched again and again against his wide, hard cock.
Thrilling ripples began deep inside and spread across her body. Jack pumped into her faster and harder. Her hands brushed across his chest and her fingers rubbed his nipples. He groaned and bit her lower lip. She splintered into a thousand pieces of light and pleasure. He pushed once more against her womb. She screamed her release as he held her tight and found his.
He lay on her for a second, his forehead touching hers, his legs wrapped around her legs. His heart beat like a drum against her chest. “I’m too heavy.” He went to move, and she stopped him.
“No, you aren’t.” She wiggled under him.
“Behave, or you’ll have more of me to handle.”
“Promises, promises.” On some level she knew she’d still try to fight him tomorrow or another day, but not now. Her defenses were down, and it felt too good.
This time he savored her like wine, touching, kissing, licking until her body was on fire. He rolled and had her straddle his hips.
“Take me inside your hot pussy.” He covered her breasts and raked his thumbs across her sensitive tips as she raised her hips and guided his hard cock to her opening. She moved down, taking him inside, stretching her inner walls to capacity.
“Ah, sugar, you are so tight.” His hips met hers as she moved down, taking him deeper. He cupped her breasts in his hands.
Her gaze locked on his sherry colored brown eyes as she moved up and down, slow at first, and then faster when he clamped his hands around her hips, u
rging her on. She saw fire flash in his eyes. The shadows slid across his taut cheekbones, and he held his firm lips tight. His neck corded and his head reared back as her inner muscles rippled over his pulsing cock. He gently pinched her nipple and one finger raked across her nub, bringing her along with him as the wave of pleasure washed across them both.
Ellen lay on his heaving chest. Her breath came in gasps, and tremors still shook her body. His arms held her close. When she went to move, he turned on his side to let her slide down beside him. She kissed his neck, cuddled into him, and fell into sleep.
* * * *
Jack held her loosely in his arms and looked down at her face in repose. Her lush brown hair fell across her forehead. He slid his finger lightly across the arched eyebrows, along her soft cheeks, to her chin that was almost pointed. He grinned. That was why she could look intimidating to a stranger. She raised that chin at them and looked stern. His fingertips traced her bow-shaped mouth, the bottom lip fuller, making him want to take another nip at it.
She’d managed to fool a lot of people, even her closest friends to a certain extent. With her manly slacks and loose shirts in bland colors and her hair pulled tight, she’d hidden all her delicious curves. His gaze took in her lush breasts tipped with rosy nipples, a small waist, and slim hips. Her long legs were just right to wrap around his body.
Sahale was right. She was their woman whether they had a child or not. They would marry her, love her, and certainly protect her.
He lay back on the pillow and stared at the ceiling. He wasn’t fooled. Her walls came down temporarily, but they’d have to work harder to break them down for good. They’d do it, no matter how long it took.
Tomorrow or—he saw the early light coming around the edges of the curtains—today, Sahale would be taking her to meet his grandmother, Nanna. Jack called her Nanna, too. She’d been like another grandmother to him. She’d spoiled them, and punished them if necessary. You didn’t want to have Nanna get after you.
When he and Sahale had gone where she’d told them not to and got involved with a snake, her punishment was for them to sit at her house every day after school for several weeks. It seemed like months. They had to study and do jobs around the house. For two active boys who loved the outdoors, it was something they didn’t forget. And they obeyed her after that.
He glanced at Ellen again. Her breathing had slowed way down and she’d curled into the fetal position. He didn’t doubt if he touched her she’d come up fighting. She’d had to protect herself for many years. To let him and Sahale take over keeping her safe would take trust. Trust they had to earn. He’d pushed her harder and quicker than he’d planned. There wasn’t time to go slow. If they wanted to be beside her and able to protect her through these next few weeks, she had to at least begin to accept them.
Jack rolled out of bed, grabbed his clothes, and went in the bathroom to take a quick shower and dress. When he came out, Ellen blinked her eyes and started to sit up.
“Go back to sleep, honey. It’s still early, but I have work waiting for me at the hospital.” He brushed a kiss across her cheek. His hand brushed her hair back off her face. “Sahale will pick you up around eight.”
He knelt by her and rubbed her back. She burrowed back into the pillow, too tired to stay awake. When he was sure she slept, he stood and quickly left. If he hesitated, he’d be climbing back into that warm bed to hold her sweet, hot body.
Outside, he took long strides, walking toward his cabin. He’d get his truck and be at work by seven. His cell beeped. Flipping it open, he read the message.
Dinner at six. Meeting afterwards. Bring Ellen. Short and to the point. Things were heating up, and Ellen was right in the middle.
Chapter Nine
Ellen woke to knocking at her door. She glanced at her clock, eight ten. She jumped out of bed, threw on her wrapper, and went to the door.
“Morning, sweetheart. I brought you some coffee.” Sahale’s gaze traveled from her face, down her neck, stopped for a second at the low neckline of her housecoat, and went on down to her bare feet. “Guess I just woke you up. I’d like to pick you up and join you in your warm bed, but we have orders. Get dressed while I fix your breakfast. Here”—he handed her a cup of coffee—“take that and sip on it while you get ready.”
She stood for a second, watching him walk past her to the kitchen. He wore his usual jeans that fit his handsome butt perfectly, but his shirt was fancier, a cowboy shirt in a deep green with brown trim.
“You’re dressed up.”
“I try to look my best for Nanna. Go on now. We’re wasting time.” He disappeared into the kitchen.
Ellen took a sip of the strong, black coffee and headed to her bedroom. She needed a cold shower to get fully awake.
Jeans, a gold shirt, and her new boots should be good enough for meeting Nanna. Ellen had already begun to call her that in her mind. She wanted Nanna to like her. Yet she’d never met the woman. But she was important to Sahale. Ellen didn’t want to admit it, but he was becoming important to her, as was Jack.
“Breakfast is ready.” Sahale surprised her, standing in her doorway. “Good, you’re dressed. Come along. We have a long ride ahead of us.”
She’d expected cereal and toast. He’d made a cheese and vegetable omelet. “I didn’t have the ingredients to make that.”
“Yeah, I figured as much. I went out to the truck and brought in my cooler. I brought the things I needed with me.”
“Oh.” An open, small Styrofoam box sat next to the refrigerator. The omelet smelled good. There was also orange juice and wheat toast with more coffee.
“I may agree to marry you just to have you cook me breakfast every morning.”
“That’s a good agreement, if you feed me first.” That wicked twinkle was back in his stunning eyes. It took her back for a moment each time she saw him. They glowed like two jewels against the golden tone of his skin and his shiny black hair that fell across his wide forehead.
“You’re staring. Eat.”
She did as he said and cleaned her plate. “That was delicious. I needed this coffee.” She raised her cup and drank the last drop. “Let me get my purse. I’ll clean this up later.”
“No problem. I’ll have the dishes rinsed and in the dishwasher by the time you get back.”
A warm hum filled her body. She hurried and soon was headed out the door. It was a sunny day outside with just a nip of coolness. Sahale helped her into the truck and went around and got in. He glanced at his watch. “We’ll be at Nanna’s around lunchtime.”
They didn’t talk much on the way. Ellen looked out the window at the fields filled with wildflowers. Occasionally, she saw men herding cattle from place to place and others working on fences or doing other jobs.
“They’re always kept busy with this large a ranch,” Sahale said, noting her interest in the surroundings.
“Do they go out on jobs like you and Mitch and the others I’ve met?”
“If we need a big crew for the job, they will. That’s seldom necessary. Most of them love the job of ranching. They’re happy to stay here and keep things going at home. You haven’t met my family yet. Our ranch foreman is my brother. I’ll introduce you the first chance we get.”
“I’d like to meet him. He has a big job.”
“He does, and he’s an excellent leader. See the two high bluffs?” He nodded to the right. “Nanna’s house is situated between them. The river we’ll be crossing runs behind her home.”
“I can’t wait to meet her and see the area. It sounds lovely.”
In a few minutes, they rode across a wooden bridge and turned to the right. The bluffs were bigger than her first impression. Sahale drove around the first bluff and into a valley nestled between the two. Green grass and pink, yellow, and white wildflowers spread across the ground. Sunlight sparkled off the water and two deer stood drinking from the opposite side. They raised their heads and turned to run back into the trees behind them. Smoke came out of the c
himney of the small cabin.
“It looks like a painting. Too charming to be real.”
“Nanna asked Mitch for this land to build her house on. He agreed and he talked with my father. Then Dad and some of the other men built the cabin for her.” Sahale grinned. “Under her specifications of course. Mitch visits her regularly.”
“I’m almost afraid to meet her. She sounds like a formidable woman, who will find me very ordinary.”
“Have an open mind. You’ll be surprised what you find.”
“I will.” Ellen took a deep breath and didn’t realize she’d clenched her hand into a fist.
Sahale parked the truck and took her hand in his. He smoothed out her fingers. “She will like you because I love you. Nanna and I are connected here.” He put his hand over his heart.
“We’ll see.”
His hand cupped the side of her face. “Let’s go. The sooner you meet her, the better. She will make you relax.” He got out and came around to open her door. He put his hands around her waist and slid her body down against his. “Feel how much I want you. Look in my eyes and see that I love you.”
She kept her head down and he raised her chin. “Are you afraid to love?”
“Jack and I will take that fear away. You’ll see.” His mouth brushed across her lips, and then he glanced toward the cabin and smiled. “Nanna is waiting.” He took her hand, and led her to the wood porch. A tiny, white-haired woman wearing a blue-and-white striped dress and an apron with ruffles around the edges stood waiting.
When Ellen got close, she was surprised to see Sahale and his Nanna shared the same beautiful aquamarine eyes.
“Nanna, this is Ellen Simmons. Ellen, my grandmother—” Before he could finish, his grandmother raised her hand.
“You may call me Nanna, dear. Come inside and have a cup of tea. We’ll get acquainted. Sahale, please check my mare. And I need more firewood.”
“Certainly, Nanna. You’ll call me if needed.”
“I will.” She waited until he waved and walked toward the barn. “Now we can talk.” She led the way into a bright, cheerful kitchen. Yellow-and-white curtains billowed from the breeze coming in the two windows.