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Sapphic Cowboi

Page 16

by K'Anne Meinel

  It would be very delicate, very hard to maintain such a ‘friendship’ in this day and age and yet two women deciding to live together was not unheard of. Maggie owned the farm out right. Ariana worked with the horses and they would go back on the show circuit together until they either tired of it or got too old to do it. Meanwhile Maggie and Ariana would raise the horses and save their money together. Peter visited later the next day and got a full recounting of their trip south, he was concerned for his friend but seeing the way Ariana looked at her he realized a lot more than they would have given him credit for. He accepted his loss gracefully. He included Ariana in his friendship with Maggie because he loved her.

  As the months of their vacation from the circus came to an end Ariana wondered how they would hide it from their ‘family’ as she was certain it couldn’t be hid like here on the farm. The farm was isolated, they rarely went into town, and only Peter really came around.

  “Well, what are you going to say?” Maggie asked her one night as they worked on the alphabet. Maggie had memorized it with a little song that Ariana taught her in one night. Learning the sounds and learning words had taken longer. They worked a little on letters and numbers each night before bed, it gave them intimate time alone and Maggie was so grateful to learn and Ariana so proud of her progress and that she had been the one to teach her. They had so many firsts together it was precious and neither one really wanted to share with others.

  “That I love you” Ariana shrugged. The circus family would understand, it wasn’t unheard of in their circles. “I just don’t think my father will understand.”

  “Who is your father?” Maggie asked, she knew he was with the circus but she had never asked.

  Ariana pulled back from the bench they were sharing at the kitchen table in surprise “you don’t know? You really don’t know?”

  Maggie shook head feeling like a dunce, should she have known?

  “Carlton Bigelow is my father” she said quietly watching for Maggie’s reaction.

  Maggie’s eyes went wide in surprise. “Carlton?” she asked incredulously.

  Ariana nodded “yeah, he got one of the showgirls pregnant, my grandfather Carl made him marry her and she died giving birth to me. The circus people have always been my family but once I was old enough he sent me off to boarding school to learn to be a lady. I got to visit every summer and travel with the show thanks to Grandpa Carl and Uncle Cecil, Carlton was too busy chasing his next victim” she told her without any rancor or guilt. It was what it was and she had accepted it long ago. “I actually had a pretty good childhood. The circus was fun and the school great until I got too old and Pop wouldn’t send me on to college. I got finishing school but that was a waste” she grinned repentantly “and Grandpa Carl welcomed me back and I’ve been traveling with them ever since.”

  Maggie was amazed, she had never heard this side of Ariana despite all the months of knowing her and talking to her. She had never known she was one of the Bigelows. “I didn’t even know your last name” she said wonderingly.

  Ariana shrugged “I assumed you knew or someone told you.”

  “I feel terrible; I should have asked you or someone…”

  “Don’t worry about it, you’re not a gossip, it’s one of your best qualities”

  Maggie had progressed far enough that she now read aloud books that Ariana chose, mostly cookbooks because she loved cooking and trying out new recipes. It was an amusing past time and some of her creations turned out horrendously. Because Maggie had never read the things she knew by rote were a totally different combination of ingredients, a little bit of this, a smidgeon of that, when she had time from her duties training and working with the horses.

  “I want a picture of us in our Spanish costumes” Ariana told her “it will be great for publicity” she enthused.

  “I think there is a photographer in town, maybe he will be willing” Maggie responded musingly.

  “Uncle Carl will be thrilled” Ariana added. She had been so proud when Maggie read the contract aloud to her, sounding out the words she didn’t know and learning them with her lighting swift mind. Once learned they couldn’t be unlearned and in the months since she had started her progress had been amazing perhaps because she wanted so much, perhaps because she was loved so much by the one teaching her.

  They slept now full time together in the bedroom that had been her parents and her grandparents before them. Waking up in each other’s arms was delightful for them both, making love before going to sleep or after waking up was an experience neither had had. Ariana told of her past experiences and they realized the shock she had experience by the two bums was probably because as a teenager some of the elements that hung around the circus had accosted her and while she hadn’t been raped it had been a near thing, it was probably why she had shut down and remembered nothing of that night but since it had led to them discovering each other neither regretted it.

  “I’m going to miss this” Maggie told her one morning as they neared the time for departure, she was leaving earlier this year and with Ariana’s help they would start in Georgia this year as the circus traveled up the East Coast and then across the Northern states like they had last year.

  “What, miss what? Being home?” Ariana asked as she caressed along Maggie’s naked hip.

  “No, sleeping together, being together all alone like this” she responded as she enjoyed the feel of Ariana touching her.

  “What, we won’t have it again?” Ariana asked amused as she felt the tightening of not only her own nipples but Maggie’s against her chest and began to kiss along her neck enjoying the arousal of her lover who had learned so rapidly.

  Maggie delicately ran her short nails up Ariana’s back who arched into her in surrender of the feeling it gave her. “Yes we will have it but it won’t be the same, we will have to be more discrete” she murmured as she began to kiss Ariana’s neck arousing her further.

  “Then we will have to be a little quieter” Ariana grinned knowing how loud they could both get in their moans and groans over the feelings the other caused.

  Maggie chuckled “I wasn’t the one that had the dogs barking” she teased.

  “That was because you caught me by surprise” she protested.

  “Yes but what a surprise” she laughed.

  Their love play was quick, intense, and mutually satisfying as they had learned each other over the past few months. There was a life time of learning and neither wanted it to end but they had agreed to meet the circus in Georgia and would be leaving shortly. Peter had agreed to watch over the remaining animals. They were only taking ten this year since two of the mares that had gone last year were in foal and Maggie didn’t want to jeopardize them and she hadn’t had enough time to train older foals for the circus, she didn’t want to take chances.

  “Maybe we should get married” Ariana teased her later, “then we could sleep together every night.”

  “Yeah, that will go over well” Maggie laughed at the thought. Later though as she thought about it she realized she would never have a wedding and that saddened her. She wanted to spend the rest of her life with Ariana; she knew that beyond a shadow of doubt. She knew Ariana never planned to leave her, but being married, at least having the ceremony would solidify that for them. Even if it had no legal status in the State of Alabama or anywhere else for that matter it would mean something to them.

  “Okay, everything is taken care of” Peter waved them off, he had all the mares with foals over at his farm, he had agreed to harvest her crops on shares, and he had an agreement for stud services for his own mares that more than paid for his work over here. He was driving the Model T up to Jackson for them as he headed out ahead of the herd.

  The ten horses she was leaving with were excited, they knew where they were headed or they thought they did as the others looked on longingly to their departing friends. Their tails held high and with them prancing both women had their hands full trying to keep them under control. It
was an impressive sight the ten horses thundering through town, people waving, those that were awake and rose to see them off, Ariana had made a good impression on the people who had known Maggie her whole life and they approved of her friend from the circus. While some suspected at their relationship most were honest, God-fearing folk, and would never entertain the thought of their true standing to each other. They were just two pretty women who worked with horses and they were pleased for Maggie, their Maggie having a good friend to help her train them. The thought of a sexual relationship between them never entered most of their minds.

  The two women both had guns on their belts this time, Maggie had insisted on teaching Ariana to shoot. It had built a confidence she needed. Maggie was so grateful for Ariana teaching her to read and write she felt it was the least she could do. Their easy intimacy and close friendship added something to their act they weren’t aware of as yet but others would see, others would comment, most, especially those in the circus community would understand. Others would assume it was part of their ‘act’ and not realize it was because they trusted each other completely and intimately. Their honeymoon months together meant they had an understanding that few had, even man and wife, they trusted each other implicitly and totally.

  “Think we can make it in one day?” Ariana teased, it was a fine spring day and the rainy cold days of winter were long past. They were dressed nearly identically with dungarees and button down shirts, at least these were of different colors. It was simpler to work with the horses in such outfits. Their bags were packed and tucked behind their saddles. Extra gear was on Ashes whose broad back held vet supplies and things they had made for their act. Ariana had found a capacity for drawings and drawn out things she wanted to talk to the seamstresses about and things she had convinced Maggie to add to the act, things that required costumes and seemingly death defying stunts that they had worked on with the horses. Maggie and Ariana both had the bruises to prove they had been working and worked hard with the horses. As long as they kept it ‘play’ the horses were willing, laughter, delight, and treats helped keep it light hearted.

  “I’ll race you” Maggie offered and they were soon off as long as the horses wanted to gallop or trot. They passed the log cabin without even looking at it.

  Due to the early start, the galloping horses, the fine day, and taking the main road instead of the back roads they made it to Jackson in one day instead of two. The horses were quickly loaded in a car reserved for them and the Model T tied down on an attached flat car. Maggie handed the reins of her Quarterhorse to Peter and said “take care of them for me” with a smile for her friend.

  “You know he loves you don’t you” Ariana asked as they lay on the baled hay together heading east towards Georgia.

  “Yeah, I know and I’m sorry there will never be anything there” she said sadly in guilt.

  “You could marry him you know, legally” Ariana was feeling a little low.

  “Yes I could legally but you hold my heart and that would be dishonest.”

  Ariana loved the answer “I love you too you know” and reached down to kiss her as a horse lay down with large ‘woof’ behind them in the box car.

  Their honeymoon together continued until they stopped in Atlanta and had to take the horses off the train and the Model T. They got directions to the fairgrounds where the circus was to meet them. They found they were there ahead of them so they had their choice of the paddocks and since they had no tent they put their things under an overhang where Feathers could guard them and the horses had access to them. The horses were now protective of Ariana as well and Maggie was pleased to see that, she wasn’t even aware of it but they loved her too now.

  The circus was two days behind them and they had fun exploring the empty buildings, only the fact that Ariana was a Bigelow had allowed them onto the fairgrounds ahead of the circus. They would have had to of gone to a hotel otherwise and on their limited funds that wasn’t a good idea, they wouldn’t have been near the horses and they were just too valuable to be left alone.

  “Are you sure you are with the circus?” the property manager asked for perhaps the fourth time in two days.

  Maggie finally showed him one of the papers pasted to posts all over town that the advance people had plastered to insure a good turnout. One of them had Maggie and Ariana’s picture on it and this finally got his suspicions laid to rest.

  It was a relief to see their old friends and family start to come en masse onto the grounds, the tents began to rise in record time, Maggie and Ariana were everywhere helping where they could and greeting everyone they hadn’t seen in months. A couple of the friends when they saw the two of them together nudged each other and nodded. A same sex couple in their midst wasn’t anything new.

  “Well you learn anything on that farm of hers?” Carlton asked snidely in greeting.

  Ariana looked at him as she always did, with disdain. He had been a poor excuse for a father and she had always secretly hoped she would find out that Uncle Cecil was her real father but she knew he had loved a woman and she had died in a flu epidemic and he hadn’t looked or chased anyone since. Perhaps she should shock him and answer “yes, I learned that Maggie loves me and she is good in bed” and wondered if this would intrigue or disgust him. She chose to ignore him instead and went to greet Grandpa Carl and Uncle Cecil who were glad to see her.

  Carlton looked at her and shook his head, he couldn’t believe a beautiful girl such as her was his daughter but the gal he had knocked up hadn’t been with anyone else so he guessed he had to believe, besides she looked just like his mother had and she had been a beautiful woman. Ariana had more poise, more brilliance, and had the delicate womanly ways that the school had instilled in her, none of which his mother had had. She had been blunt, coarse, but beautiful, she would have loved to raise his daughter if she hadn’t died. He hadn’t known what to do with the baby after its mother had died and turned her over gratefully to others more responsible than himself and never looked back, avoiding her for the most part except when Carl insisted.

  That Maggie girl was a bad influence he felt, no womanly ways although he had seen her on that ranch and seen how good she looked in a dress. He would have tumbled that. She never even looked at him. That was okay, there were plenty who were willing. He had never given Martha another thought as he left her in Los Angeles without any money and no clothes either as he left her in a hotel room after a night of debauchery which had kept him enthralled for so long. He wondered if the man he had paid two days later to return a bag of her stuff had done so or how she had gotten herself of the predicament he had left her in, she probably whored her way out as was her nature.

  Their first show together after all those months parted from the circus wowed not only the crowds who came to see them but their fellow performers. Ariana had already turned her sketches and ideas over to the seamstresses and with some good natured bantering and bartering had them excited about making the outfits she felt they needed. After seeing the two of them perform everyone agreed they were an excellent team. No one said anything when they saw the unintentional affection between the two women.

  They got into the synch of things, a three day show here, a one day show there, always performing to the best of their abilities regardless of the length of the show. Hoarding their pay against future plans Maggie included Ariana in any future on the farm. They both knew now they wanted a future, together.

  As they worked their way north and Maggie saw new towns and new places she marveled at the ever changing landscape. Her world had been broadened last year by joining them but now with Ariana to explain and talk to about it she learned much more, read much more, and expanded her horizons as never before. Ariana wondered at her lover and friend and how she saw things, seeing them for the first time through Maggie’s beautiful eyes was wonderful, she herself had seen many of the places many times before and felt she had become hardened to their beauty. Maggie found wonderment in the simplest of things.
r />   Swimming the horses in the Atlantic Ocean off of Atlantic City brought back memories of California and their joy there. The horses enjoyed the salt water and the crowds that watched their play were easy to hand out fliers to, they brought several people from the circus to encourage people to attend.

  They went up as far north as Boston before turning west again and heading for Buffalo. As they approached Ohio again from Pennsylvania Maggie began to form an idea and confided in Perry who loved the idea. He spread the information and the entire family got behind it. He took Maggie to a store and helped her to buy some things and then he sat her down “you have to ask” he advised her.

  Maggie dragged her feet as she approached the tents that made up the Bigelow’s offices and living quarters. Ariana slipped away from them most nights to spend them with Maggie, everyone had noticed but no one cared to say anything, they saw two women in love and protected one of their own.

  “Oh, Hi Cecil, got a minute?” she asked when she had called at the tent entrance and been told to enter.

  “Hi Maggie, everything okay? Those new bales get delivered?” He looked pleased to see her, she had become a favorite, she wasn’t their only horse act anymore now but she and Ariana were their best. She had really grown too from the shy country bumpkin she had been and he was proud of her. From what they had heard from Ariana too she had expanded her horse breeding program and sold several horses.

  “Yes, they are much better than the last batch, no mold and I didn’t have to throw out any.” Mold could be deadly if fed even accidentally to a horse.

  “I like the new accessories you two have added, it’s really classy” he told her appreciatively. Some acts got stagnant but Maggie and Ariana kept coming up with new and better. He liked innovations.

  “Thank you, that’s Ariana who keeps designing new stuff” she offered modestly but she had to figure out how to make things work, what the horses would be willing to do, and what they could get away with.


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