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Scarlet Rain (The Escaped #2)

Page 21

by Kristin Cast

  You do not need me, young Oracle. Your gifts are your own, Pythia purred in response.

  A new scarlet streak painted Bridget’s blonde hair as her eyelids fluttered open, and her chest expanded. Water dribbled down her chin as she sat up and coughed into her hands. “Did it work?” she asked between breaths.

  “You were dead,” James and Alek said in unison.

  Alek cleared his throat and continued. “The Oracle revived you.”

  “Good thing you took first aid in school. I thought getting CPR would suck a lot more than that.” Bridget fanned her face. “It’s hot out here. Is anyone else hot?”

  Eva shivered against the wind. “It’s probably a little bit of leftover magic. I used one of my powers to heal you.”

  Bridget squinted up at her. “But you can’t heal people.”

  “Yes, yes I can.” Eva couldn’t stop grinning. “I don’t know exactly how, but I can, and I did.” Exuberance filled her cells, and she threw herself against her best friend. “And now you’re back, and you can’t ever leave me again.”


  James lived in the heart of his jurisdiction, in a drafty rental with creaking floors and chipped paint, but it suited him. Its only purpose was to shield him from the elements while he slept. Well, that had been its only purpose.

  The doorbell rang, and he checked his reflection in the TV before answering.

  “Hey!” Bridget bounced up and kissed him. Her cinnamon gum left a hint of spice on his lips. “I thought we could stay in tonight and, I don’t know, watch Netflix and chill.” Her presence brightened the barren space, and almost made him forget about how lonely he’d been. “And since your fridge is always empty, I brought food.” She pulled a Tupperware container out of her tote and headed for the kitchen.

  Cheesy goodness covered each fat noodle, and his mouth watered at the sight of the homemade meal. “You made this?”

  “Well, no. My mom made it, but it was my idea to bring it over here instead of hoarding it at my place while I watched The Office for the millionth time, so you’re welcome. Now, go sit down. I’m sure you’ve had another killer week at work pretending you don’t know about what’s really been happening.”

  “You’re going to serve me?”

  “Only because I know you’ll return the favor later.” A lascivious smile curled her lips.

  Desire warmed his core, but he did as he was told and took a seat on the far end of the couch, where he could still see into the kitchen. He was learning that, with Bridget, it was best to go in fully energized, so he needed the carbs.

  “Is this the only silverware you have?” She held up a box of assorted plastic cutlery, and raised an eyebrow.

  “Yeah. The real stuff is still in a box somewhere.” He motioned to the unlabeled boxes stacked against the wall.

  “How long have you lived here?” Plastic clattered against the countertop as she shook out the utensils.

  James shrugged. “I don’t know. Nine months maybe.”

  “Women grow an entire human being in nine months, and you haven’t even finished unpacking.”

  He smiled. “Think of it as art.”

  Bridget’s alarm blared, and she squealed excitedly and clapped her hands. “The news is starting! Turn it to channel six.” She plopped down on the couch and handed James a steaming bowl of macaroni.

  He balanced the savory dish and fished the remote out from between the couch cushions. “I thought you hated watching the news.”

  “I can grow and mature and stuff,” she said through a mouthful of cheesy pasta. “Plus, a crew came into the store and interviewed me about shopping local. The segment airs tonight and I want to watch myself.”

  James changed the channel, and let Bridget settle against him before taking his first bite.

  “The effects of the midtown Tulsa power outage and deadly viral outbreak are still being felt throughout our city. Local pharmacies are already out of the flu vaccine, and many Oklahomans are left wondering what will happen to them if another outbreak occurs.”

  “If people only knew what really happened,” James mumbled. “You should hear what Schilling’s saying. He’s not a conspiracy nut or anything, but all of this might just tip him over.”

  “I don’t think he or anyone else would believe what went down, even if you convinced Alek and Eva to show off their abilities. You saw it with your own eyes and still had trouble believing me.”

  “Yeah, but I’ve grown and matured and stuff since then.” He winked. “Where are Eva and Boy Wonder anyway?”

  “Alek took her to Ely.” Bridget paused and scrunched her face. “Elo? Eluh? Heaven. Alek took Eva to the Underworld’s version of heaven to visit her mom.”

  “That’s great. Someone dying suddenly like that can really mess a person up,” James said.

  “I’m so glad she gets to go see her. She can’t stay long, but it’s better than nothing. Oh, look! It’s me!”

  “And don’t you look good.” He smiled.

  “Shh! It’s me. We have to listen.” Bridget turned up the volume and nestled against him.

  James chuckled softly to himself.

  What they were doing was simple, and it made him realize he’d been living all wrong. Mel isn’t coming back. That was something he’d known, but his heart hadn’t felt it until that night at the river. I’m done telling myself I can’t be happy because it will betray Mel. He could be happy again, and Bridget and his new circle of friends proved it was possible.

  Hell, maybe he’d even finish unpacking.

  • • •

  Electricity crackled in the air as the deepest level of the Underworld formed around Eva. She ignored the static lifting the hairs on her arms and followed Alek into the Hall of Echoes. Soft gold light illuminated brilliant turquoise pools rippling up from the shimmering floor.

  Eva gasped. “What happened? This is all so beautiful.”

  “We defeated the queen of the Nosoi and returned the escaped to their rightful place. Tartarus is repairing itself. But that is not why we’re here.” Alek nodded over her shoulder.


  “Eva! Oh, my girl—my precious girl!”

  Eva rushed to her mother, tears welling in her eyes. She wanted to hurl herself into her mom’s arms, but Lori had taken a small step back. “Momma?”

  “It’s okay honey, but you shouldn’t touch me.”

  Tentatively, Eva reached for her mom’s familiar hand, and sparks shot from her fingertips. “What’s wrong? Why can’t I touch you?” Tears spilled down Eva’s cheeks.

  “I’m not really here, Eva. My soul is in Elysium. The Furies used their magic so I could see you.”

  “You know about the Furies?” Eva asked.

  “I know about it all.”

  “I’m sorry. I should have told you everything.”

  “As your mother I’d say yes, you should have. As a rational human being, I’m pretty sure had you told me about all of this,” Lori paused, making a gesture that took in Alek and the turquoise pools surrounding them, “I would have insisted you check yourself into the psych ward at Laureate.”

  “And now?”

  “Well, there’s nothing like dying and then waking up in Elysium to broaden your horizons.” A smile brightened Lori’s eyes. “I know everything—everything about Alek and Pythia. I’m so proud, Eva. I’m so proud of you.”

  “Thanks Mom. It’s such a relief that you know.” Eva struggled against the need to touch her mom, to curl up in her arms and sob with relief, like she was a kid again. “But what about you? Is Elysium nice?”

  Lori’s smile widened. “Nice? It’s better than nice. Did you know that, in Elysium, I can drink all the wine I want and not get a hangover?”

  “Really, that sounds—”

  “And we feast. Every day, Eva. Every single day. Without gaining weight,” Lori said, sotto voice.

  Eva grinned at her mom. Sure, she looked a little insubstantial and blue, and she was wearing a draped, si
lky dress that was disconcertingly see-through, but she definitely looked good. “That’s great Mom. And I swear you look thirty.”

  Lori giggled. “I know, right?”

  Alek clear his throat, drawing their attention. “Eva, your mother’s immortal soul is now anchored to Elysium. She has been granted the ability to visit you here in Tartarus, but even the Furies cannot change the natural order of things, and her visits must be short.”

  “She has to go? Now?” Loneliness rushed over her at the thought of losing her mom again.

  “It’s okay honey. I can come back. It’ll be like you actually went away to college and we’re Skyping. But before I go, I have to hear what’s been going on since you banished that plague.” Lori sat at the edge of one of the turquoise pools and patted the space next to her.

  Eva sat beside the ethereal being that was her mom. As she spoke, she felt herself relaxing into the familiar security of talking, just like she used to before the Underworld and Oracles and ancient evils got in the way. “Well, you’ll be happy to know that I’m no longer wanted by the police. Turns out, there was zero evidence against me, which completely makes sense since I didn’t do anything wrong. Alek, on the other hand, is a totally different case. But I’m pretty sure he doesn’t have anything to worry about. They’re never going to be able to find him, especially since we now have a detective on our team, and he’s also dating Bridget.”

  Lori frowned. “You know I love Bridge, but I wouldn’t count on her love life to save the day.” She glanced at Alek, who was standing close beside Eva. “I’d count on Alek, though. And you. Mostly you, Eva.” She glanced at Alek, “No offense. Your mothers have told me all about you, and I do appreciate that you are Eva’s warrior, but I think my daughter has smarts and strengths that go beyond even an immortal’s comprehension.”

  Alek smiled at Lori. “No offense taken. I agree with you. I have her back, but she’s the Oracle.”

  Lori turned her gaze to Eva. Slowly, she lifted her translucent hand, as if to caress her daughter’s cheek. “Oh Alek, she’s so much more than that.” Then she looked up at Alek and smiled knowingly. “But I think you might already understand that. Take care of my girl, Alek.”

  And then Lori’s body began to shimmer.


  “Don’t worry honey. We’ll talk again soon. I love you. I’ll always love you.”

  “I love you, too!” Eva called, as her mom’s body faded away.

  “Come here, Eva,” Alek said.

  Eva let him take her into his arms, where she cried a mixture of happy and sad tears.


  Eva hurried around her house, tidying up before Alek magically materialized in her living room for their first official date.

  “So, you’re going on a date with Warrior Boy. You excited?” Bridget’s voice chimed through the phone.

  “Yes, I’m excited. Nervous, actually. My hands are all sweaty.” She pressed the phone between her shoulder and her ear, carrying an armful of unfolded clothes into the laundry room and tossing them back into the dryer.

  “You shouldn’t be nervous. He’s already seen you looking drowned-rat horrible.”

  Eva cringed at the thought. “But this is a date date. Way different than frantically running around trying to save the world.”

  “True, but I’m sure you guys will have the best time. You’re practically made for each other. Now, for the important questions. One: what are you wearing? And two: do you think you’ll finally have sex with the man?”

  “I don’t know what I’m wearing.” She flipped on the bathroom light and frowned at the reflection of her in pajama pants and a baggie sweatshirt. “I haven’t gotten dressed yet. And I’m not answering your second question.”

  “Stop being such a prude. I saw him on top of you on my couch, remember?”

  Eva’s cheeks warmed with the memory. “Bridge, I really have to go. He’ll be here any minute.”

  “Fine,” Bridget huffed. “Call me tomorrow. I expect to get all the juicy details.”

  Eva hung up the phone and tossed it on her bed. It started blaring the second it hit the comforter.

  She answered it without checking the caller ID. “Bridget, I really can’t talk to you right now. I still have a million things to do before he gets here.”

  “Eva?” Through the crackling reception, she detected a faint hint of familiarity.

  “Yeah. Who is this?”

  “Eva, it’s me. It’s your father.”

  The End…. For Now.


  No one. I did it all myself!

  But seriously, there is a team of people supporting, inspiring, and assisting me along the way.

  Randall, you were sent from the heavens. Thank you for teaching me, inspiring me, and helping me to become a kickass author.

  My Diversion Books family—I think our plan to take over the world is coming along very nicely. Muahahahaha!

  Ja! Mommy, baby forever!

  To Scott Sigler, Neil Gaiman, Jennifer Armentrout, Kresley Cole, Gena Showalter and all the other amazing authors whose books I live to read, I find motivation on every page. Thank you.

  To you, the readers! If I could come off this page and kiss you right on the mouth, I would. Thank you for your continued support. And remember, be kind to yourself.


  Kristin Cast is a NY Times and USA Today bestselling author who teamed with her mother to write the wildly successful House of Night series. She has editorial credits, a thriving t-shirt line, and a passion for all things paranormal. When away from her writing desk, Kristin loves relaxing with her significant other and their dogs, and discovering new hobbies. This year she’ll work on swimming, yoga, and adding to her Doctor Who collection.

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