Another Rumble (A Rumble in VA)

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Another Rumble (A Rumble in VA) Page 8

by Rayven Skyy

  I took issue with the way I was treated after Breon died. Gail acted as if the only title I carried was baby momma, and Breon and I had been together for over five years. She ignored all of my suggestions when it came time to bury him. I was not even allowed to ride in the family car to the funeral, and she claimed it was because we were not married. Breon was her world, and after he died Bre took his place.

  Somebody give me a pen, the papers, and tell me where to sign. I will gladly sign over my parental rights to Gail and she can keep Bre’s bad ass for good. Peaches was never around to mother me when I was a child, and look how I turned out.

  This Is Me!

  Some girl named Jennifer called me this morning and told me Yvette was in the hospital, but she would not go into details as to what happened to her over the phone. I told her I would be there as soon as I dropped the baby off at my momma’s house. I vowed never to return to this place once Milk had been released, but here I am again. As soon as I walked through the lobby doors of the hospital, the chemicals they used to clean with instantly attacked my sinuses. I had forgotten which room Jennifer said Yvette was in, so I went to the nurse’s station to get the room number.

  When I walked into Yvette’s room the white girl I saw at her house that day was sitting in a chair. I take it she must be Jennifer. When I walked around the corner and saw Yvette’s face, I broke down and started crying.

  “Oh, my God, Yvette,” I put my hand over my mouth before I said too much. “Who did this to you?” I looked over at Jennifer.

  “Who did this to her?”

  “I don’t know,” she said as she put her hands up and shook her head.

  Yvette reached her hand out to me and started moaning. “Shh…,” I said while I taking hand her into mine. “Don’t try and talk.”

  I was trying to pull myself together, but every time I looked at her I would start crying again. It hurt me to my heart to see Yvette’s face so disfigured. She had bandages wrapped all the way around her head like a mummy and one of her eyes was swollen shut. Yvette’s top lip had stitches in it and her teeth were stained with dried up blood. Every time she moaned I ached for her.

  “Did anybody call Yvette’s mother?”

  “I don’t know.” She answered.

  “Well, what the fuck do you know?” I yelled. “Why are you even here?” I stared at her.

  “I brought her to the hospital,” she stood up and said.

  “Bitch, get the hell out of here before I beat your ass. You know who did this shit to her,” I said as I wiped my eyes.

  I was mad and was sure Jennifer could sense that because she hurried up and left out of the room. I called Yvette’s mother and told her what little I did know, and she told me she was on her way to the hospital. Yvette smelled like she had not had a bath in days and I did not want her momma to see her like that. I could not do anything about the bruises, but I could do some-thing about the smell.

  I took the plastic basin that was sitting on the dresser beside the bed, went into the bath-room, and filled it with hot water. Then I closed the door to her room to give her privacy during her bath. As I undressed her, she turned her head away from me and started crying.

  “Look at me, Yvette,” I said as she turned back around and started moaning again. “Shh…” I put my index finger on my lip. “This is me, okay?” She nodded her head yes. “There ain’t nobody in here but me and you, and there is nothing for you to be embarrassed about.” I wiped away the dried blood that was on her face and worked my way down. I looked up at Yvette when I saw the track marks on her arms, and she turned her head away from me again.

  After I finished giving her a bath I went back to the nurse’s station and got a clean gown for her to put on. Yvette’s mother was at the hospital within twenty minutes. The look on her face when she saw Yvette made me start crying all over again because I could feel her pain. I could not imagine what I would do if something like this happened to Saysha. The doctor told us that Yvette was going to have to have reconstructive surgery on her jaw because it had been broken in two places. I waited until Yvette was asleep before I left and told her momma that I would be back first thing in the morning. I drove across the street to Walgreens to pick up some hygiene products for her, and since I still had the key to her condo I decided to stop by there on my way home and get her some clean clothes.

  Yvette’s house was just as nasty as it was the last time I was there. Dishes were piled up in the sink, the trash was over flowing, and there where clothes everywhere in Yvette’s bedroom. Without even thinking about it I started to clean up. I hadn’t realized how late it was until I went outside to take out the trash. After I packed an overnight bag for Yvette, I made sure everything was turned off and locked the front door behind me.

  I was at my car door fumbling with my keys when I dropped them. I bent down to pick them up, and as I stood up I saw someone walking towards me. I tried to unlock my car door but my hands were shaking and I could not get the key centered in the hole. Fear had taken over me and I dropped my keys again. I didn’t bother to pick them up this time… I took off running!

  Hit Me!

  Yvette and I have not always seen eye to eye, but when I heard about what happened to her I told Maine to put his nose to the ground and find out who did it. I heard a long time ago that Yvette was into booger sugar, but I never said anything about it to Sabrina. Nonetheless, her husband Chauncey was my nigga and attention must be paid.

  “There that mothafucka’ go over there man,” Maine said and pointed across the street. I mashed my foot on the gas, drove across the street, and pulled up on the curb.

  “Aye yo’, Onion!” I put my truck in park. “Let me holla’ atchu’ for a minute man.” I got out of my truck and walked over to where he was standing with some other niggas. Maine got out of the truck and walked behind me.

  “What’s up, Milk,” Onion asked.

  “You tell me mothafucka’,” I said, punching him in his face. Maine pulled out his gun and niggas started to back away. “I heard you had a problem with yo’ hands.” I punched him in the face again.

  “Whatchu’ talkin’ ‘bout, man,” he asked walking backwards.

  “Naw, don’t go nowhere,” I said as I hit him again. “You like to hit women? Hit me mothafucka’,” I yelled punching him again in his face.

  “Man, that bitch robbed me, Milk.” I hit Onion again and he fell up against the building.

  “I don’t give a fuck what she did! You ain’t have no business putting yo’ mothafuckin’ hands on her like that.” I tried to stomp a mud hole in his ass. “That was my nigga wife mothafucka’,” I yelled, kicking him again. “You bitch ass nigga!” Maine pulled my jacket. “Every time I see yo’ ass I’mma’ fuck you up, so you might want to relocate.” I kicked him a few more times. “What the fuck you looking at nigga,” I asked one of the dudes. He shook his head as to say ‘nothing’. Maine and I got back inside my truck and then I pulled off like it was nothing!


  I ran after Sabrina and grabbed her from behind. “Its me, Sabrina,” I said out of breath. “Its me baby.” Sabrina was breathing harder than I was. “I didn’t mean to scare you.” I let go of her.

  “Get away from me,” she started walking back to her car.

  “Sabrina, please wait,” I followed her.

  “Wait for what,” she asked, but kept walking.

  “We need to talk,” she turned around.

  “What the fuck do we have to talk about, Byrd?”

  “Don’t call me that,” I shook my head.

  “Well, that is your name isn’t? Yvette new you as Byrd, and so did Milk, so why can’t I call you that?”

  “Baby, it’s still me.”

  “Really?” she smirked. “And who are you today, Byrd or Rico?”

  “Is she mine?” She looked away from me, and didn’t answer. “Is that my baby, Sabrina?”

  “No,” she said looking directly at me. “Milk is Saysha’s father.”

>   “How do you know that?”

  “You are not her father Rico,” she repliedwalking away again.

  “Did you take a blood test?”

  “I didn’t have too. I know he is.”

  Sabrina picked up the bag she dropped and then picked up her keys from off the ground. I waited until she unlocked the door before I snatched the keys away from her.

  “Give me back my keys, Rico.”

  “Sabrina, I never meant to hurt you. I know I should have told you the truth a long time ago, but I didn’t want to lose you.”

  “That night at Quikshop, did you know who I was then?”


  “Okay, how about the day I ran into you at TCC?” I put my head down. “Well, I guess that answers my question.


  “Did you kill Kirk,” she asked, and crossed her arms.

  “Sabrina, I did a whole lot of shit that I am not proud of,” I kicked a rock that was under my foot after answering.

  “Why did you come back, Rico?”

  “Come back,” I raised my voice.

  “I never left. Sabrina, I have been in jail all this time. I would never leave you like that. I thought you knew me better than that.”

  “Like you did the night of the shooting?” Damn, that hurt.

  “Sabrina, I had to leave.”

  “And I have to leave now. So, can I have my keys, please?” She held out her hand.

  “I’m not going to stand out here and try to convince you to be with me. I got a room at the Days Inn on Bonney Road, room 203.” I gave Sabrina her keys. “My granddad passed away, I need to go see ‘bout my grandma, and I’m leaving first thing in the morning with or without you.”

  Feel Good!

  I’ve been sitting in my car outside of Rico’s motel room for ten minutes contemplating whether or not I should go in. I don’t know why, but I feel like I need some type of closure. I got out of my car, walked up to the door, and then knocked. I have rehearsed in my head a thousand times all of the things I needed to say to him, but when Rico opened the door my mind went blank.

  “I don’t know why I came here,” I said shaking my head. He opened the door all the way for me to come inside. I walked in and he closed the door behind me. I sat down on the bed.

  “Did I lose you, Sabrina?”

  “You used me Rico.” I pointed to myself.

  “I’m going to be honest with you…” He sat down on the bed beside me. “I did use you in the beginning… ” I stood up to leave but Rico grabbed my arm. “Wait a minute, let me finish.” He stood up too. “I did have ulterior motives at first. My cousin was dead and I wanted revenge, but then the time that I spent with you made me want something more.”

  “I don’t believe you,” I looked at him blankly after stating.

  “Sabrina, you did the same thing. I was your revenge against Milk, too.”

  “I never lied to you about anything. You knew I was married.”

  “The first night we met up for drinks you told me you only did it out of spite. Remember that,” he asked.

  “That was different.”

  “What makes it different, because it was you?”

  “No, I’m not saying that just because it was me,” I yelled.

  “Sabrina, I didn’t ask you to come here to argue with you,” he calmly said. “I’m sorry that I lied to you.”

  “Sorry is not going to make it better, Rico.”

  “Where do I stand with you now,” he asked.

  “What do you mean where do you stand?”

  “I still love you,” he sincerely said, walking towards me. “I meant it the first time I said it to you, and I mean it now. I love you, Sabrina.”

  “Rico,” I said, putting my hand up to stop his conversation. “It’s over between us.”

  “Is it?” he questioned, moving my hand.

  “Yes,” I replied, taking a step back.

  “I don’t believe you.” He moved closer to me.

  “It makes no difference to me one way or the other who baby it is. I told you that before.”

  “This has nothing to do with…”

  “Be quiet for a minute and listen to me. You have a choice,” he said before kissing me on my lips.

  “You can either leave Virginia with me so we can start over somewhere else, or you can stay here and go on with your life without me.”

  “I can’t leave with you Rico.”

  “Maybe you need some time to think about it,” he said as he kissed me on the lips again.

  I know that the last thing on my mind should not have been Milk, but for some reason I was thinking about him. I thought about bitches running around the house that took me years to get just the way I wanted playing hide and seek with Milk. I thought about the perfume smell on Saysha’s bag. I thought about Milk in the bed with Nicole as if she was me, and my mind could no longer take it.

  Rico unzipped my dress from the back, pulled my straps down, and my dress fell to the floor. We kissed as we walked backwards towards the bed. Rico unhooked my bra and then ripped off my panties. I wanted him bad. I layed down on the bed and waited for him to take his clothes off. Rico layed beside me on his back and pulled me on top of him. He then lifted me up by my waist to where I was now sitting on his face. I leaned forward, put my hands on the headboard, and closed my eyes. His tongue was warm and moist, and he wasted no time devouring me. I opened my eyes, looked up at the ceiling, and moved my body to the melodic sounds of Rico moaning.

  “Uhhh… don’t stop.” I rubbed Rico’s bald held and looked down at him. “Please don’t stop.” My right leg started to tremble. “Oh my Go-… ummm…”

  “Whatchu’ doing,” he asked, tightening the grip he had on my legs.

  “I’mma cum… I’m getting ready to cum…”

  “Come on,” he said, burying his face further in between my legs.

  “Uhhh… its coming… its coming Rico.”

  I felt sweat forming on my forehead, my clit was throbbing, and I was ready to unleash. I let my juices flow as Rico continued to ravish me. He then lifted me up again by my waist and told me to get on my knees. Rico spread my legs open with his and put his hand on my lower back.

  “Lay all the way down.”

  I leaned forward and shifted my weight to my elbows. “I said to lay all the way down, Sabrina.” The left side of my face and my titties where now pressed up against the sheets. Rico rubbed his dick up against my pussy but he didn’t put it in. He loved to tease me. “Is this still my pussy?” I didn’t say anything. “I love you, Sabrina.”

  When I felt Rico inside of me I was tempted to tell him that I loved him back, but I caught myself. Right now I didn’t want to think about the word love. I just wanted to feel good. I just wanted fuck.

  “Damn, this pussy tight. Ummm…,” Rico moaned while moving in a circular motion. I couldfeel every inch of him inside of me. I reached between my legs and massaged his balls. “You trying to make me cum already, girl?” Rico went from slow motion to warp speed. I sat all the way up, and Rico now had one hand on my titties and the other hand on my clit.

  “Ahhh!” He hit a spot and it was painful.

  “You want me to stop?”

  “No, don’t stop.”

  Rico ran his tongue up and down my neck. I turned my head around and we frantically kissed one another. I could feel my legs trembling again. Rico was softly patting my clit, and I was ready to explode.

  “You like that?” he asked me.

  “Ummm… yes… uhhh… ummm… Rico… uhhh…,” I moaned between each word.

  “Let it go, Sabrina.”

  I bit down on Rico’s bottom lip and rode the wave that had just taken over my body. “My turn,” he said. I took that to mean he was about to cum, too.

  “Damn, I missed this pussy… shit… uhhh, Sabrina… awww shit…,” Rico said as he put both of his hands on my shoulders and bent me back over. “Here it come, baby… ahhh… ahhh….” It wasn’t until I
felt the pressure of Rico’s weight on my back that I realized he had just came inside of me. Shit. “Baby, are you okay?” he asked.

  I layed down completely on my stomach when I felt him slide out. I looked at Rico but I

  didn’t say anything because I didn’t know what to say. I wasn’t going to leave with him in the morning, and by the look on his face he knew it, too.

  Virginia Is For Lovers!

  I looked at myself one last time in the mirror to make sure I had enough motor oil smudged on my face, and then I opened the front door.

  “What’s up?”

  “Hey,” I replied in a somber tone.

  “What’s wrong with you, and what is all that shit on your face?” Milk closed the door.

  “What,” I asked, starting to pat my face.

  “That black shit.”

  I walked back over to the mirror. “Oh,” I said unemotionally then wiped my face with my hand. “Motor oil.”

  “Oh, you are a mechanic, too?” Milk started laughing. “I saw the hood up on your car when I pulled up.” Milk followed me into my bedroom and sat down on the bed. I went into my bathroom to wash my face.

  “When I got up this morning my car wouldn’t start.” After I cleaned off my face I went over and sat beside him on the bed.

  “What’s wrong with it?”

  “I don‘t know,” I lied. I put enough sugar in the tank last night to make ten pitchers of Kool-Aid.

  “It won’t crank or nothing?”

  “Nope.” I shook my head. “It has been a minute since I had an oil change. That’s why I put some oil in it, but it still wouldn’t start up. I tell you, if it ain’t one thing it’s another.”

  “Let me go take a look at it.”

  Twenty minutes later Milk came back inside the house and told me what I had already known. The motor was locked. One thing about me was I could turn on the tears like you turn on your faucet.


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