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Night of the Senses

Page 12

by Victoria Blisse

  “Just to sensitise the skin,” the Dragon murmured in his low voice. “Haven’t you ever been spanked before?”

  She shook her head.

  “You should have told us. We’ll keep that in mind.”

  The next smack was lighter, almost a tap, but she still felt the sharp sting of it. The amazing thing was the heat from it streaked right to her cunt. It was so unbelievably erotic, like the pain from the nipple clamps that actually gave her pleasure. When an open-handed slap landed on her cunt she jerked again, but actually found herself pushing her hips back, seeking more.

  The Fox’s laugh was tinged with satisfaction. “Tell us how it feels. We can tell that you like it.”

  “Yes.” She could hardly get her breath. “It’s like the smack of soft wood. But I want to feel the fox’s tail. Please.” She could hardly believe she was begging. She only knew her ass was on fire, her cunt was hot and she wanted the consistency of that fur against her skin again.

  For a moment, nothing happened. Then a furry tail, larger than the one he’d used before, landed a blow across her buttocks. It was so strange to her that something that should have been so soft could land such a hard blow. The Fox settled into a rhythm, the Dragon holding her in place, and she rocked back and forth, pleading for more, as he landed stroke after stroke on the smooth skin of her ass and her inflamed pussy.

  Then, like everything else up to now, it just…stopped.

  The Dragon released his hold on her, tilted up her chin and moved his lips across hers in a caress.

  “Not too much of anything, you know. It isn’t good. We want you to have the touch and feel of so many things your senses will reel.”

  “They’re already reeling,” she whispered to him. “Please don’t stop.”

  “It’s all right. The Fox is just getting his other flogger. Come. Let me prepare you for it.”

  Other flogger?

  He removed the cuffs from her wrists and ankles and lifted her to her feet again. He carried her a little distance from the table and set her on her feet, leaning her forward slightly. A slick, cold surface, like glass, touched her tortured nipples and her tummy where they pressed against it. More cuffs at her ankles and wrists, only this time her arms were lifted to her hands reached towards the ceiling, and the cuffs on her ankles had a bar between them spreading her legs. Again, the cuffs were lined with the fluffy, soft, fleece-like fabric, a caress on her skin themselves.

  Someone—the Dragon, she could tell his hands—rubbed lotion into her muscles from neck to ankle, taking great pains with her burning ass and massaging her strained muscles.

  “Did you like the kiss of the fox?” he asked as his fingers worked the cream into her skin.

  “Yes,” she answered. “It was…extraordinary. Like nothing I’ve ever felt before.”

  “Tell me how you like the feel of this.”

  She could tell the strip of material was suede as he ran it lightly down her face and neck. The fabric was easily identifiable and it had been tanned to an extreme suppleness. If this was the other flogger she was shocked to realise she couldn’t wait to feel it striking her body.

  “It’s wonderful,” she told him. She opened her mouth, and he ran the fabric across her tongue. “Soft. A gentle material. I could let it run through my fingers forever.”

  “Good, then.” He smacked one cheek of her ass very lightly. “The Fox has just summoned the third person waiting to turn in her silver chip. She’ll do a very good job.”

  Bree swallowed. “Another stranger?”

  “We’re all strangers. Remember? Nothing to worry about. Otherwise, I wouldn’t let it happen. Are you still all right?”

  She took a deep breath and nodded.

  She heard the familiar tap of heels, a low murmur of voice, then the petal-soft touch of a woman’s hand caressing the cheeks of her ass.

  “Beautiful,” the woman breathed. “And such a gorgeous shade of red.” She fondled Bree’s inner thighs, the backs of her knees, her touch like the stroke of a flower. When she touched Bree’s cunt she commented in satisfaction to the two men, then her voice echoed over the microphone. “She is very wet and swollen, people. This flogging will bring her as close to orgasm as we can take her without the actual act. When I finish with her, she will be soaking wet, and I will lick her essence from my fingers.”

  Bree wanted to feel those incredibly soft hands again, to have them touch her everywhere, but she braced herself, instead, for what was coming next.

  The suppleness of the suede was everything she expected as it trailed across her buttocks. Then a new surface, something thick and covered with braided leather. The handle, she thought, as the woman traced it through the cleft of her buttocks and pushed just the tip of it into her cunt. Over and over the woman followed the pattern—first the soft caress of the suede, then the rougher texture of the leather and the thickness of the handle. She tried to push herself down on it when the tip breached the opening of her vagina, but the woman just laughed quietly and continued on as she’d been doing.

  The first actual strike of the leather surprised Bree because the embrace of the soft suede strips on her skin and the gentle probing of the ridged handle had carried her into a place where she could give herself over to the feelings they aroused. A place where she drifted, absorbing every slow touch. When it slapped her unsuspecting flesh, however, the softness disappeared. The contact was totally different from the smack of a hand or the striking of the fox tail. The tanned strips stung as they bit into her skin but again, more with pleasure than pain. She had touched so many different surfaces tonight, had so many of them touch her, they were beginning to jumble in her mind. She swayed in place, hanging from the manacles, letting the force of the blows race through her body as her pussy quivered and her juices dripped from her.

  She lost count of how many times the flogger struck her. She only knew she reached a point where she never wanted it to stop. If she had drifted into a cradle of sensation before, now she was launched into a place where there was only her, the heat consuming her skin and the rhythmic touch of the flogger as it kissed the surface of her skin. With each blow her cunt clenched even more, sending spikes of pleasure through her.

  Don’t stop touching me, she wanted to scream, but she was too deep in her own erotic haze to form the words. She climbed that precipice, reaching, reaching, reaching. So close. Finally, her body would have the release it sought.

  But again, when she would have given herself over to the orgasm she craved, the flogging stopped. She bit her lip in frustration.

  Gentle fingers inserted themselves into her vagina, scooping out her juices, the skin as soft as a baby’s.

  “Delicious,” the woman said. “Absolutely delicious. Thank you, gentlemen. The silver chip was worth every penny.”

  Chapter Five

  Bree was in a swing chair made of some sort of woven cotton and silk. The fibres were so gentle against her skin it was like sitting on air. The Dragon had lifted her into it, separated her thighs so he could tie them to the frame with smooth-feeling satin ribbons then set it to rocking gently. The Fox was using a short fox tail to stroke her legs, the movement so sensuous it made her squirm. He began at her ankle, and with tiny strokes so that almost each hair touched her separately, he brushed his way up to her knee, circling the kneecap before moving to her inner thigh. Then a sweep through the crevice where hip and thigh were joined before moving to her tummy.

  She giggled when he swirled the tip in her navel.

  “That tickles,” she told him.

  “It’s supposed to,” he explained, a hint of humour in his voice. “To lighten the heavy sensuality of all the other touches. The body needs to refresh and recharge itself.”

  “Is that why you’re dusting me with the fox tail?”

  Now he laughed out loud. “Dusting? Yeah, I guess that’s as good a word for it as any. Is it relaxing you?”

  A thick, callused finger stroked the length of her slit. “I’d say she
’s relaxed but hot,” the Dragon told him. “Soon, she’ll be ready for the Dragon’s tail.”

  Bree shivered as erotic images danced in her mind. She wondered what it would feel like? How it would be inside of her?

  The Dragon was feeding her fruit again, this time squares of pineapple, a tart/sweet taste that felt sticky as it ran down her chin. She tasted herself on his fingers where he’d slid one into her wet pussy. The combination of flavours rioted on her tongue, touching her taste buds and sending more heat shimmering through her.

  When he’d fed her the last of the fruit and helped her sip again from the wine, he placed something small in her hand. She closed her fingers over it, rubbing the surface with her thumb. It was very tiny, with a rounded point on one end and an opening on the other. The fabric was very slick, almost like a slicker. If she could see it, she was sure it would be glossy. At the top of the hood was something flat and hard.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  “This is for your clit. One of my inventions. There’s a thin cord attached at the top so we can control the vibrations.”

  Her heartbeat raced in anticipation. “Vibrations?”

  “Yes. It’s brand new. We’re going to demonstrate it for the audience before the Fox brings out his final tail.” He leaned down to her ear, his breathe like an autumn breeze. “And then it’s the Dragon’s turn.”

  As she swallowed the last of the wine, she felt the leanness of the Fox’s fingers stroking her inner thighs, then opening the lips of her cunt like the peeling of some delectable fruit. Soft but definitely masculine fingertips tugged on her already-stimulated clit, coaxing it to poke its head out from the protective hood. Then the slick material touched it and the combination of the sponge-like skin against pliable slickness sent tiny shimmer through her body. She thought of an afternoon on a secluded beach at the ocean, when she and her lover of the moment had been swimming, then fucked themselves blind until neither could move. She squirmed at the vividness of the image that the merest touch of the fabric had called up.

  “Am I hurting you?” the Fox asked.

  “No.” She shook her head. “Just remembering something.”

  “Something good, I hope.”

  She smiled. “Oh, yes.”

  “Ready?” the Fox asked, pinching the material on her clit once more to secure it.

  “Absolutely.” Bree found herself smiling at him.

  She heard a tiny hum and the merest kiss of power spike its way to her clit. The worked its way into the surrounding tissues so it felt as if her entire sex was covered with the slick fabric. Within her vagina, high up near her sweet spot, she felt vibration bloom and expand. The feeling was pleasant, just enough to make her want to squirm and rub herself against the chair. For a moment, she wished for the first chair she’d sat in, the one covered in fur, and wondered how it would feel if that were beneath her skin, coming alive with the little jolts of current running through it. Would the hair tickle her now completely bare mound, inner and outer lips both? More juice dampened her pussy at the thought of each of those tiny, furry strands stimulating her.

  The buzz radiating through her was pleasant, lulling her into a comfortable pleasure zone. She closed her eyes behind the blindfold, wrapped her fingers around the cords of the swing and, even with her legs held wide apart, managed to create enough motion to get the swing moving. But just as she settled into the rhythmic motion, the Fox upped the level on the vibrator and her body began to twitch as if she were sitting on a working motor. The Dragon must have stepped behind her because she felt his hands close over hers on the cords and help her set the motion of the swing to the intensity of the vibrations.

  Her clit felt as if a livewire touched it, but not in a painful way. Rather, it was like touching an electric current set for intense sexual stimulation. Her pussy pulsed, the cloth beneath her dampened with her juices, and a tiny moan rolled from her lips.

  Once more the Fox increased the intensity, and this time her moan was louder. The muscles of her cunt clenched, greedy for something to grip and pull on. She tried to rock herself back and forth on the seat of the chair, creating friction against her hungry cunt, but her movements were too limited.

  The vibrations seemed to go on and on, taking her to a certain level and holding there like a merciless lover. She was completely aware of the Dragon’s roughened fingers over hers, of the smoothness of the Fox’s lean fingers as they tested the slickness of her cunt, of the smooth fabric of the chair, too smooth to give her the abrasion she craved. If only she could pull her thighs together. If only…

  She was barely aware when the vibrations backed off and finally stopped until the Fox reached between her legs to remove the little covering on her clit. Then he took one of her hands and wrapped her fingers around his cock. He was standing at exactly the right height for Bree to just stretch out her arm and grasp it.

  Not as large as the Dragon’s, was the first thought that came to mind, but just as velvety on the outside and hard as steel beneath the covering. She brushed her thumb over the skin of the head finding it not quite as smooth as the Dragon’s but perhaps with more character, if one could use that adjective with the head of a dick. The slit felt wider and she heard the hiss of the Fox’s breath as she dipped her fingernail into it and wiggled it.

  “Careful,” he cautioned. “That’s sensitive material there.”

  “But it feels so good,” she teased, wiggling her nail again, then pulling it out.

  “I have something to make you feel even better,” he told her, untying the ribbons on her thighs and pulling the cheeks of her ass to the edge of the swing. “Tell me how this feels, every bit of it.”

  The brush of air over her bare cunt told him he was moving his hands.

  “Hold you sweet pussy open for me,” he ordered. “Pull those lips wide. Touch yourself and tell me how it feels.”

  “Good,” she choked.

  “Do you like touching yourself?”

  “Y-yes.” She swallowed. “It feels better without the hair on it. Indecently naked.”

  “And you like it that way, right?”

  She nodded, wondering what came next.

  “All right, then. Bend your knees and rest your feet in the edge of the swing. Keep that cunt wide open. Dragon, you have control of the swing.”

  Something touched her opening, something furry and thick, and slowly pushed into her. With a shock she realised he’d had a condom made of fox hair and he’d pulled it on over his cock before pressing into her. She swore she could feel every single tiny hair touching the inner walls of her pussy as the Fox slow and steadily pushed himself into her.

  The touch was like nothing she’d ever felt before, not even the dildos with the crazy surfaces she and Cilla had played with. It was warm, almost hot, turning slick and matted with her juices. And while the fox’s cock wasn’t as big as the Dragon’s, it stretched her channel almost to its limit.

  The Dragon set the swing in motion, and as it swayed back and forth, the thick cock with the furry covering moved in and out of her at a steady pace.

  Hurry! She wanted to say. Please, please, please. I want to come.

  The Fox gripped her thighs and urged her to wrap her legs around him, keeping his strong fingers anchored in her flesh. The now soaked fur drove her crazy, prickly on its surface as it touched the walls of her vagina. In and out, in and out, and the swing continued to move back and forth.

  Someone’s—the Fox’s—fingers reached between their bodies and pulled on her clit, tugging it back and forth and rubbing it with the tip of his finger. Bree began to hitch and thrust her hips, trying to speed up the pace as tiny spasms gripped her.

  “I believe she’s ready,” the Fox said, lifting her from the swing with her legs still wrapped tightly around him.

  When he walked with her his naked thighs brushed against the bottom of her ass, the fine hair a counterpoint to the longer hair on the fur-covered condom. She felt him twist and turn, then lie down on s
ome long surface. When Bree reached out her hands she touched the same soft cotton the tables had been covered with.

  The fox arranged her so she was straddling him, urging her knees forward and pulling her down so her clamped nipples pressed against his chest, sending spikes of pleasure/pain through her. When she felt someone climb up on the table behind them her heart nearly stopped.

  The Dragon.

  And she knew exactly what he had in mind.

  “Are you all right?” he asked for the tenth time.

  Cilla is right. They take good care of their guests here.

  “Yes.” Her answer came out on a whoosh of breath. “But I don’t—”

  His fingers wrapped around one wrist. “Give me your hand and open your fingers.”

  He tugged her hand back until his cock was laying against her palm. Just as the Fox had a special condom for himself, so did the Dragon. Only this one had gelatine-feeling bumps and ridges on it, almost like a Dragon’s tail.

  “I don’t know if I can…you know…”

  “Trust me. It will be like no other experience you’ve ever had.”

  The Fox pulled her towards him again as the Dragon seated himself more comfortably on the table. Bree was braced for him to fill her rectum with lubricant, but not with something so cold it shocked her system. If the Fox hadn’t been steadily manipulating her clit she would have pushed away and tried to leap off the table.

  “Easy, easy.” The Dragon’s low voice soothed her. “This numbs the tissues until my cock is inside you. Otherwise you might feel the touch of the ridges uncomfortable.”

  As it was, except for the excessively full feeling, she barely felt him slip into her a little at a time. But she knew the two penises were touching each other through the thin membrane that separated her channels. And the Dragon’s cock was so huge she could hardly believe he’d gotten it all in.

  As the icy gel began to warm, the uneven surface of the fake dragon cock made itself felt. Strangely, however, it wasn’t an uncomfortable feeling. The Fox’s steady strumming on her clit aroused her to a point where she was willing to let anyone and anything touch her as long as they allowed her to climax.


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