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Magic Ponies: Seaside Summer

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by Sue Bentley

  Sue Bentley’s books for children often include animals, fairies and wildlife. She lives in Northampton and enjoys reading, going to the cinema and watching the birds on the feeders outside her window. She loves horses, which she thinks are all completely magical. One of her favourite books is Black Beauty, which she must have read at least ten times. At school she was always getting told off for daydreaming, but she now knows that she was storing up ideas for when she became a writer. Sue has met and owned many animals, but the wild creatures in her life hold a special place in her heart.

  Sue Bentley

  Seaside Summer

  Illustrated by Angela Swan

  To Ginger – plucky brave little friend


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  First published 2009

  Text copyright © Sue Bentley, 2009

  Illustrations copyright © Angela Swan, 2009

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  ISBN: 978-0-14-193118-0


  One: Chapter ONE

  Two: Chapter TWO

  Three: Chapter THREE

  Four: Chapter FOUR

  Five: Chapter FIVE

  Six: Chapter SIX

  Seven: Chapter SEVEN

  Eight: Chapter EIGHT

  Nine: Chapter NINE


  The young magic pony folded his gold-feathered wings as he soared downwards towards Rainbow Mist Island. Moments later Comet’s hooves landed on a stretch of shining pebble beach. It felt good to be home.

  His tummy felt full of butterflies as he hoped that Destiny had found her way home at last. Comet’s twin sister had been lost for so long. He was looking forward to finding her safe among their family of Lightning Horses.

  Tossing his head, so that his golden mane fell forward on to his cream neck, the magic pony trotted away from the sea and headed up the steep hillside.

  He reached the top and stood looking down towards the familiar rolling plains and forests. In the distance were the mountains, wreathed in the shimmering, multicoloured mist that gave the island its name.

  A warm breeze rippled through the silvery grass, bringing the scent of fresh water towards the magic pony. Comet’s deep violet eyes gleamed and he snorted thirstily as he galloped down a slope.

  Sunlight flashed on his smooth pale-cream coat and golden silky mane and tail. He reached the spring that trickled over some stones into a small pool and bent his head to drink.

  A movement flickered over the nearby rocks and Comet saw the shadow of a large horse in the rippling water.

  The magic pony threw up his head, his eyes rolling in alarm. Was this another Lightning Horse or one of the dark horses, who wanted to steal his magic? His pulse quickened as he slowly turned round.

  An older horse with a wise expression and kind dark eyes stepped into view. ‘Blaze!’ Comet bent his head before the leader of the Lightning Herd.

  ‘I am glad to see you again, Comet,’ Blaze said warmly in a deep velvety neigh. ‘Is Destiny with you?’

  Comet felt a pang of bitter disappointment. ‘No. I thought she must have found her way back safely by now.’

  ‘I am afraid not. I do not think Destiny will return while she believes herself to be in terrible trouble for losing the Stone of Power,’ Blaze told him regretfully.

  The stone protected the Lightning Herd from the dark horses. Destiny had accidentally lost it when she and Comet were playing their favourite game of cloud-racing. Comet had found the stone, but Destiny had already fled.

  ‘I wish I knew where Destiny was hiding.’ Comet’s proud arching neck drooped sadly.

  ‘The stone will help us to find her.’ Blaze pawed at the ground with one shining hoof. A fire-opal, glinting with many colours, appeared. As Comet and Blaze looked deeply into it, the stone grew larger and an image appeared in its shimmering depths.

  Comet saw his twin sister galloping along the sandy shore of a place in a far-off world. ‘Destiny!’

  ‘She is alone and in danger,’ Blaze said. ‘You must go and find her before the dark horses discover where she is!’

  There was a flash of bright violet light and a rainbow mist appeared around Comet. The light-cream pony with his golden wings disappeared and in his place stood a handsome pony with a white coat covered with black spots, a white mane and tail, and large deep violet eyes.

  Comet snorted with decision. ‘I will use this disguise to search for Destiny!’

  ‘Go now,’ urged Blaze, nodding. ‘There is no time to lose. Bring her back safely!’

  ‘I will!’ Comet vowed.

  He neighed softly as violet sparkles ignited in his spotted coat and he felt the power building inside him. The rainbow mist swirled more thickly, twinkling as it drew Comet in.



  ‘Bye, thanks for visiting. Hope we’ll see you again,’ Jessie Starkling called politely as the last few kids and grown-ups climbed down from the carousel horses and wandered away across the fairground.

  ‘That’s the way, Jess. Number-one rule. Always leave the customers happy. That way, they’re sure to come back!’ her dad said, smiling.

  Jess smiled back at him. It had been a long day helping out on the merry-go-round and she felt hot and tired. Tossing back her plait of glossy dark hair, she began flipping the controls that shut off the merry-go-round’s hundreds of lights.

  Her dad was already counting the day’s takings. He was the youngest of the three brothers who owned and ran the Starkling Brothers’ Circus.

  ‘One day you’ll be running the fair. Looking after all the rides, just like me,’ Mr Starkling said to his daughter.

  ‘Yeah! In about a million years!’ Jess’s fourteen-year-old cousin, Mai, teased. She was tall with the same chocolate-brown eyes and glossy dark hair as Jess, but Mai’s was shoulder length with a fringe. Her dad was the oldest of the Starkling brothers. She often lent an extra hand with the merry-go-round at busy times in the fairground.

  ‘Says you! I might only be nine, but everyone knows kids grow up quickly in the circus!’ Jess countered, her eyes sparkling.

  Her dad nodded agreement. ‘You certainly know all there is to know about this beauty,’ he said, making a sweeping gesture with both arms at the beautiful merry-go-round.

  Jess felt a surge of pride. She loved the carousel, which was well over a hundred years old. It had a double row of twenty-four galloping horses and each bit of it was covered with gilded carvings and tiny sparkling mirrors.

  Jess adored every single one of the beautiful painted
and gilded horses. She didn’t mind all the work it took to keep them shiny and bright. But she also had a secret that not even Mai knew about.

  Her dearest wish in the whole world was to have a real pony of her own.

  Jess swallowed a sigh as she unlocked a cupboard in the central pillar and reached for the night covers for the rides. What was the point of wanting what you couldn’t have? The only horses allowed on site were those in the bareback act, which performed in the big top.

  ‘Penny for them?’ Mai said. ‘You’ve got that glassy-eyed look again. What are you thinking about?’

  ‘Oh, nothing much,’ Jess said evasively.

  Her dad was locking the cash box. ‘I’m going to skip off now,’ he told the girls. ‘There’s a meeting in the big top, after the evening performance. See you both later.’

  ‘OK,’ Jess said. She was used to shutting the ride down for the night and could do it with her eyes closed. ‘Do you know what the meeting’s about?’ she asked her cousin as her dad moved away.

  Mai shrugged. ‘Probably about the new site for next summer. It’s all anyone’s talking about.’

  Jess nodded. The news was all round the circus. The site at Treen-on-Sea, which had been the summer home of the Starkling Brothers’ Circus for the last thirty-five years, was being sold and a new housing estate built on it. It had been a major shock to everyone, including Jess.

  ‘Why don’t you go and find out what’s going on?’ she suggested to her cousin. ‘I’ll finish up here and then follow you.’

  Mai looked tempted, but she hesitated. ‘Sure you’ll be OK by yourself?’

  Jess widened her brown eyes and gave her cousin an ‘are you kidding?’ look. She was related to virtually every person around here. There was nowhere on earth where she was safer!

  Mai laughed and gave in. ‘Right then. Thanks, Jess. You’re a star!’

  As soon as she was alone, Jess picked up a soft cloth and began happily wiping down the carousel horses. She did this every night without fail, even when the horses didn’t need it. They were all so handsome, with their different-coloured manes and tails, and brightly painted saddles.

  But one of them was Jess’s special favourite. It was a prancing white horse with black spots all over it like a Dalmatian dog. It had pricked ears, a particularly sweet face with realistic glass eyes, and blue-and-green trappings with gold highlights.

  Jess ran her hand over the high-arched wooden neck and flowing mane and tail. A stir of longing swept through her as she wished she could have a pony just like this one. On impulse she mounted it and then put her feet in the stirrups. Reaching forward, she patted the glossy wooden neck.

  ‘Well, horsey. How do you fancy going for a midnight ride? Just you and me,’ she said softly, laughing at the very idea.

  Suddenly there was a bright violet flash, and a thick glittering rainbow mist crystal drops settling on her skin, sparkling in the lights of the fairground.

  ‘Oh!’ She blinked, trying to see through the strange mist.

  As it slowly cleared, Jess felt a tremor beneath her palm and the carousel horse shook its head. Swishing its tail, it straightened its legs and placed its four shining hooves firmly on the wooden platform.

  ‘Hold tight, please!’ it said in a velvety neigh.



  Jess almost fell off sideways in shock. What was happening? She must be so tired out after the busy evening that she was light-headed! Carousel horses didn’t move and they certainly couldn’t speak.

  Before she had time to gather her thoughts, the spotted pony sprang forward in a mighty leap that cleared the carousel horse in front and landed a few metres away on the grass.

  ‘Oh!’ Jess gasped, clinging on tight with trembling fingers.

  Somehow she kept her balance by sitting down firmly and gripping tightly with her legs. She wrapped her hands in the spotted pony’s thick flowing white mane as it galloped across the fairground, weaving between the other rides and stalls in a dizzying burst of speed.

  There was a strange tingling feeling flowing to the ends of Jess’s fingers and bright violet sparks glinted in the pony’s spotted coat. It was weird, but she felt quite safe, however fast they were going. In no time at all, they reached the edge of the fairground and came to a halt behind the big waltzer, which was dark and closed up for the night.

  ‘Please get down now,’ the pony whinnied gently.

  Jess did so, still having trouble taking it all in. The moment her feet touched the ground, her legs started shaking and she almost sank to her knees.

  The spotted pony quickly positioned itself so that she could lean against its strong shoulder. As Jess touched the warm silky skin, she felt herself starting to calm down.

  ‘I am sorry if I frightened you,’ the spotted pony whinnied apologetically. ‘My name is Comet of the Lightning Herd. What is your name?’

  Jess blinked at him. The amazing pony was breathing warm air through his nostrils in a friendly manner. To her surprise, she saw that he had glowing deep violet eyes.

  ‘I’m J-J-Jessie. Jessie S-S-Starkling,’ she stammered. ‘But everyone calls me Jess. My dad and his two brothers own this circus.’

  The pony bent his neck in a formal bow. ‘I am honoured to meet you, Jess.’

  ‘Um… me too.’ Jess’s curiosity was working overtime. ‘I don’t get it. What just happened? One minute you were a carousel horse and now you’re real and you can talk! That’s never happened before.’

  ‘All of the Lightning Herd can talk. I live with them on Rainbow Mist Island, but I have come here to search for my twin sister, Destiny. I saw the moving machine with all the wooden horses and it seemed like a good place to hide. When you climbed on to my back, you took me by surprise.’

  Jess grinned. ‘Tell me about it! I think we both had quite a shock!’

  Comet tossed his head in agreement, his bright eyes sparkling with amusement.

  ‘Is Destiny one of the carousel horses too?’ Jess wanted to know.

  ‘No. She is lost somewhere nearby in this world.’

  Jess nodded slowly. ‘But why did Destiny come here in the first place?’

  Concern flickered across Comet’s spotted face. ‘My twin sister thinks she is responsible for losing the Stone of Power that protects our herd from our enemies,’ he explained. ‘She lost it during one of our games of cloud-racing. I soon found the stone, but Destiny thought she was in terrible trouble and had already fled. Now she is in danger from the dark horses who would like to steal her magic.’

  Jess listened hard. It all sounded so strange and wonderful. One thing in particular puzzled her. ‘Cloud-racing? How…?’

  Comet backed away slowly. ‘Please stay there,’ he ordered.

  Jess felt another warm prickling sensation flow to the tips of her fingers as violet-coloured sparkles bloomed in Comet’s white-and-black coat and more of the glittering rainbow mist rippled round him. The handsome spotted pony disappeared and in its place stood a majestic cream-coloured pony, with a proudly arched neck and a flowing golden mane and tail. Springing from his shoulders were magnificent wings, covered with glowing bright golden feathers.

  Jess was totally speechless. She had never seen anything so beautiful in her whole life.

  ‘Comet? Is… is that still you?’ she gulped when she had regained her voice.

  ‘Yes, Jess. This is my true form. Do not be afraid.’ Comet gave a soft musical whinny. There was a final swirl of the magical sparkling mist and Comet instantly reappeared as a white-and-black spotted pony with a white mane and tail.

  ‘Wow! That’s a great disguise. Is Destiny hiding as a normal pony too?’ Jess asked.

  ‘Yes. She will also be in disguise, but that will not save her if the dark horses discover her,’ Comet told her seriously. ‘I must start looking for her. Will you help me?’

  Jess saw that his beautiful, deep violet eyes were shadowed by sadness. He must be missing his twin sister. Her soft heart went out to
the lonely magic pony.

  ‘Of course I’ll help you. We’ll search for Destiny together!’

  ‘Thank you, Jess.’ Comet stepped forward and pushed his satiny nose into her cupped hands.

  Jess stroked him, totally charmed. ‘I can’t wait to tell Mai about this. She’s my older cousin and thinks she’s really grown up, but she’s brilliant –’

  ‘No!’ Comet lifted his head. ‘I am sorry, Jess, but you can tell no one about me or what I have told you.’

  Jess felt disappointed that she couldn’t even tell Mai. It would have been great to share such a wonderful secret with her cousin.

  ‘You must promise,’ Comet neighed seriously, looking into her face with his intelligent eyes.

  Jess nodded slowly. If it would help protect his twin sister from the dark horses until Comet could find her, she was prepared to agree. She knew how she would feel if Mai was ever to go missing. ‘OK. I promise. Cross my heart.’

  ‘Thank you, Jess.’

  Jess smiled at him and reached up to pat his satiny spotted cheek. She had another thought. ‘Where are you going to stay? The only ponies allowed on the site are those that perform in the circus.’

  Comet tossed his head. ‘I will hide as a carousel horse again.’

  ‘But… how’s that going to work?’ Jess asked. ‘Customers will want to ride on you when the merry-go-round’s working. Won’t it be difficult for you to stay really still all the time?’

  ‘I do not mind if people ride me on the big machine. It will be fun,’ Comet told her, swishing his flowing tail. ‘And I will use my magic, so that only you will see and hear me. Everyone else will just see a carved wooden horse.’

  ‘Cool!’ Jess exclaimed. ‘The circus and fairground is closed in the daytime on weekdays, so we’ll have loads of time to go out looking for Destiny together.’

  Comet nodded, his eyes lighting up at the thought of finding his twin sister.


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