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POW! (Book 1): The Zombie Days

Page 19

by Wonder, Peter

  Good enough, I told myself. Time to get the fuck out of Dodge before someone stops by and brings me to my senses. On the way out the door, I grabbed my rifle and slung it around my neck. I closed the door behind me and walked to the end of my driveway. I turned around and looked at the old place. This might be the last time I'm ever home. After saying my goodbye to my home, I turned and walked out of the town.

  With each step, I felt a growing excitement in my chest. I wondered what wonders would lay before me. In a world where it was reasonable that I brought death and peace to all of the wandering souls in the world, it seemed reasonable that there were other strange things lurking out there just waiting for me to find them.

  Would I find a dragon to slay? Would I find the real Bigfoot and help him on some mystical journey? Maybe I'd travel far to the north. I’d always wanted to see a narwhal in real life. The wonderful unicorn of the sea. Plus, I loved the cold, so it seemed like a good idea. North it would be.

  I looked at the compass that I’d fashioned into a watch. I was already headed north. Maybe it was fate that I would head that way. It felt good to be out again. No one was out here to hassle me and make me tell them my story. There was nothing out here to remind me of what an idiot I’d been. It was just me. I was at peace.

  I knew that the ones I’d left behind would understand. They had all now seen me in an element where I was in danger and one where I was surrounded by people and comfort. It was easy to see which environment I thrived in. In the end, this was the only logical choice that I could have made.


  After ten miles or so, I felt that I was deserving of a break. I found a downed log and had myself a nice sit. I sipped some water and caught my breath. I started to ponder—what if I wouldn't find a new adventure? What if I was just being stupid? Should I just go back to being a regular dude who owned a bar? No. I couldn't do that again. It just wasn't for me. Not now. Besides, there was a message carved into my counter now, too. What kind of jackass would I look like with a goodbye note scrawled into my counter? It was no choice at all. I must go onward. So, I got up and continued on my journey.

  That's when there was an unusual rustling off to my side a little ways off. Maybe this was it. Maybe this was what I’d set out for. It would be foolish for me not to inspect. I held my rifle in the ready position and slowly crept over to the source of the sound.

  Deeper and deeper into the woods I got, yet the sound seemed to remain the same distance from my ears. It was as if something was beckoning me intentionally.

  Slowly, I walked, expecting the sound to get louder and closer at any minute. I was certain that it was neither animal nor wind that could be making such a rustling noise.

  As I was doing my best to remain stealthy while keeping my eyes focused toward the sound, I missed a step, tripped over a rock, and fell to the ground, bumping the stalk of the rifle into my jaw as it slipped from my shoulder in the process. I was knocked out cold.


  When I came to, it was dark out. I must have been out for quite a while. One of these days, I would really have to learn how to walk without tripping over shit. I reached up with my right hand to feel where my rifle had struck. My jaw was tender, as I’d expected. It was definitely going to leave a mark. I sat up and looked around. Despite my best efforts, I was unable to relocate the sound.

  So much for that adventure, I guess. It was probably just a deer or something anyway. I guess it’s time to continue on my northbound path.

  I stood up and my stomach grumbled. Perhaps a small bite wouldn't hurt. In fact, it probably wouldn't be a bad idea to stay here for the night. I dropped my bag and fished out an MRE and my sleeping bag.

  I found a spot by a large tree that would block the wind, set up my bag, and had myself a seat on it. I looked at the MRE package. "Vegetarian Manicotti." I'd grumble, but to expect to find a good MRE is like hoping that it will feel good to get kicked in the nuts. I cracked open the bag and pulled out the "wheat snack crackers" and the "cheese spread." Cheese that can last forever . . . what could be more appealing?

  I squirted some of the yellow-orange goo onto the cardboard-like cracker and took a bite. After chewing on it for a second, I heard it again; the rustling had returned. I stopped chewing and listened intently. This time, the sound was coming closer as I remained still. I swallowed what was in my mouth and dropped the rest so I could pick up my rifle.

  The urge to switch on the flashlight was overwhelming, but I was determined to keep it off until there was something to see. I was still sitting on my sleeping bag when the creatures emerged from the tree line. What I saw blew my mind as I squeezed the pistol grip to activate the light. I wasn't sure if I should shoot them or not. So, I instead tried to communicate with them.


  The creatures stood still. I might have scared them. In their stillness, I was better able to observe them. They were tall, thin, and gray with enormous, almond-shaped eyes. I could tell that they were wearing clothes, although the material was the same exact color as their skin.

  Holy shit, does this mean that all that Roswell shit was real?

  "You're not from around here, are you?"

  There was no response. I guess aliens didn't speak English. How unfortunate. Well, if they weren't shooting me with a laser or shoving something up my ass, I guess I was in no immediate danger. I set my rifle down and stood up. If they turned out to be douchebags, I'd still have my pistol ready at my fingertips.

  "I'm going to stand up, so don't freak out, okay?" I said as I put my hands to the ground and got my feet under me.

  "We have come for your help," said the tall gray one . . . on the left.

  I stopped in a shock.

  "You can speak English? That's fantastic. What do you need our help with? I'm kind of widely known around here, so I'm pretty sure I can get some strings pulled to help you guys out."

  "No. You are Peter Oliver Wonder, and we need your help."

  What. The. Fuck.

  "You speak English and you know my name. Clearly, I hit my head harder than I'd thought."

  "This is a very serious matter. Your help is required to save the fate of an entire world."

  "How do you know who I am? Who are you? What are you? Where did you come from?" I slowly began to approach the creatures that were clearly illusions brought on by a head injury.

  "We are from a planet in a galaxy that no one from this Earth will ever discover for as long as this universe shall exist. The reason for that is because, in this universe, our planet was never formed. If it had, the distance between here and there would be far too vast for the likes of man to ever even hope to traverse."

  "So, what you're trying to tell me is that you're from an alternate dimension?"

  "No, in this universe there are only four dimensions—height, depth, width, and time. We are from a parallel universe, as well as a different time. We know that you are aware of the Many Worlds Interpretation, yes?"

  "Yeah, the theory that there is an alternate universe created for every possible outcome of a situation or something like that, right?"

  "More or less, only it is not a mere theory. There are indeed an infinite number of universes that exist. We are able to pass between them."

  "Then, why did you come here to single out the guy that almost killed himself alone in a forest?"

  "It is because we are not able to interfere directly in a manner that will alter the events of any civilization."

  "In that case I'll call you Captain Kirk, since you haven't given me any names."

  "You would not be able to pronounce our names with your single tongue. Kirk shall suffice for me."

  "Fan-fucking-tastic. So, back to what you were saying, isn't dragging me out of my life to go and save some other Earth directly interfering with two different civilizations at the same time?"

  "We have seen all possible outcomes of the future of this Earth. In none of them do you amount to anything more than you already have. Your pur
pose in this world has been fulfilled. However, in a world in which you have never existed there is an infinite possibility to once again go on the adventure which you are currently seeking."

  This was fucking weird. These alien dudes knew everything about me. Did I want to go with them? If not I would just be an average nothing for the rest of my life. How pathetically sad. But a new world? The potential was endless.

  "What do I have to do?"

  "We have a device that will create an opening to the proper universe. All you have to do is pass through it. The necessary course of action should present itself in due time. We would give you instructions here, but the effects of interuniversal travel would render that entirely useless. We would tell you upon your arrival, but the risk of us being seen by the population would be far too great. We have observed you, and we trust in your judgment."

  Captain Kirk's silent sidekick, who I will now refer to as Mr. Spock, withdrew a device from behind his back and placed it on the ground. When he stepped back, a doorway to the other universe appeared. The passage was shapeless and I could see beautiful green grass on the other side. The edges of the door were a bleeding of one universe into another. I was looking through this door at an alien world that was strangely familiar. What would I find in this world? Would I be able to meet myself? Would all of my friends be here? Would my dead friends still be alive? Would I b-

  "Quickly, before the passage draws attention," said Kirk, perhaps a little frustrated at my delay.

  "A’ight. Wish me luck," I said as I stepped through the door with a smile and a future of endless possibilities.




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