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Worldly Philosopher: The Odyssey of Albert O. Hirschman

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by Jeremy Adelman

  Smith, Adam, 190, 212–13, 346, 400, 405, 503–4, 506, 511–20, 563, 569, 576, 586–87; The Lectures on Jurisprudence, 507; The Theory of Moral Sentiments, 512–13; The Wealth of Nations, 213, 346, 489, 511, 513, 516, 519

  Smith, Hedrick, 531

  Smithies, Arthur, 383

  smoking, 363, 530

  Snyder, Mark, 437

  Sobeck, Joseph, 430

  social change. See change, openness as condition for

  Social-democraten (newspaper), 137

  Social Democratic Party (SPD), 62–63, 65–73, 78–80, 103, 287, 291

  social energy, 584, 592

  social fascism, 71

  Socialists and socialism: in Germany, 65–70, 77–80, 103; in Spain, 131–32; Wilde’s quip about, 554, 591

  Socialist Youth, 44

  social psychology, 435

  social science: “for our grandchildren,” 573–98; German, 617–18; H’s criticisms of, 381, 412, 414, 450–51, 453, 478–79, 486–87, 532, 540–41, 547 (see also economists, H’s criticisms of); H’s historical study of, 502–24; integration of, 453–54, 495, 567–68; interdisciplinarity in, 432, 443–46, 542, 608; interpretive turn in, 465, 539–40, 600; intradisciplinary criticisms of, 568; Latin American, 333–34, 338, 369–70, 376–77, 409–12, 466–76, 576, 624–25; as literature, 9; Montaigne’s influence on H’s approach to, 146; morality in, 567–98; nature of, 539; possibilism in, 3–4; scientistic trend in, 340–41, 433–35, 539

  Social Science, Princeton University. See School of Social Science, Princeton University

  Social Sciences Research Council (SSRC), 468–80, 602, 653–54

  Société d’études d’informations économiques, 142, 153

  Solomon, Robert, 258–59

  Solow, Robert (Bob), 322, 448, 570

  Sombart, Werner, 190, 215

  Sorbonne, France, 610, 612

  Soros, George, 628, 645

  Soto, Hernando de, 589, 590

  Sourrouille, Juan, 481

  South America. See Latin America

  Soutine, Chaim, 234

  sovereignty: economic, 209, 212–14, 216; of France, in WWII, 168–69, 179

  Soviet Union: actions leading to WWII, 165; in Cold War, 274; espionage by, 286; and Latin America, 360; Nazi Germany and, 99; show trials in, 100, 104, 138; and Spanish Civil War, 129, 131–32, 135–37. See also Russia

  Sozialistische Arbeiterpartei, 71

  Spain, 103, 172, 173, 176, 178, 183–84

  Spanish Civil War, 11, 105, 108, 128–37, 150, 154, 289, 292, 457, 608

  Spanish language, 303

  Spartacist uprising, 18

  SPD. See Social Democratic Party

  Spinasse, Charles, 123

  Spinelli, Altiero, 151–52, 229–30, 232, 243–44, 266, 292, 361, 640

  Spinoza, Baruch, 55–56

  Spottswood, A. D., 399

  Sraffa, Piero, 125

  SS. See Schutzstaffel

  SSRC. See Social Sciences Research Council

  Stalin, Joseph, 67, 99, 100, 102, 129, 135–36, 165, 274, 275, 603

  Stanford University, 422–24, 428, 431–32, 435–39, 556

  statelessness, 97–100, 187

  La Stateman (newspaper), 166

  states: autonomy of, 602–3; bilateral trade agreements of, 161–62, 202, 260, 263; human rights abuses by, 589; multilateral trade agreements of, 212, 215, 261, 271, 273–74, 276; origins of modern, 514–15; role of European, 229–30, 266; welfare, warfare, and trade of, 206–13; welfare and interests in, 513–15; welfare state, 546–47, 551, 605, 630. See also government intervention

  “States and Social Structures” (conference), 602–3

  Stauffenberg, Claus von, 64

  Stavenhagen, Rodolfo, 466–67, 625

  Stavisky, Serge Alexandre, 97

  Steinhoff, William and Ann, 197

  Stendhal (Marie-Henri Beyle), 111; Le Rouge et le Noir, 167

  Stepan, Alfred, 473

  Stern, Fritz, 34, 628

  Stern, Marion, 181

  Steuart, James, 461, 479, 503, 522

  Stevenson, Adlai, 325

  Stevenson, Alexander “Sandy,” 204–7, 218, 257–58, 281, 301, 385–87, 399, 402–3, 413–14

  Stiglitz, Joseph, 600, 614

  Stinchcombe, Arthur, 441

  Stolen Kisses (film), 426

  storm troopers. See Sturmabteilung

  strategies, of social action, 337

  Streeten, Paul, 352, 595–96

  Strelitz, Johannes, 58

  structuralism, 338, 368, 378, 410–11, 450, 547, 624

  Stuck, Franz von, 27

  student activism, 424–25

  Sturmabteilung (SA), 79–81, 99

  style. See narrative style

  Styron, William, 628

  Sudan, 387

  SUDENE. See Superintendency for the Development of the Northeast (SUDENE), Brazil

  Suhrkamp, 618

  Sunkel, Osvaldo, 409–10, 421, 470

  Superintendency for the Development of the Northeast (SUDENE), Brazil, 373, 375, 378, 380, 384

  supply effect, 210–11

  Sûreté nationale, 155, 178, 179

  Survey Research Center, University of Michigan, 314

  swastikas, 42, 63

  Der Tagesspiegel (newspaper), 619, 622

  Talcott Parsons Prize, 606

  Tandeter, Enrique, 581

  Tannhäuser gallery, 42

  Tasca, Angelo, 147

  Tatlock, Jean, 199

  Tawney, R. H., 122

  Taylor, Charles, 540, 556, 567

  teaching, 336, 362–66, 419–20, 458, 497–98

  technology, 461, 546

  teleology, 13

  television, 336

  Tendler, Judith, 365–66, 558, 577, 579, 583, 587, 646, 654

  Tennessee Valley Authority, 389

  tennis, 417

  tension: in economics and development, 216, 345–46, 393–95; in H’s thought, 656; in human nature and motives, 515–18; between individual and common interests, 515, 523, 535; between moral and non-moral approaches in social science, 569–73; between public and private, 551–66; reform and, 342, 379

  Ternes, Anne, 579, 581, 593

  Terracini, Umberto, 229–31

  Thailand, 387, 400–401

  Thatcher, Margaret, 628

  Thatcher, Sanford, 557, 561–62

  theory: H’s construction of, 562, 654–56; H’s suspicion of, 14, 58, 117, 124, 237, 297, 338–40, 433–35, 453–54, 478–79, 535, 655 (see also certainty: H’s suspicion of); Italian intellectuals and, 113, 117–18; in planning and development, 306–7, 322–23, 338–40, 345, 544; of reform, 552. See also alternatives, in politics and historical explanation; grand theories

  Third Republic, France, 97–98

  third way, 229–30

  Third World development: agency in, 347, 400–401; conditions for, 328–29, 373, 382, 394, 409–10; decolonization and, 296; early proposals for, 322, 328; economists’ view of, 544; effects of, 380, 382; foreign aid and, 413–14; public interest in, 551; social science participation in, 575; technology and, 461, 546

  Thomas, Franklin, 605

  Thompson, Dennis, 572–73

  Thorez, Maurice, 136, 262

  The Threepenny Opera (Brecht and Weill), 19, 73

  Tiergartenviertel, 27–28, 431, 499

  Time (magazine), 496, 634

  Times Literary Supplement (magazine), 613

  Tobin, James, 363

  Tocqueville, Alexis de, 464, 485, 523; Democracy in America, 238; The Old Regime and the Revolution, 237

  Todman, Terence, 475

  Tolstoy, Leo, 24, 54, 452, 646

  Tomlinson, William “Tommy,” 266, 270, 280–81

  Torfs, Jacques, 301–2, 307

  Toro, Emilio, 298–99, 301

  Torres, Camilo, 377

  Torres Rivas, Edelberto, 576

  Touraine, Alain, 627

  Toynbee, Arnold, 406, 645

  Toynbee Prize, 645–46

/>   trade: bilateral deals on, 161–62, 202, 260, 263; economic policy and, 162–63; fascism and, 162–63; H’s Berkeley study of, 201–17; H’s introduction to subject of, 91–92, 126; interdependence based on, 210, 213; multilateral system of, 212, 215, 261, 271, 273–74, 276; political power and, 189–90, 208–17; postwar, 261, 263–64, 266; regulation of, 202, 212–16, 266. See also free trade

  Trade Regulation Project, 201–6

  tragedy, loss, and regrets, in H’s life: Colorni’s death, 231–32; Communist disillusionment, 138; daughter’s death, 651; diminishing health, 644–52, 656–57; education, 90; father’s death, 83–84; granddaughter’s brain damage, 426; IAF’s demise, 597; Spanish Civil War, 135; wife’s death, 656–57. See also disappointment

  translation and interpretation, 223, 226–27, 233–34, 236, 239, 242, 245–47

  transportation, 392–93

  Treasury Enforcement Agency, 287, 289

  Treaty of Versailles (1919), 212

  tricicleros (deliverymen), 586, 591

  Trieste, Italy, 138–52

  Triffin, Robert, 266, 282, 331

  Trotsky, Leon, 132

  Trotskyism, 102, 138

  trucking, 392–93

  Truffaut, François, 426

  Truman, Harry S., 263, 290, 356

  Tullock, Gordon, 447; Welfare for the Well-to-Do, 634

  tunnel effect, 464–66, 482, 500, 504

  Turner, Victor, 501

  twentieth century, 13–14

  Twentieth Century Fund, 367–75

  Uganda, 387

  Ulbricht, Walter, 72

  unbalanced growth, 345, 410

  uncertainty, 116, 397, 450, 460. See also certainty

  undercosting, 401

  understood complexity, 536

  Ungar, Hans, 315–16

  unintended effects, 12, 346, 398, 400–402, 512–15, 577, 584–86, 629–30, 634, 645

  United Nations, 366, 596

  United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLA), 303, 314, 338, 354, 369–70

  United States: anti-Communism in, 270, 278, 289–90, 293, 310, 325, 330; anti-Semitism in, 158, 175, 648; civic discourse in, 628–37; civil unrest in (1960s), 415, 424–29, 441–42, 445; Commerce Department, 314; Congress, 260, 263–64, 266, 272, 274, 276, 278, 289, 576; economic crisis in (1970s), 456–57; exits to, 157–58; foreign aid from, 413–14, 467, 594–95; H and, 185–91, 218–51; ideological bent of, 627–28; immigration restrictions in, 158, 175, 181–82, 648; Labor Department, 538; Latin American policy of, 627–28; military service in, 218–51, 222; and postwar Europe, 262–76; State Department, 175, 272, 274, 275, 278, 292, 321, 606; Treasury Department, 275–76, 287–89; in WWII, 207, 217–51

  United States Holocaust Memorial Council, 649

  United States Post Office, 447

  universities, and research ethics, 574

  university life. See academia

  University of Berlin, 75–76, 87, 93, 606, 619

  University of Bielefeld, 618

  University of Buenos Aires, 606, 608

  University of California at Berkeley, 182, 184, 188, 190, 199–217, 428–29

  University of California Press, 207, 604

  University of Campinas, 606

  University of Florence, 606

  University of Memphis, 569

  University of Michigan, 314

  University of Notre Dame, 608

  University of Paris, 606

  University of Pennsylvania, 545

  University of São Paulo, 606

  University of Southern California, 606

  University of Trier, 606

  University of Trieste, 141–43

  University of Turin, 609

  Urquidi, Víctor, 354, 368, 624

  Uruguay, 387, 472, 579, 590

  Usellini, Luisa, 243

  US Military Commission, 245

  utility maximization, 517

  vacations, 36–37, 40–43, 48–49, 61, 109, 256, 528–29, 549, 640–41, 641, 644

  Valencia, Maestro, 316

  Valensi, Lucette, 610

  Valéry, Paul, 435

  Van der Tak, Herman G., 403

  Vargas, Fundação Getúlio, 333, 410

  Vargas Llosa, Mario and Patricia, 589

  Varian Fry Institute, 649

  Vatican, 234

  Vauvenargues, Luc de Clapiers, Marquis de, 526

  Veblen, Thorstein, 432, 571

  Véliz, Claudio, 412–13

  Venezuela, 360, 481–82, 624

  Ventotene Manifesto, 230, 263

  Venturi, Franco, 229

  Vestnik (newspaper), 70, 101

  Vetter, Steve, 578

  Vettori, Francesco, 206, 490, 530

  Vichy, 168–84

  Vico, Giambattista, 503

  Vietnam, 384

  Vietnam War, 402, 424, 426, 427, 457

  Villaveces Restrepo, Carlos, 309

  Viner, Jacob, 211, 220; Studies in the Theory of International Trade, 210

  virtù, 3, 327

  “visiting economist syndrome,” 433, 455. See also expertise, in development

  vita activa. See man of action

  voice, 82, 438, 440–49, 456, 534, 564–65, 608, 621, 653

  voluntarism, 103, 107–8, 114, 149. See also agency, in development

  Vossische Zeitung (newspaper), 23, 73

  voting, 535, 554–55

  Vovelle, Michel, 501

  Wagner, Richard, 30

  Wahl, Jean, 8

  Wallace, George, 427

  Wallerstein, Immanuel, 381

  Wallich, Henry, 331, 333, 343

  Walter, Bruno, 20

  Walzer, Michael, 541, 600–601

  war crimes trial, 244–47, 248

  Ward, F. Champion, 382

  warfare and welfare, 208–10

  Warman, Arturo, 501, 624

  Washington, D.C., 189, 221, 223–25, 251–83, 286–89, 310, 386

  Watergate, 554

  Webb, Richard, 589

  Weber, Max, 539; The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, 503

  Wehrmacht, 244

  Weill, André, 495–96

  Weill, Kurt, 19

  Weimar Republic: characteristics of, 18–21; childhood and youth in, 22–52; crisis of, 47–48, 66, 68, 76–78, 205; education in, 60–61; as model for H’s thinking, 485, 486; politics in, 62–63, 65–66, 68–81

  Weintraub, Sidney, 594

  Weitz, Eric, 20

  Weitzman, Martin, 614

  welfare. See warfare and welfare

  welfare state, 546–47, 551, 605, 630

  Werfel, Franz, 172

  West Germany, 275

  West Pakistan, 387

  Whale, P. Barrett, 121, 126–27, 141–42, 153, 162

  White, Harry Dexter, 278, 287, 289, 299

  White, Morton, 495

  White House Office of Science and Technology, 291

  White Rose Museum, Berlin, 64

  Whiz Kids, 402

  Wiedemann, Guillermo, 316

  Wilde, Oscar, 554, 591

  Williamson, Oliver, 448

  Willis, George, 281

  Wilson Center. See Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars

  Winch, Donald, 501, 506–7, 512; Adam Smith’s Politics, 520

  Winnacker, Rudolf, 227

  Wissenschaftskolleg, 618, 644

  Wittfogel, Karl, 340

  Wolf, Charles, 345, 356–57, 360; Insurgency and Counterinsurgency, 356

  Wolf, Fräulein (Aunt Hete) [nanny], 42

  Wolfensohn, James, 602, 639

  Womack, John, Jr., 434

  women, H’s attraction to, 526–28. See also romantic relationships

  Wood, Bryce, 468–69

  Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 560, 575

  Woolf, Harry, 537–38

  Woolf, Virginia, 640

  word play, 6–8, 44, 318, 507, 587, 619

  Workers Socialist Youth (SAJ), 66–70, 75–76, 79, 102

Working Group on Questions and Answers, 266

  World Bank, 281, 287, 298–300, 307, 309, 311–12, 329, 368, 385–408, 414, 440, 676n6. See also International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

  World Development (journal), 588

  worldly philosopher, Hirschman as, xiv. See also intellectuals: H’s place among; man of action

  World Politics (journal), 405

  World War I, 16–17, 61

  World War II, 8; actions prior to, 127, 150, 152, 165; aftermath of, 239–40, 259–61; in France, 165–83; Germany in, 165–83, 242; Italy and, 167, 226, 230–31; reconstruction after, 249, 259–76, 295; US involvement in, 207, 217–51

  writings and notes, 8, 115, 120, 145, 424, 459, 459, 481, 581, 640, 642. See also diaries; Hirschman, Albert O., works by; letters

  Yad Vashem Memorial, Jerusalem, 649

  Yale University, 326–27, 331–52, 362

  Yale University Press, 449

  Yiddish, 26

  Yorty, Sam, 429

  Yudelman, Montague, 313–14

  Yugoslavia, 164, 189

  Zabala, José Luis, 482

  Zapata, Emiliano, 434

  Die Zeit (newspaper), 636

  Zimbardo, Philip, 436–37

  Zionism, 98

  Zone Books, 648




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