President McKinley
Page 71
background of, 55
becoming Ohio’s junior senator, 149
in break with Hanna, 86, 237–38
and canal treaty, 410–11
Cuban annexation desired by, 375
Cuban sovereignty recognized by, 275
at 1896 Convention, 119, 125, 127–28
elected Ohio governor, 60–61
Hanna’s friendship with, 60–61, 62, 63–64, 68
and Hanna’s political ambition, 151, 152–53, 234, 235
in Ohio GOP rift, 68
presidential ambitions of, 238
on Proctor’s tour of Cuba, 265
Sherman supported by, 59, 60, 64, 67
Sherman vs., 61–63, 85, 86, 87
trusts defended by, 391
WM encouraged to run for Ohio governor by, 85
WM’s convention plank and, 122
WM’s message on neutral intervention dismissed by, 274
and WM’s run for president, 105
WM’s support for, 51–52
Foraker, Julia, 181
Foster, Charles, 55–56, 67
Foster, John W., 175, 207, 416
France, 201–2, 223, 280, 421, 429
Frease, George, 83, 320
Frease, Harry, 140
Frease, Joseph, 37
“Free Coinage Catechism,” 118
free silver coinage, 53, 85–86, 106–7, 115, 125, 131, 143, 144, 167, 168, 189, 191, 201–4, 239, 240, 247, 248, 432–33
Bryan’s push for, 132, 134–35, 141, 248, 444
Frémont, John C., 21
Frick, Henry Clay, 93
Frye, William P., 204, 275, 324, 339
Fuller, Melville, 164
Funston, Frederick, 468–69
Fusionists, 239
Gage, Cornelia, 344
Gage, Lyman J., 229, 462
acquisition of Manila desired by, 310
Alger’s criticism of, 356–57
Civil Service reform approved by, 376
on fiscal surplus, 396
put into Treasury, 153, 157, 158
at White House socializing, 344
Gallagher, Albert, 479
Gallinger, Jacob, 216–17
García, Calixto, 262
Gardner (bodyguard), 162
Garfield, James, 72
Garland, Augustus, 274
Gary, James, 155, 156, 157, 187, 284
Gear, John, 249
Geary, John, 479
Georgia, 107, 108, 320, 344
Germany, 201–2, 223, 249, 280, 319, 334, 387, 390, 416, 421, 428–29, 430, 431
Gibson, Henry R., 190
Giddings, Joshua, 13
Glidden, Charles E., 19, 35
Godkin, Edwin, 103, 104, 116, 118, 134, 191, 248, 252, 361, 365, 412
gold, 118, 166, 229, 325, 433
Gold Democrats, 142–43
Goldman, Emma, 478
gold standard, 107, 110, 120–21, 122, 124, 125, 126, 133, 148, 153, 168, 247–48, 397, 445, 455, 484
Gold Standard Act (1900), 397, 411
Gómez, Máximo, 285, 293, 374, 375
Gorman, Arthur, 217
Gould, Lewis L., 488
Gowdy, John, 108
Grant, Ulysses S., 96, 124, 173, 200, 395
Gray, George, 249, 324, 339
Great Britain, 156, 188, 223, 248, 249, 280, 390, 421, 427, 429, 431, 461–62
and annexation of Hawaii, 209, 210–11
bimetallism and, 201–3
and Central American canal, 252
free trade policies of, 81–82
Greeley, Horace, 40, 42
greenback issuance, 53, 119
greenbacks, Gage’s desire to retire, 229
Greene, Francis V., 326, 327–29, 331, 332, 333, 334, 336
Gresham, Walter, 64, 175, 176
Griggs, John, 271, 276, 310, 390
Grosvenor, Charles H., 112–13, 318–19, 371, 406, 474
and election of 1900, 440
Hanna supported by, 239
and spoils system, 231
Guam, 2, 324, 340, 411, 484, 486
Gullón e Iglesias, Pío, 255, 256, 257, 261–62, 266
Hagedorn, Herman, 246
Hager, Alva, 192
Hale, Eugene, 217
Halstead, Murat, 67, 68, 127, 470
Hamilton, Alexander, 75–76, 117
Hamlin, Gertje, 450
Hanna, Augusta Rhodes, 56
Hanna, Charlotte, 165
Hanna, Leonard, 56
Hanna, Marcus Alonzo:
accused of stealing election, 240–41
and annexation of Hawaii, 204–5
background of, 56–58
Bliss pleaded with by, 157
in break with Foraker, 86
Cabinet position offered to, 150-51, 155-56
in campaign of 1900, 445–46, 447–48
campaign strategy of, 105, 107–9, 111, 113, 145–46
cartoons of, 148
confidence in election of 1896, 144, 145
Cowles’s criticism of, 57–58, 101, 102
Dewey’s nomination opposed by, 384
at 1896 Convention, 119, 122, 125, 126, 129
Foraker’s break with, 237–38
Foraker’s friendship with, 60–61, 62, 63–64, 68
fundraising for WM by, 137, 138–39
gold standard favored by, 107, 120–21, 131, 135
government ambition of, 148–49, 150–51, 152–53, 155–56, 187
money given to Gold Democrats by, 142–43
Nash supported by, 385, 387
newspaper owned by, 57–58
at New York meeting with GOP bosses, 98–100
in Ohio GOP rift, 68
and possibility of railroad strike, 101–2
put on WM’s 1896 campaign, 100–101
reputation for greed of, 101–3
second senatorial term desired by, 233–40
Sherman supported by, 59, 60, 62, 64, 65, 66, 86–87
and shipping subsidy bill, 411
Southern GOP delegates won for WM by, 103
and spoils system, 231
start of friendship with WM, 68, 74
Theodore Roosevelt disdained by, 436
and Theodore Roosevelt’s nomination for vice presidency, 442, 443–44
trusts defended by, 391, 445
U.S. politics transformed by, 137, 145–46
at White House socializing, 344
and WM’s assassination, 481
and WM’s debts, 91, 92, 93
WM’s distancing from, 436–37
at WM’s inauguration, 165
WM’s letter to, 147–48
WM’s run for Ohio governor supported by, 86
at WM’s second inauguration, 466
WM supported at 1892 Republican convention by, 89
on working people, 396
Hanna & Co., 57, 100–101
Harriman, E. H., 477
Harrison, Benjamin, 80, 99, 144, 165–66, 207
and annexation of Hawaii, 175
as anti-imperialist, 361
congressional relations of, 182
in election of 1888, 64, 65, 67, 75, 139
in election of 1892, 89, 116, 137
and election of 1896, 105
protectionist bill signed by, 81
Hart, Robert, 418
Hartman, Charles, 125
Harvey, John, 25
Hastings, Russell, 26, 29, 31, 35, 195, 245, 276, 284
and WM’s debts, 91, 92
Hatch, Francis, 204–5, 250
Havana, riots in, 225
Hawaii, 172–75, 186
Hawaiian annexation, 175–76, 177–78, 189, 201, 204–11, 212–13, 214, 324, 360, 431, 455, 484, 486
congressional resolution on, 317–19
debated in Senate, 248–50, 319
Dole’s push for, 206, 250–51
in WM’s annual message, 230–31
Hay, John, 172, 367, 368, 387, 474, 475
r’s resignation approved by, 357–58
bimetallism and, 201, 202
and Boxer Rebellion, 421–22, 425, 476
and canal treaty, 461, 462, 476–77
in Central American canal negotiations, 408–10
and Cuban rebellion, 219, 223
Dewey praised by, 290
on hostility of New York GOP bosses, 104
importance of diplomacy of, 323
made British ambassador, 156
“open door” policy of, 413, 414, 416, 417–18, 429–30
on Pan-American Exposition, 2, 3
resignation of, 410
on Schurz, 212
and Sherman’s resignation, 284
on Spanish-American War, 2
Theodore Roosevelt pushed for navy position by, 158
and U.S.-Spanish peace talks, 310, 335, 336, 339
WM praised by, 103–4
and WM’s debts, 93
WM’s first meeting with, 158
WM’s fondness for, 187–88
Zimmerman’s analysis of, 485
Hayes, Lucy, 42, 47, 53
Hayes, Rutherford B., 42, 53, 54, 228
in Civil War, 21–22, 24, 25–27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 96, 484
in Congress, 36
elected president, 46–47, 74
in election for governor, 38
Ida liked by, 47
political advice to WM, 70
in run for presidency, 45
WM encouraged in presidential ambitions by, 74
on WM’s 1888 Convention speech, 69
WM’s patronage suggestions accepted by, 47
Hayes, Webb, 276
Haymarket riots, 143
Hay-Pauncefote Treaty, 408–9, 433, 461
Hearst, William Randolph, 148, 255, 260, 412
Hepburn, William, 372–73, 409, 410, 411, 462
Herrick, Myron, 120, 259, 385–86
and Hanna’s fundraising, 138–39
and WM’s debts, 90, 91, 92–93
Hicks, John D., 94
Hill, David B., 132
Hill, James J., 477
Hippisley, Alfred, 417
Hirshfelder, Joseph, 473
Hitt, Robert, 252
Hoar, George F., 216–17, 323–24, 351
anti-imperialism of, 361–62, 402
Hobart, Garret, 129, 163, 238, 269, 276, 392–93
Hobart, Jennie, 194, 195–96, 197, 393
Home Magazine, 73
Hong Xiuquan, 415
Hood, John, 258
Hoover, Herbert, 424
Hoshi Toru, 206, 209
Hospital Corps, 352
Hough, A. B., 113
House of Representatives, U.S.:
Appropriations Committee of, 318
army bill in, 457
Central American canal debated in, 372–74
Interstate Commerce Committee of, 372, 409
military bill in, 371, 372
naval spending in, 280
Puerto Rican trade bill in, 406
resolution on Hawaiian annexation in, 317–19
Rules Committee of, 319
Ways and Means Committee of, 7, 58–59, 75, 76, 77, 78–81, 190, 193, 405
Howell, John Adams, 278
Howells, William Dean, 361
Hussey, Obed, 52
Idaho, 126, 135
Illinois, 135, 144, 145
Illinois Steel Company, 93
Iloilo, Philippines, 328, 346, 347, 348
imports, 396
income tax, 144
In the Days of McKinley (Leech), 488
India, 144, 202
Indiana, 108, 144, 145, 167
industrial expansion, 2, 105, 165, 189
industrialists, 76, 137
industry, 94, 146, 455
inflation, 85, 117–18
Influence of Sea Power upon History, 1660–1783 (Mahan), 176
Interior Department, U.S., 154–55, 157
internal excise taxes, 78
Interstate Commerce Commission, 132
Iowa, 144, 145, 387
Iowa, 281, 282
Ireland, S. R., 479
iron, 166, 231–32, 396
Isthmian Canal Commission, see Walker Commission
Italy, 416, 421
Jackson, Andrew, 12, 75, 106, 117–18, 395
and nullificaton crisis, 76
Japan, 2, 173–74, 176, 186, 205–6, 208, 209, 210, 230, 249, 319, 334, 413, 421
Jefferson, Thomas, 75, 106, 117
Johnson, Henry, 371
Jones, Asa, 152–53
Jones, James, 432–33
Jones, John, 350
Jones, Samuel B., 386–87
Justice Department, U.S., 155
Kalakaua, King of Hawaii, 173
Kansas, 94, 135
Kasson, John A., 193, 471
Kelley, William “Pig Iron,” 59
Kempff, Louis, 422, 424
Kennedy, Robert, 51, 56
Kent, Jacob, 302
Kentucky, 143, 387
Ketteler, Clemens August von, 421
Kettle Hill, 301–2
Kiao-Chau Bay, 416
Kimberly, David, 102
Kipling, Rudyard, 188, 414
Kohlsaat, Herman Henry, 109, 115–17, 119, 120–21, 380
Gage proposed to Treasury by, 153
WM’s convention plank and, 122
and WM’s debts, 91, 92, 93
and WM’s difficulties with Spain, 271
Kurtz, Charles, 234–35, 236–37, 239–40, 241, 384–85
Lacey, John, 319
Ladrone Islands, 311, 327
Las Guasimas, Cuba, 300
Laubie, Peter A., 48–49
Lawton, Henry, 300, 301, 302, 366, 368, 381, 389, 402
Lee, B. F., 16
Lee, Fitzhugh, 219, 226, 244, 245, 252, 253, 254, 263, 287
Americans evacuated from Cuba by, 270–71
Moret’s desire for expulsion from Cuba of, 262
Lee, Miss, 342–43
Lee, Robert E., 24, 25
Leech, Margaret, 488
Leo XIII, Pope, 271, 273
León y Castillo, Fernando, 337–38
Liberal Party, Spain, 221, 225, 243–44
Cuban manifesto of, 223–24
Lichtman, Alan J., 484–85
Li Hongzhang, 428
Liliuokalani, Queen of Hawaii, 174, 250
Linares, Arsenio, 300, 301, 305
Lincoln, Abraham, 18, 96, 124, 363, 395, 408
Little Texas, 301
Lodge, Henry Cabot, 8
and annexation of Hawaii, 210
and canal treaty, 410–11, 461
on debate over Paris peace accords, 351
at 1896 convention, 121–22
imperial view of, 280, 292, 307, 341
Theodore Roosevelt pushed for navy position by, 158
Theodore Roosevelt pushed for vice presidency by, 431
on U.S. possession of the Philippines, 402–3
Zimmerman’s analysis of, 485
London Standard, 8, 193
Long, John D., 399, 459, 474
acquisition of Manila supported by, 310
Alger’s resignation approved by, 357–58
and annexation of Hawaii, 206–7
Army criticized by, 285
and Boxer Rebellion, 425
Cortelyou’s criticism of, 297
Dewey presented with sword by, 383
and Dewey’s mission in Asia, 279
as elderly, 284
and explosion on Maine, 259, 260, 262
infirmities of, 187
and looming Philippines crisis, 338
Maine inquiry read by, 268
Maine sent to Cuba by, 254
plan for Cuban invasion of, 293–94, 296
as possible nominee in 1900, 437
in preparation for war with Spain, 263
put in charge of Navy, 155, 157, 158
Theodore Roosevelt criticized by, 278
r /> and WM’s difficulties with Spain, 271, 272
Lopez, Sixto, 336
Lorimer, William, 405
Louisiana, 107, 108, 392
Louisiana Purchase, 166
Louisville Courier-Journal, 270, 383
Low, Seth, 219–20
Luce, Henry R., 484
Lucheni, Luigi, 451
Luna, Antonio, 368, 369
Luzon, 327, 328, 338–39, 347, 366, 368, 381, 397–98, 458, 460, 469
lynchings, 164
MacArthur, Arthur, 345, 366–68, 369, 422, 439, 453, 459, 460
McCall, Samuel, 457
McClellan, George, 24, 25
McClure, Samuel G., 95–96
McConville, Daniel, 235
McCook, John, 155, 157, 193, 198
McCormick, Cyrus, 52
MacDonald, Claude, 420
McEnery, Samuel, 350
McKenna, Joseph, 192, 271
offered attorney general, 157
McKinley, Abner, 44, 48–49, 90, 232
McKinley, Anna, 35, 36, 39, 41, 466
McKinley, Catherine, 43, 44, 96
McKinley, David (soldier), 14
McKinley, David (weaver), 13, 14
McKinley, Helen, 127
McKinley, Ida (baby), 43, 44
McKinley, Ida Saxton:
background of, 40–41
bromides taken by, 453, 472
in Canton home, 96
carriage accident of, 43
correspondence of, 184
and deaths of children, 44–45
as demanding wife, 71–72
dinner dance organized by, 160
at 1896 Convention, 127
European trip of, 41–42
and Front Porch campaign, 140
Hayeses’ fondness for, 47
health problems of, 5, 43–44, 49–50, 71–73, 96–97, 159, 160, 194–99, 246–47, 379, 451–53, 472, 473–74, 482
on inauguration day, 162, 163–64, 165
moodiness of, 342–44
and Mother McKinley’s death, 233
at Pan-American Exposition, 5, 6, 9, 479–80
sadness of, 71
travel by, 200–201
at Twenty-third Ohio reunion, 228–29
wedding of, 42–43
wit of, 197
WM as loving husband to, 72–73, 87–88
WM’s assassination and, 479–82
WM’s assassination feared by, 451–52
and WM’s debts, 90, 91–92
on WM’s final cross-country trip, 472–73, 478
WM’s first meeting with, 41
WM’s gift to, 453
at WM’s second inauguration, 466, 467
and WM’s second term, 450–51, 453
McKinley, James, 14
McKinley, Nancy Allison, 14–15, 16, 19, 27, 39–40, 232–33, 344
McKinley, Sarah, 17, 26, 127
McKinley, William:
as affable, 16, 17–18, 103, 180, 320
in civic and fraternal organizations, 37–38
in Civil War, 6, 13, 19, 20–34, 45
as county prosecuting attorney, 38
and deaths of children, 44–45
debts of, 89–93
desire to enter Congress, 36