President McKinley
Page 73
strike in, 95
Rathbone, Estes, 437
Raum, Green B., 65
recession, economic (mid-1890s), 82, 94–95
reciprocity principle, 80–81, 168, 173, 189–90, 192–93, 214, 231, 253, 256, 269, 389–90, 454, 455, 456, 459, 467, 470–71, 477, 478, 484
Reed, Thomas B., 106, 107, 399, 449
billion-dollar budget defended by, 166
Central American canal opposed by, 373
at 1896 Convention, 123–24, 129
Hawaiian annexation opposed by, 205, 250, 251, 318, 319, 360
House seat resigned by, 359–60
leadership style of, 75
and Morgan’s resolution, 217–18
personality of, 74–75
Theodore Roosevelt pushed for navy position by, 158
WM congratulated on Ohio governorship win by, 87
and WM’s message to Congress on Maine, 269
WM vs., 74–75, 111, 360–61, 433
Reid, Whitelaw, 116, 220, 324, 468
Bliss’s appointment opposed by, 149–50
cabinet position proposed for, 156–57, 158
reports to WM from Paris from, 335, 337–38, 340
Remey, George, 422
Republican National Committee, 95
Republican National Conventions:
of 1880, 58
of 1884, 60
of 1888, 64–67, 154
of 1892, 88–89
of 1895, 105
of 1896, 111–13, 115, 119–29
of 1900, 439–43
Republican Party, U.S.:
Civil War won by, 146
in 1894 election, 95
Fusionists, 239
late-nineteenth century success of, 105
native-born Ohio represented by, 53–54
Ohio rift of, 54–59, 67–68, 233–41
as progressive party, 106
as protectionist, 7, 45, 53, 81, 106
in South, 103
Revel, Alexander, 117
Reynolds, Dan, 102
R. G. Dun & Co., 167–68
Rhodes, Daniel, 56–57
Rhodes & Co., 57
Rivera, Juan-Ríus, 216
Rixey, Presley Marion, 452–53, 472, 473, 478, 480–81
Robinson, Pauline, 342, 343
Rockhill, William, 417, 420, 421, 475
Roosevelt, Theodore:
army joined by, 285
in attack on Kettle Hill, 302, 400
Bryan criticized by, 143–44
and building of Navy, 281, 282, 285
complaints about War Department, 295–96
at Convention of 1900, 440–41, 442
Cuban annexation desired by, 375
Dewey congratulated by, 290
Dewey sent to Asia by, 278, 279, 280
Hawaiian annexation desired by, 208
inaugurated as president, 483
inauguration of, as vice president, 466
leadership style of, 487–88
made assistant secretary of navy, 156, 158–59
on Maine explosion, 260
as man of vision, 8, 280, 307, 341
nominated for vice presidency, 443–44
nomination for vice presidency disdained by, 435–36, 440–41, 442
and plan to attack Cuba, 298
Taft praised by, 399
trusts vs., 487
and WM’s assassination, 481
WM’s fears of impulsiveness of, 187
as worried about disease in Cuba, 313–14, 320
Zimmerman’s analysis of, 485
Root, Elihu, 181, 220, 370, 392, 400, 428, 437, 459–60, 486
and Boxer Rebellion, 425
made Secretary of War, 358
Otis criticized by, 381–82
and Taft’s promotion to governor of Philippines, 399
Zimmerman’s analysis of, 485
Rosecrans, William S., 21
Rough Riders, 295–96, 298, 300
in attack on Kettle Hill, 301–2
Ruiz, Ricardo, 215–16, 218, 222, 262
Russell, William Eustis, 131
Russia, 144, 167, 223, 249, 281, 421, 428, 431
Sagasta, Práxedes Mateo, 223–24, 225–26, 269, 271
St. Louis Globe-Democrat, 241, 245
St. Louis Republic, 232, 238
Salisbury, Lord, 202–3, 223, 408, 462, 463
Samoa, 390
Sampson, William, 277, 281, 282, 298, 299, 304, 305
Sanford, Alva, 15
San Juan Heights, 300–303
San Juan Hill, 301–3, 440
San-Mun Bay, 416
Santiago de Cuba, 296, 298, 302, 303–6, 313–14, 352, 353–54
Saxton, James, 40, 41, 42, 43
Saxton, John, 40
Saxton, Mary (Pina), 42, 44
Scammon, Eliakim Parker, 25
Schlesinger, Arthur M., Sr., 484
Schley, Scott, 281, 282, 305
Schmidlapp, J. G., 239
Schurman, Jacob Gould, 349, 367, 368–69, 370, 380–81
Schurman Commission, 349, 367, 398, 400
Schurz, Carl, 175, 212–13, 232, 341, 361
Scott, Henry T., 473
Second Manassas, Battle of, 24
Second Opium War, 415
Secret Service, 8
Senate, U.S.:
army bill in, 457–58
Central American canal debated in, 373–74
declaration of war against Spain in, 269
Foreign Relations Committee of, 209–10, 251, 252, 319, 410, 461
Hawaiian annexation debated in, 248–50, 319
military bill in, 371–72
naval spending in, 280
Paris peace accord debated in, 344–45, 350–51
Philippines independence debated by, 350
Puerto Rican trade bill in, 407
Rivera resolution debated in, 216–18
Seneca, 315, 316
Sewall, Arthur, 142
Sewall, Harold M., 207, 212
Sewell, William, 402
Seymour, Edward, 423
Shafter, William R., 285–86, 293, 295, 298
and capture of Santiago, 303–5
Corbin warned about Miles by, 354
Cuba landing of, 300
Miles’s assistance to, 353
plan to capture San Juan Heights of, 300–301
San Juan Heights battle report of, 302–3
and troop movement in Cuba, 313–15
Shandong province, China, 418–19
Sheridan, Phil, 30–31, 32, 124
Sherman, John, 54–55, 58, 206, 233, 250
Alger accused of buying Southern delegates by, 154
anti-filbustering statement of, 215
cabinet position offered to, 149, 151–52, 153, 157
as elderly, 284
Foraker’s support for, 59, 60, 64, 67
Foraker vs., 61–63, 85, 86, 87
GOP nomination of 1884 sought by, 59–60
GOP nomination of 1888 sought by, 61–62, 64, 65, 66, 68
Hanna’s support for, 59, 60, 62, 64, 65, 66, 86–87
Hawaiian annexation and, 208–9
in Ohio GOP rift, 67
resignation of, 284–85
rumors of eroding mental acuity of, 151–52, 186
tariff bill drafted by, 76–77
at WM’s inauguration, 163
WM’s prospect in 1896 considered good by, 97
WM’s support for, 66
Sherman, William Tecumseh, 54, 55, 124
Sherman Antitrust Act, 390, 434
Sherman Silver Purchase Act, 85–86
shipping subsidy, 411, 463
Siboney, Cuba, 300, 302, 304, 306
Siegfried, Jules, 471
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 160–61
Sigsbee, Charles, 254, 258–59
Silbey, David J., 415
silver, 53, 85–86, 106–7, 115, 116, 118, 124, 125, 130, 131, 132, 143, 144, 166, 167, 189, 397
Silver Republicans, 444, 454
Simpson, Thatcher & Barnum, 359
Sino-Japanese War, 415
slavery, 13, 105
WM’s opposition to, 17, 33, 47
Smith, Charles Emory, 179, 181, 310, 386, 447
Smith, William O., 205
Smithnight, Louis, 61
Snider, J. J., 239
South, 103, 106–7, 131, 135, 157, 391–92
South America, 81, 168
South Carolina, 76, 344, 392
South Dakota, 135, 387, 441, 447–48
Spain, 169, 189, 455, 484
Congress’s disdain for, 213
debts of, 264
diplomatic relations with U.S. broken off by, 276
WM’s ultimatum against, 275–76
Spanish-American War, 325, 458, 485, 296, 298, 302, 303–6
call for volunteers in, 285–86
casualties of, 302, 303, 366, 379–80, 403
commission on negotiating terms in, 323
diseases in, 303, 306, 313–14, 320, 352–53
food issue in, 353, 354–56, 363
Manila surrendered in, 332–33
Morgan’s declaration of, 269
peace talks in, 312–13, 316–17, 322, 326–27, 335–40, 344
plan for Cuban invasion in, 285–86, 293–97, 298–99
preparation for, 263–64
Protocol ending, 317, 333, 337, 338, 339, 340
and rise of U.S., 2, 307–8
San Juan Heights captured in, 301–3
signing of treaty in, 348–49, 361, 371
Spain’s peace terms in, 309–10
spending on, 263–64, 286
U.S. terms for ending, 310–11
WM’s attempt to avoid, 4
WM’s strategy in, 277, 280–81
Sparrow House, 18–19
Specie Circular, 117–18
spoils system, 231
Spooner, John, 249, 398
Spooner Amendment, 457, 460
Squire, Andrew, 101
Stark County Bank, 40, 41
State Department, U.S., 156, 157, 193, 261, 420
Cuban situation investigated by, 218
states’ rights, 106
steel, 52, 231–32, 396, 477
Steffens, Lincoln, 436
Stephens, Frank, 401
Sternberg, George, 315
Stevens, John, 174–75
Stevenson, Adlai, 201, 444
Stewart, Alonzo, 320
Stone, Melville E., 154
Storer, Bellamy, 159
Storer, Maria, 158
sugar, 77, 78, 79, 81, 173–74, 249, 250, 403
surplus, 396, 456, 462
Taal, 398
Taft, Charles P., 93
Taft, William Howard, 159, 398–401, 438, 459–60, 487
Taft Commission, 438–39, 459–60
Tagalogs, 328, 334, 380, 381–82, 389, 439
Taiping Rebellion, 415
Ta Lien-Wan, 416
Tampa, Fla., 286, 293, 295, 298, 314, 354
Tarbell, Ida, 59, 190, 191, 193
tariffs, 5, 7, 45, 53, 58–59, 60–61, 106, 107, 132, 134, 141, 144, 153, 164, 202, 411
Allison bill on, 78
in China, 417
Hamilton’s support for, 75–76
McKinley’s bills on, 78–81, 82, 83, 85, 125, 166–67, 170, 174, 188–89, 190–93, 205, 396
Mills bill on, 77
with Puerto Rico, 403–8, 433, 457
sugar, 79, 81
Tarriff of Abominations, 76
taxes, 462–63
income, 132
in Ohio, 87
Taylor, Hannis, 22
Teller, Henry, 125–26, 131, 247, 275, 375
Tenth Cavalry, 302
Texas, 107, 166
textiles, 232
Thiebault, Eugene, 309, 316–17
Thurston, John, 249, 260, 261
Tianjin, China, 423–25, 426–27
Tichenor, George, 190
Tilden, Samuel J., 46
Tillman, “Pitchfork Ben,” 132
Times (London), 201, 202, 210–11, 427, 463
tin plate, 78, 81, 85
tobacco, 78, 403, 404
Tod, John, 91–92
Tongzhi, Emperor, 415
Toral, José, 305–6
trade, 5, 7, 166, 189–90, 324–25, 389–90, 396–97, 455, 470, 471
see also reciprocity principle; tariffs
Treasury Department, U.S., 99–100, 153, 157
trusts, 132, 164, 390–91, 433–34, 445, 456, 477–78, 487
Turner, Frederick Jackson, 166
Turner, Henry G., 106
Turpie, David, 275
Tuscarawas Valley strike, 45–46
Tutuila, 390
Twain, Mark, 361, 470
Twenty-third Ohio, 21–30, 228–29
Tyler, John, 172–73
typhoid fever, 320
Umberto, King of Italy, 451
unemployment, 94, 106
United Mine Workers, 95
United States:
global ambitions of, 172, 430–31
rise of, 2, 165–66, 231–32, 396, 430–31, 463
U.S. Sugar Trust, 170
Vallandigham, Clement, 13
Van Buren, Martin, 118, 484
Venezuela, 188, 323
Victoria, Queen of Britain, 202, 323, 463
Virginia, 107, 143, 320
Visayans, 328, 380
voting rights, 106
Walker, John G., 252
Walker, Robert L., 36, 89–91
Walker Commission, 252, 372, 374, 409, 411, 461
Walters, A., 392
War Department, U.S., 153–54, 157
Warner, A. J., 167
War of 1812, 40, 117, 159
Washington, George, 75, 188, 200, 308, 363, 395
Washington Evening Star, 250, 473
Washington Post, 101, 109, 112, 113–14, 122, 123, 126, 143, 153, 159, 163, 176, 182, 199, 200, 209, 216, 223, 225, 228, 232, 234, 235, 237, 239, 245, 246, 249, 251, 260, 269, 295, 318, 320, 344, 345, 348, 353, 359, 363, 366, 368, 370, 379, 381, 384, 385, 387, 389, 398, 405, 416, 422, 446, 449, 459, 468, 477
Watson, Tom, 142
Watterson, Henry, 383
Webb, Joseph, 26
Webster, Daniel, 450
Wei-Hai-Wei, 416
West, 106–7, 117–18, 131, 135
Western farm bust, 94
Weyler y Nicolau, Valeriano, 169–70, 218, 219, 221, 222, 224, 256, 265
Conservative’s desire to reinstate, 243–44
recall of, 225
wheat, 118, 144
Wheeler, Joseph H., 285–86, 300, 321, 382, 388
Whig Party, U.S., 7, 12, 75
White, Henry, 219
White, Stephen, 319, 362
White, William Allen, 103, 104, 399
White House, 184–85
White Lotus Rebellion, 414
Whitlock, Brand, 53
Whitney, H. G., 176
Whitney, William C., 383
Wilson, James “Tama Jim,” 155, 157, 310, 322, 413–14, 430
Wilson, William, 160–61
Wilson, Woodrow, 485
Wilson-Gorman bill, 167, 190
Wisconsin, 108, 135, 145
Wise, Frederic, 424
Wolcott, Edward, 168, 201–2, 203
Woman’s Home Missionary Society, 53
Wood, Leonard, 246, 285, 298, 437, 458, 459
Woodford, Stewart, 157, 271, 275
concern for Cuban rebellion expressed to Spain by, 221–22
and Dupuy’s insult to McKinley, 256, 257
and election of 1900, 439–40
McKinley congratulated on firmness in Cuba by, 225
McKinley statement on Cuban rebellion leaked by, 222–23
made minister to Spain, 220, 221
and Maine explosion, 261–62
Maria Cristina’s meetings on Cuba with, 226, 242–43
on preparations fo
r war with Spain, 263
Spain warned over Cuba by, 265–66
on Spanish public opinion, 255
Woodruff, Timothy, 437
wool, 77, 191
Worcester, Dean C., 349, 382
World’s Fair (1892), 88
World War I, 485
Wright, John, 41, 42
Wu Ting-fang, 425, 426
Xianfeng, Emperor, 415
yellow fever, 223, 285, 294, 295, 300, 303, 305, 306, 313, 314, 353
Yellow River flood, 419
Yi, Noble Lady, 415
Young, John Russell, 185
Young, Samuel, 303, 388
Zaichun, Emperor, 426
Zimmerman, Warren, 485–86
Zongli Yamen, 420, 421
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10. First Ladies Museum
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