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The Lighthouse (Berkley Street Series Book 2)

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by Ron Ripley

  The Lighthouse

  Written by Ron Ripley

  Edited by Emma Salam and Lance Piao

  Copyright © 2016 by

  All rights reserved.

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  Keeping it spooky,

  Ron Ripley

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1: Squirrel Island

  Chapter 2: Going for a Ride

  Chapter 3: A Surprise Guest

  Chapter 4: A Meeting with Amy

  Chapter 5: Squirrel Island Lighthouse

  Chapter 6: Drunk at Sea

  Chapter 7: A Painful Realization

  Chapter 8: The Dawn Arrives

  Chapter 9: Miserable

  Chapter 10: Wandering Where He Shouldn’t

  Chapter 11: And So It Begins

  Chapter 12: Horror

  Chapter 13: Down at the Pier

  Chapter 14: Angrier and Angrier

  Chapter 15: A Conversation

  Chapter 16: Going Down

  Chapter 17: Dorothy Comes In

  Chapter 18: Disbelief

  Chapter 19: A Good Idea Gone Bad

  Chapter 20: Things Get Worse

  Chapter 21: A Phone Call is Made

  Chapter 22: Feeling Isolated

  Chapter 23: Getting Worried

  Chapter 24: In the Waterman

  Chapter 25: In the Lighthouse

  Chapter 26: In the Keeper’s House

  Chapter 27: Listening to Things Best Left Unheard

  Chapter 28: Whiskey and Bad Decisions

  Chapter 29: Close to Dawn

  Chapter 30: Seeing the Sunrise over the Atlantic

  Chapter 31: Risking a Look

  Chapter 32: In for Rough Weather

  Chapter 33: Uninvited and Unwanted

  Chapter 34: The Forecast

  Chapter 35: An Unexpected Guest

  Chapter 36: At the Marina

  Chapter 37: At Squirrel Island

  Chapter 38: Reassurances

  Chapter 39: Calling for Help

  Chapter 40: Bad News

  Chapter 41: Seeking the Way

  Chapter 42: Light’s Out

  Chapter 43: A Decision Must Be Made

  Chapter 44: Going into the Cellar

  Chapter 45: A Time for Action

  Chapter 46: A Bad Decision

  Chapter 47: A Discussion

  Chapter 48: An Uneasy Alliance

  Chapter 49: Terminal Fleet

  Chapter 50: Interrupted

  Chapter 51: George Makes a Move

  Chapter 52: Then There Were Two

  Chapter 53: Waiting for Dorothy

  Chapter 54: A Missing Light

  Chapter 55: Strange News

  Chapter 56: Slipping Away

  Chapter 57: Amongst the Enemy

  Chapter 58: Shock and Horror

  Chapter 59: A Change in Plans

  Chapter 60: On the Road

  Chapter 61: Changing Tides

  Chapter 62: With the Children

  Chapter 63: Disbelief and Rage

  Chapter 64: Gunshots in the Night

  Chapter 65: At the Dock

  Chapter 66: Back on the Island

  Chapter 67: Coffee with Uncle Gerry

  Bonus Scene Chapter 1: Aboard The Thin Man, 4th October 1893

  Bonus Scene Chapter 2: The Storm

  Bonus Scene Chapter 3: The Afternoon

  Bonus Scene Chapter 4: In the Lighthouse

  Bonus Scene Chapter 5: On Squirrel Island

  FREE Bonus Novel!

  Chapter 1: Squirrel Island

  The dawn was breathtakingly beautiful, and for that Mike Puller was extremely thankful. The strong, powerful scent of the Atlantic was heavy in his nose as the waves pounded against the boulders of Squirrel Island. Behind him, the Lighthouse stood tall and majestic. The keeper’s house, which was painted the same stark white as the lighthouse, was empty.

  Waiting. Mike thought, shuddering. Waiting for me.

  He reached his hand into the breast pocket of his work shirt and removed the letter he had written. The short note was tucked into an envelope, which in turn was sealed in a pair of Ziploc sandwich bags.

  For a moment, Mike held the letter, the plastic cool and thin beneath his fingers. Finally, he sighed, put the letter on the pier beside him, and put a large stone on the bag. The light gray of the rock contrasted sharply with the dark wood of the pier. The construction was new, not yet weathered by Atlantic storms or the Nor’easters which come down from Canada. A light wind came in from the east, but not enough to do more than flutter the loose edge of the sandwich bag.

  Mike got to his feet and quickly undressed. The early June air was surprisingly warm. He folded each item of clothing as he took it off and soon he had a neat, tidy pile beside the gray stone.

  He climbed down from the pier, stepped onto a large boulder, and then strode into the piercing cold of the ocean. Instantly he shivered, his body attempting to rebel against the sudden change of temperature. His flesh seemed to crawl and pucker simultaneously. At first, his legs refused to move, his hands gripping at the stones. Each and every muscle urged him to step back towards the lighthouse. Self-preservation screamed at him to get out of the Atlantic.

  Mike ignored it, and overrode the need to live.

  He couldn’t stay on Squirrel Island.

  No, Mike thought, stepping further out. She made that perfectly clear.

  His foot slipped, and he plunged down into a crevice. For a moment, he struggled to free himself, the surface of the water only inches from his head. A wave rolled in, pushed him back, and Mike relaxed.

  It’s easy, he told himself.

  Michael Patrick Puller opened his mouth and inhaled.

  Chapter 2: Going for a Ride

  Marie Lafontaine held on tightly to the side of the boat.

  Jesus, am I going to be sick? she wondered.

  Amy glanced over at her and asked, “You doing alright, Marie?”

  Marie hesitated, then nodded. “You didn’t say the waves were going to be this rough.”

  Amy shook her head, grinning. “This is called a ‘calm sea,’ my friend. You should see it when it’s rough.”

  “There’s a reason why I live in a city, Amy,” Marie said, trying to keep focused on the lighthouse which drew rapidly nearer. “So, what made you decide to purchase a lighthouse?”

  “I bought the island,” Amy said. “I wanted a little peace and quiet plus the price couldn’t be beat.”

  “How much did you pay?” Marie asked.

  “A dollar,” Amy answered smugly.


  “One United States dollar,” Marie said.

  “Wow,” Marie said.

  “Not really,” Amy replied. “The Squirrel Island lighthouse is on the national registry of historic buildings.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means,” Amy said, “there are certain things I can do and certain things I cannot. Also, part of the purchase contract requires me to bring the lighthouse up to code, maintain it, and ensure its survival.”

  “Oh,” Marie responded.

  Amy nodded, guiding the boat toward the pier which
extended from the island. “I hired a contractor to live out here for the first couple of weeks. He and I both agreed it would be easier for him to do the repairs that way. I haven’t heard from him in a few days, and I want to make sure he hasn’t taken off with all of the supplies and equipment. Plus, I wanted to show my cousin the lighthouse.

  “You know,” Amy said, glancing at her and winking, “do a little bit of the whole, look at what I’ve got and you don’t.”

  “Real nice,” Marie said, shaking her head. “I thought we were done with one-upping each other in high school.”

  “No, not at all,” Amy said with a laugh. “You might have been, but I wasn’t.”

  “So this is your way of saying you’ve won because you’ve got the most stuff?” Marie asked.

  “Exactly,” Amy said sweetly.

  “Thanks,” Marie said, grinning. “You’re such a good cousin. I’m happy you’ve got your own little island, literally, but I wish it wasn’t so far from the shore. Or have to ride in a boat to get there.”

  “Stay put,” Amy said, laughing. “Let me get the boat secured.”

  Marie watched, impressed as Amy brought the small vessel in, side-bumping against the pier gently.

  “Amy,” Marie said, straightening up. “Are those clothes?”

  Her cousin looked away from the pier’s edge. “Yeah. That’s strange.”

  The clothing was folded neatly, stacked beside a bowling ball sized stone. A plastic bag of some sort was under the rock.

  Suicide, Marie thought instantly. She had seen how suicide victims often left their clothes. Orderly piles. One last effort from a confused mind to organize something and make sense of some small part of the world.

  “Amy,” Marie said.

  The tone of Marie’s voice caused Amy’s eyes to widen in surprise. “What?”

  “Once you get this boat tied up, I want you to stay in it, okay?” Marie asked.


  “Please,” Marie said, “this is the cop talking now. Something bad has happened here, and I don’t want you to be the first one to see it.”

  Amy nodded. She threw a loop of thick rope around a piling, pulled the slipknot tight and turned the engine off completely. With the absence of the diesel’s rumbling, the sound of the Atlantic filled Marie’s ears. Her queasy stomach was forgotten as she grabbed hold of the pier and climbed out of the boat.

  Her legs quivered for a moment, her head spun, and she slowly looked up and down the length of the pier. On the island, the lighthouse stood tall. A small house, which was attached to it, had closed shutters over the windows and a faded blue door.

  Marie walked to the pile of clothing and squatted down.

  Work boots, Marie thought. Blue jeans. Socks. Boxer briefs. T-shirt. Sweatshirt. Note.

  She reached out, carefully tilted the stone back and slipped the Ziploc bag out from under it. There were two bags, and then an envelope.

  ‘Ms. Amy Kahlil.’

  “Marie,” Amy called. “What’s going on?”

  “Hold on,” Marie said. She opened the bags, slipped out the envelope and broke the seal on it. Inside was a single piece of white notebook paper.

  Dear Ms. Amy,

  I’m sorry. She doesn’t want me here. She won’t let me stay. I have to leave. She won’t let me call. She won’t let me stay.

  She won’t let me stay.

  Mike Puller

  Marie put the letter back in the envelope and stood up. She looked around the pier and then stopped. A flash of white caught her eye, and she turned to the left. A wave rolled in, slapped the stones loudly, white foam breaking apart. She stepped closer to the edge and peered down.

  Only a few inches beneath the surface of the water was a body. His arms were outspread, and he was naked and covered in thousands of minute crabs. The creatures crawled over him, pulled off tiny pieces of flesh and devoured them, fighting one another as they did so.

  Marie’s stomach churned, and she closed her eyes. She had regained her composure before she called out, “Amy.”


  “Call 911, please,” Marie said, opening her eyes and turning away from the body.

  “Why?” Amy asked, a hint of panic in her voice. “What’s wrong?”

  “Your handyman killed himself,” Marie said bluntly, walking over to her cousin.

  Amy’s eyes widened, and her face paled. “I can’t call,” Amy whispered. “Mike and I communicated through emails; for some reason, there’s no cell reception out here.”

  Marie frowned. “Alright. Head back to shore, get a hold of the police. Tell them there’s been a suicide and that I’m here. Make sure you tell them I’m a detective with the Nashua police department. Got it?”

  Amy nodded. “Should we do anything?”

  “Nothing to do,” Marie said.

  “Shouldn’t you come back with me?” Amy asked. “I mean, if he’s dead, why do you have to stay here?”

  “Because I don’t want anyone else to show up,” Marie replied. “We don’t need someone to decide they want a look at the lighthouse and find a body. Okay?”

  “Yeah,” Amy said. “Okay.”

  Marie watched her cousin get the boat ready to go, and then she waved goodbye as Amy backed the boat out and headed back towards the shore.

  Once Amy was gone, Marie walked up the pier to a small patch of overgrown grass in front of the closed-up house. There was a fresh lock on the door, and the shutters as well. She walked around the house and found a pile of boards of various sizes beneath a tarp. The windows on the back of the house were shuttered and locked. A tall brick chimney rose up, and a large amount of seasoned firewood was neatly stacked.

  A dull-gray metal bulkhead was beside the chimney, and this, too, was secured shut.

  It’s like he was trying to keep something or someone from escaping, Marie thought.

  She moved on to the lighthouse and found that its door, painted the same as the house’s, was also locked tight. On the far side of the lighthouse, she found a single-person tent. In front of it was a fire pit, a cooler off to the right. A rustling sound came from the interior of the tent and for a moment Marie’s breath caught in her throat. Cautiously she bent down, took hold of the loose flap and pulled it back.

  A middle-aged woman sat in the semi-darkness. She wore a plain, soft blue dress. Her hands were neatly folded in her lap, and her salt and pepper hair was pulled back into a loose bun. Her features were fine, gently rounded with age. Crow’s feet spread out from the corners of her light gray eyes as her full lips parted in a smile. Her teeth were slightly yellowed, and a little crooked.

  The edges of the woman were fuzzy, and even in the dimness of the tent Marie could almost make out the back fabric of the interior straight through her.

  She’s a ghost, Marie thought with cold certainty. The hair on her neck stood on end, and her back was rigid with fear.

  “He left,” the woman said.

  “He did,” Marie managed to say.

  “You should too.”

  The woman vanished, and Marie let the tent flap fall noiselessly back into place.

  Trust me, Marie thought, hurrying back to the pier. I’ll be leaving here just as soon as I can.

  She sat down by Mike Puller’s clothes, avoided the crabs and their feast, and waited impatiently for Amy to return.

  Chapter 3: A Surprise Guest

  Shane Ryan sat on his back steps and lit his first cigarette of the day. It wasn’t enjoyable, and it wasn’t refreshing, but it definitely took the edge off the morning.

  Which is the whole point of the thing, Shane told himself. He tapped the ashes off into an ashtray, took a drink of coffee and enjoyed the warmth of the sun on his face.

  “Shane,” Carl said.

  He turned his face to the left and saw his dead friend. In German, he said, “Good morning, Carl.”

  “Good morning to you, my young friend,” Carl replied in the same language. “You have a guest.”

; Shane took a pull off of the cigarette, looked at Carl warily and asked, “Alive or dead?”

  “Alive,” Carl answered. “It is your friend, the policewoman.”

  “Marie?” Shane asked. He picked up his coffee and stood up. “At six in the morning?”

  “Yes,” Carl said. “She should be ringing the bell in a moment.”

  The grand old doorbell of the house chimed as Shane stepped into the kitchen. He put the cigarette out in an old coffee can by the sink and hurried out to the main hall and the front door.

  When he opened it, Marie was standing on the doorstep.

  “Come on in,” he said, stepping aside. “You pick the most ungodly hour to come calling, you know.”

  “I know,” Marie said, smiling at him as she entered the house. “I also know you get up early.”

  “Very true,” Shane said. He closed the front door, saying, “Come on into the study.”

  They entered the room and once Marie had sat down in one of the club chairs, he did the same.

  “Everything okay?” he asked.

  She opened her mouth, hesitated, then said, “I have a favor to ask.”

  “Sure,” Shane said. “What do you need?”

  In quick, short sentences, with the words seeming to tumble out one on top of the other, she told him about the Squirrel Island Lighthouse, a suicide, and a ghost.


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